Used synthetic sling capacity chart. See page 7 for chart.

Used synthetic sling capacity chart , the sling stress would be 11,473 lbs. But it doesn't have to be this way. pdf details about Sling_Rating_Charts_Sling_Choker. Always protect roundslings from Components of a Wire Rope Sling Capacity Chart. standard specification for synthetic polyester round slings by the Web Sling and Tie Down Association. N. rated capacity of sling shall be decreased when d:d ratio will be (See Efficiency Chart) Angles of less than 30 degrees are not to be used. Aug 26, 2021 · However, you do need to consider a few things when using synthetic web slings. rated load = rated capacity = working load limit synthetic round slings choke angle effect angle of choke rated capacity ** over 120° 100% 90°-120° 87% 60°-89° 74% 30°-59° 62% 0°-29° 49% ** percent of sling rated ca-pacity in a choker hitch. pdf view all documents PRODUCTS · TECHNICAL · LOCATIONS · TRAINING · COMPANY · CONTACT Aug 4, 2021 · Depending on the lifting criterion and method, the WLL of the sling will be increased or reduced. They all have the same proven workmanship and long-lasting quality you can depend on. ENDLESS ROUNDSLING CAPACITY CHART & ORDERING Part Color Color Part Number Vertical Choker Basket 60° 45° 30° Minimum Length Approx. ¾ Synthetic slings cannot be used for general hoisting purposes. (See Efficiency Chart) Angles of less than 30 degrees are not to be used. The tension on each leg of the sling is increased as the angle of lift from horizontal decreases. Nylon webbing is available upon request, but not the standard material used in fabrication at Tuffy Products. Twin-Path slings are used worldwide in place of steel rigging for heavy lifts. >Diameter around which the body of Open Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm Tel: 403-501-5513 Fax: 403-501-5514 SYNTHETIC WEB BRIDLE SLINGS Refer to the Effect of Angle chart in the . • Inspect before each use. in abasket. To find the actual sling capacity in a basket hitch, you must first, find the sling angle by measuring from the horizontal. The Twin-Path sling design, which has two individual paths of fiber working as one sling, gives the rigger confidence. They differ depending on the type of slings. Example: Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. A. example: a size 1 (purple) round sling is being used to lift aload in a basket hitch at a 60 degree angle. This section is all about working with synthetic slings, including: benefits, limitations, types and how to inspect. They are approximately 10% of the weight of a steel sling and are repairable. (See load charts. it has a rated capacity of 2,600 lbs. The slings can be rigged in an unlimited amount of ways, and they can be readily adjusted to compensate for wear. hanessupply. To determine the actual capacity at a given angle of lift, multiply the original sling rating by the ap-propriate loss factor determined from the table. Slings should never be used at angles less than 30 degrees. > Design factor (5 is standard). e. Load Capacity: Make sure to choose a sling that is rated for the weight of your load. Type 5 endless slings are versatile and used for general purposes. * Rated capacities basket hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter. 1 Treated and untreated nylon and polyester webbing, used to fabricate synthetic slings, per class 5 and class 7 rated capacity charts, may contain red yarn woven into the core of the webbing to serve only as one of many aids in determining whether and when a sling should be removed Dec 30, 2024 · Sling Angle Awareness. inch MBL- Pounds Plasma® 12-Strand 1: The most import 1: size information showed in the web sling diagram above. Otherwise, you may risk damaging the load and/or injuring your crew. In other words, the diameters of most commercially available hardware are sufficient for use with a Twin-Path ® sling of equal capacity. • User shall protect sling from being cut by load edges, corners, Materials Handling - Synthetic Web Slings On this page What should you know about using synthetic web slings? Synthetic web slings are a good choice where highly finished parts or delicate equipment must be protected from damage. Wear points can be shifted to extend service life. The rated capacity of a sling and what it means to you factors that affect the overall strength of the sling, including: > Splicing ef•ciency. g. Always select and use roundslings by the rated load as shown on the sling identification; never by color. Conforms to ANSI/ASME B30. These slings are made with high-temperature core yarns and a high temperature cover. to 60,000 lbs. Braided round slings can be disassembled into single slings for Oct 4, 2022 · Toll Free: 866-444-9990 Español: 844-871-5153 Local: 319-213-9180 Hours: M-F, 7am - 5pm CST Contact Us Feb 27, 2018 · Wire Rope Sling Capacity Chart – Calculating the Load of Basket Hitches and Bridles February 27, 2018 If you are performing calculations involving the load of bridles and basket hitches, it’s important to use a wire rope sling capacity chart and also remember that as a reduction in the horizontal angle of the sling occurs the load imposed Whether you choose synthetic rope slings, webbing slings, or roundslings, they are relatively light weight compared to steel slings with similar capacity. is made from . 4. This chart is based on a 5:1 Design Factor (DF); but any other DF can be fabricated. The same sling would be assigned a different work load limit for the choker hitch. 7. Nylon is the most widely used general purpose synthetic web sling. CARE AND USE: • Inspect daily before each use. C. Sling made with a triangle fitting on both ends. always refer to asme b30. I. Basket capacities from 6,400 to 107,400 pounds, web widths from 1 to 12 inches, and plies from 1 to 4 are available Round Sling Colour Chart: As you can see from the round sling chart above, there are a number of different colours assigned to slings with different maximum weights. gov EFFECTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT (AmSteel®-Blue HMPE) • Minimum operating temperature is -40°F / -40°C. Sling Tri-Flex ® Sling (3 part) Multi-Part Wire Rope (Gator Laid ® and Gator-Flex ® Slings) Chain Sling: Key Features: Lightest and Strongest Slings available, Repairable, Overload Indicators, Low stretch, Longest lasting Sling Low cost flexible lifting sling, available with Check-Fast® Inspection and All web sling users must be trained on the proper use of web slings. Twin-Path • Chemical: Do not use in a non-compatible chemical environment. Slings feature identification tags indicating size, type, and rated capacity. This nightmare can become reality when riggers underestimate the importance of choker sling capacity and wire rope sizes. Web slings are a type of synthetic slings suitable for handling delicate and oddly shaped loads. Lifting Slings shall not be used at angles of less than 30°. Check tag to confirm that sling is adequately rated for the load. Each synthetic material has its own unique properties. The down side to these slings is they do wear and cut much easier than wire rope and chain; however the use of wear pads and other protective products really helps extend the life of synthetic slings and allows them to be used in many applications where cutting and wear might be an issue. Random testing: In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling’s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling meets or exceeds speci˚cations and the rated capacity. In lifting applications they stretch less than rope slings but still absorb shock load extremely well. It can be used in a vertical or basket hitch only. 61 kb) • ASME B30. The 9 parts of wire rope enables this wire rope sling to be the most flexible grommet sling available. , 6x19, 6x37). Higher capacity slings are available. Sling Type. co. 9 standards, which in turn, will help to ensure the safety of the users, help extend the service life of the slings, and help reduce unnecessary equipment repair costs and loss of production due to equipment downtime. Sling use: Employers must use natural and synthetic fiber -rope slings that have permanently affixed and legible identification markings stating the rated capacity for the. 5 pounds. > Type of hitch (straight pull, choker hitch or basket hitch). Twin-Path ® Minimum Hardware from improper use or care. 9 SPECIFICATIONS Working load limits above (in black) are calculated on a 4:1 design factor as per ASME B30. Reference charts showing sling and hitch rated capacities are available from manufacturers. It consists of a continuous or endless loop of 100% polyester fiber. Home; Shop. As the largest Slingmax Dealer on the East Coast, I&I Sling has been a leader in rigging solutions since 1977. This chart is based on a 5 BEFORE USE: • Inspect sling for damage from cuts, heat, chemicals or excessive wear. 9 Standards . Polyround Sling NLIMITED RIGGING SUPPLIES Vertical Capacity (lbs) 3000 6000 9000 12000 14000 17000 22000 26000 Polyester Round Sling Capacity Chart Use & Care: Before every load, thoroughly inspect the sling for any abrasions, cuts, or punctures; Always use wear pads to protect the sling from being cut by corners and edges; Never move slings along the ground or pull from under a load; Avoid any knots or ties on the sling; Potential Uses: Moving large piping items from location to location Treated and untreated nylon and polyester webbing, our web slings are used to fabricate synthetic slings, per class 5 and class 7 rated capacity charts, may contain red yarn woven into the core of the webbing to serve only as one of many aids in determining whether and when a sling should be removed from service. Type I. The . Refer to the maximum recommended weight for which the sling is to be used in one of the standard types of lifts as illustrated. Critical Safety Issues To Consider When Using Synthetic Web Slings. The rated capacities of the slings in this catalog are given in pounds. Slings are marked with the manufacturer’s code number and rated capacity. Sling Ratings Chart. OSHA requires all web slings to show rated capacities . The angle at which the sling is used affects its capacity. 5. Nov 4, 2023 · Calculating this, you get: WLL = 57,735. Refer to manufacturer specifications and charts to select the correct sling. lings nlimited rigging supplies vertical 8,000 16,000 21 ,500 28,700 40,700 46,000 51 ,500 59,200 vertical 10,000 19,800 26,700 35,600 50,500 the life and strength of grade 80 and grade 100 slings depend on proper use, maintenance and inspection. t odetermine the actual capacity at agiven angle of lift, multiply the original sling rating by the appropriate angle factor shown. com 8-2 How to Order Synthetic Web Slings When ordering sling always consider: a. > Number of parts of rope in the sling. 9) states: “Synthetic webbing sling users shall be trained in the selection, inspection, cautions to personnel, effects of the environment, and rigging practices as covered” by Chapter 9-5. It is essential to consult load charts, guidelines, or seek professional advice to determine the correct sling and lifting method based on the specific application. inch Dia. 184 and ASME B30. ) Slings with fittings, which are used as a choker hitch, shall be of sufficient length to ensure that the choking action is on the webbing and never on a fitting. When the sling-to-load angle deviates from 90°, the tension on each leg increases. When choosing a material for sling use, we recommend considering a material’s resistance to specific chemicals, temperature resistance and stretch. Observe all pertinent instruc- It can be used in a vertical, basket, or choker hitch. This wider surface provides extra load stability for bulky loads and added protection for fragile loads or finished surfaces. Combined with additional Crosby products, a complete system is now available. Rated capacities are affected by angle of lift (sling to load angle) measured from the horizontal when used with multi-legged slings or choker/ basket hitches. Type of hitch b. The synthetic material has stretch and flexibility to help the Oct 2, 2019 · Wide lift slings have a wider width and more surface area than traditional web slings and are used in a basket hitch. Check the manufacturers' slings for their code number and the rated capacity. manufactures all synthetic web slings with domestically produced 9800lb heavy duty webbing. the rated capacity of a sling and what it means to you > Splicing efficiency. Minimum Sling Length Ft/Inch Vertical Choker 90° 60° 45° 30° Nominal Size Sling Capacity Ratings at Work Load Limits (WLL) in Pounds Dia. Manual handling benefits over chain and wire rope add significantly to workplace safety. 3: Safety factor: Usually American standard web slings come with a safety factor of 5:1. These slings can be made shorter than standard multi-part slings, but maintain all of their advantages. They have the following properties in common: Strength; Convenience, Load protection, and; Economy. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers standard for sling safety (ASME B30. mm Circ. Mechanical / Rigging Considerations Minimum Pin Diameter Recommendations Environmental Considerations and Fiber Properties Inspection Before Use Twin-Path® Sling Warning & User Information DEATH or INJURY can occur from improper use or care Sling users shall be trained Do not use this sling unless you are properly trained. You can determine whether a sling will be rated high enough if you know the angle between the sling leg and the horizontal. Te. web slings meet or exceed OSHA, ASME B30. Multiply Synthetic Round Sling Capacity Chart Print Email Rated Capacity for Synthetic Roundslings . Cranes, Hoists & Slings – Appendix E: Natural and Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings . Death or injury can occur from improper use or maintenance! the sling to load angle which affects rated capacity. Synthetic web slings can come in virtually any length. This type of sling is sometimes called a flat eye-and-eye, eye-and-eye, or double Rated Capacity Tables) are used, the rated capacity of the sling must be decreased. Example: A sling rated at and lifting 1,000 pounds will be damaged – and could break suddenly – when the lifting angle is less than 30o at which angle the sling’s capacity is reduced to only 500 pounds. Capacity tables c. • Sling can fail if damaged, misused or overloaded. Consideration shall be given to the sling to load angle, which affects rated capacity. , these polyester roundslings are available in a variety of colors. All synthetic slings are subject to cutting when lifting items with edges. an abrasion resistant polymer that will remain legible far longer than any Dec 30, 2024 · A web sling belt is a specialized and versatile tool used in the material handling industry to safely lift, move, and secure heavy loads. Synthetic slings also have a relatively low heat-resistance and are not recommended for use in high-heat applications, and should not be used in certain chemical applications Inspect your sling before each use since tensile strength may decrease with each use. mperat. Synthetic slings are easy to transport and can often be rigged by a single person, making them a great choice for general purpose lifting. They have the following properties in common: Strength, Convenience, Load protection, and Economy. Inspect before use. Use when headroom is limited Standard with one outside spread and two swivel hooksASME B30. Never ride a sling or load. the . 5. 9 in regards to proper inspection and rejection criteria for slings. How to Select a Sling for Use at Any Angle When calculating for selection of the proper sling, select the vertical angle in the chart at left. 9 standard and have a 5:1 Design Factor. Important: Use a longer sling to increase the angle which will also increase the allowable capacity. The following list of warnings should be provided as a minimum on WLL tags in English: consult sling manufacturer or supplier for configurations not shown on the sling tag or a relevant load chart; do not use any sling that does not The OSP ROUNDSLING is a major advancement in securing almost any object to be pulled or lifted. • Stay clear of the load at all times. While not as much of a problem, prolonged exposure to sunlight results in UV degradation of the sling. 3, Cordage Institute CI-1905, and Web Sling & Tie Down Association WSTDA-RS-1HP. Use a sling with characteristics meant for the type of load, hitch and environment with which you are working. The rated capacity of a wire rope sling is based upon the Minimum Breaking Force (MBF) of the wire rope used in the sling and other factors that affect the overall strength of the sling, including: D/d RATIOS When a sling is rigged as a basket, the diameter of the bend where the sling contacts the load can affect the sling’s lifting capacity. • Do not exceed rated capacity. Capable of being used in vertical, choker, and basket hitches. 2: The most imporat 2: Working load limit (Load capacity). refer to asme b30. The lifting capacity shall be rated at the lower of the sling or fitting. Nylon. Gator-Flex® Grommets are an endless 9 part wire rope sling designed for heavy lifts up to 870 tons. As the sling-to-load angle decreases, so does the rated capacity of a sling. Sling users shall be trained Do not use this sling unless you are properly trained. two slings or one sling in a basket attached to only one crane hook), sling capacity is reduced. Diameters of pins and edges also may affect the capacity of the lifting sling. Ensure that shackles and fittings are proper shape to allow the sling to seat properly. Polyester Round Slings have red striped, white load bearing yarns. Sling made with flat loop eye on each end with loop eye opening on same plane as sling body. 4. The most commonly used synthetic web slings are made of nylon- or polyester-type yarns . angle (highly unlikely), sling stress increases 1,047%. Rated Capacity Tables) are used, the rated capacity of the sling must be decreased. pdf (324. This angle is very important and can have a dramatic effect on the rated capacity of the sling. Inspect sling for damage including: 6. • Never use when temperatures are –40° F or exceed 194° F. Synthetic Web Slings: Synthetic web slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. lift off center loads with adjustable bail. 9 and WSTDA standards and regulations. Folding, bunching or pinching of synthetic slings, which occurs when used with shackles, hooks or other application will reduce the rated load. Let's break down the key components you'll find in a typical wire rope sling capacity chart: Sling size and construction: This includes the diameter of the wire rope and how it's constructed (e. • See Sling Angle Load Chart to determine loss of capacity due to lift angle and sling configuration (hitch) Endless Synthetic Sling Capacity Chart. In addition, the sling has a softness which provides a firm gripping action on the load, particularly when used as a choker. Wire rope sling capacity charts might seem daunting at first glance, but they're actually quite straightforward once you know what to look for. How much it is reduced depends on the degree of the angle. SYNTHETIC SLINGS Nylon, Polyester Web or Polyester Round Flexibility, weight, strength, and non-marring properties make synthetic slings the most sought after slings for contractors and riggers alike! Because of these inherent features, extreme caution as to selection, care and general use must be exercised. Slings have the largest work load limit when used in a basket hitch. • Specify sling part number found in the charts throughout . Additional requirements and safe operating practices are outlined in current OSHA, Federal Register Part 29, 1910. Think Twin-Path® slings for all your heavy lifting and rigging needs. (See load chart. Read and follow all instructions and warnings in Shop Slingmax Rigging Twin-Path® Extra Sling with CoverMax® and K-Spec® Core Yarn US Patent #4,850,629 & #5,651,572 CN #1,280,458 & #2,195,393 Italy #97300367. • Additional information is listed in the above documents Polyester Round Slings, which occurs when used with standard shackles, hooks, clevises or other applications WILL reduce the rated working load of the sling. Note: Sling ratings based on commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity. uk Polyester Slings & Ratchet Lashings Webbing Sling & Round Sling Working Load Limit Chart straight choked basket 0-45 deg 45-60 The endless roundsling is more versatile because the connection and load contact points can be rotated, extending the service life of the sling. See page 7 for chart. It is typically made from high-strength synthetic fibers such as nylon or polyester that are woven together to form a durable and flexible strap. But If you have other application of the sling, like single use / trip / one way lifting use, it is also fine to go with Nov 6, 2024 · Factors such as the weight of the load, the sling's angle of use, the type of hitch or configuration, and environmental conditions all affect the load capacity. Read and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual. ure • KeyFlex ™ slings are approved for use up to. Rated capacity: The maximum load a sling can safely lift under ideal conditions. WSTDA-RS1 (revised 2010). *Most Popular Sizes Shown THE ABOVE CHART IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME B30. Refer to capacity charts to understand how sling angles impact WLL and aim for angles closer to 90° when possible. Synthetic slings are economical, lightweight, flexible and easy to store. Slingmax has been a trusted supplier of high performance synthetic roundslings to the industrial and heavy lifting markets since 1986. www. All slings shown in this catalog are manufactured to meet or exceed current A. A smaller angle increases the load on the sling legs, reducing the maximum weight it can lift. Side View. I&I Sling, Inc. Synthetic round slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. Synthetic Round Slings: Synthetic round slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. Do not, under any circumstances tie knots in the sling - this will result in loss of strength and sling damage. When connecting two or more slings always use a 5. Never use damaged slings. wire rope slings synthetic slings polyester round slings Materials Handling - Synthetic Web Slings CCOHS Use slings made of the right material for the job. This principle applies in a number of conditions, including when one sling is used to lift at an angle and when a basket hitch or multi-legged bridle sling is used. (see load chart) 4. They are easier to handle and conform to the shape of loading than chain slings or wire rope slings. Once the angle is determined, (using the 90° basket hitch capacity), multiply the sling capacity by the appropriate loss factor listed below. Webbing Slings Synthetic webbing slings are high strength, low weight and easy to handle. Load Capacity: Ensure the chosen synthetic sling has the appropriate load-bearing capacity for the intended lift. When in doubt, use a larger capacity sling. Synthetic slings can only be used if wire rope slings are not suitable for a unique hoisting condition; such as protecting the load from rigging damage, excessive weight of conventional rigging, head room issues, safety concerns, etc. wire rope. Slingmax Twin-Path synthetic roundslings are high capacity synthetic slings designed to be used in the heavy overhead lifting industry. • Do not drag or pull sling from under load. Damaged sling shall not be used. L). This chart explains what happens when you change how a synthetic sling is used: Working load limit tag warnings. In this article, our goal is to help you understand what is required for your web slings to meet ASME B30. In this comprehensive guide, we'll demystify the world of choker sling capacity, steel choker rigging, and wire rope sling size and capacity. Never mix the WLL of slings in one lift. Nylon slings are da maged by acids, but resist caustics. in a vertical hitch, and 5,200 lbs. Sling-To-Load Angle is always the angle between the sling leg and the horizontal surface. Pliable body hugs the load and offers super strength and ease of handling. The two most commonly used synthetic webbing slings used for lifting in Australia are “Flat” and “Round” Slings. • Keep dry and store inside on racks. Two chokers should be used to balance the load. Use hardware that is designed for Synthetic Slings or oversized hardware with a large radius download Sling_Rating_Charts_Sling_Choker. and stringent OSHA requirements. Rigging Tree Cradles; Nylon Slings; Chain Slings; standard specification for synthetic polyester round slings by the Web Sling and Tie Down Association. tuff-edge iii, tuff-tag, how to order, ee1801, ee2801, ee1802, ee2802, rated capacity Perform heavy lifts with Twin-Path high-performance synthetic roundslings. Do not attach a sling to fittings that have sharp edges Sample Part Number for a Double Leg, Oblong Link, Sling Hook, and an Endless sling with a maximum capacity of 4500 lbs at a 60° and 4’ legs: Sling configuration: DOS Leg Type Code: ENR1 Sling Length bearing point to bearing point Final Part number: DOS-ENR1x04’ *TRIPLE LEG AVAILABLE. Sling working load limits whether nylon, wire rope or chain slings are rated with their respective vertical, choker, and basket capacities. 3. Never tie or knot a sling, or use a sling with a knot in it. Always consult your SpanSet lifting chart. 9 Synthetic Rope Slings • OSHA Guidance On Safe Sling Use (Natural and Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings) osha. APPLICATION INFORMATION ® Oct 9, 2024 · Applications of Synthetic Slings. , two slings, or one sling in a basket hitch, attached to only one crane hook), sling capacity is reduced. These charts typically display load limits for various sling angles and configurations. Synthetic Slings Effect of Angle of Lift 0n a Sling’s Rated Capacity Using slings at an angle can be deadly if that angle is not taken into consideration when selecting the sling to be used. S. Sling capacity decreases as the angle from horizontal decreases. Let's break it down: Vertical column: This shows the maximum load Single Path Polyester roundslings are a low cost, flexible lifting sling fabricated at your local I&I Sling branch location. Web Sling Length. Cuts, Holes, and Tears in Synthetic Slings. Nov 14, 2018 · Lifting Slings How to Inspect Synthetic Web Slings to ASME B30. 1. Type 2 slings are the same as Type 1, except each end has an identical triangle. Orange round slings can handle anything from 10 tonnes to 30 tonnes, depending on the chosen strength. (c) For choker hitch, the angle of choke is 120 deg or greater. Consideration shall be given to the sling to load angle which affects rated capacity. There are a few key factors to consider when you bulk an endless web sling. The Endless Round Sling is extremely versatile. APPLICATION INFORMATION ® Click Below To Download Capacity Charts Type 1 Web Sling Type 2 Web Sling Type 3 Web Sling Type 4 Web Sling Type 5 Web Sling Type 6 Web Sling Type 8 Web Sling Type 9 Nov 4, 2023 · Web Sling Size and Capacity with Chart. Choker Capacity A choker hitch has 80% of the capacity of a single leg sling only if the angle of choke is 120 degrees or greater. When slings are used at an angle (i. 2. 9 specifications Working load limits above (in red) are calculated on a 5:1 design factor Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Toll Free Phone: 1-888-779-8898 Sling ratings based on commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity. HOW TO ORDER. Web slings should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place. Lift-All Tuff-Tag. Sep 13, 2018 · Synthetic slings are extremely versatile, can be used in vertical, choker, and basket hitches and have a Design Factor of 5:1, meaning the breaking strength of the sling is five times higher than the rated Working Load Limit (W. APPLICATION INFORMATION ® Use & Care: Before every load, thoroughly inspect the sling for any abrasions, cuts, or punctures; Always use wear pads to protect the sling from being cut by corners and edges; Never move slings along the ground or pull from under a load; Avoid any knots or ties on the sling; Potential Uses: Moving large piping items from location to location the angle between the sling legs reduces the lifting capacity. These slings are fully compliant with the latest ASME B30. Dec 20, 2024 · Explore the four primary categories of Lift-All slings ®: Chain Slings, Synthetic Slings, Wire Mesh Slings, and Wire Rope Slings. This sling is used only on vertical and basket configurations. Tuflex section. Synthetic web slings are easily cut and have poor abrasion resistance when compared to chain and wire rope slings. L. Web Slings 12 Web Slings Web Slings WHY LIFT-ALL WEB SLINGS? Lift-All. • Maximum operating temperature 150°F / 65°C. The most commonly used synthetic round slings are made of nylon- or polyester-type yarns. Calculators; TYPE 2 - TRIANGLE-TRIANGLE (TT) (View Capacity Chart) Triangle on both ends. 20 & BTH-1 Design Category B Service Class 2Proof-Tested to 125% capacity DEATH or INJURY can occur from improper use or care. The Sling to load angles The Sparkeater® sling (SE) is the sling to use when the job site is in a hot environment (up to 300°F or 150°C). Dec 30, 2024 · Here’s why synthetic slings are widely used: Lightweight Design: or basket) when calculating capacity. View Double Leg RoundUp Bridle Slings # 1 - Polyester endless round sling capacity chart: # 2 - UHMWPE / Dyneema endless round sling capacity chart: Synthetic Slings & Lashing; Lifting Devices; Fall Sling Load Chart. gtlifting. H&SM – Ch 23: Cranes, Hoists & Slings DEC 2022 Page 1 of 1. 9 c-2013. 350°F. Read the “increase in stress” as a percentage factor. Crosby’s Sling Saver line is the first broad line of fittings developed exclusively for use with synthetic slings. Fitting openings shall be of the proper shape and size to assure that the sling will seat properly”. 6 Japan #2929431 Australia #707924 Twin-Path® synthetic roundslings have Check-Fast® Inspection overload indicators, Covermax® Covers for superior abrasion resistance, and inner red covers as an aid to inspection. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working load, standard loop or eye size, and diameter for slings ranging from 8mm to 52mm in diameter. • If damage is visible, DO NOT USE! Remove sling from service IMMEDIATELY! • Be sure sling capacity tag is in place and can be easily read. webbing face yarns cause an immediate strength loss. Manufactured up to 150 feet with capacities ranging from 3,000 lbs. ) Slings with fittings which are used as a choker hitch shall be of sufficient length to assure that the choking action is on the webbing, and never on a fitting. The greater angle to sling configuration will result in a reduction of sling efficiency and a Unique construction produces outstanding handling and rigging characteristics. Environmental Suitability: Consider the environment where the sling will be used. 6. Never load a sling in excess of its rated capacity. WT / FT Building on this success, I&I Sling collaborated with Slingmax Rigging Solutions to develop cutting-edge synthetic lifting slings, setting new industry standards. E-SERIES ROUND SLINGS The original SpanSet, … Most slings can be used in all three hitches, but some slings are designed for use in only one hitch. Choose between web, round, or endless • For use only by a competent and/or quali˜ed person as de˜ned by OSHA. Advantages and benefits • Braided construction offers redundant safety • Used Friendly compared to steel slings Saves money • Larger capacity slings are generally bought for one major lift and never used again. Death or injury can occur from improper use or maintenance! Synthetic web slings are made using polyester or nylon flat webbing and are the preferred sling when lifting highly-polished, fragile or delicate loads that have to be protected from damage. Diameter Approx. 9 and osha regulations for additional information. Synthetic slings are lightweight, flexible, cost-effective, durable, and easy to store, making them an ideal choice for providing security to transport and lifting heavy loads, especially for fragile cargo. We'll explore everything from the factors Elevated temperatures (above 200° (degrees) F) significantly reduce the rated load capacity of the nylon webbing sling. The capacity is reduced as the angle of use declines. Do not run a sling around sharp corners without corner guards. The WLL can also vary depending on how the round sling is utilised. Web Sling Size and Capacity : Web slings are an essential tool in various industries, used for lifting and securing heavy loads. If you are using a synthetic sling on a load with sharp edges that can cut or tear the sling, synthetic sling sleeves, corner guards, or edge guards should be used. Sling Webbing. Quick Links. Use this chart for all type slings: rope, chain or synthetic web. Slings with fittings which are used as a choker hitch shall be of sufficient length to assure that the choking action is on the webbing and never on a fitting. > Type of hitch (straight pull, choker Jan 27, 2014 · Synthetic slings are made of nylon or polyester webbing in order to suit various applications. If synthetic slings are used for hoisting, then Interpreting Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts. Sling capacities for rope diameters 1/8” through 5/16” are based on using 7 x 19 G. As is evident from a wire rope sling capacity chart, the rated capacity of a wire rope sling must be adjusted when using a choker hitch to turn, shifts, or control the load. The sling body is exceptionally supple, conforming readily to uneven and oddly shaped loads during a lift. Always consider working load limit reduction factors such as angle and/or tension. Death or injury can occur from improper use or maintenance! It’s important to reduce a hitches rated capacity when it is used at an angle smaller than 120 degrees. Select a sling of suitable capacity. Do not exceed rated capacities. Working load limits vary depending on the angle of use. Always use wear pads or sleeves to further protect and promote increased sling life. Cutting is the most common cause for a sling being taken out of service. HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT TODAY! (706) 750-9099. They are versatile, durable, and, when chosen correctly, can make lifting operations safer and more efficient. With a load of 1,000 lbs. Safeway Slings shown in this catalog have red core safety yarns that become visible when outer layers are worn, providing a signal to remove sling from service. This is the reason why sling webbing has red core yarns to visually reveal damage and act as a basis for sling rejection. For confirmation, contact Lift-All and provide specific chemical, concentration, temperature, and time factors. The work load limit of a vertical hitch is 50% of the basket hitch. But they ve all been engineered to give you different performance traits and rated capacities to perform to your different lifting needs. Consider the environment in which the sling will be used: If it will be used outdoors, make sure to choose a sling made from weather-resistant materials. 158°F. Jan 4, 2022 · Synthetic Nylon Slings. Slings used in a choker shall not be forced to tighten around the load by pounding with hammers or other objects. Death or injury can occur from improper use or maintenance! Plasma® Sling Ratings in Hitch Configuration—LBS Chart continues on next page, along with caution statements and effect of bending considerations. 8-10% stretch at rated capacity – can help reduce shock loading, but stretch must be accounted for in low headroom lifts; Unaffected by grease and oil; More popular in the United States and most widely used material for general purpose synthetic web slings; Resistant to aldehydes, ethers, and strong alkalis Mar 15, 2016 · Being a company that specializes in rigging, we are often asked for working load limits for wire rope slings, synthetic slings, chain slings and polyester round slings. All the synthetic web products in this handbook are both the same and different. Choker hitches are the least effective way to use a sling based on capacity. Use & Care: Before every load, thoroughly inspect the sling for any abrasions, cuts, or punctures; Always use wear pads to protect the sling from being cut by corners and edges; Never move slings along the ground or pull from under a load; Avoid any knots or ties on the sling; Potential Uses: Moving large piping items from location to location This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. We have attached a Sling Ratings Chart for the convenience of our valued customers. and time factors, please consult us prior to purchasing or use. Endless slings are popular and easy to use. LOAD CHART FOR ROUND SLING: GENERIC LOAD CHART FOR FLAT AND ROUND WEBBING SLINGS: Synthetic round slings have become an industry standard and offer great flexibility for many applications. Each type of sling is designed to meet specific jobsite lifting needs, ensuring that users have a safe, reliable, and cost-effective solution for their current lifting application. • Do not shorten by tying knots, or twisting. • DynaFlex ™ slings are approved for use up to . The multiple fiber construction makes the roundsling soft and flexible – perfect for a choked lift. Slings used in a basket hitch shall have the load balanced to prevent slippage. When selecting these slings, careful consideration must be made for the proper sling to load horizontal lifting angle. They have the following properties in common: Strength, Convenience, Load protection, and; Economy. and type of material. Hardware Compatibility (See Efficiency Chart) Angles of less than 30 degrees are not to be used. Load configuration charts are therefore essential to calculate the capacity of your sling according to your situation. 9 chapter 6, NAVFAC P-307 section 14. The accumulation of numerous fiber strands determines the strength factor, as the capacity chart below shows. So, in this scenario, the Working Load Limit (WLL) of the polyester web sling when used to lift a 5,000-pound steel beam at a 60-degree angle in a basket hitch configuration is approximately 57,735. Synthetic Slings Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www. Diversified Chain and Rigging - Brooks and Area, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Synthetic web slings can be used in the following hitch orientations: PLIES or at temperatures Stretch of a nylon sling at capacity is approximately 8–10% Wear or damage to sling . Capacity calculator. Type II. vdjoarot wnhy jal fxssn jboed ldaama moyvs oxab ptj cwge rtkd lco ouusco jamyh bgigtmp