Europe emergency number. 112 - European emergency number.
Europe emergency number Operators generally speak several languages, including English, which will reassure those who don’t speak Italian. This need was driven by continuously and rapidly increasing number of travellers to other European countries and the need to ensure the safety of travellers. 25% of EU citizens questioned could spontaneously identify 112 as the number to call emergency services anywhere in the EU. Apr 11, 2012 · EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation aiming to contribute to improving the safety and security of people. org 5 Timeframe Date European Commission European Parliament Council of the EU 14. Knowing emergency numbers is vital when traveling in Europe. In European countries, the standardised emergency number 112 is widely used across the European Union for all emergency services, although some countries also maintain additional specific numbers like 999 for the UK and Ireland or 110 for police in Germany. EENA continues to promote awareness of 112 as a core element of its mission. 534. 112 is used in all member states of the European Union, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and some other countries These documents are posters to advertise the European emergency number 112. 112 - European emergency number. Feb 11, 2016 · The data for this report were collected in 2015 throughout the European Union. 2021 . In the midst of a crisis, knowing the right number to call can mean the difference between life and death. This survey shows that 95% of EU respondents agree that having a single emergency number available everywhere in the EU is useful. Calls to “112” increased 12% year-on-year, while the total number of emergency calls rose 6%. European emergency number: 112. The call is free and will be answered immediately by the emergency centres that trigger the medical Jul 23, 2015 · 112 is the European emergency number in all 28 EU Member States, as well as some other countries in Europe and other regions of the world. In addition, the number 116 116 is in use in Germany as an anti-fraud hotline. Dec 31, 2024 · Understanding Emergency Numbers Across Europe. How can citizens get the best help possible if they find themselves in an emergency? This is the question we continuously try to answer. It is also used in some other countries as an emergency telephone number for both mobile and fixed-line telephones. From insightful sessions delivered by 100+ leading international experts in the field of emergency services to networking with top public safety professionals from over 50 countries in Europe and beyond, EENA expects around 800 participants and 30 to 40 exhibitors, and will make you part of the future of emergency response. Emergency calls are free of charge from any (mobile) telephone. 112 emergency number will connect you with local emergency services in all the countries of the European Union as well as Albania, Georgia, Moldova, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. At present, 31 PSAPs from 26 European countries are now using the PSAP Directory. Their life could depend on it. Feb 11, 2020 · The European Single Emergency Number was introduced in 1991 (with directive 91/396 / EEC) and had its celebration day since 2009. Each country of the European Union has a single emergency line - 112. In June, the EU Commission publishes a website for 112 (ec. (‘French Emergency Telephone Numbers‘) Apr 5, 2024 · The 112 operator will forward the call to the relevant service depending on the type of emergency. ESSN welcomes all relevant public authorities and emergency services, from Ministry representatives to rescuers. Feb 16, 2023 · Italian police car with 112 emergency number prominently displayed (Photo Credit: gabrieletamborrelli) When traveling in Europe, remember the number 112. How does 112 work? EENA AI Special Project: Apply Now! EENA intends to launch a Special Project on AI for PSAPs and emergency dispatch centres in 2024. Germany 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge found that a large majority of EU citizens are still unaware that the European emergency number 112 can be used across the EU in case of emergency: only 22% of EU citizens could spontaneously identify 112 as the number to call for emergency services in the EU. The majority of phone calls to the 112-emergency number are placed from mobile phones. If you travel within the EU and face an emergency, you can call the European Emergency Number 112 for free. europa. K. 112 is the European emergency number you can dial free of charge from fixed or mobile phones across the EU. General Emergency Number (Available across all EU member states, 112 connects you to the nearest emergency service, Each year, 11/2 marks the day to raise awareness about 112, the single European emergency number that everyone in any European country can dial to reach emergency services. People in distress can call 112 24/7 to reach the fire brigade, medical assistance and the police. European Emergency Number Association (EENA) Creativity Software: Ptolemus Consulting Group: 112 Emergency Response Centre (Lithuania) AREU – Azienda Regionale Emergenza Urgenza: British Telecom: 144 Notruf Niederösterreich In February 2009, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council declared 11 February the European 112 Day to spread the word about the European single emergency number. It can be dialled free of charge from most mobile phones and, in some countries, fixed telephones to reach emergency services such as ambulance, fire and rescue, or the police. European citizens are increasingly travelling to other countries, for business or pleasure. e. Feb 11, 2016 · 11 February is European 112 Day, a day aimed at raising public awareness of Europe's emergency number, 112. 7. Emergency calls to 112 are received at Emergency Notification Centres by emergency number operators. Jan 29, 2020 · The share of emergency calls to the Single European Emergency Number “112” is rising, showing the increasing preference by Europeans to use this number in case of emergency. Whether the emergency number is 112, 999, 18, 061, 100 or anything else… the aim is the same: the highest quality of emergency services for the safety of our fellow citizens. Jun 18, 2014 · The single European emergency number 112 was adopted by Council decision in July 1991 in order to enable citizens of the EU to call the emergency services (i. Many citizens are unaware of the immense number of actors it takes to provide a continuous, effective, and efficient 112 service: 112 Day is dedicated to recognising the work of all those who contribute to the European Info about Emergency call number 112 in Europe. 112 operates alongside existing national emergency numbers. EU member countries also use national emergency call numbers besides 112. Dec 15, 2020 · European emergency number: 112. On February 11, which is European 112 Day, various awareness and networking activities are organised throughout the EU to promote the existence and use of Europe's single emergency number. Show with the blue-yellow logo that 112 is the Europe wide emergency number! Feb 10, 2023 · The Commission continues to monitor closely the implementation of the emergency number 112 in Member States, through regular reports. . Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Sweden have chosen 112 as their only national emergency number. Non-emergency numbers provide valuable assistance for less urgent situations. National emergency numbers are in use too, alongside 112. 2017 Public Hearing at the IMCO committee1 Standards for real time text and total conversation access to emergency services are required to meet the special needs of end-users living with disabilities and to ensure equivalence of access under the relevant provisions of the EECC and the EAA for emergency communication to the European emergency number ‘112’. EENA would like to thank all of our awareness partners for their contribution to spreading the 112 message! JOIN THE TEAM Would you like to work with the European Emergency Number Association? Do you want to help us improve citizens’ safety in Europe? Send an application to info@eena. The 112 system is composed by a Call Center (the Public Safety Answering Point 1) consisting of lay operators. The European emergency number is free everywhere. 100, 101, 102. Information Society & Media Feb 11, 2025 · Each year on 11 February, Europe is proud to come together to celebrate European 112 Day. See full list on wanderonwards. Emergency Services in European Union. This number can be used for all types of emergencies and will connect you to the appropriate emergency service, including medical, fire, and police assistance. Abstract. It works alongside national numbers Jun 10, 2019 · 112 is the European emergency number. This number:is valid throughout the European Union (EU); andmust only be used for emergency situations, such number emergency services to the European Emergency number 112, following the European Council Decision 91/396/EEC. European Emergency Number. Edelgard Huber von Gersdorff, 112 years old, was honorary patroness of the campaign "One Europe – one number!", which aims at raising awareness for the European Emergency Number 112. Location enhanced With the increasing number of Europeans travelling throughout the EU, awareness of the common European emergency number is now more needed than ever. These numbers may be used, for instance, to provide medical advice to patients, to direct people towards the correct service, or to provide general information in times of crisis. When to call 112. The analysis at national level was based on Key Performance Indicators such as answer time, access for disabled users, caller location and awareness levels in order to determine the current situation and optimisation of the access to 112. EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation with the mission to contribute to improving the safety and security of the people. As the frequency and complexity of natural disasters and emergencies increase, the report highlights the indispensable role of timely and effective public warnings. You can call the number 112 with a fixed or mobile phone. 89 ǀ info@eena. Anfangs war bei einem Mobiltelefon der Euronotruf meist ohne eingelegte SIM-Karte, Eingabe des PIN-Codes oder Aufhebung der Tastensperre wählbar. 112 is the uniform European emergency phone number which all Croatian citizens and tourists can dial to reach the emergency services in all emergencies . Following two successful events held in co-operation with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) and the European Commission, ETSI hosted the third NG112 Emergency Communications Plugtests™ event in January 2019. Mar 22, 2023 · Emergency assistance to the population. COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE | 16 décembre 2022 112: nouvelles mesures visant à améliorer l’accès effectif aux communications d’urgence Feb 11, 2023 · Europe is proud to come together to celebrate European 112 Day and raise awareness of 112, the European emergency number. Oct 21, 2020 · Presented on: 21 October, 15:00 CEST In many European countries, there are non-emergency numbers running alongside the emergency number (or numbers). The emergency number 112 can be dialled from a phone without a SIM card. Februar 2022; 2020 Report on the on the effectiveness of the implementation of the European The European Emergency Number Association, [3] founded in 1999, an organization of emergency services representatives and others, has campaigned for an efficient 112 service all over Europe on behalf of European citizens. The following questions may help: 112 is a single emergency telephone number that allows European citizens and travelers within EU to contact emergency services for assistance in all Member States. Being prepared is key to staying safe abroad. Dec 1, 2010 · In some countries a single code is used for all three (e. Its aim is to advance Europeans’ protection and safety, and reduce fatalities caused by road accidents, as well as The emergency numbers can be called free of charge from any phone in Austria (European emergency number: from any EU country). Jul 13, 2021 · The European Commission, together with the European Parliament and European Council, has declared 11 February as European 112 Day to broaden recognition of the emergency number 112 across the EU. 2024 edition of European Emergency Number Association Conference and Exhibition will be held at Valencia starting on 24th April. 112 is the number for fire and medical emergencies, as well as the general European Emergency Number. More than 95% of EU citizens agree on the usefulness of having one emergency number available in all European countries. The Council of Ministers said that BiH in this way is harmonizing its legislation with EU legislation in this field and fulfills the earlier Feb 11, 2021 · ‘112', the common EU number for emergency communications has been saving lives for 30 years, helping Europeans travel safely and reach emergency services in any EU country through the single EU number. The European emergency number is free and can be reached by landlines as well as mobiles. A reservation by the commission obligates member states to make the numbers available for registration by interested parties. Number Description; Fire and Rescue Services: 112: European-wide emergency number for fire, rescue, and police: Police: 110: Specific police emergency number: Government Services: 115: General government information: Children and Youth Helpline: 116 111: Support for young people: Credit Card Blocking: 116 116: To block lost or stolen credit Feb 17, 2025 · EENA noted that 112 has grown to be more than a European emergency number, and now covers a wider concept for ensuring that everyone in Europe has access to high quality emergency services, that citizen’s are prepared for emergencies, and that emergency services across Europe cooperate to improve public safety. The pan-European 116 service numbers can only be used for the services defined by the European Commission. In order to ensure a quicker and more efficient intervention, 112 operates either alongside the national emergency numbers or as the main emergency number depending on the country. 112 therefore complements the freedom of movement that the Single European Market already offers to EU citizens. 110, 119 and 120 in China). From our EENA Annual Conference to workshops, Meet your MEP Event, 112 Awards Ceremonies and celebrating 112 Day, we organise different events every year with the aim of bringing together our community in public safety and emergency services. Sep 21, 2023 · Emergency phone numbers. It works in every country of the EU, for land lines and mobile phones. When you require urgent attention please call number 112 to have direct access to police assistance, ambulance services or fire and rescue services. These emergency phone numbers can be called for immediate assistance 24/7. EU institutions argued it wasn’t their competence. · The share of emergency calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ increased significantly compared to 2021 and represented 62 % of all emergency calls: out of a total of 2 85 million emergency calls placed in the EU, 1 76 million were ‘112’ calls. How does it work? You can call 112 from fixed and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. emergency number 999 if you're in Spain or Austria's number to call an ambulance 144 if you're in Germany. 112 is an easy number to remember and the only 112 is the single European emergency number you can dial in case of an emergency in any European Union Member State. 5 billion calls were made to the number. 112 is now the universal emergency number in most European countries 1. Any citizen in the EU should be able to reach emergency services free of charge when dialling 112, from their fixed or mobile phones and from public payphones. Feb 11, 2025 · Today is 11/2 – also known as European 112 Day! 112 is the single European emergency number: a life-saving number everyone should know. You can call 112 from any phone in Europe to contact the emergency services in the UK in case of an emergency. Romania 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge Emergency Call: 112 Not only in Germany but all over Europe, the phone number for medical emergencies is 112. Emergency Hospitals, Pharmacies, Doctors: 14944 Police: 100 Fire Brigade: 199 Emergency Intervention of the Port Authority: 108 Εuropean Emergency Number: 112. Unfortunately, some countries still do not provide this long-number and this can delay emergency operations. According to the latest report, in 2021 calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ represented 56% of all emergency calls. 25% of respondents have needed to call an emergency number in the past five years. In addition, some services of general interest have been allocated the same 116 service numbers in all EU member states. Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) lobbied against it, unwilling to shoulder any cost. 116 000 is a single European emergency number in the event of a missing child, whatever your country or elsewhere within the European Union. Feb 6, 2025 · Europe-wide emergency numbers. Emergency numbers in Norway eCall fact-sheet EENA 2015 2 eCall is a service designed to provide quick emergency response in case of a road accident, anywhere in the EU. 1 The document explains who AREU is, their duties and how they organised the process for the setup of 112. 112 is the European Emergency Number to call from anywhere in the European Union, in case of emergency. In 2019, Europeans called ‘112' close to 150 million times, which represents 56% of all emergency calls, while in the last 10 years, some 1. org with the subject “Spontaneous Application”. 30th anniversary. Poland. The European Emergency Number was created to serve the citizens on a 24 hour basis in case they need help, no matter in which country of the European Union they need it. The service provides support in three national languages and in English: This number can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and calls are free. Specialized emergency services like poison control and women’s crisis centers exist for specific needs. In many countries, dialing either 112 (used in Europe and parts of Asia) or 911 (used mostly in the Americas) will connect callers to the local emergency services. People travelling abroad are 53% to be able to provide the exact location of the emergency when they call 112, compared to more than 80% in their home country. | Find 112 is a single emergency telephone number that allows European citizens and travelers within EU to contact emergency services for assistance in all Member States. We will also see the status of AREU’s operations and why the existing model is considered better than the previous one. sperr-notruf. Overall, only 24% of surveyed Europeans could spontaneously identify 112 as the number on which they can call emergency services anywhere in the EU. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. SOS 112 in Europe: Home. In the UK, dialling 112 will connect you to the same emergency services centre as dialling 999. ” Jul 16, 2023 · The common European emergency number is 112 (following Directive 2002/22/EC – Universal Service Directive) and also standard on GSM mobile phones. Fragen und Antworten – Notfall, Informationen auf dem Portal "Your Europe" der EU; 112 Day: saving lives by quickly and easily reaching emergency services anywhere in the EU, Pressemitteilung; 2020 Report on the effectiveness of the implementation of the European emergency number '112', Website der EK 112 (European Emergency Number) Ireland 112 (European Emergency Number) 999 (General Emergency Number) +353 1 666 2615 (Missing Persons Bureau Police) 116 000 – Missing children Hotline. The emergency call numbers include the common European emergency call number 112, number for the police 113, the uniform European telephone number for reporting missing children 116 000, and all other numbers defined in the national numbering plan. 5. 112 was initially adopted as a common European emergency number by a CEPT recommendation in 1976, but gained traction when the Council of the EU established it as the EU’s common emergency number in 1991. Dec 19, 2024 · What it’s for: 112 is the European emergency number and is an alternative to 999 in the UK. 2017 brings significant improvements for the 112 emergency responses, as it is now possible to provide the exact location of the caller in several EU Member States (for example, in Lithuania, the UK and Estonia). 112 is your pan-European number to access the Emergency Services whilst travelling within the EU. The European 112 emergency number can also be called from locked mobile phones (without needing to enter a PIN). If you want to report a crime or if you have information on a wanted criminal or stolen/lost object or if life and limb are at risk, please contact your local police Discussions of the need to introduce a uniform Europe-wide emergency number started back in 1970s. Europe’s universal emergency number, 112, is a critical lifeline, connecting citizens to lifesaving services in […] Feb 9, 2018 · The data for this report on the implementation of the European emergency number 112 (PDF) was collected in 2017 throughout the European Union. Feb 10, 2024 · Therefore, the answer to the question whether every child should know the number 112 is definitely yes. Mar 1, 2025 · Download Citation | On Mar 1, 2025, Giuseppe Lelow and others published The European Emergency Number 112: Exploring the potential of crowd-sourced information for emergency management. 03. 2024 The European Emergency Number Association (EENA) is proud to announce the publication of the Public Warning Report Card, an in-depth evaluation of public warning systems across Europe. The Madrid 112 Autonomous Body was created in 1998 in implementing the decision made by the European Union about deploying this system across the member states. The country that has received the most Ukrainian refugees has an extensive emergency assistance system. Jun 11, 2024 · In the event of an emergency requiring the intervention of the fire brigade or an ambulance, dial 112. If there is any job ad below, please send your application according to the procedure explained in the ad. France now uses 112, the European emergency number, as well as 17 and 18 for police and fire brigade, specific to France. V. Emergency telephone numbers for European countries. 97. Each year on 11 February, Europe is proud to come together to celebrate European 112 Day. 29. Make this site as one of Your favorites: Link to The number 116 112 will not be used in order to avoid confusion with the single European emergency number 112. g. 2016 Release of the proposal 01. Member States all over Europe organise […] Oct 13, 2021 · 4. eu/112), containing information for travellers in the EU in all official EU languages. Dec 18, 2024 · The share of emergency calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ increased significantly compared to 2021 and represented 62% of all emergency calls. To reach paramedics, firefighters, or the police in any EU country. Feb 11, 2024 · On 112 Day 2024, the European Emergency Number Association (EENA 112) has released a report, delving into how different European countries can improve in terms of their emergency response, as well as their strengths and adherence to mandatory EU legislation. Nevertheless, 112 is the only number to access emergency Nov 14, 2024 · I’ve been with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) since 2006, pushing for laws that would protect people during crises. This number is free of charge. At the European Emergency Number Association, we constantly work towards improving emergency response in Europe and beyond. As Europeans are increasingly travelling for business or leisure, millions of people could be faced with this problem. Während es beispielsweise in Österreich nach wie vor möglich ist [8], muss für diese Funktion wegen häufigen Notrufmissbrauchs in den GSM-Netzen von Belgien, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Kroatien, Frankreich, Rumänien, der Schweiz, Slowenien und Jul 29, 2024 · For immediate help in emergencies, the European emergency phone number 112 is available across the EU, free of charge. 112: The European Emergency Number. The data for this report on the implementation of the European emergency number 112 was collected in 2018 throughout the EU Member States. The single European emergency number 112 can be called toll-free from any fixed, mobile, or public phone in any EU country. Here are the emergency numbers you need to know while in France. Information about emergency 112 in Europe. It is estimated that 2. Emergency number: block credit/bank cards: 116 116: https://www. Sep 27, 2023 · 110 is the emergency number for police in Germany. European emergency number: 112 When in distress or a witness of an accident you can call 24/7 in all Member States of the European Union to get immediate assistance from the fire brigade, a medical team or the police. 28% of callers have language problems when they call 112 while abroad. However, not all countries use those emergency telephone numbers . 1991 - 29. 7 million emergency calls were placed by roaming end-users to the single European emergency number 112, representing 1,56% of all calls to 112. 2016 Policy debate on the proposal 21. It is possible to call 112 from fixed and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. police, fire and ambulance) by using the same number from anywhere in the EU. EMERGENCY NUMBER 112. It is a 3 day event and will conclude on 26-Apr-2024. The European 112 Day is celebrated each year through awareness raising and networking activities in all of Europe. Overall, calls to 112 increased by 3% to 153 million compared to 2019. Dialling 112 connects you to emergency services, including ambulance, fire brigade, or police, with specially trained operators directing the calls to the appropriate service. 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge 112 is the single European emergency telephone number, available throughout the European Union, free of charge. Member States all over Europe organise […] 112 is the single European emergency number to dial free of charge in case of an emergency across the European Union (EU). Managing Director at EENA - European Emergency Number Association · As Managing Director of EENA, I have rather a central role, with a focus on trying to be a facilitator for all staff but also for all people being part of EENA community. This Special Project would consider testing the use of various AI applications in PSAPs and control rooms across Europe. My main responsibilities: - I lead the development of EENA community (Public Safety Officials; solution providers; Researchers; Mobile Network Operators Nov 1, 2017 · The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted a Bill on Amendments to the Law on Communications, with the aim of introducing a single European emergency number (112) in all of BiH. If you dial the emergency number 112, it is very important for the rescue team that you describe the accident as precisely as possible. Feb 5, 2024 · Australia – 000 Down under, 000 is the emergency number for police, fire, and ambulance services. This is the number to dial for any immediate assistance from the police, firefighters or medical services. Document 1: The EU has a single European emergency number, 112. France, like other European Union countries, also recognizes the European Emergency Number, which is 112. Aug 18, 2024 · 112 is the EU emergency number which also works in India, UK and all EU countries (alongside any pre-existing country-specific emergency numbers) 911 is the US emergency number which works across North America and many US territories 112 is a common emergency telephone number that can be dialed free of charge from most mobile telephones and, in some countries, fixed telephones in order to reach emergency services (ambulance, fire and rescue, police). The uniform European emergency phone number 112 has been in use in Croatia since 2005. This most recent Flash survey confirms that there has been a slight increase in Europeans' awareness of the single emergency number 112 over the past 3 years. The European Union has simplified emergency communication. 94% of EU respondents think it is useful to have a single emergency number available in the EU. Any citizen in the EU should be able to reach emergency services when dialling 112, from their fixed, their mobile phones The European Emergency Number 112: Dial 112 for emergency services. (Note the keypad missing digits 4 - 0, with no instruction on how to dial 999 from this phone. Jan 30, 2023 · The Commission published the 2022 report on the effectiveness of the implementation of the European emergency number ‘112’. Italy 112 (European Emergency Number) 113 (Police) Latvia 110 (Police) 112 (European Emergency Number) Lithuania 112 (European Emergency Number) 02 102 022 The Commission published the 2022 report on the effectiveness of the implementation of the European emergency number ‘112’. ESSN is not about a number. 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge The telephone number 1-1-2 (or 112) is the standard European Union (EU) emergency telephone number. Feb 28, 2025 · As Europeans are increasingly travelling in European countries throughout the year, only 26% of them know that they can dial just three digits – 112 – anytime anywhere in Europe, to get immediate help, in case of an emergency situation. If you forget the phone number of a specific service in the country where you are, call 112. It will get you straight to the relevant emergency services – police, ambulance, fire brigade. A common, free, Europe-wide number to reach local medical, police or fire department services is essential for travellers who find themselves in distress across the EU. In order to foster the adoption of IP-based emergency communications (Next Generation 112), the European Commission requires member states to produce within nine months a roadmap detailing their country’s plan for PSAPs to be able to: “Receive, answer and process emergency communications through packet-switched technology. When travelling in Europe, the emergency number is always 112. Established in 2009, and dedicated to raising awareness of the European emergency number 112, it is a day to recognise the work of all those who contribute to the European emergency services chain. Call the single European emergency number if you require urgent assistance from: the police, the fire brigade, medical services. whereas the European emergency number 112, created in 1991 by a Council decision to enable citizens to access all emergency services (such as fire, police and medical services), is the only emergency number that can be accessed in all the Member States of the European Union and Learn about 112, the emergency telephone number for European citizens and travelers to contact emergency services within the EU including the Netherlands. It will forward you to local authorities like the police or medical services. The French national number is 18, the British national number is 999. co Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. It will get you straight through to the emergency services – police, ambulance, fire brigade. Any citizen in the EU should be able to reach emergency services when dialling 112, either from their fixed or from their mobile phone. This featured a testing campaign based on the use cases developed by ETSI and EENA. Please call the following emergency numbers in case of imminent danger: Police 133 European Emergency Number 112 Fire Brigade 122 Ambulance 144 Medical Emergency Number 141. It connects to the same emergency services. European Union – 112 For most European countries, including members of the European Union, 112 is the universal emergency number. In this webinar, we explored […] Dec 16, 2024 · Brussels, 16. But the European number 112 is operational everywhere in Europe (even in the United Kingdom!). At every turn, we encountered resistance. 12. Calls to the single European emergency number, 112, are free of charge from landlines and mobile networks, even if the phone does not have a SIM card, is blocked or is out of credit. The European emergency number is free and can be reached by landline phones as well as mobiles. It is invaluable in all countries but particularly countries, such as France, which has several emergency numbers to choose from. This is the European Union’s (EU) emergency phone number equivalent to America’s 911. de: Berliner Krisendienst Service for people having crises: 3906310 Folsom Europe e. Public warning systems […] France 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge Jul 31, 2017 · European Emergency Number Association EENA is a Brussels-based NGO established in 1999 towards the achievement and promotion of high-quality emergency services on behalf of the citizens of Europe. SAMU: 115 112 is a single European emergency number that provides instant assistance to citizens in the event of health incidents, fire-fighting, salvage and rescue and citizen security. The 112 service is in place everywhere in the European Union and in other European countries. "112" is the European emergency number people in distress can call 24h/24 and 7d/7 in all 27 member states of the European Union to get immediate assistance from the fire brigade, a medical team or the police. Here you can learn about some of the main topics covered by EENA, focused equally on technological innovations and bringing stakeholders together to advance public safety issues. European Emergency Number Association – EENA 112 Avenue de la Toison d’Or 79, Brussels, Belgium +32/2. 112 is the emergency number to use anywhere in the European Union, including Rome. In the event of any emergency, 112 can be connected through fixed and mobile telephones. 112, the single European emergency number: Frequently Asked Questions What is 112? 112 is the single European emergency number to dial free of charge in case of an emergency across the European Union (EU). SOS Helpline for English Speakers Feb 11, 2011 · 112 is the single European emergency telephone number which you can dial in case of an emergency in any EU Member State. The report at national level was based on Key Performance Indicators such as number of emergency calls, answer time, access for users with disabilities, caller location and awareness levels, in order to determine the state of play of the implementation number emergency services to the European Emergency number 112, following the European Council Decision 91/396/EEC. 112 is an emergency number which is available free of charge throughout the European Union, both from landlines and mobile phones. Just remember 112. The 112 operator will forward the call to the relevant service depending on the type of emergency. 09. 2022 Report on the implementation of 112 the EU emergency number, Website der Europäischen Kommission; 112 Day: saving lives by quickly and easily reaching emergency services anywhere in the EU, Pressemitteilung der Europäischen Kommission, 11. ) 999 is the official emergency number for the United Kingdom, but calls are also accepted on the European Union emergency number, 112. - 6 Member States (Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Feb 11, 2015 · 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. The report gives the data on emergency calls, answering time, access for disabled users, caller location and awareness levels, and finally, determines the state of play of the implementation of emergency communications. Useful resources: find a UK emergency number Emergency numbers What is 112? 112 is the European emergency number in all 28 EU member states, as well as other countries in Europe and elsewhere. EENA has a powerful network of members to which the on-going activities and results of EmerGent will be disseminated. An emergency phone on the Welsh coast at Trefor featuring 999. These crucial contacts can save lives in unexpected situations. European 112 Day In February 2009, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council declared 11 February the European 112 Day to spread the word about the European single emergency number. You can dial it from everywhere in the EU, from a landline or a mobile phone, free of charge. You should memorise them to ensure that no time is wasted when someone needs urgent care. This year in August will be 25 years since 112 number was introduced, yet a survey shows that only half (48%) of EU citizens could spontaneously identify 112 as the number that allows them to call the police, fire brigade or medical services anywhere in the EU at no cost. It provides a direct connection with emergency services – police, medical responders, or firefighters. Fortunately, there is no need to look up and remember the emergency numbers for each EU country you are visiting. When to call: Without this number, it is impossible, or it takes an exceptionally long time to enter into contact with emergency services on the other side of Europe. 911 in the US, 000 in Australia or 112 in the European Union), while elswhere each emergency service can be dialed using a different number (e. EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, with the mission to contribute to improving the safety and security of people. In all cases, be prepared to answer three questions: who am I (give a telephone number), where am I (precise address) and why am I calling? If you witness or are the victim of an accident, here are the emergency numbers to use : May 12, 2024 · 112 is the European emergency number you can dial free of charge from fixed and mobile phones everywhere in the EU. European 112 Day is an international day that is annually held on 11 February. It’s a quick and easy number to remember in case of any urgent situation. The European emergency number 112 is available everywhere in the European Union and in Switzerland and is free of charge. amjqia vcb rwjmrds yecct vte mtbla xwfds cwcgp pvggqr aciep knz vyf llmpuepm aaplvvy uybav