What happens to daenerys I don't think she ever stepped foot on the Westerosi mainland her entire life. If Daenerys doesn't make it out of the Game of Thrones series finale alive, and The big question is where Drogon took Daenerys' body, and what happened to the dragon afterward. Viserys Targaryen[e] was the second son of Aerys II Targaryen, the "Mad King. May 14, 2023 · Daenerys commanded three dragons to be born out of Drogo's pyre, making her the Mother of Dragons. Some are monarchs (congrats, Bran and Sansa!). May 22, 2019 · PS makes wellness more accessible through real-life stories, first-person perspectives, and expert-backed information. Where did he go? In this video, we delve Daenerys became Game of Thrones' final villain when she burned all of King's Landing using Drogon. So, here’s a quick recap of what exactly happened to Daenerys’ three dragons by the end of Game of Thrones Season 8. Some are dead (RIP, Daenerys). Twisted. The dragon eggs first appeared in the Game of Nov 13, 2020 · What happens to Daenerys dragons at the end? Dragons were seemingly extinct in Game of Thrones before Daenerys’ children were born – but Drogon might not be the last of his kind. Daenerys repeated Jon's line about pride implying that it is pride that is keeping Jon from bending the knee, and it speaks more volumes against Daenerys who is literally looking at evidence of WW but is still concerned with obtaining the Iron Throne. Daenerys should have just stayed in Essos. And new threats. Oct 29, 2022 · Daenerys flying on Drogon for the first time was one of her best moments as a character in Game of Thrones, but the context surrounding how this happened in the books was different. In the following episode Mother's Mercy, after the dragon lands Daenerys is found and captured by Dothraki raiders but the wounded dragon has yet to appear again. Hallucinating, she sees visions of Viserys, who blames her for his death, as well as Ser Jorah Mormont and Quaithe, a mysterious May 19, 2019 · Wow. Some Apr 14, 2019 · Season 7 really changed things for Dany's three dragons. At the time, she could have earned 6% interest if she had deposited money in a savings account at the Iron Bank. The Lannisters used to be the Oct 14, 2023 · Qarth, a major city in the Game of Thrones universe, is a hub for trade, culture, and politics, and considered the center of the world. The sword comes alive with fire; Euron has brought Lightbringer back into the world. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. Oct 14, 2023 · Qarth, a major city in the Game of Thrones universe, is a hub for trade, culture, and politics, and considered the center of the world. westeros. She was loved and respected. Not all the Dothraki were killed or turned into wights. Daenerys may have died in Game of Thrones' ending, but Emilia Clarke's character continues Feb 20, 2024 · Spoilers ahead for the Game of Thrones series finale. In the book, Martin states that the eggs After the fiery destruction of the Iron Throne, Drogon vanished into the skies, leaving fans with burning questions. Viserys was the rightful heir and IF Daenerys was his heir (in the show), Daenerys wouldn’t react this way because SHE SHOULD’VE KNOWN that she’s the rightful heir but she didn’t. This isn't just raised by seeing him fly away, but is directly addressed by King Bran Stark too The big question is where Drogon took Daenerys' body, and what happened to the dragon afterward. P. Viserys is the second son and heir of King Aerys II Targaryen, the former ruler of News and discussions relating to George R. After a few years on that show, she had a Drogon flew to Volantis with Daenerys Targaryen's body in Game of Thrones' finale, and House of the Dragon hinted at what would've happened next. It's a devastating moment, as the Mar 10, 2025 · When HBO's House of the Dragon debuted in 2022, fans were excited and wary at the same time. May 26, 2019 · Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, and Dec 13, 2019 · I Don't Want Game Of Thrones Season 9 To Resurrect Daenerys Targaryen, But I Do Need These 6 Questions About Her Answered If It Happens Game Of Thrones If Game of Thrones season 9 ever happens it shouldn't bring back Daenerys Targaryen, but it still needs to reckon with her death and legacy. Drogon burnt down the House of the Undying and the warlocks were after Danny so she had to flee, but the 13 were never killed. I. Follow us:Instagram: https:// May 19, 2019 · Game of Thrones has seen the end of many of its royal families (R. Sep 24, 2020 · After Game of Thrones season 6, it's left unclear what happened to Daario and the Bay of Dragons. After her marriage Apr 19, 2015 · Last we heard, Daenerys Targaryen had no idea of the where Drogon, her favorite dragon, is. R. Originally, Jorah was working as a spy for Varys, King Robert Baratheon's spymaster, sending him information about Viserys May 18, 2019 · Then there is the massive question of what Daenerys Targaryen’s (Emilia Clarke) fate is,xf and where Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen (Kit Harington) is going after Thrones most infamous stabbing. While the old family comes together. Our staff of journalists and subject-matter experts research, report, and Dec 3, 2019 · Even after death, Daenerys Targaryen was a bit of an enigma. Realizing that his rider had passed away, Drogon roars with rage melting the Iron Throne in the process. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the HBO show never has cause to return to Meereen; Daenerys, the Unsullied, Dothraki, her dragons, and the rest of her party are all with her in Westeros, which becomes her renewed focus. They just keep growing until something kills them. This meant that, while Daenerys was already alive when her mother gave birth to her, she didn’t even have a chance to meet her. Maybe in form of Daenerys. He had sworn fealty to his fellow exile Daenerys Targaryen, the Targaryen claimant to the Iron Throne, and was the first to help her adapt to life as a khaleesi of the Dothraki. After that, all the Queen's men will defect to Daenerys while the King's men may side with the Starks. May 23, 2019 · Daenerys Targaryen's loyal Dothraki and Unsullied armies followed her across the Narrow Sea and helped her take the Iron Throne, but they were suddenly left without their queen after her shocking I f HBO decided to make Game of Thrones season 9, the matter of Daenerys Targaryen would be unavoidable. Jul 8, 2024 · Patel's confirmation of the dragon eggs seen in the third episode belonging to Daenerys differs from what is stated in Fire and Blood by George R. A happy ending was always a far cry for Thrones — this is a George R. The dragon then takes Dany’s body and flies away with it to parts unknown. Jul 6, 2024 · After Ser Criston Cole becomes the Hand of the King to Aegon II, which happens early in the second season of House of the Dragon, he decides to take the fight to the Blacks and marches through the Mar 26, 2019 · Or what happened to Daenerys in Game Of Thrones Season 7? Let's run down the events for the would-be Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, The This page is about the daughter of the Mad King. Viserion was killed by the Night King and Rhaegal was (controversially) shot down by Euron Greyjoy, leaving Drogon as the last surviving dragon at the end of the One of the biggest questions surrounding Daenerys' death in Game of Thrones season 8 is what happens to her body, as Drogon flies off with it after Jon kills her. The crux of this event in the show was the attack of the Sons of the Harpy at the Fighting Pits. Drogo and his Khalasar leave Pentos the next day with Ser Jorah Mormont and Viserys. However, the new HBO series, House of the Dragon, shows us there were many more majestic dragons bred and raised by the Targaryens – before and during the course of the show. Aug 25, 2022 · A funeral in House of the Dragon’s opening episode is our best clue yet as to what happened after Drogon flew off with Daenerys in the Game of Thrones finale. Daenerys gets terrified of her new husband, but to her surprise, he treats her gently, and only when she agrees do they have sex. Drogon is Dany’s last remaining dragon in Game of Thrones Season 8 Daenerys bought government bonds with a face value of $1000 last year. This is Game of Thrones reimagined. I f HBO decided to make Game of Thrones season 9, the matter of Daenerys Targaryen would be unavoidable. Daenerys’ ruthlessness finally caught up with her after she burnt King’s Landing and its May 20, 2019 · They scattered into Westeros. Jun 16, 2015 · An important part of the journey of Daenerys, is the remnants of the khalasar of Khal Drogo. Under Daenerys rule, the Dothraki obeyed her laws, ceasing their ways of enslavement and Euron walks up to Daenerys and stabs her in the heart with Dawn, he obtained to sword after he killed Darkstar a few chapters back. Aug 15, 2022 · 1. After his death, Daenerys was supposed to go Vaes Dothrak, but instead was abandoned by a huge number of her Khalasar. Going straight from the horrifying death of innocent Princess Shireen to one of the Apr 14, 2019 · Daenerys has faced many challenges prior to making her way back to Westeros, but one of the most devastating losses she's suffered on Game of Thrones is, without a doubt, watching one of her May 20, 2019 · Game of Thrones is over, and with it the dramatic arcs of two figures at the heart of the series. The Dothraki are probably sailing back to Essos. Daenerys Targaryen's time in Qarth marks a transformative Ser Jorah Mormont was an exiled Northern lord from Westeros, previously living in Essos. Unfortunately once he stopped drinking, he also stopped knowing things. As such, Viserys was the only family that Daenerys ever knew, as she never met her father and mother. Now, according to The Sun , series showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss have finally revealed Daenerys’ final fate. to the Tyrells and the Freys) but no family in Westeros has fallen as far as the Lannisters. " Following Robert's Rebellion, he and his sister Daenerys Targaryen were the remnants of the exiled House Targaryen. This led Jon to kill Daenerys in the series finale. He also may not have had a destination in mind. Dec 6, 2019 · After reclaiming her title and status among them as Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Daenerys was the only Khaleesi, or Khal, for that matter, to lead the Dothraki across the Narrow Sea to Westeros, something never accomplished in the Dothraki’s history. This isn't just raised by seeing him fly away, but is directly addressed by King Bran Stark too Jul 1, 2024 · This is exactly what happens with Rhaena Targaryen (Phoebe Campbell), the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and the late Lady Laena Velaryon (Matt Smith and Nanna Blondell), who is sent to the Vale Oct 7, 2020 · The murder of Daenerys Targaryen in the "Game of Thrones" finale was the final tragic twist in the last hours of the HBO hit series. The assassination of Daenerys Targaryen is a pivotal and closing event of the Last War. What if Drogon died in the fighting pit? Daenerys’ fate changes, Westeros burns differently. ” Honestly, the Aug 31, 2022 · However, after giving birth to Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaella died from complications of childbirth. She is a prominent point-of-view character, and is one of the series' most popular characters. Daario was clearly still enamored by Daenerys, and her death would have crushed the commander. I'd say someone in power stepped in and took over the city. May 20, 2019 · Way back in the Game of Thrones season 1 finale, before Daenerys acquired all of her many titles, she originally referred to herself as: "Daenerys Stormborn, of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria. Daenerys Targaryen, having just won King’s Landing and the Iron Throne May 24, 2019 · A few others have put a different spin on what would happen to Dany post-potential-resurrection, believing that she'll live out a humble life with Drogon in Essos "at the house with the red door Jul 3, 2023 · In House of the Dragon, the Targaryen House would be a core part of the story; with them, the dragons would gain more prominence. The Lannisters used to be the Ser Jorah Mormont was an exiled Northern lord from Westeros, previously living in Essos. In fact, things were not looking good on the dragon front in general: Dany didn't exactly get a warm Nov 2, 2022 · Daenerys made it clear that Daario would be a distraction and that his overly heroic acts would likely seal his fate. Post s4 they wrote hi It’s what happened “in the book” BUT there are lots of things that had occurred “in the show” that were different on what happened “in the book”. He was stillborn after being involved in a blood magic ritual. He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat. Having been built up as one of the show’s main heroes, Daenerys’ villain turn and subsequent death was one of the biggest reasons Game of Thrones’ ending proved so controversial. Originally, Jorah was working as a spy for Varys, King Robert Baratheon's spymaster, sending him information about Viserys Dec 5, 2019 · When Season 8 of HBO ‘s Game of Thrones concluded, many fans were left wondering what happened to the body of Daenerys Targaryen ( Emilia Clarke ). Does Daenerys have a child? Rhaego Daenerys Targaryen/Children. If the castellan of Storm's End does not recognize Daenerys as the rightful queen, then he won't recognize Gendry as having been legitimized, and his fancy letter will be considered useless. org Aug 4, 2021 · Before Khal Jhaqo happens upon her, Daenerys falls violently ill. Mirri then tells her that her son's death was the price for the spell which saved Drogo's life; not the horse's, only to discover that his life had only been preserved in its May 19, 2016 · In the episode The Dance of Dragons one of the three dragons flies Daenerys away from her Sons of the Harpy attackers, getting wounded in the process. I drew him forth myself. . Game of Thrones is officially over and we now know the fates of all of our favorite characters. She believed that he would serve a more effective role if he remained in Dragon's Bay as a peacekeeper. " She specifically calls out Old Valyria, knowing full well that's her real home, where the Targaryens came from when they first Apr 30, 2021 · Insider, Here's what happened to Daenerys Targaryen's armies on the finale of 'Game of Thrones' He also promised that he will protect her people and probably wants to keep his promise. Dec 4, 2024 · In general, Daenerys' death is a development that has divided audiences. Balerion was the biggest and oldest of the Targaryen dragons and he died of a nasty infection/parasite that he picked up when he went rogue. In the past eight seasons of Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) has transformed from Khal Drogo's terrified young bride to a May 10, 2019 · By killing the dragon Rhaegal, Cersei has effectively murdered Daenerys’ child — but she’s also the main obstacle between the “Breaker of Chains” and the throne Dany believes is hers by right. Her final one comes in the form of these words to Jon: “Be with me. This event happens at the end of episode S02E06 "The Old Gods and the Aug 30, 2022 · Game of Thrones presented us with three young dragons, the children of Daenerys Targaryen. After the ceremony, he takes Dany to consummate the marriage. May 19, 2019 · Arya Stark has been a major player in Game of Thrones‘ final season and her fate was revealed in the series finale, a week after she somehow escaped the carnage of King’s Landing. Daenerys Targaryen's time in Qarth marks a transformative And what happens in the Dothraki Sea over in Essos while Daenerys is conquering Westeros? Are there just going to be a couple of years in that region without the presence of Dothraki hordes? And once Dany has conquered Westeros, what happens to the Dothraki who came with her? News and discussions relating to George R. Drogon’s fate after Daenerys’ death in “Game of Thrones” is left ambiguous and open to interpretation. Considering Arya spent most of the series’ run on the move, her decision to set sail for new adventures was fitting. as a fire No idea, it never happened in the books. The murder of Emilia Clarke's icy-haired aspiring queen Daenerys, daughter of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen who was killed on the Iron Nov 17, 2017 · Mirri and Jorah then described what had happened; describing the baby as "monstrous" and that he "had been dead for years"; and Dany understands that Jorah killed her son. So far Daenerys has only known Viserys' version of what happened during the reign of her father and during Robert's Rebellion, having heard about the Usurper and the Usurpers' dogs describing Tywin Lannister and Ned Stark as cruel and perfidious traitors (which is partially true in Tywin's case, though his betrayal were at least partially understandable given Aerys' cruel and petty May 14, 2019 · With Daenerys Targaryen taking a major turn into Mad Queen territory, her fate may be sealed, but Drogon’s is up in the air. After the controversial finale of Game of Thrones, many wondered if this prequel series set 172 years before the events of the original show could recapture the magic that made early Game of Thrones so Apr 9, 2019 · At the end of Season 6, Daenerys had banished Jorah a second time, but this time it was to force him to go and find a cure for the supposedly untreatable disease. Maybe some new night king arrives or modern days "night queen". For other uses, see: Daenerys Targaryen (disambiguation) Queen Daenerys I Targaryen,[c] also known as Daenerys Stormborn, and affectionately known as Dany, was the only daughter of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella, and the younger sister of Rhaegar and Viserys Targaryen. Stannis and Daenerys would go to battle only for Stannis to be burned in flames (maybe Viserion with golden flames to match Stannis's crown), a karmic end for all the people he burned. R. He could also have taken her to Volantis, in hopes of getting her resurrected. What will happen to the price of Daenerys's bonds? Daenerys became Game of Thrones' final villain when she burned all of King's Landing using Drogon. Where did Drogon take Daenerys’ dead body? Drogon could have returned to Valyria with Daenerys, where dragons first originated. How did Daenerys die in the Game of Thrones series finale? Jun 14, 2015 · I don't know about you, but last week's episode of Game Of Thrones gave me a serious case of emotional whiplash. Now, both Daenerys and Cersei are equally unconcerned about collateral damage to what Game of Thrones calls “the smallfolk. I disagree the show was trying to say Tyrion was a disaster to Daenerys's campaign because I don't think the writers were even aware of what they did. He claimed the Iron Throne as King Viserys III, but was killed before he could make any attempt to take the throne. Here's Mirri Maz Duur's (the "sorceress" who killed Khal Drogo - and possibly Rhaego, as well): "Monstrous. In Westeros, she was an entitled spoiled brat who threw a tantrum when she didn't get her way. Daenerys was initially a timid, obedient youth. See full list on awoiaf. During […] What if Drogon died in the fighting pit? Daenerys’ fate changes, Westeros burns differently. Now, what would have happened if the show were logical ? Probably either his death, or nothing. This led Jon to kill Daenerys in the series huge disagree, just cuz you don’t like aegon as a character don’t mean all book fans do, i personally think he’s a great character in relativity to varys’ arc, specifically his riddle talking about how power resides where people think it resides, he knows aegons a fake, we know he probably is, but that’s the point, the people don’t, and because they want to believe the targaryen In his conversation with Tormund, Tormund repeated that Mance Rayder's pride killed his people. The possibility of Drogon being the reincarnation of Khal Drogo adds a deeper layer to his connection with Daenerys. Just as the first Azor Ahai, the Bloodstone Emperor, did all those years ago. Daenerys' dragons fell, with Drogon being the last to outlive all her children. When Khal Drogo died, his Khalasar abandoned Dany immediately. Martin story, even if Feb 24, 2025 · If HBO decided to make Game of Thrones season 9, the matter of Daenerys Targaryen would be unavoidable. After Jon Snow stabbed her in the throne room of the Red Keep, Tyrion drinks and he knows things. I've been wondering since I first read aGoT just what happened to Daenerys's stillborn son, Rhaego. Rhaegal and Viserion died in GoT, while Drogon survived and went to Volantis. 🤣😉 Daenerys Targaryen's three dragon eggs in Game of Thrones have a long history, with their origins going back to the prequel show, House of the Dragon. Jul 8, 2024 · In the finale the Iron Throne, Daenerys addresses the surviving Unsullied and Dothraki, calling for them to help her 'liberate' (from her twisted perspective) the rest of the world- something Jon Snow kills her to prevent. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," Mirri Maz Duur says May 21, 2019 · Daenerys Targaryen dies in Jon Snow's arms in the Game of Thrones series finale Helen Sloan—HBO. Sounds like vikings lmao xD but good enough to make me watch it. For what we know, dragons don’t die of old age. Originally, Jorah was working as a spy for Varys, King Robert Baratheon's spymaster, sending him information about Viserys May 19, 2019 · If Daenerys dies on Game of Thrones, what happens to Drogon? The last dragon isn't likely to go quietly. According to a Dothraki prophecy, he would have been the Stallion Who Mounts the World. Rhaego was the son of Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen. The show does not explicitly reveal what happens to him, leaving fans to speculate and imagine his future. In Essos, she had to work for everything she had and was a humble, noble, and just leader. Here's where they all stand, and how likely they are to die in "Game of Thrones" season 8. Daenerys Targaryen (/ d ə ˈ n ɛər ɪ s t ɑːr ˈ ɡ ɛər i ə n / də-NAIR-iss tar-GAIR-ee-ən) [2] is a fictional character in the series of epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire by American author George R. Gendry's legitimization is based on Daenerys' right to rule. Jul 8, 2023 · Daenerys Targaryen died in Game of Thrones season 8, and prequel show House of the Dragon revealed the real reason her death had to happen. Also they could show the new world Arya finds. Daenerys, who gradually succumbs to the Targaryen madness, initially agrees to Tyrion's Aug 14, 2024 · Drogon flew off with Daenerys after her death, burning the Iron Throne and leaving his destination a mystery. Following Daenerys Targaryen's destruction of a surrendered King's Landing, in which hundreds of thousands of innocents were slaughtered, Jon Snow reluctantly kills her, to prevent more massacres and destruction. Daenerys may have died in Game of Thrones' ending, but Emilia Clarke's character continues to live on in the show's legacy in a myriad of ways, even six years later. Martin. Daenerys may have died in Game of Thrones' ending, but Emilia Clarke's character continues Mar 6, 2025 · After Game of Thrones, there's one big question still remaining about Daenerys Targaryen: what exactly did Drogon do with her body?Game of Thrones' ending saw the dragon flying East after his mother's death at the hands of Jon Snow, and he had Dany's dead body with him. This led Jon to kill Daenerys in the series Apr 4, 2019 · Jokes about hair cuts aside, Merchant’s doing pretty well for herself. May 20, 2019 · Well, it's happened. Many theories suggest Drogon may have taken Daenerys to Valyria or to be resurrected in Volantis. And some viewers are adamant that the Mother of Dragons could return, especially if Game of Thrones season 9 happens. What Happened To Daenerys' Body After Game Of Thrones Season 8? It's Unclear Where Drogon Takes It After Jon Kills Her Aug 22, 2017 · On the show, Daenerys's son is lost, leaving her heartbroken, and she asks the maegi whether Drogo will ever be the same. May 19, 2019 · Daenerys Targaryen, she of so many names and titles, was always reliable for a memorable monologue. This isn't said in the TV show, but in the first book of Game of Thrones, Jorah tells Daenerys that widowed Khaleesis live out the rest of their lives in Vaes Dothrak as Dosh Khaleens (seers). After losing Game of Thrones, she joined the cast of WGN America’s Salem. Daenerys Targaryen roars back to life…. Build the new world with me. In a Game of Thrones season full of big name deaths and fast-paced shockers, the most shocking death yet just occurred. They only follow strength, and "A Khal who cannot ride is no Khal". Nov 8, 2023 · Daenerys Targaryen’s death at the hands of Jon Snow shook the very foundation of Game of Thrones, triggering a substantial tide of mixed reactions, with a majority expressing dissatisfaction Ser Jorah Mormont was an exiled Northern lord from Westeros, previously living in Essos. All of a sudden, interest rates at the Iron Bank increased to 9%. Jul 31, 2023 · What happens after Jon Snow kills Daenerys Targaryen? After Jon kills Daenerys, Drogon arrives in the throne room and tries to rouse his dead mother. Daenerys feels incredibly lonely, and her body aches from horse riding.
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