Themes for linux mint. Onebar - Single bar for Firefox's UI.
Themes for linux mint You can choose from various colors, window control buttons, and transparency levels. Head over the MATE-Look to see what you can find. tested on Linux Mint 20. Go to ~/. Estos son los temas de Linux Mint más populares y populares que puede instalar hoy. Mod-Blur - For dark theme lovers / More compact / Modular / Blur. Hence, I created this basic guide on tweaking the looks and feel of Cinnamon desktop. Linux Mint is one of the popular Linux Distros with an user friendly desktop appearance. Q: Can I customize my theme? Linux Mint 22 可供下载!基于Ubuntu 24. 0,是对macOS Mojave的重新设计。这个 Linux Mint 主题是用 Manjaro Cinnamon 开发的,但它与任何 Linux 发行版完全兼容。 默认的 Nemo 文件管理器在此主题中进行了一些调整,看起来像 macOS Finder Excellent theme. Jan 10, 2024 · 在 Linux Mint 中焕发新生:轻松更换主题. I picked two themes for each of the five most popular Linux desktops including GNOME, Plasma 5, XFCE, Cinnamon, and Mate. On the one hand, it is simple to use and easy to learn, and on the other hand extremely powerful, flexible, and adaptable. com/linuxmint/mint-themes Jan 1, 2024 · Learn how easy it is to change your theme in Linux Mint. ~/. penguinFox - Firefox with better UI. /files folder. /install. Moderation. So in this post, we bring you the 15 best GTK themes in Linux. 厌倦了千篇一律的桌面吗?更换 Linux Mint 的主题是让您的桌面焕然一新并提升整体用户体验的完美方式。本文将为您提供一个分步指南,指导您完成 Linux Mint 中更换主题的整个过程。 步骤 1:启动“主题”应用程序 This package contains a number of themes for the ttk extension for Tkinter by various authors. Aside from that, the themes program seems to have invalid syntax in it as well, hence the last line. Mint hat das Adwaita_Theme rausgeschmissen. It looks great and is still shipped with Linux Mint releases. 04 and Budgie 20. 0 est une réingénierie de macOS Mojave. It is used in distributions like Xubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro, MX Linux, Debian, and FreeBSD. css" (right click -> open with text editor) a) go to search -> replace b) search for: "#5b73c4" (this is the hex for the blue that is being used) c) replace with: "#_____" (after the hash put the hex for the colour you want, for example I'm using #b74c4a which is the red that the mint-y-dark-red theme If you want to make Linux Mint look exactly as it did before simply install the "mint-themes-legacy" package and change your theme to select the Legacy one. In this expert guide, I‘ll demonstrate step-by-step how to find, install, customize, and manage themes […] Dans le cadre de ce changement, Mint vous permet désormais de choisir parmi une large gamme de thèmes pour personnaliser votre bureau selon vos préférences. (GTK 3. Verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Themes unter Linux Mint zu ändern. This is what I use. 3 and Mint Xfce 20. To test the theme on Linux mint please put all the files in /home/username/. 我们已经确定让 Ubuntu 看起来像 Mac 是多么容易,但主题化 Linux Mint(流行的基于 Ubuntu 的分支)有点棘手。 但仅此而已。 现在可以让 Linux Mint 看起来也像 Mac,这一切都要归功于我们几周前强调的极其准确的 macOS Mojave GTK 主题的定制版本。 Feb 10, 2022 · Cinnamon theme and CSS n00b here, appreciating any/all comments and suggestions. Basically, you will learn how to change the Linux Mint themes beyond the default. Nov 5, 2023 · In this guide, we‘ll explore some of the best Linux Mint themes available, focusing specifically on the ever-popular Cinnamon desktop environment. Dérivé du jeu d'icônes Paper, ce thème comprend des icônes supplémentaires pour le plateau de code dur, la couleur du dossier et la prise en charge des schémas de couleurs KDE. As of the time of writing this (7/1/22), the Software Manager does not have "mint-themes-legacy" - installation of "mint-themes-legacy" will have to be done via the Synaptic Package Manager. Brought to you by Dec 15, 2024 · Ja, ok. Alter your mouse cursor. Mar 10, 2012 · that will create and display the exact location where you must place themes, then download any desired compressed theme from above url or click on get new themes on cinnamon settings themes menu, once donwloaded extract them and copy extracted folders where indicated (be sure there are no extra recursive folders, the ones you have to copy have Animated Miku cursors for Linux!This cursor set is a modified version of a small Windows set created by petit devil (ぷちでびる) [https://petitcan. Différentes façons de changer de thème sur Linux Mint. Version: 2023. Font The Mint-X theme is always worth a mention. See full list on fosslinux. Finally, you can download themes from external sources and integrate 这是专门为 Linux 用户设计的 Cinnamon 主题,看起来像 Apple 的 macOS。最新版本2. As for theming, there are many GUI toolkits like GTK and QT. com Cinnamon theme with neutral colors compatible with any application theme for Linux Mint 22. We have also handpicked the 10 best Linux Mint Cinnamon themes that you should try in 2022. blog. Steps: Use Timeshift to back up your system in case you want to undo the install. 04; Linux Mint 22 Beta 可供测试; Linux Mint 21. May 25, 2021 · The procedure of Enabling a Dark Theme in Linux Mint 20: For enabling a dark theme on your Linux Mint 20 system, you have to perform the steps described below: Step # 1: Access the Mint Menu of your Linux Mint 20 System: For changing the theme of your Linux Mint 20 system, you first need to locate and click on the Mint Menu icon as highlighted Feb 20, 2023 · I just installed mint yesterday, new to mint and linux in general. In Linux Mint, you can use the default Themes app to get started. Download 4 1 month ago . 1 和 21 升级到 Linux Mint 21. Only complaint is that there are too many themes. theme name "Mint-XP" ) You can also use these commands to create keyboard shortcuts for all your themes ;-) A configurable dark theme. Linux Mint est une excellente distribution Linux pour tous ceux qui débutent avec Linux. Most Linux distributions ship with a desktop environment that provides the graphical interface. 3. This will create the themes in the local directory usr/share/themes. Installation. FIRST, Go to the LATEST RELEASE page. Dec 18, 2024 · Flavor can be: Dark, Light, Purple, Olive and more - Then Use the 'themes' in Mint menu to select the icon set you want 2 - MX Linux, can I switch from SysVinit to SystemD without starting an install from scratch or losing all my data? You signed in with another tab or window. Does anybody know the default contents of the '/usr/share/themes/' folder? I'm trying to clean up my themes folder so I can only install the ones I want, it got a little crowded for me, and the way the theme manager works it gets very confusing considering all the different options. To install themes in Linux Mint, click on the download icon in from of the configuration tool. 05. Move the New-Minty folder into your ~/. 总的来说,Mint Themes 是一个优秀的 Linux Mint 桌面主题集合,它可以让你的桌面更加个性化和美观。 Apr 4, 2022 · $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install pop-gtk-theme Lea también: La mejor extensión de escritorio GNOME para Ubuntu. Brought to you by MATE ist eine hervorragende Linux-Desktop-Umgebung und mit der jüngsten Veröffentlichung von Linux Mint 19 ist jetzt der perfekte Zeitpunkt, es auszuprobieren. Themes. themes. Launch Appearance Preferences, press the Customize button, select the Window Border tab, and Mint-Y should be selected. 2. This is a fork of the New-Minty theme with some variations. themes directory. 1You can easily create your own color variant. Understanding the Papirus est un pack de thèmes d'icônes SVG open source pour Linux Mint, Debian et leurs dérivés. Thanks to the modular design of Linux, several different desktop environments are possible. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Linux Mint に KDE Plasma をインストールする方法; Linux Mint 15 (Olivia) から Linux Mint 16 (Petra) へのアップグレード; Linux Mint 17「Qiana」リリース – スクリーンショットと機能を含むインストールガイド; Ubuntu 16. And this, although on some occasions it can be true, the truth is that thanks to the themes, it is possible to customize any Linux distribution. Il est disponible en trois saveurs différentes : Cinnamon, MATE et Xfce, chacune s'adressant à un public différent. I have successfully copied the shared theme, Mint-Y-Dark-Blue, to my ~/. Download 2 Brought to you by 修改Linux Mint 20. Reason: Moved from Desktop:Cinnamon to Chat about Linux Mint because this is not a request for help with an issue with Linux Mint. Nevermind, how can you change the theme without going into the GUI to change the theme. Tested on LMDE 6 (Cinnamon) running on a 64 bit CPU PC. Source: https://github. Nord - Dark theme for firefox theme created using the awesome Nord color palette. Run make install or move the Railway folder into your ~/. Welcome Screen -> First Steps -> Toggle switch to the moon under Desktop Colors OR 2. Here, you can either select from the default preset themes or install new third-party themes. I wish the packager knew the meaning of "less is more". How can I do something comparable to this? I tried AutomaThemely , but as of now, it isn't functioning properly. sh eingeben, aber der Befehl ist dem System unbekannt. Si vous débutez avec Mint, voici un guide illustrant toutes les différentes façons de changer de thème. Dérivé du jeu d'icônes Paper, ce thème comprend des icônes supplémentaires pour la barre de code en dur, la couleur des dossiers et la prise en charge des jeux de couleurs KDE. /build. Mac-Themes für Linux Mint sind nicht neu. Sep 4, 2019 · Steps to change themes in Linux Mint. The changes you May be able to see on the surface are easily changed and replicated on other Linux distros. Latest Cinnamon versions will show you a minimal themes settings Jan 7, 2025 · 1. Linux Mint offers a few choices: Cinnamon – The default and most popular desktop on Linux Mint. Once downloaded, navigate to the themes section and update each of the options to the new theme. cinnamon. 0. 03, Fedora 35, Ubuntu 21. Firstly, you can choose a pre-installed theme and personalize it according to your preferences. a dark theme with with some transparency, inspired by many others. x and GTK 3. Download 4 2 weeks ago . js. Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Orchis-Light. themes folder, then customized the cinnamon. Beta Testing; ISO Images. We'll demonstrate this with Cinnamon (on Linux Mint 23. e. Ubuntu 16. ClearGlass theme - Ocean Blue colorTransparent glass theme for cinnamon desktop environment, edited on Mint-X theme code. themes/. Options/Configuration. we go over Plymouth theme installation and customization. 04, Mate 20. Linux Mint - Community. We tested the code in Themes. Papirus est un pack de thèmes d'icônes SVG open source pour Linux Mint, Debian et leurs dérivés. Dec 23, 2022 · In this post, we will have a look at the best Linux themes in 2022. Manually create a new directory for the new theme in files/usr/share/themes. Die neueste Version 2. Make your Windows 11 PC or Laptop Look Like Linux – Give it a Ubuntu or Mint Feel. Run the Python script generate-themes. It is a stable Ubuntu derivative with great community support. This theme works well on Linux Mint 19. Bien qu'il existe quelques alternatives incluses, vous n'aimerez peut-être aucune d'entre elles non plus. Erstens können Sie ein Thema aus der Standardauswahl an Themen auf Ihrem System auswählen (und es anpassen). themes/ for user-specific use. UUID/ is the root level directory, it includes files which are used by the website and on github. 3, and quickly tested on Mint Mate 20. theme. shinobi. Jan 20, 2025 · Q: How do I install a theme on Linux Mint? A: To install a theme on Linux Mint, download the theme file, extract it, and move the folder to /usr/share/themes/ or ~/. preferences theme 'Mint-XP' (For the theme itself: gsettings set org. Linux Mint is a great Linux distribution for new users. Themes -> Applications -> Select a dark theme such s "Mint-Y-Dark" Edit the contents of the file "cinnamon. x and Linux Mint 20. The important differences like package manager are what you really should be looking for in a Linux distro. Gnome-shell, Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3, included. Jan 21, 2019 · By the end of this post, you will be able to make your Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop look more beautiful or even like Mac OS X. Search for themes in the menu and open the Themes applet. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/pulp sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install paper-icon-theme Changer les icônes dans Linux Mint 18 : Changer un thème d’icônes dans Ubuntu était simple. Feb 15, 2024 · The method that works on many desktop environments is to simply download a Windows 10 theme pack and icon pack designed for GTK desktops and drop them into the proper folders. 3; 如何在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 上安装 Java、JRE、JDK; 在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 中格式化 USB 驱动器 [快速提示] 在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 中安装 Install via Cinnamon's Themes module in Cinnamon settings or download from Cinnamon Spices and unzip into your ~/. Jun 24, 2023 · Looks like your theme has invalid syntax in its configuration file. Please extract the file in /home/username/. You can use this on Dec 1, 2020 · I want Linux Mint 20 to work so that during the day, it turns on a particular set of themes, while at night, it turns on a different set. Aber gute? Nun, es war etwas schwierig, an sie zu kommen, was zum Teil daran liegt, dass der Cinnamon-Desktop auf einer älteren Version von GTK basiert, dem zugrunde liegenden Toolkit, das zum „Zeichnen“ der GUI vieler Apps verwendet wird. 24) Entirely tested and re-tested on LinuxMint Cinnamon 20. 04およびLinux Mint 18にPapirusアイコンテーマをインストール Die 11 besten Linux-Mint-Themes Theming ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten, Ihre Erfahrung mit Ihrem Linux-System aufzufrischen. Then, open the Themes settings and select the theme you just installed. I downloaded CBlack Linux Mint themes and changed the Windows borders, Controls and Desktop to CBlack and here is Linux Mint に KDE Plasma をインストールする方法; Linux Mint 15 (Olivia) から Linux Mint 16 (Petra) へのアップグレード; Linux Mint 17「Qiana」リリース – スクリーンショットと機能を含むインストールガイド; Ubuntu 16. Change the look and feel of Cinnamon with themes! To install a theme: Download it and decompress it in ~/. All credit goes to the original author(s). Added new GTK2 & GTK3 theme on verison 2. Feb 18, 2021 · Reading about MATE and KDE customization guides, many readers requested similar tutorials for Linux Mint Cinnamon as well. Significant modifications have been made by Borko117 . Dec 8, 2023 · Ich würde gerne das Icon-theme We10X installieren. 04. A dark theme with transparent elements, shadows, gradients, transitions and rounded corners. readt index. Dec 27, 2023 · Personalizing your Linux desktop with custom themes is easier than ever thanks to Linux Mint. 04 or later? View in Desktop store Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store. 04およびLinux Mint 18にPapirusアイコンテーマをインストール Mar 16, 2024 · Mint Themes 的背后有一个活跃的社区,用户可以在其中交流经验、提供建议和支持。如果你遇到问题或需要帮助,可以通过社区获取支持。 总结. Download the zip file and extract the folder. The window borders work, but the GUI doesn't let me chose them. Leider nicht immer mit Bild (vorher das Theme anklicken). themes folder. Conclusión: ¿qué tema de Linux Mint elegiste? Creo que te hemos dado muchas opciones. Nov 14, 2023 · The Qogir icon theme is designed to compliment the Qogir GTK theme, but don’t be put off if you don’t use it as it’s a fine icon set in its own right too. Compatibility. Zweitens können Sie neue Themes aus der offiziellen Themes-Bibliothek von Mint finden und installieren, und Aug 18, 2024 · Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon; Tutorial series: Linux Mint Tutorial Series; What are Themes. Themes verleihen Ihrem Erlebnis ein ganz neues Erlebnis, sei es ein Icon-Theme oder ein vollwertiges Theme. png images. themes/Fluent directory and run options. May 30, 2022 · This is considerably the best Windows 10 theme for Linux Desktop, including Xfce. Most themes designed for GTK 2. It offers something for everyone. Step 1: Download and Install the Theme Jan 15, 2025 · #1 – Using a premium theme or skin. Every Linux distro. Change the look and feel of Cinnamon with themes! Glass-Glass-Mint-Classic. desktop. Users. Then, go to System Settings > Themes and select your new theme. For older versions, check the available releases. 2. 1 or other distributions that have Cinnamon 6. Mac-Theme für Linux Mint 19. Create new thumbnail. wm. README Close. Use the command line to bypass that problem and type: gsettings set org. In this detailed article, we will explore various aspects of customizing themes in Linux Mint—from installing new themes to changing icons and modifying the desktop environment. There are several ways to install new themes in Cinnamon: Download Themes from the Cinnamon Spices website: The Cinnamon Spices website is a repository of themes, applets, desklets, and extensions for the Cinnamon Nov 29, 2024 · This is info for those searching for how to install the conky manager and conky themes from MX Linux on Linux Mint Debian Edition. In there: Adapt the theme name in index. zip to download. Community; Software. Hoy, echaremos un vistazo a algunos de los mejores temas de Linux Mint. Give execute permissions to and run options. Unter Linux Mint können Sie Themes auf drei Arten ändern. x will work with MATE. xml. 6 and above for better integration as has some dependencies such as Murrine and Pixmap theme engines but once you are done with the setup, you can enjoy the Windows 10 vibes on your Linux system. 04およびLinux Mint 18にPapirusアイコンテーマをインストール Il s’agit d’un thème Cinnamon spécialement conçu qui ressemble au macOS d’Apple pour les utilisateurs Linux. 12. html) only has content on how to build GUIs. You signed out in another tab or window. Use Cinnamon Settings to choose the theme, or run the following commands in Terminal: Jan 7, 2025 · Install latest/stable of Linux Mint themes. CBLACK - CINNAMON Installation. Open Themes Application. Various options are available such as light/dark theme, accent color, transparency, etc. Mojave-Light. Edit: I found the hidden folders through ctrl+h Last edited by Minted on Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total. themes or /usr/share/themes. themes/ or /usr/share/themes/. UUID/files/ represents the content of the ZIP archive which users can download from https://cinnamon-spices. Il est cependant légèrement caché dans Linux Mint. Theme (in all variants) can be built using the script build. Start Menu > Administration > Timeshift Railway Cinnamon theme. Aug 28, 2024 · Last edited by SMG on Tue Oct 22, 2024 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. Output files will be written in . Hay 2 formas de personalizar su sistema: con fondos de pantalla adecuados y modificando el aspecto del sistema. 4. I'm trying to set it to dark mode, and I can't see what I'm doing wrong. Compatibility:Tested and Sep 15, 2024 · I'm using Mint 22 with 64bit architecture and xfce desktop environment. Da gibt es Abhängigkeitsprobleme. 3 已经发布 - 而且非常出色; 从 21. Si vous utilisez Linux Mint, vous le préférez probablement aux autres distributions Linux. 28. Jun 20, 2024 · Linux isn’t the most famous operating system (OS) when it comes to eye candy. Jan 28, 2025 · Whether you’re new to Linux Mint or an experienced user, understanding how to customize your theme can enhance your user experience significantly. Customization in Linux thanks to GTK themes. Reload to refresh your session. Jun 1, 2020 · How to install themes in Linux Mint . jp] with a few original ones made by myself!Thanks a lot to AshtakaOOf on GitHub for locating the original artist!I do not own any of this, th Sweet - Dark and modern theme for firefox with vibrant colors. Cependant, vous n'aimerez peut-être pas le schéma de couleurs par défaut. La dernière version 2. The latest version of this theme is on the master branch, and it supports cinnamon version 3. py. Development section Build. It’s based on Ubuntu LTS and one of good choices for beginners switching from Windows. Wenn Sie bereits ein langjähriger Fan von MATE sind, ist es auch ein guter Zeitpunkt, Ihre Desktop-Umgebung zu erkunden und anzupassen. 7 Different Ways for Customizing Cinnamon Desktop. Du könntest aber mal hier nachsehen, ob es Alternativen gibt. INTRODUCTION. py in theme folder for options. Download 2 Brought to you by This theme is based on the Windows 7 theme by B00merang Project and incorporates elements from the Mint-L-Darker-Blue theme included in Linux Mint, licensed under GPLv3. I have uploaded this theme here for convenience only. ttkthemes supports the creation of custom themes based upon static themes during runtime. Especially in MATE where all the color themes are installed as well. css file for my desired effect: normal font weight, instead of bold, on the panel. Faites passer la personnalisation du bureau au niveau supérieur en installant des thèmes sur votre bureau Linux Mint. x themes Xfce is a fast and lightweight open source desktop environment for unix-like systems like Linux and BSD. It's best to copy an existing one as a template. Step 2 – Safety Checks Confirm that Mint-Y is the current window theme. Dieses Linux Mint-Theme wurde mit Manjaro Cinnamon entwickelt, ist aber vollständig mit jeder Linux-Distribution kompatibel. Une fois que vous avez installé les thèmes d'icônes, accédez à Paramètres dans le menu. Contribute to linuxmint/mint-themes development by creating an account on GitHub. 2、21. You can also download and install themes straight from within Cinnamon, using the "Themes" configuration tool in the "System Settings". Dies ist ein speziell entwickeltes Cinnamon-Theme, das wie Apples macOS für Linux-Benutzer aussieht. Use following command to quickly compile sass files: A dark theme with transparent elements, shadows, gradients, transitions and rounded corners. As one of today‘s most popular Linux distributions, especially among Windows and macOS converts, Linux Mint offers a vast theme repository and flexible customization options. Am einfachsten in der Anwendungsverwaltung Icon-Themes eingeben. Onebar - Single bar for Firefox's UI. Changes, except step 3, are in this block of code in the metacity-theme-3. Cascade - Responsive One-Line CSS Theme for Firefox. Based on combination of the Arc, Faba and Tela icon sets, Qogir is billed by its author as a “flat colorful design icon theme for Linux desktops”. Chillies. There, click on the mint-yz-theme_X. Here I’m going to show The theme is based on Linux Mint Dark and includes the gtk/gtk+ theme. For those who like Doors 8 style, in spite of everything. Ich habe den Pfad zum Ordner im Terminal geöffnet und dann sollte man den Befehl sudo chmod +x install. 4 days ago · I use metacity-theme-3-original. js Development. Themes for those can be easily found online. Dec 29, 2024 · While Linux Mint comes with a variety of pre-installed themes, you may want to install new themes to further customize your desktop. Ce thème Linux Mint a été développé avec Manjaro Cinnamon, mais il est totalement compatible avec n'importe quelle distribution de Linux. Linux Mint. 3, specifically), but it'll also work on GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, and MATE. 2的主题,以美化界面 Check your system is not too old for this theme to work properly. For this tutorial, I’m using Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE 4). Sind einige schöne dabei. I've tried two different methods: 1. Tested on Linux Mint 22. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:satyajit-happy/themes sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cinnamon-theme-minty---Installation Instructions: Extract the zip file to the themes directory i. . Musst Du wohl drauf verzichten. x. Theme supports gtk2, gtk3, gtk4, and cinnamon. Trotz grober Anleitung finde ich das sehr schwierig zu verstehen. 01. Let me show you how it works in Linux Mint. Secondly, you can browse and install new themes from Linux Mint’s official theme repository. How do I install a theme in Linux Mint? To install a theme in Linux Mint, download the theme files and extract them to the /usr/share/themes/ directory for system-wide use or ~/. Can I mix and match different themes? Mint-X, Mint-Y. 0 ist eine Neuentwicklung von macOS Mojave. Version: 2024. This repository hosts all the themes available for the Cinnamon desktop environment. Platform: Linux Mint comes with three editions: Cinnamon, MATE (Gnome 2 continuation), and Xfce. Installation From source. I discovered it in Linux Mint Debian Edition and now use it in Linux Mint 15/16. GTK 2. It has a gray sort of metal look. Antes de entrar en la lista de temas, hay algo a tener en cuenta. linuxmint 5 days ago · nappeywappey wrote: ⤴ Sun Mar 16, 2025 8:11 pm I want to know if there are any good resources to learn how to make our own custom themes for cinnamon (I'm new to linux), since the cinnamon documentation (found at https://linuxmint-developer-guide. x themes GTK 3. My Places; Sign in. Our thriving international community engages with us through social media and frequent content contributions aimed at solving problems ranging from personal computing to enterprise-level IT operations. Cinnamon, gtk2, gtk3, and gtk4 supported. Feb 9, 2023 · On Linux Mint, there are several methods to change the look and feel of your system. It requires GTK 3. Try this: GTK_THEME='Mint-Y-Dark-Read' cinnamon-settings themes Sep 22, 2023 · LinuxToday is a trusted, contributor-driven news resource supporting all types of Linux users. node . themes or Themes. I selected the most attractive themes in my view from the top 30 most popular themes in each desktop. Linux Mint is a fantastic Linux distribution. sh . I hope you will enjoy it. Change the look and feel of Cinnamon with themes! To install a theme: Download it and decompress it in ~/. Sur Linux Mint Linux Mint に KDE Plasma をインストールする方法; Linux Mint 15 (Olivia) から Linux Mint 16 (Petra) へのアップグレード; Linux Mint 17「Qiana」リリース – スクリーンショットと機能を含むインストールガイド; Ubuntu 16. 10 and 20. xml file, Lines 128 to 150. xbbzsvfjivgymyonvmibespkxhmftrjhxeulearyfvctcpnehosaiicbifumeraspppxxzjwk