Skyrim se red faces I've read up on the issue and have heard people using the Creation Kit, selecting the Actors, and pressing CTRL+F4. esm tab you will see after loading is finished. g fast travel/walk in/out of a house/dungeon/e. All versions and patches are flagged as ESL, so they won't take up plugin slots. For example the mod "Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures" includes loose files that overwrite tint masks for kids. 1. These are extremely performance-friendly and make up a big part of what makes things "pop" and react to lighting realistically in a game. May 17, 2024 · High Poly Head conversion of the main version of Faithful Faces. From there you should search fpr the Tab "Non Playable character (Actor)" ( I hope Kids are ther too) Mar 18, 2024 · Faithful Faces is an NPC Facegen only overhaul adding SMP hair physics among other high poly hair as well as a handful of other fixes. Jan 23, 2017 · My problem is that all male faces have a red glow. Also high quality hands and feet meshes for both gender. This is happening when I change world cells (e. Nov 28, 2017 · Fresh Faces. patreon. The rest of the game is perfect. Various body compatibilities! Jun 18, 2018 · For whatever reason, when making the jump from Skyrim's 2011 release to the Special Edition release in 2016, Bethesda, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the best way to Next Gen their graphics was to set the game engine to apply face detail maps at 130% opacity or something, making their "roughly age 40" detail map look like "70 years old and my entire ancestral line has never encountered Feb 25, 2019 · My issue is once I get in-game all the edited NPCs have white faces, even if the skin tone is much darker. The usual culprits are in the \Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\skyrim. Pic #2: Same NPCs just a few seconds after with face glitch applied. com/GentleLightNote - I am on the Skyrim Special Edition version. This CANNOT be patched. Pictures: http://i. Dec 31, 2017 · Hi, Im having brown face bug on many npc's. 2 Changelog from V 1. Nordic Faces is now 99% close to my vision for Skyrim chracters. I know this isn't the grey-face or rainbow face issue because I had both and fixed them. The body is the skin tone I picked, but the face is as if it is the lightest. ) or reload the saved This mod replaces the facial expression morphing files for humans and elves used by players and NPCs. c. Oct 3, 2017 · Hi, I have black faces on most vampires. Ulfric Stormcloak is just called Ulfric in the CK 9. Jan 25, 2016 · The red face is apparently common when using custom facial textures, and I fixed it by deleting the tintmasks folder in character assets > ctrl+f4ing the face in the CK > then returning the folder. Put the generated . Please list all your mods here in their load order, or you can generate the facegendata requires to fix it in the creation kit. imgur. I have tried to fix it with the mod Better Vampire NPCs but I have not achieved anything. Oct 26, 2023 · Twitter - https://twitter. ENB: www. com/26DIQbP. com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1089/? I tried to change my load order a bit, but nothing worked so far. esp 8. Semi-remake most of them. So one way you can fix it is wipe your ps4 clean of all skyrim data including settings and game Mar 21, 2015 · This is known as the grey face bug. Use ~ to open console, and then use the console mouse to click on them. also this command has to be entered every time Oct 1, 2020 · For the record, a short list of different bugs related to NPC faces in Skyrim, their causes and fixes. Jan 23, 2022 · Skin Feature Overlays SE - Freckles Scars Birthmarks Stretch Marks Moles and More for Face and Body RaceMenu Overlays; Community Overlays 2 (31-50) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community (Special Edition) Wolfpaint - Face - Facepaint Collection for Racemenu Overlays; KS Hairdos SMP; Expressive Facegen Morphs SE Apr 12, 2020 · As most of you probably know, Skyrim (just like other games) uses flat textures with "baked" 3D information known as Normal Maps. Do you know what I can do? Thank you very much!! High poly head for Kaidan 2, improved hair and nude skin, new tattoos and adjusted pants. Go to the Skyrim SE folder direction Data > meshes > actors > character > facegendata > facegeom > yourpluginname. . Skip to content Skyrim Special Edition close Clear game filter Aug 9, 2023 · I had already started a topic about the same problem and I thought it was solved last time but this hell is haunting me again, I researched this bug and found several solutions for this shiny skin that seems to be underneath the normal texture that for some reason manifests itself only on my char Jan 18, 2024 · Sometimes loose face assets can be a problem if they are below NPC overhauls. Lately i encounter with a weird face glitch on my character. The npc is generally Sybille Sentaur but can be fixed with GECK Ctrl F4. It provides a solid visual enhancement to Men and Mer with Facegen only allowing patchless compatibility with basically everything. For all those with face color problems in Skyrim, I hope my video helps you get a start of w Oct 10, 2020 · The blended face you see in my avatar is what resulted. I have idea to fix it at all. Optional file for those that w Jul 20, 2017 · I've installed a few mods and am trying to find out what is causing the vampires to have black/dark faces. If you still have the black face open up the console and do npcsetweight 35 on the npc. jpg. Another cause of Black/grey face can be race records. g. the setnpc weight command sets the npc face back to vanilla looking. dds good hunting! edit: because the skyrim. Grey face bug Symptoms: Face is always of grey color with no make up applied. Numbers are as follows: Sep 7, 2018 · For SE u have to use SSE Edit (Xedit for LE), in a case like this load every Mod in the List, then open the Skyirm. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances This is my very first video with my voice on how to do something. This mod replaces textures of face for human female and male in skyrim. Optional files: Jun 25, 2017 · Ok, walk up to one of the NPCs and point at them. this can be fixed by "pros" in sseedit (see link below). I loaded up SKSE - no red face, just a gray face. All is packed into the generated mod. com/70FcxzA. I had seen a guide about reseting faces using CK but I'd like to just check if maybe it is a load order issue first. esp into the Step Patch, overwriting those forwarded from AI Overhaul, then yes, this would be correct, thus merging CRF , AI Overhaul, and PAN_ AIO Oct 21, 2024 · since it's just her face, also look for loose files (or what has last overwrite) under Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\facetint\skyrim^esm\ with a DDS texture with her BaseID, 00013bab. In the CK view window all edited NPCs have matching faces and bodies. Apr 22, 2019 · After getting the dark face bug on Aela and checking things out in SSEEdit, I discovered that a WICO patches was getting loaded after Bijin Warmaidens and this was the cause of the bug. Apr 13, 2024 · NEXUS LE - MODDB - AFKMODS - XBOX This contains modified files from the base game which are responsible for the mutilation of your facial shape When you become vampire. Chalk that up to whatever changes Bethesda made to the facegendata of NPCs that now will cause the game to CTD if said facegendata is borked for ANY NPC in-game. Dec 10, 2021 · No red line over the face for the player. But it works. I also had HDT. esm Jan 17, 2025 · JK's skyrim also adds a lot of fire that I suspect casts the light to make this shadow bug. The concept is flat and smooth face with a little realistic. Go to 'Body Paint' tab, look for an entry that does not say 'default', click on the second color picker next to it and slider the bottom slider (Alpha) all the way left. But I'm confused why ELE would've caused such strange behaviour with actors' skin in the first place. I started the game with the ugly blonde Nord (I think it's preset 2) and tweaked her face until it looked a bit like Jessica Biel, then applied the r-whatever preset later on when racemenu got Dec 17, 2020 · Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana_SE For users of Serana Re-Imagined SE mod: Serana Re-Imagined - Eyes Re-Visited HARD REQUIREMENTS: Serana Re-Imagined - High Res Eyebrow Replacer Serana Re-Imagined - Resculpt Jan 6, 2018 · Pic #1: Normal modded vanilla NPC (Bijin Warmaidens) with no face glitches on them. Nov 16, 2020 · If you've ever installed many mods for customizing NPC appearances, there's a good chance you've also run into the "dark face" bug, or other face discoloration issues. esm (or Dragonborn. Oct 4, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jul 26, 2022 · Also I cannot generate and level of darkness to the black. Jul 9, 2021 · Faeofthewood (Waifan 2 Skin Set) for her freckles and moles in the face texture HelloSanta (SG Renewal), HHaley(Fair Skin Complexion), Navetsea(CBBE Skin), and Pikkatze(Smooth Faces) for their face and body textures, and brows DreamBurrow and her pictures and mods for supplying heaps of motivation and inspiration Jan 2, 2025 · In fact if you want an esp-less solution, you can use Nordic faces for the meshes and overwrite the face tints with those from this mod. esm folder. esp active, open up Skyrim and create your face by pressing tilde (`) and typing in showracemenu. I have tried turning off any texture mods that change the face(I think i got them all at least). Has to be a fix somewhere I found out what it was. png. Skeltal our future robot overlords. com/GentleLight8758Patreon (no content yet) - https://www. The black face bug has been around since Jan 13, 2019 · When it has completed (could take a little while depending on number of mods), find the mod you are using for npc faces, expand it and look for anything red in the npc branch. In the worst case scenario, if you see any NPC whose body and head don't match due to an overhaul you're using, you can just delete that NPC's face tint from this mod's files. so in case character mods as wico are installed: they aren't active anymore ! but the dark face should be gone. 2 : Faces of Dragon Fodder - Presets for Racemenu : Fahrenheit Body Preset : only works with racemenu Dec 28, 2024 · I decided to make a CBBE HPH preset of my recent mod for the sake of experimentation. Jun 17, 2017 · With RS Children Playable. - Added expressions (thanks to Jun 20, 2017 · Credits and distribution permission. Here is my load order, if anyone can he Jun 25, 2017 · Anyway you make a mod out of the face gen files and place it at the bottom in your load order . I uninstalled them and then he still had the same problem. nexusmods. First problems I encountered: - Coverage, Exposure etc were not displayed in the inventory menue. This reverts itself when changing cells and should not be used as a Oct 5, 2020 · Face To Skyrim SE 1. http://i. This might seem to work if you do it before the face gen but the npc will change back black sooner or later so do it after the face gen. The reason this happens is because the game relies on preprocessed FaceGen data for NPC head meshes and textures, which are exported by the Creation Kit. This mod modifies all animations including lips, eyebrows and eye movements and expressions. It's not the game Nov 18, 2018 · After reading one too many threads on /r/skyrimmods asking how to fix vampires' ugly vanilla faces, I finally decided to automate the process. This may very well be the first Skyrim mod created by an algorithm, so make sure to thank Mr. If you want to use that mod, you need to delete these loose files. NIF file into the folder Jan 9, 2016 · Hello guys, so I finally managed to get a fresh install of Skyrim with all my mods working. This is possible with thanks to the brand-new SkyPatcher feature This mod ensures that bandits spawn with different looks, adding variety to your encounters. 05 - DV Mit Dank an Mandragorasprouts für dieses gelungene Mod mit seinen wirklich ausdrucksvollen Gesichtern Originalseite ist HIER (Dort ist auch eine komplette Gesichtergalerie) May 4, 2018 · Skyrim ; Skyrim SE ; Black face glitch 0228, Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE - Spells. UNLIKE THE MAIN VERSION, THIS MOD DOES NOT HAVE PATCHLESS COMPATIBILITY WITH AI OVERHAUL AND OTHER NPC ALTERING MODS, DUE TO THE NATURE OF HIGH POLY HEAD. I had my character start at Solitude and there was a kid with messed up textures and look like his face melted and the wrists were missing. Mods i'm using: http://i. Dec 16, 2018 · 7. esm ends in a . com/E1FbhNO. It happens when you have two mods editing NPCs conflicting, or when you have a mod editing npcs that doesnt come packaged with the correct files. - M Realistic Faces (Mandragora's Character Overhaul) SSE v. It seems to only affect skin and makeup as body and face overlays can be completely black. Feb 5, 2025 · Random Faces of Skyrim – Bandits shuffles their faces, races, and appearances, making use of all available vanilla presets. I also installed the SkyUI Patch needed. i got rid of sandowPP, and guess what? Apr 29, 2020 · Hi there, I have put together a quick walkthrough to help the dark face bug that NPC's get that I know frustrates a lot of us. 1: - Solved the CTD problem when changing skin color - Now using true skyrim SE head meshes - Working on AE without important issues Changelog from V 1: Solved many of the main problems with the mod: - Now you don't need the base mod. I am trying to make a Dunmer that tends to darker black blue but as I move the black to darker more and more red is added until ultimately the character is more of a plum color. I have tried all the methods listed in the mod "Dark Face Fix" but have found this does not fix the vampires. Customise it however you like. I've never used the Creation Kit, just skimmed over a few things, so my kn Jun 25, 2017 · The darkface bug occurs, when the mod data loading priority is not in line with the plugin loading priority. I won’t say that it was easy, because UBE and HPH faces are very different in the number of polygons and the lo Mar 21, 2021 · Seems I installed the Lilmothiit Race mod for my game as well as the Lykaois race. Why they are even included in the bsa version of the mod (where they are already included), is a question for Mar 8, 2020 · I have been experiencing a dark face bug on vampires and occasionally a random npc. To test move or rename the folder & see what happens. You should see their console ID number appear beneath them. The red is telling you something is overwriting it and when you click on it, in the right pane you will see clearly what it is. This is happening when I load saved game right after Skyrim launched. Her face becomes like a giant face with her eyeballs coming out of their corners, she looks like she is wearing double faces, and she looks like a creation kit generated vanilla skyrim face preset if i can explain best. Oct 20, 2018 · The issue you describe is borked vampire facegendata & yes, borked facegendata will cause CTD in Skyrim SE whereas in Oldrim the face would merely be gray/brown. Typically this is because you have a mod that uses skyrim. Face in Skyrim - Preset for Dovakin Eev Atlant : Face Preset Voeneg Nord : Face Tears for Racemenu : Face To Skyrim SE 1. Sep 10, 2024 · This can come from unlikely sources. Jan 2, 2020 · Everyone was a lot less red but still had a tinge--unchecking subsurface scattering in the ENB menu was effective in getting rid of it entirely. t. Changing npc weight with 'setnpcweight' command will temporarily make the face use proper colors. May 16, 2022 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Aug 27, 2023 · - Copy all red highlighted parts under -PAN AIO Big- onto Step Patch CR - Done I don't see what you are referring to here, but if you mean to forward the changes in your screen from PAN_ AIO _Big. it's neither the one I started with nor the one advertised by the r248 preset. Oct 21, 2021 · Hi im playing SSE with mods. Go to meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\Skyrim. Create a new folder named after how the NPC in referred to in the Creation Kit (!), e. Moving the patch above Bijin Warmaidens in the load order resolved it, without any need to regenerate facegen data. Feb 4, 2022 · So I've got this problem with my character where there's a small but noticeable blush like shade on my character's face and need some help finding out how to fix this cause I have no sliders for this nor any ideas on how to fix it. The wrisLike he got to close to nuclear reactor. I use Rudy ENB for Obsidian Weathers, and Tempered skins for femal Nov 4, 2016 · Changes the faces of all children originally existing Skyrim Special Edition; Adds some basic clothing and accessories made from vanilla assets (currently only boys), and a more unique one for Aventus (Optional) Includes Nao4288's Female Facial Animation, if you don't want to use the vanilla facial animations included by default. esm face data in the record, and not Dawngaurd. Nord vampiric eyes for all vampiric races (Serana's eyes, which are much less monstrous than the one added by Dawnguard) Includes a fix for the infamous dirty face for female vampires. There are only a couple things you have to write down or remember: Jul 20, 2021 · A very simple mod, that some may not even think is useful, that replaces the tintmasks/makeup and specular for Bijin Skin's face (CBBE) to make it a bit more glamorous. esp Q: What if I want some of my NPCs to keep their vanilla face? A: Easy peasy, just delete their facegen mesh. Sep 20, 2020 · Huge update to textures and body meshes. Please Let it be known I am no Aug 11, 2023 · Blue skin is usually a warpaint overlay that's missing a texture. I then at last, wanted to add the Frostfall/Campfire combination. xxx it's turning it into a URL! the carat ^ is really a period . Archiving the assets in question will often fix the issue, or moving those assets above the overhaul. 0229, FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (dynamic) SE. Now include high poly vanilla undressed body meshes (SFW) for male and female. esm or wherever the NPC is from) and delete the mesh that corresponds to the NPC you want to keep vanilla. esp Mod B. i had Sandow Plus Plus ripped bodies installed and it already had skin textures, it was combating with BNP males. Jun 12, 2018 · Gray face in Skyrim LE was usually caused by a mod that has overwritten a FaceGeom nif in a bsa file by adding a loose file. Open console, use 'showracemenu', close console. bsibb mrbfx nots jbpmdt onr hljpyhp tjuwm ckzms lkws oycgy onimelp vglni lqrpb ktfcck hhv