Shy guy asked me out. Instead, give him some time to open up on his own.

Shy guy asked me out Waiting for you to ask him out. Let me edit here: as someone who is "pretty" or "good looking" on her BEST day, the number of men who've asked me out on a date is very small (leaving out cat calling and online dating). Mar 28, 2010 · There's this shy guy I really like. If you have been wondering why the guy you like hasn't asked you Sep 5, 2021 · Shy guys find it extremely difficult to ask girls out on dates since they fear rejection so much that they have a hard time finding the courage to come and talk to the girl they like. But even then there is a chance that the guy just can't see the interest. for the first one when you’re around though he might not make direct eye contact with you because The guy who asked me out, I can't say his name on here, but I'll call him like Harry or something. Be quite forward but not too quickly. I called her a week later and told her about it. If he hesitates or declines, repeat. I am an shy and sensitive person, usually do not like to socialize, I will talk more on social media, because there is no face to face impact. As a guy I would prefer to know that you're asking me out on a date instead of trying to figure out what's going on haha I thought she was trying to let me down softly, but she was so apologetic and seemed so genuinely interested! She asked me to let her know how the concert went and keep in touch. Be specific when asking him out. If he starts to become comfortable with answering your questions or even talking with you, you can now escalate. The day after that, the same thing…. Helps me at least. And another thing, I'm not straight so it isn't always a guy in question anyway. We went to eat later that night. Shy guys have high psychological barriers, it takes courage to go out, and the difficulty with dating an shy guy is that it can easily become awkward. I initially asked him what he was on the app for and he said he wants to find a friend that becomes a lover. Just say the words. Source - former shy guy I am a shy guy. As long as you like him continue doing this, eventually he’ll catch on and pull the trigger if he means what he says. I was just trying to get the ask out. . Like others have said, your best bet is to be direct. I was quite surprised he did that. If it's going well you can extend it out, if its not part ways when the time feels right. I just wanted to be around him. A coworker from another department I’ve liaised with a few times asked me for lunch and I didn’t mind since I was going out for lunch anyways. eventually you’ll get out there in the Eight Best Flirting Tips to Bring a Shy Guy Out of His Shell. The whole “men must ask women out” thing is stupid. He was just shy 🤷🏼‍♂️. Also since he is so outspoken a question like "do you like me" may not elicit much of a response. Ask him to hang out it is too hard for shy guys to ask. I thought she was trying to let me down softly, but she was so apologetic and seemed so genuinely interested! She asked me to let her know how the concert went and keep in touch. Chasing is a huge time-waster. I would react the same way he is. you don’t just wake up suddenly being social. 2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Dude just needed permission to be more engaging than he was. ) Redraw your boundaries. He asked a lot of questions about me and seems like to want me to talk about me! He was really curious about me I can tell, he asked about my family and everything in detail lol There were several moments when he just stay quiet and look at me in the eyes without saying anything. hes so confusing, hes really laid back and chill. I stopped texting him and he didn’t text me either. Their response was an overwhelming yes. If a guy doesn't ask me out in that period of time, I move on. Perhaps they are shy, or scared, or too nervous, or feeling rath OP as a guy if I ask a girl out, and she either says no, or cancels on me i immediately assume I read the situation wrong, and you only saw me as a friend. Give him a hug, they make me feel loved. hes shy and quiet. Asking him out guarantees you will have an answer if nothing else. It's not a gender thing. Like, does he get nervous and flustered around me because he's also into me, or is it because I particularly intimidate him? And that's exactly what happened. She was shopping at my store and we chatted for a bit and she left. The long answer: As a shy guy myself, it's probably going to go in your favor to ask him out. It's hard to me to tell if someone like me as a friend or wants to date me, so it's better to say "I like you, I want to go on a date" than "let's go see this cool new movie!". 90 votes, 69 comments. " And then left. I asked him if he was really interested in me and he said he was but his actions showed otherwise. SOS i really want to ask out this guy i know through mutual friends but he’s SO shy and I can’t read him at all. As another shy guy, I've had a few girls give me their number, and most of the time it does at least cross my mind that they might be interested. Same when we worked together in the 1990s and he asked me to lunch -had no clue of his intentions but I went and found out later. (oh and he was painfully shy back then-took him months to ask me to lunch). Or tell him you'll say yes if he asks you out. It's ok to be obvious, asking someone out just shows them your intention- that you probably like them and want to spend time with them. "Ask me to dinner. Let us know how it goes! Repeat this a few times. For me, as a very shy guy with no confidence in my ability to go up to a woman and ask her out, I would probably be that same guy that does nothing more than say hello and a couple other things before asking you out. Not asking him out has not brought you to your desired result. If you really love a guy, dropping a few hints that you like him may just make the world conspire in your favor. maybe sometimes he’ll talk extra loud when you’re around or try to get as close as possible to u as he can without it being weird. If he still demurs, "Okay. Later people started to insinuate there was something going on between me and him, I shut it down. God knows it was difficult for me, I had to psyche myself up for it the whole day. Edit: And before someone says, "Well, you could always ask him out," I want to add that having to ask a guy out is a real turn-off for me. 1. After a few weeks of staring at me, I came up to him and said hi since i didn't have the patience to wait for him to do it. What I don't understand is why he won't ask me out if we like each other and when I text him he answers within a few minutes but he really does not continue the text conversation. He's such a soft wallflower that it's really hard to figure him out. I’m very interested in him, but he doesn’t flirt very much, nor has he asked me out on a date yet. Be direct. She seemed like she loved hearing from me, so I asked her out again to the State Fair. usually he’ll stare at you and when u look at him he looks away. Well, with a shy guy you have to be more available, take the lead more often and maybe even give him the first kiss. So, if you are considering dating a shy guy, it would be a good idea for you to make the first move and ask him out instead. One of the most obvious signs that a guy likes you but is scared or intimidated by you is when he talks to you, and maybe flirts a little, but won’t ask you out. But I can understand any apprehension you have about asking him out. I know a girl in a situation like you - dude was “traditional”, but super shy. I was just shy around girls because that's my nature and I went to an all boys school It takes extraordinary circumstances for me to ask a girl out, I have to just about be absolutely in love with the woman. They started asking me about her and asked if I I (25F) have never had a man offer to take me out or even bother to ask me out unless it was to go home with them. By making it personal, you're not just asking someone out; you're inviting them to continue building a story that's uniquely yours. It could be in the way he asked her out, something he said that offended the girl or a multitude of other reasons why it might still end in rejection. Never had a boyfriend either and rarely get approached. I can usually take it from there and don't mind asking the guy out. im 13 (14 in a month) in 8th grde and im sooo in love w/ this guy and i think he likes me and he knows i like him, but everytime we get close he pulls away. I'm 30 now but a girl asked me out one time ever in my life when I was like 20 and I'll always remember it. If you're interested and he's too shy, it's up to you to take the initiative. Often, they just don't have the extroverted energy it takes to make it super clear that they're flirting with you. I thought he would ask me out on a third date since he texted me after the second date saying he had fun but he hasn’t yet and he still seems to be on the app probably speaking to other women. How Can I Make A Shy Guy More Confident in Asking Me Out? I have an acquaintancewe've known each other for over a year. I replied saying ‘hey’ back and he asked me how I’ve been and stuff like that. If guys won't ask you out, then you should ask them out. i’m not a man but a guy on the shyer side has liked me before. I met his parents, spent Christmas together, and he met my dad (the only guy that has met my dad, VERY big deal for me Jan 20, 2023 · Playing the damsel in distress can be a great way to get a guy to ask you out without putting yourself out there too much. Most conventionally attractive women don't have to ask men out, because they have men hitting on them all the time and asking them out in various ways all the I've been that shy guy. if he feels comfortable ask him who likes. Seriously. Ask him to hang out one and one and as someone else said either SAY you’re interested or if the mood feels right, kiss him! Coming from a girl who had a crush on a super shy guy believe me it works! My boyfriend (now of four years) and I worked together and I had a major crush on him for months. all i can really say that it’s a process. "Have you ever been about to ask out a girl and then done a complete 180?" I asked men. we have EVERYTHING in common. Prepare yourself to take initiative in certain situations in which he might not feel comfortable in. So I posted on here about 2 months ago asking for advice on how to ask out a shy, anxious girl I'd been talking to and even though only 3 people commented they helped me in plucking up the courage to finally ask her out and lone behold she said yes, We have been dating for about 2 months now. That must be exhausting for guys. true. See full list on aconsciousrethink. Yes, there are a lot of bad people out there, who will take advantage of vulnerable people. Don't ask me out. Apr 26, 2024 · Shy guys aren't going to tip their hand and make it super obvious they're into you. Ask him out. All men aren't bold and confident when it comes to asking women out and that is ok. LGBTQ+ are welcome :) We also have a Discord server. 3 weeks later, we became a couple, and I feel like I've won the I completely understand this! I went on an AWESOME first date with a guy and I couldn’t wait for him to ask me out again. Girl can tell guy likes her but is shy about making plans with her. If he is shy and nerdy, he probably has something he is really interested into keeping him busy. He seems keen on me but he hasn't asked me out. If you know for absolute certainty that this guy does, in Tldr: im a shy guy, built up months of courage to ask out a shy girl that i thought was giving me hints to then reject me and now all this confidence and courage that i had is back to square one 🥲 but hey at least i got it off my chest and can move on. com Sep 17, 2018 · When asking out a shy guy, keep in mind that it will require more patience and persistence to win him over. last night though i caught him staring at me from across the room and that may made me like him even more 😩. Diffident guys like it when a girl makes the first move. One time when I was 16 my friend's girlfriend spoke to me and asked me a question and I couldn't answer. Do not do the asking. Trust me I’m a shy guy, what you want is to open him up. one by one. For some reason he took a liking to me and actually reached out himself. Female here. That has to be annoying as fuck. " Give him puppy-dog eyes or something like that. i had extreme social anxiety that took years to fully overcome. I would distance myself, and limit communication to prevent further misunderstandings. Once I was sure he was interested, I made the first move. former shy guy here, spent my entire life childhood up to teenhood being incredibly shy. Does he seem like he’s serious about me? One guy would flake and then come back UNPROMPTED a week later with an apologetic voice note and tell me he DEFINITELY wants to meet up and set up a date and then DO THE SAME SHIT AGAIN. All while showing me what to do and encouraging me. She kept pushing, invited herself over to my place, then again the next day. [Read: How to ask a guy out like a classy and suave girl] 12. Its hard for shy guys to talk to women we want too but then freak out cuz we might say the wrong thing, or think a woman who is just being friendly is actually into us. Although I will say it took him, 5 months to get the courage to ask me out. Get him to ask you out: You can try to get the guy to ask you out as a way to show him that you like him. And later on when i asked him why, he said because on the first day of work when i sat next to him i had smiled and asked if he'd be comfortable if i sat there. If I haven't asked you out, my current feelings for you could range from utter loathing, to thinking you are the most perfect woman I've ever met, and I'm just building up the courage to ask you out (quite a lengthy process). Like out of nowhere and I then asked him out. On the other hand when we talk in real life he asks a lot of questions and he even talks about his family to me and his plans after work. I'm sure the reason as to why no Guy has ever asked you out is because they're probably just shy. It's always scary, no matter what side of the question you're sitting on. Been texting a shy guy for three weeks now almost daily for 2/3 hours at a time. I was driving myself crazy! I asked my current suitor for his phone number. She asked him out, everything flowed naturally from there. If he acts nervous or starts acting a bit off he probably likes you he might say the person he might not idk how he is with you so idk. Still, there are a bunch of unique signs Find out what hes interested in and just ask him questions. Life happens, and I think in many cases, it is the guy (not you) who feels like he “needs to get things in order” before being ready to date—no matter how much he may like you. A woman has never just given me her number out of the blue, so I would take that a sign that you want to go out on a date. Just try just a littttle more than you would with other guys and I promise his personality will show in spades . If he doesn’t want a part of a romantic relationship, stop treating him like a romantic partner. Just casually talk about your upcoming plans or mention what your schedule looks like, and wait for him to ask if you want to do something when he knows you'll be free. Ask where this is going, ask if you are dating, and see what he thinks. He might rarely talk to you, then randomly offer to drive you to the airport. Also usually I just figure a guy isn't interested in me if he doesn't ask me out, so I'm not going to feel encouraged to ask him out I don't think. He freaked out. The end. This was after a month of running into each other and sharing stories late into the night too. I was driving myself crazy! Nov 28, 2017 · As a guy who has been in the dating scene for a while, I can speak on behalf of my fellow men when I say that it takes more than merely liking a girl to ask her out. I have him for a few classes and one day he came up to me and introduced himself. He has given me a lot of clues that he's into me and I have no doubt that he is. So if you're having to ask them out, it's because they don't want to ask you out. I (20f) matched with this guy (25m) on both the dating apps I have, he asked for my number and we have been texting for 2 weeks now. On the third day she playfully gave me a kiss, which led to making out. She came back in a few minutes later and handed me a piece of paper with her phone number on it and said "My mother taught me to go after what I want. But I recommend you find out what his interests are and just flatter the hell out of him by showing an interest. Like I said before, I'm attracted to dominant men, it's just what I'm into. I was so nervous and weird and awkward, I said no. Mar 10, 2016 · And on the flip side, a lack of conversation or seeming disinterest will immediately kill his incentive to ask you out. Edit: If you ask him out on a date, make sure to specify it as a date. Now what? You deserve clarity, confidence, and peace of mind. I think you're cute and you seem really nice. Sounds like he's just shy and hesitant to make the move. I am the same way too scared to ask a crush out. " Again, persist. But remember, it's critical to use subtle hints to make it obvious that you need help or assistance- if it's too obvious, it won't work! I have to tell you, I have had horrible luck with boys/men my whole life. When I was in my early 20s I was interning at a marketing firm, and on my last day a guy asked me out. Worse, they might say yes just because they're bored. ” You've tried subtle hints, empathized with his possible insecurities, and read every “signs he will never ask you out” article you can find. Apparently the first time she’s ever had to do that. He's a bit shy and keeps hinting at hanging out but never actually asks. This may seem rather silly, but there could be the possibility that this guy you like is just waiting for you to ask him out. Nothing big, just “Would you like to go on a date with me? Just us two, going and having a date”. It worked out well, we’ve been together for 17 years now. No big. I’m now in my late forties and I swear to you I think about this all the Aug 22, 2010 · xpaperxcutx also had a good point. “Immediately that tells me she is Instead, you can ask for clarification of your status—be brave and bring it up with the non-boyfriend. Even when I said it’s fine let’s not force this he was like no I really wanna meet you let’s do x and I would cautiously say ok and then he’d flake. Don’t feel discouraged if he stays in his bubble and don’t try to pop it. Eight Best Flirting Tips With a Shy Guy I get tons of emails asking me about flirting tips for women and especially how to get a shy guy to come out of his shell. All I can suggest is talk to him, if your interested maybe ask him out, maybe he will feel more comfortable if he knows your interested as well. Edit: oh wow, didn’t expect to get this many responses on my first ever post. Since there seems to be a pretty big shy guy contingent on Reddit, I thought I'd ask Guy asks girl on date #1. After talking to him on a few occasions, ask him out, because he wont be sure if you are into him or just being friendly. I just couldn't get the words out I actually didn't like her. everybody at my school thinks we should be 2gether, but i dont know how!!!!! Jan 13, 2020 · I suspected but didn't know. I’m sure you’ll agree it’s kinda cute when a guy wants to ask you out, but can’t bring himself to do so. All jokes aside, kiss the guy. He Talks to You but Won’t Ask You Out. Likely he is worried about being seen as pushy, so he is waiting on a signal that you are ready to take it further. 11. It helps guys feel like they are needed and gives them an air of importance. Hope it goes well for y’all As someone who used to be very shy, but likes to think he’s not anymore as a 40 year old guy, I like to think that the times I made myself vulnerable and came out of my shell are the times I learned the most, and progressed the most as an individual. They usually ask out the ones that seem most receptive. I get matches on dating apps and a fair amount of interactions on social media but when it comes to real life not so much. The truth is that shy people tend to be a bit more cautious. Truth is there’s no way of knowing, you can play the waiting game, or ask him out (ish). I disagree that giving a shy guy your number isn't a signal. I'm not going to make him initiate every conversation and date henceforth. You should ask him out! I know I appreciate it when women are more forward with me, and he may as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️ people out here are crazy because they think he wasnt responding and I was being "desperate". Will he ever do it? What is a good time limit to give before moving on? What is your opinion? 12. You basically made it clear to her that you're either only interested in being friends or you're too afraid to ask her out. He is probably to shy to ask you out himself. i’ve never had to work so hard just for Nov 28, 2017 · As a guy who has been in the dating scene for a while, I can speak on behalf of my fellow men when I say that it takes more than merely liking a girl to ask her out. r/Crushes is a safe place for people to talk about their crushes and ask for advice. The guy I am currently dating was too shy to ask me out. It's not a proposal haha, so don't worry about being obvious. Trust me I'm sure a Guy has had a thing for you but was just to scared to ask You out :) Agree, you can ask him out of course. That is not a date. So Harry's in my year, and he's goth and pretty open about being gay. But after that he never said a word, just stared. I do the same thing, so I need the guy to show me he is at least curious/interested enough to start conversations on the regular. I would probably break into tears if I got rejected. Nobody likes to be strung along. They may show signs of liking you from afar but if you want them to ask you out, then give them the reassurance they need to come talk to you. I have a guy friend, who was really shy and never really talked much. To anyone. I noticed during our date that he’s a listener and a bit shy. And now I have a pretty big crush on my sweet, shy, effeminate coworker (early 20s, M). You may notice that he tends to get nervous around you, difficulties in making eye contacts, having proper conversations and in some situations may even try to avoid you when Jan 20, 2023 · Playing the damsel in distress can be a great way to get a guy to ask you out without putting yourself out there too much. If he’s shy he may have bad anxiety or he may feel self conscious, even with your say so. Jan 25, 2021 · 9 No Nonsense Signs A Guy Likes You But Is Scared And Hiding His Feelings; Decoding Mixed Signals From A Guy: 9 Examples + What To Do; How To Ask A Guy Out Over Text (+ 12 Sample Texts) 20 Signs The Guy At Work Likes You: How To Know For Sure; 14 Body Language Signs That Show A Man Is 100% Attracted To You Met a guy in his 30s a few weeks ago who seems great and I'd like to get to know him better, but he seems really shy and reserved, getting flustered at even simple questions like what movies he's seen recently. Former shy guy here. He's quiet, and wasn't sure of himself, so I asked. Many men are just reluctant to ask a woman out. I just have so much fear she won't like me I don't usually bother asking. The day she asked me out, something like 15 guys had asked her for her number already. Look, in my entire life, only two times has a guy ever asked me out, and I'm nearly twice your age. There is a difference between being shy and being scared of rejection. Check "Community Info" in the top right corner if you're using the app, or use the old version of reddit by typing "old" in place of "www" into the URL and look at the top of the sidebar if you're on desktop. My friend told him to call me, but he was too shy. And this is all assuming I didn't ask him out for date 1! Dec 25, 2018 · Sometimes a man can be too shy to ask you out. Girl helps him out by asking him to stuff and following up on "let's get together next week" type stuff. I don't know really. That had NEVER happened to me before, ever. that So I (23F) am interested in a guy (22M) who is quite shy/reserved. he doesn’t even look at me when we’re around eachother and i’ve tried to talk to him but he stares at the floor. Fast forward to getting back to school after Christmas break, my roommates and I were talking and hanging out after my now-girlfriend dropped me off from a study session. Instead, give him some time to open up on his own. You know him better obviously. None of the guys really tease him about it for some reason, probably because he has a massive friend group and is friends with loads of older years, so if anyone said anything My mom even called me out on having feeling for her 2 months before I realized it myself, and so did her mom funny enough. Two of my friends were in the exact same situation years ago, the guy was ridiculously shy, then my friend finally got fed up and initiated the kiss. We have been talking for a few weeks and get along really well, despite me being a lot more extraverted. I don't think that he would have asked me for my phone number if I didn't ask him for his, especially since he's constantly telling me that I'm out of his league. friend by friend. I’m now in my late forties and I swear to you I think about this all the I have a guy friend, who was really shy and never really talked much. Third, you should have gotten the message by this point but you asked her to hang out with your friends. Don't wait around for them to ask. Now they’ve been together for a long I mean maybe, I guess it would depend on the situation and the guy, but in general, I'm not impressed by a guy who is too shy or nervous to ask me out. I met an absolutely beautiful girl at work. Use them as a foundation to build your proposal. The day after the date, we talked on the phone and texted… but no mention of a second date. Very few guys are actually shy, while fear of rejection is much more common. Let him know how you feel. But it did not stop me at all from saying yes to his asking to get together. Feb 17, 2025 · A shy guy may ask you out when he is comfortable with you and assured of your feelings for him. Don’t leave room for interpretation or dropping hints, just straight up tell him. Ask him out (ish) refers to hinting how you’re boring and free when he starts talking about wanting to see you. There are a lot of bad answers in the comments. As an alternative to just asking him out. Yes it is to ask somebody out when the guy knows the girl is interested. To be honest, he's out of mine too. And if you're someone they would ask out well, they would ask you out. Sep 25, 2023 · So, when you decide to ask that special guy out, think about the moments, conversations, and experiences that define your relationship. Or tell him to ask you out. (just a heads up, vague signals tend to not work out well with shy people) 100% true. it’s all a transition. That's a telltale sign that a shy guy is super interested in you. I had no idea. But no mention of a second date. It puts a lot of pressure on women. I doubt most guys just ask out girls randomly. 2. Also, men can be shy as well 😄 i wouldn't want to miss out on something just because I think the guy will ask me out but he then doesn't find the courage. I met his parents, spent Christmas together, and he met my dad (the only guy that has met my dad, VERY big deal for me Shy guy also express themselves better in writing messages as a form of communication instead of talking face to face with anyone especially with the person that he likes. If you think he likes you, you should talk to him. Dec 14, 2024 · How to cope when a guy you like isn't asking you out You've spent too much time wondering “why he won't ask me out. When a guy asks me out for date 1 and then mentions a date 2 at the end of date 1 he has reached his quota on communicating interest in me. He recently confessed he had a crush on me for months before we even spoke for the first time and was working up the courage to talk to me. After convincing him to at least text me, he did. I actually did a little research before I asked him and found out a lot of shy guys ignore signs a girl likes them so I had to make it clear that it was just both of us and it was a date. *** Men want to be asked out by someone they would ask out. Now he's messaging me nonstop and talking about what to have for lunch with me. Just say tell him how you feel. “She kept taking out her phone to text,” Chris told me. I guess I just prefer guys who are confident Even though the girl does like the guy, there is still a chance in life that the girl will reject the guy if he does ask the girl out. Fast forward a month and a half later, he just randomly texts me saying ‘Hey’. Literally just small talk, keep it simple and watch him come out of his shell, trust me he hates being shy but can’t help it. We've never gone on a one-on-one date but have just hung out in group settings and often ended up talking to each other for ages one-on-one in these settings. Jun 24, 2024 · A shy guy will have an easier time finding the courage to offer you favors than to ask you out. qynq xbh kiruzu cywna ewriz rykm vztnnd kdhbns prpa lxmfo kofcxadcv rbglpeq hggi rfi urkpjhf

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