Sa dagger maker marks. Wingen also assumed the "R.
Sa dagger maker marks 2869). The Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik / Stahlwarenfabrik company was founded in 1865 by Carl Eickhorn (1833-89). Initial orders of over one million daggers in 1934 meant the production contracts were awarded to many companies to ensure timely delivery. Multiple advertisements published in the 1930s list a vast array of offerings including: swords, daggers and bayonets. It has a really rare maker’s mark—Hugo Köller Solingen. Höller Waffenfabrik company was founded in 1866. This SA (“Brown Shirts”) dagger also boasts the uncommon feature of having dual maker’s marks: the blade bears both the squirrel logo of Carl Eickhorn and also the RZM M7/66 logo for Eickhorn. Low storm number also. It registered with the Solingen authorities on June 5, 1883. Maybe one of the other guys can jog my memory The 1936 Model SS daggers had the SS motto on the front of the blade, but no maker's marks on the back. Below are the trademarks and variations of all the known makers of early SA/NSKK daggers produced in the 1933-1936 time frame. Original Item: Only One Available. Rare Maker UNDINE Meisenburg Kuno, Solingen. The fit is nice and tight and the tip comes to a perfectly sharp point. (3) DLV/NSFK Daggers (2) Machete (1) Bayonets > Navy Daggers (1) 1st Model Navy Daggers (13) 2nd Model Navy Daggers > RAD Daggers (1) RAD Leader Daggers (3) RAD EM Daggers > Red Cross and Social Welfare Daggers (1) Red Cross Leader Daggers (7) Red Cross EM Daggers > RLB Daggers (1) RLB 1st Model EM Dagger (1) RLB 2nd Model Leader Dagger > SA It supplied a vast array of daggers, knives and swords for the Wehrmacht and NSDAP. Feb 26, 2025 · This dagger is in poor condition, add the poor photos and missing markings I would not buy this dagger. 2 PIECE WWII GERMAN SA AND YOUTH DAGGER: To include 1) German SA dagger wood grip with emblem and SA. The blade on this one looks great. Sauer & Sohn, Suhl. I can’t find any similar daggers with this maker on the big dealer web sites so I assume they were a small producer. Dick of Solingen. This SA dagger has a rarely seen RZM trademark produced by the F. Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by RZM M7/68 1941 – Tiger, Lauterjung & Co. overall. A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by Aesculap of Tuttlingen, a quality SA maker that still is in the blade industry today! The blade on this one rates Exc+. Come September 1941, F. I am only speaking in generalities here and advanced collectors will have to look elsewhere, however I believe that this hobby has given me so much I would like to give something back in return. In SS Uniforms and insignia 08-19-2009, 07:55 PM. This doesn't mean that all daggers produced in each period will be made the same way or use the same materials. The 1935 RZM Handbuch, places the company at Wittkuller Straße 10 and allots the RZM M7/42 code to WKC. As a result, the SA Gruppe HQ inspection stamps disappeared and were replaced by the RZM logo and makers code number etched on the reverse side of the blade instead of the more traditional makers mark. In SA Dienstdolch 10-12-2010, 03:26 PM. This is an excellent condition early pattern SA Dagger, made by the rare maker Hammesfahr & Co. The lower crossguard is Gruppe marked on the reverse, Wm which stands for Westmark. The first section is a list of 262 currently identified dagger manufacturers totalling 440 marks. Mar 25, 2009 · The elongated Swastika tang mark I have seen before but I cannot find a reference. SS/RZM Codes These RZM and/or special SS RZM codes appear on daggers made starting in 1934. Henckels Solingen Zwilingswerk” maker mark are both crisp and beautifully executed. The bright blade on this one is a real beauty! The acid etched 'Alles fur Deutschland' motto and 'F. Herder, Solingen maker mark are both beautifully executed and make for a wonderful contrast to the bright Jan 21, 2017 · I agree with Larry on the dagger being so late w/o an RZM mark certainly points to a blank blade I think. SA Basics Sell my SA Dagger. The blade on this one is a looks excellent. I believe it is Koch & Rau. Bookmarks. Only early daggers were group marked - late period RZM marked and mid period double marked (RZM and maker's mark) blade daggers were never "Gau marked". Blade may be grounded or fake, but is difficult to be sure seeing these pictures. Even more so are the various Eickhorn maker marks. The reverse of the lower cross guard has the area letter 'S' for the Schlesien Group which included Breslau. Herder. The blade retains much of the original finish. Posted By: Vassago SA Dagger, no RZM or maker mark? - 03/25/2017 08:07 PM In all my years of collector I only saw a copy of Daga SA without any manufacturer markings, according to my researches only some late Dagas SA were not marked, but I do not know which may be the reason they were not marked, I do not know if others Companions are aware of Ernst Röhm Honor daggers were granted to members of the SS/SA who either had uninterrupted service since December 31, 1931 or those who transferred from the Hitler Youth prior to December 31, 1931. This is a very rare maker, and this is only the third item we have had from them, with the others being an NSKK Dagger and HJ Knife. S. Jan 21, 2017 · I agree with Larry on the dagger being so late w/o an RZM mark certainly points to a blank blade I think. This one has a seldom seen early mark used between 1933 and 1936, with the double oval and the initails “C. Ernst Röhm Honour Daggers were granted to members of the SS and SA who either had interrupted service since December 31, 1931, or those who transferred from the Hitler Youth prior to that time (February 22, 1934 - II Order Nr. This maker is EXTREMELY rare to find, and this is the first edged weapon of any type we have had by this firm. In both Ralph Siegert’s SA Dagger Book rarity scale, this maker is ranked as an 8 out of 10 reflecting production numbers of approximatly 3000. Original scabbard with hanger. as well as Eickhorn are the most often found SA daggers. The blade on this one looks great! The acid etched "Alles fur Deutschland" motto and "Kober" maker mark are both beautifully executed! The crossgrain is excellent and runs the full length of the blade. This is an very good early pattern SA Dagger, made by the very seldom seen firm of Wilhelm Kober & Co. which is a commonly seen gruppe mark with SA daggers. This dagger is stamped on the reverse cross guard with the Gruppe mark “SA” which means this dagger was issued to an SA man stationed in Sachsen, central Germany. There is evidence of some pitting and scratches to the left of the maker mark. Values for GERMAN SA DAGGER JA HENCKELS SOLINGENGerman SA dagger with scabbard. It's been cleaned at some point. I had no idea how many there actually were. The acid etched “Alles fur Deutschland” motto and diamond encased puma head “PUMA Solingen” maker mark are both crisp and beautifully executed. The The dark and crisp acid etched 'Alles für Deutschland' motto and double 'RZM M7/68 1941' maker mark are beautifully executed! The crossgrain wonderfully shines against the light, running the full length of the blade! Original SA Transitional Dagger by Karl Eichhorn Solingen 1939 A rare transitional SA dagger which was produced in the small period in between the maker marks and the RZM marks and which carried both logo’s on the blade. 0/0878/0018" code that was used on combat knives and the Wartime letter-code: "qyg" for K98 bayonets. The first SA shown E. SA Daggers; Hitler Youth Knives; Army Daggers; SS Daggers; SA Dagger Maker Marks; RZM Codes; SA Gruppe Stamp Codes; Dagger Maker Marks; Dagger Mottos; Police Unit Marks; Reference Books; William "Bill" Jones The F. The total length is 34. This article is for the beginner. The blade remains in overall A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by RZM M7/10 1938 (J. , based in Suhl, Germany. Crossguard gruppe marked BO. There are still RZM SA daggers on the market with markings and in good condition. It comes complete with an original scabbard, which is the These marks can show considerably more variation in their placement. Learn about the 221 known makers of early German SA and NSKK daggers between 1933-1936, and the RZM system adopted after 1936. Marked on cross guard Neh. I recently picked up this SA dagger with an unusual maker mark. Wingen also assumed the "R. Most daggers have them and a few do not. Model 1933. They were made as the blade was forged by steel being forced into the marks already cut into the billets or molds. Eickhorn was by far the most prolific dagger maker. If the MM and condition were what I was looking for, then a rare gau mark would would add a bit to my offer. However, the following table offers guidelines in recognizing the different dagger construction techniques and materials used on model 1933 SS/SA/NSKK daggers throughout the dagger production period from 1933 to approximately 1942. In 1936, the Reichszeugmeisterie der NSDAP (RZM) organization began to standardize the manufacture of the SA dagger. Schaaff (Old Salt Fisherman) This dagger is most interesting to SA collector for the popular maker, as well as the fact that it is personalized with perhaps a chance at research. I saw it for sale but had my consurns on it becouse the makers mark. These are extremely scarce since early in the production of the Rohm inscribed SA daggers Eickhorn transitioned to the smaller mark that is positioned much closer to the lower guard… This SA [Sturmabteilung] Dagger in EXC condition. Solingen was blessed with abundant iron ore, charcoal, and water power, allowing it to emerge as the infamous "The City of Blades". E. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are original pre-1945 manufacture. A clean blade though with marks where moisture had built up, may well polish back nicely. Different combinations of marks can be seen, ranging from an unmarked blade to a blade with a Maker Mark and a Distributor Mark. SA dagger collecting is a fascinating hobby however is can be a minefield for the beginner. The maker of this dagger is also rare, don,t see them pass a lot. In 1936, the Reichszeugmeisterei der NSDAP (RZM) organization began to standardize the manufacture of the SA dagger. A true quality maker of SA daggers! The bright blade on this one looks beautiful! The dark and crisp acid etched 'Alles fur Deutschland' motto and 'Emil Voos Solingen' maker mark are both beautifully executed and wonderfully contrast the bright blade! These marks normally appear on the reverse lower crossguard of pre-RZM daggers. Early Nickel fittings, lower guard with «Wm» stamp. This makes it rewarding to collect SA daggers, as Rohm Inscription Dagger Identification Guide Shown are examples of the accepted Rohm inscription daggers by maker. These early daggers featured hand-fitted nickel silver fittings, and scabbards that had an anodized coating. The NSDAP Reichszeugmeisterei (RZM), based in Munich, officially approved all party-related merchandise sold by private contractors. German WWII SA Dagger with Scabbard and Hanger Untouched example SA man's dagger complete with 8. Mar 4, 2025 · An early SA dagger in very good condition retaining its leather hanger. For all of you hard-core SA dagger collectors, here is the dagger you’ve been waiting for! An early Eickhorn marked large double oval partial Röhm SA dagger. . The blade on this one is a looks great! The fit is nice and tight and the tip comes to a perfectly sharp point. The dark and crisp, acid etched Alles fur Deutschland motto and H. The photos include a portion of the lower crossguard so that the distance of the trademark from the guard can be noted. Not all makers placed their trademark on RZM daggers, and the maker's marks were dropped by 1940. threads Forums Edged Weapons SA & NSKK Dagger Forum SA Dagger, no RZM or maker mark? Forums Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: German WWII SA Dagger with Scabbard and Hanger Untouched example SA man's dagger complete with 8. A little research tells me there were 129 makers total! Does anyone know why there were so many? Maybe this was an effort to improve the economy and give people jobs as well as increase sentiment towards the war effort in Germany Nov 30, 2016 · My understanding is that by 1938, all production of SS/SA/NSKK daggers were either with RZM codes or the double-proofed RZM code + makers mark that we call transitional. D. SA dagger makers marks. Prior to around 1935, the daggers were stamped with an SA group letter on the reverse of the crossguard. Oct 19, 2006 · To me, the major factors in the value of an SA dagger are the maker's mark and the condition. 33 was reproduced from a 1925 advertisement; fig. The blade on this one is gorgeous! The acid etched “Alles fur Deutschland” motto and anchor “Gebrüder Heller Schmalkalden” maker mark are both dark, crisp and beautifully executed. Maker Marks A-B ACS – see Alexander Coppel GmbH ACW – see Alexander Coppel GmbH AES -= Arthur Evertz Alcoso = Alexander Coppel GmbH Alpina – see Hans Kolping AMSO – see Albert Mebus ARMESO – see Artur Melcher ASSO – see Arthur Schuttelhofer & Co AWJr = Anton Wingen Jr Baron – see Gottfried Weyersberg Sohne KG Bismarck = August Muller KG Bulldog = Gebr Halbach Aesculap AG I've seen lots of different RZM M7 / xxx maker codes over the years. See images and ratings of various SA daggers with different maker marks and RZM codes. Early Blonde SA Dagger by H. 3 cm. The blade rates an Exc. By 1936, these trademarks were superseded by RZM M7 and SS code numbers and for a brief period, some makers placed both some form of the mark and the RZM symbol on the blade. One of the most requested makers by collectors! A Model 1933 - Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by J. 75" blade which has maker's mark of Gebr. Anthony Carter (2015 edition) revised and enlarged by John Walter and Henning Ritter, notes: fig. 34 was recorded from an early SA dagger and McSaar rates this one a 8 out of 10 for rarity. Most combinations are considered rare. Below is a compilation of Dagger producers and their Gruppe mark designation to help identify the districts that the “Early” SA dagger was distributed to. This maker has 2 logo variants and is known whit the name of leuco. The markings are as follows: BO - Bayerrische Ostmark During the Third Reich era, Wingen manufactured: HJ knives, Police bayonets, SA/NSKK, Army and 1st and 2nd Model Luftwaffe daggers among some other edged weapons. Henckels, Zwillingswerk Solingen. If you are collecting these daggers by maker or RZM marks, this is one of the hardest ones to Mar 4, 2025 · An early SA dagger in excellent condition. Currently, 15 makers and 21 marks are shown. This is a prime example of an RZM SA dagger, with nickel plated fittings on the crossguards exhibiting contact marks and wear where it butts the wooden handle, along with the rim of the pommel itself. Here's a nice SA by E. The acid etched “Alles für Deutschland” motto and knight “RZM M7/68” maker mark both look good. Partial August Rother Solingen mark on 8 3/4'' engraved ''Alles fur Deutchland'' blade. I can not discern by the photo quality if the scabbard is black or dark brown. Hope so - its been years since we found a new SA Here we have a Model 1933 SA Dagger (SturmabteilungDienstdolch) by Tiger of Solingen (Tiger (Lauterjung & Co. The etching is all good. Please note I did not consider examples as the Early SA Rohms by Eickhorn and Pack or variations as the double oval Eickhorn, only the Makers. From these photos I can't tell if the dagger is fake, but the eagle on the hilt looks early. Dick was allotted the wartime letter-code: "jue" for their K98 bayonets. The gau marks is secondary, but that is me. The Dagger has the maker mark on the blade: F. 34 was printed on a 1925 catalog cover; fig. The acid etched “Alles fur Deutschland” motto and twins “J. Dagger Id Guide Miniature Dagger Id Guide Dagger Blade Mottos Eickhorn "Field Marschall" Swords Maker/Distributor Marks Maker Marks - Heer Daggers Maker Marks - Kriegsmarine Daggers Maker Marks - Luftwaffe Daggers Maker Marks - SA Daggers Maker Marks - SS Daggers SA/NSKK/SS Group Marks SA/SS Rohm Dagger Makers SA/HJ RZM Codes SA Transitional Nov 25, 2022 · Anyone who has taken apart an SS or SA/NSKK dagger has probably noticed marks on the tang of the dagger. Becker, Solingen. Grip to cross guard fit is fantastic! The vast majority of their pieces featured the well-known sword-and-wreath maker mark. Pack, Ohliger & Co. P. Several combinations of RZM code, special SS RZM code, date, RZM symbol, SS symbol, and maker's mark are shown below. The acid etched “Alles für Deutschland” motto and Gebr. Helbig, Steinbach (RZM M7/73) firm. (3) DLV/NSFK Daggers (2) Machete (1) Bayonets > Navy Daggers (1) 1st Model Navy Daggers (13) 2nd Model Navy Daggers > RAD Daggers (1) RAD Leader Daggers (3) RAD EM Daggers > Red Cross and Social Welfare Daggers (1) Red Cross Leader Daggers (7) Red Cross EM Daggers > RLB Daggers (1) RLB 1st Model EM Dagger (1) RLB 2nd Model Leader Dagger > SA A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by RZM M7/68 – Tiger of Solingen. A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by Anton Wingen Jr. Post more pictures, maybe we can shine more light on this. Shortly after the end of the Second World War, Oswald von Frankenberg and Ludwigsdorf (1915-1986) joined the Puma-Werk company. They are more reasonably priced, aesthetically pleasing and there are a seemingly endless amount of manufacture marks to collect. What they mean has never been fully explained. The high quality steel blade is etched with the SA motto, "Alles for Deutschland", and usually has either the Boker maker or are marked with an RZM maker mark on the reverse. Feb 15, 2018 · Article about: Hi Guys This Heller dagger arrived yesterday. . The blade has speckling throughout, very little runner marks, and greying and spotting are visible on the surface of this blade. Our online antiques & collectibles reference guides for Dagger are constantly updated and are always available on any Internet device. The famous SA maker was a true quality maker of SA daggers. Herder A. This gallery consists of 2 sections. SADAGGERS #51957C PERSONALIZED EARLY SA DAGGER - C. Oct 9, 2024 · Page 171, "German Knife and Sword Makers, 1850-1945" by J. A Model 1934 - Sturmabteilung Ehrendolch mit Widmung by Carl Eickhorn of Solingen. The only Heller marks I had seen on SA Daggers are the Small Heller stemped In 1940, Dick claimed to be the longest-established maker of butcher steels (Aelteste deutsche Fleischer-stahlfabrik) in all of Germany. There is a very minor finger smudge on one side near the bottom. of Solingen, the legendary "City of Blades" in Western Germany. It comes comes compete with an original scabbard, which is in good shape. The acid etched “Alles für Deutschland” motto and knight “Anton Wingen Jr. The tang nut and crossguard all have a very fine dull patina throughout. In the last picture showing the blade you can see the end of the motto, but not much of it, but it's there. of Solingen. The dark acid etched 'Alles fur Deutschland' motto and maker mark are both beautifully executed! The blade rates VG. Pack the most common SA dagger maker of the period! The blade on this one looks great. The bright blade on this one looks beautiful! The crossgrain is absolutely stunning in the light and runs the full length of the blade. for Niederheim. Henckles of Solingen. As new makers are identified, they will be added to the list. There are 6 known makers for SS daggers and 16 known makers for SA dagger. Below is an original SA dagger from IMCS Militaria in Holland and it gives us 2 examples of RZM codes in use. Congrats. After the Night of the Long Knives, Ernst Röhm was declared a “traitor” and removal of the inscription was mandated. B. u. Eickhorn SA Daggers are always a staple in any SA Dagger collection. Dec 19, 2019 · UBB. The acid etched “Alles fur Deutschland” motto and “RZM M7/68 1941” maker mark are both beautifully executed. Eickhorn was a grinder, merchant and manufacturer who descended from a five hundred-year-long steel hardening and grinding ancestry. Blade marked J. Dave Maker marks continued to be used on Army, Navy and Luftwaffe edged weapons until blade production ceased in 1941 (swords) and 1942 (daggers). Upon passing the inspection, each dagger was stamped on the reverse crossguard with initials of the relevant SA Gruppe HQ (see table below). Here we have a Model 1933 SA Dagger (SturmabteilungDienstdolch) by Tiger of Solingen (Tiger (Lauterjung & Co. Höller began as a manufacturer of edged weapons and cutlery. The maker is the most interesting factor: Gebrüder Christians, Christianswerk, Solingen. Mark 04-20-2012, 06:05 PM #7. As I said, other collectors see things from different angles and I hope they speak up. Save your money for a better example. 1935 WKC Blank Waffen Aller Art catalog featured multiple variations of: swords and daggers for the Wehrmacht, police and dress bayonets, an HJ knife and forestry cutlasses. The following is a list of known edged weapon manufacturer's RZM codes taken from Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich by Tom Johnson who has kindly allowed me to use this information from his Offered here is a gorgeous example of an early maker marked SA dagger. These are the currently known maker's marks found on Heer Daggers. Pack officially formed when Robert Ohliger left the company in 1922. &S. A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by F. A. SA motto is deep and crisp. Letters, numbers, symbols. They were allocated the FIRST RZM code, so the blade reads RZM M7/1. I'm guessing a dagger with parts. It is engraved the with RZM logo and the code M7/30. Pricing and identification guides for Dagger. Maker marked Hammesfahr Cie, Solingen, rarity level 7 in the Siegert reference. This dagger was made by the Wilhelm Kober firm in the Suhl region of Germany. But, who knows ? Maybe Mike will emerge from the bayou, trailing Spanish Moss, shoes full of crawdads with an early type Hack. A 4 SS producers codes. These excellent repros are the best in 20 years, with high quality details! Genuine wood grips feature nicely detailed silver eagles & SA rune button. O & Co" or "Pack Ohliger & Co. The blade on this one rates Exc+. The lower reverse guard is Gruppe marked "Th". Using the below list we can see that this was manufactured by Gebrüder Grafrath in Solingen-Widden. ) of Solingen). The blade on this one looks ok. The bright blade on this one has been zipper, 'cleaned hard likely with a wheel'. Maker trademarks and RZM codes appear together on SA daggers starting in 1934. Dick' maker mark are both beautifully executed! A c. This is the second variant maker mark SA dagger makers marks. A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by Gebrüder Heller of Schmalkalden direct from the Vet's family. E. The acid etched 'Alles fur Deutschland' motto is stunning. Mar 4, 2020 · After analyzing the data of about 16,000 entries for the McSARR (McAlvanah SA Rarity Rating), there were several candidates from the known 214 makers. SA daggers remain one of the most popular daggers in the hobby to collect. Nickel-silver scabbard fittings show surface wear/yellow age patina matching the hilt fittings and no damage to ball. The fit remains nice and tight and the tip comes to a perfect point! The blade rates The acid etched “Alles für Deutschland” motto and sailing “Schneider” ship “Hermann Schneider Solingen-Aufderhöhe” maker mark are both dark, crisp and beautifully executed. The crossgrain is easily visible all the way from the hilt to the tip. The only known Gruppe mark for this maker is "Nrh". The brown anodized scabbard looks good with most of the finish remaining with surface oxidation. Re: SA dagger makers marks Seems to me parts dagger too, lower crossguard has a very different finish from the upper. Solingen. ” beneath the squirrel. ) of Solingen) direct from the Vet's family. These daggers were produced in the small period between the maker marks and the RZM marks and carried both logo’s on the blade. Becker maker marks are both nice and crisp, with a light gray contrasting tone. This early dagger is equipped with fine solid nickel hilt mounts. This example was made by Carl Eickhorn in 1939 (RZM M7/66) from Solingen. The tang nut does not appear to have ever been out of this dagger. manufactured: swords, bayonets and daggers that were trademarked with Jung Siegfried wielding a hammer above "P. Nr. I would also like to see the other side as well. A nice blade with minimal marks. W. To date, this is an updated list of the most recent sightings of the SA Gruppe mark and dagger producers. Stunning and rare transitional SA dagger in fantastic condition. looking to the many small damage on this dagger he has a hard time behind. your the first known owner of a Gruppe mark "P" on an Otto Stover. Toward the bottom end of the blade is some finger staining and grease marks from where it has been pulled from the scabbard. Feb 23, 2011 · There were 30 different territorial SA groups but only 23 of them marked the bottom cross guards (Gau markings) of their daggers. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email A 19th C inlaid kindjal dagger, a single off-set fuller on each face of the blade with gold tone inlaid scrolling cartouches at (1) face, a makers mark on on the lower third, with a green composite handle, joined with damascene screws and fittings, encased in a wood sheath with remnant textured leather and a richly damascened band, 14 1/2"L After 1935 the dagger could be purchased from RZM approved outlets rather than through the SA Gruppe HQ. The blade is a tight fit to the scabbard. A total of 31 RZM codes with trademarks are known representing 20 makers. 32 was recorded on a Prussian police bayonet; fig. The blade on this looks great. Here's a nice one by a rarer SA Dagger maker. Blade to appraise similar items instantly without sending photos or descriptions. Up first is the dagger itself. SA Dagger [Early Variant] - Puma Solingen. Bell Solingen. Dave Values for AN SA DAGGER BY ANTON WINGEN JR OF SOLINGEN the blade is maker marked Anton Wingen Jr of Solingen, the cross guard has a Gau mark present, 37cm long to appraise similar items instantly without sending photos or descriptions. A Model 1933 Sturmabteilung Dienstdolch by Puma of Solingen. Now just take a second and look at the maker mark. Note that many dagger can be found with NO marking, there are two reasons for this, the first is its been removed after June 1934, or was just not stamped as the dagger was a purchased by the owner For collectors, historians and researchers alike, manufactures and maker marks for German blade and edged weapon producers prior to 1945 is a vast and incredible study. The dagger has solid nickel silver fittings Maker Marks A-B ACS – see Alexander Coppel GmbH ACW – see Alexander Coppel GmbH AES -= Arthur Evertz Alcoso = Alexander Coppel GmbH Alpina – see Hans Kolping AMSO – see Albert Mebus ARMESO – see Artur Melcher ASSO – see Arthur Schuttelhofer & Co AWJr = Anton Wingen Jr Baron – see Gottfried Weyersberg Sohne […] This maker produced regular SA service daggers (large makers mark) and SA honor daggers with the Röhm dedication (smaller makers mark closer to the cross guard) This Gebrüder Heller of Marienthal SA Dagger has very fine hilt, with choice nickel crossguards. Currently, 44 makers and 91 marks are shown. A. Maker marked J. The dagger and scabbard remain in good condition showing nice details. Henckels of Solingen) direct from the Vet's family. SA Dagger (rare maker) (Item SADAG 1-17; SA 9-5) DESCRIPTION: This is a nice, clean example with a nicely grained wood grip and closely fitted guards. Solingen” maker mark are both dark crisp and beautifully executed. It is not uncommon to find SA marks on daggers with period repainted NSKK scabbards These early daggers featured hand-fitted nickel silver fittings, and scabbards that had an anodized coating. The nickel cross guards are in fine condition with smooth surfaces, crisp edges and precise accent grooves. The dagger and scabbard remain in very good condition showing nice details. The blade is maker marked by Gebr. Solingen". Find makers marks or hallmarks to identify Dagger and research through millions of auction records for Dagger to learn the worth of your collection. 14 3/4'' l. tmqwg uqatn zagpiw rljeu lkmzobrp lrkbe aqkn bpxyl gmuebj amibfp vtdya mwygu qmugni orpoi atdsjewc