Pokemon card checklist with pictures. com For other general customer service issues: pokemon.
Pokemon card checklist with pictures com is a collection of resources for the Pokémon Trading Card Game put together by reddit user JustInBasil. EN JP. Also features a Trainer Gallery subset Pokémon card scans, prices and collection management. See images, prices, rarities, and checklists of every card in each set. 008 Machamp 9. These Pokémon are all of a higher rarity than usual holographic cards and placed towards the end of the card listings. More about Pokemon Japan; Gundam Card Game; Set. 014 Pidgeot 15. Brilliant Stars Card List, Prices & Collection Management The first English set to feature VSTAR Pokemon. Then, you will need to choose the application to design the checklist. This includes 42 secret rare cards. 019 Dugtrio 20. 006 Gyarados 7. . Pokémon-ex are typically much stronger Pokémon than the Pokémon they are based on. Download and print the checklist of the latest Pokémon Trading Card Game set, featuring cards from the Sword & Shield expansion. 020 Electabuzz 21. Base Set Card List, Prices & Collection Management. com For other general customer service issues: pokemon. 012 Nidoqueen 13. Pokémon and its trademarks are ©1995-2025 Nintendo, Creatures, and GAMEFREAK. 022 Dragonair 23. Justinbasil. You are only allowed to use one GX attack per game, meaning that even if you have multiple cards with GX attacks, you can only use one. I was just banned from a pokemon sub over a mistake and I was smarting and your words on a post from so long ago cheer me immensely. Note: these prints of Leafeon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, and Sylveon appear in promo products (see the gallery below the excluded cards gallery). 6 days ago · Explore the ultimate hub for Pokémon Trading Card Game enthusiasts! Trading Card Almanac offers a comprehensive database and insightful blog posts covering everything about Pokémon TCG. com 001 Exeggcute 002 Exeggutor 003 Pinsir 004 Budew 005 Leafeon 006 Leafeon ex Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions Card List You can search for Pokemon cards by card name and/or number. EN Cards 203 +34 Secret. g. com See the complete lineup from the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Surging Sparks expansion. L. Check All Check None #1 This special set includes each of the original 151 Pokemon distributed in special box sets and tins and also via Booster Bundles and ETBs 1. Card Gallery. Home Browse Sets Shop. Cards 13-93: come in foil versions and non-foil versions. Cards 172 +15 Feb 7, 2020 · This set introduces two new card types called Pokemon V and Pokemon VMAX cards. The Base Set was released in January of 1999, three years after the Japanese version was released. Pokedex List. TM, www. 020 Zapdos 21. 012 Ninetails 13. The Pokellector Website and Mobile Applications are not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by, or in any way associated with Pokemon or The Pokemon Company International Inc Pokemon 151 Card List, Prices & Collection Management. 010 Mewtwo 11. 019 Wigglytuff 20. Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! Need Help Playing www. Below are images for all cards we’ve seen so far that are likely to become part of our November set, Silver Tempest. 001 Bulbasaur 002 Ivysaur 003 Venusaur ex 004 Charmander 005 Charmeleon 006 Charizard ex 007 Squirtle 008 Wartortle 009 Blastoise ex Fossil Card List, Prices & Collection Management. This is where it all began! Cards 102. 021 Electrode 22. Find information on all expansions, including Prismatic Evolutions, Surging Sparks, Stellar Crown, Shrouded Fable, Twilight Masquerade, and more. These cards have a special numbering system with a prefix of TG. 017 Beedrill 18. Illustration Rare Pokémon Base Set is name given to the first set released for the Pokemon TCG and the card list includes Pokemon from Generation I, including Base Set Charizard, Pikachu and more. ® All items sold are guaranteed authentic Email Us 001 Celebi V 002 Roselia 003 Roselia 004 Roserade ★ 005 Cottonee 006 Whimsicott ★ 007 Maractus 008 Durant ★ 009 Dhelmise V 010 Grookey 011 Grookey 012 Thwackey www. 013 Poliwrath 14. www. Jan 9, 1999 · The Pokemon Base Set is the name given to the first set of Pokemon cards. pokemon. 007 Hitmonchan 8. Next In USA. The cards below will not appear as part of the set, but will instead be released in other ways, such as appearing as promo cards in a future product or as part of a future set. The Pokellector Website and Mobile Applications are not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by, or in any way associated with Pokemon or The Pokemon Company International Inc Sep 22, 2023 · There are a total of 207 cards in the Pokemon 151 Set List. VSTAR Universe Paradigm Trigger Incandescent Arcana Lost Abyss Pokemon GO Dark Phantasma Time Gazer Space Juggler Battle Region Star Birth Start Deck 100 VMAX Climax 25th Anniversary Promo Pack 25th Anniversary Collection Fusion ARTS Blue Sky Stream Towering Perfection Eevee Heroes Jet Black Spirit Silver Lance Matchless Fighter Rapid Beginning with Scarlet & Violet base set, Full Art cards are now also considered secret rares. See the names, types, rarities, and images of all 162 cards in the set. 014 Raichu 15. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2; Type effectiveness Journey into Paldea with this complete lineup from the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet expansion. Pokémon card scans, prices and collection management. Cards 1-12: come in two foil versions. Read more about how to identify your Pokemon cards. The Pokemon Base Set is the name given to the first set of Pokemon cards. 201/198. Episode 57 The Terapagos I Don't Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! ©2024 Pokémon. How many rare cards are there in Pokemon 151 Card List? There are a total of 3 Hyper Rare cards, 7 Special Illustration Rare cards, 16 Ultra Rare Cards and 16 Illustration Rare Cards. Set Number: Picture: Card Name: Card Details: Journey Together 29 / 159 : Volcarona: Synopsis Pictures. Pokemon Card Binder. Released Aug 27th 2021. 022 Pidgeotto 23. Randy Pierre. Journey Together McDonald's Dragon Discovery Prismatic Evolutions Surging Sparks Holiday Calendar 2024 Stellar Crown Trick or Trade 2024 Shrouded Fable Twilight Masquerade Temporal Forces Paldean Fates Paradox Rift Scarlet & Violet - 151 Trick or Trade 2023 Holiday Calendar 2023 McDonald's Match Battle 2023 Obsidian Flames Paldea Evolved The Pokéllector's goal is to index as many of the Pokémon Trading Cards as possible! We think this will be a valuable resource for collectors and players alike who either want to keep track of the cards in their collection or look up a card to add to their deck! GENERATIONS CHECKLIST This icon will appear on cards in this set via Pokellector Venusaur EX 001 M Venusaur EX 002 Caterpie 003 Metapod 004 Butterfree 005 Paras 006 Parasect 007 Tangela 008 Pokemon Fan Club 069 Revitalizer 070 Red Card 071 Shauna 072 Team Flare Grunt 073 Double Colorless Energy 074 Grass Energy 075 Fire Energy 076 Water 1. 012 Nidoqueen Jan 9, 1999 · A detailed breakdown of the Base (TCG) Pokémon Card Set. 013 Ninetails 14. However, Pokémon-GX have got a special advantage; They have GX attacks. 003 Chansey 4. Pokémon TCG Live; Cardex-Extra Pokémon Types; Trainer Cards; Energy Cards; Alternate Art Cards; Raid Battles; Pokémon TCG Classic; English Sets-Journey Together-Prismatic Evolutions-Surging Sparks-Stellar Crown-Shrouded Fable-Twilight Masquerade-Temporal Forces-Paldean Fates-Paradox Rift-151-Obsidian Flames-Paldea Evolved Complete Pokémon TCG: XY Expansion Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! = standard set = standard set foil = parallel set | = common = uncommon ★ = rare ★H = rare Holo ★U = rare Ultra = rare Holo EX Back Upcoming Releases Journey Together Set List Journey Together Card Translations Journey Together Visual Set List Back Table of Contents (2025) Introduction (2025) Noteworthy Losses and Retentions from BRS-CRZ (2025) The New Essentials (G-on) 2025 Rotation Card Status (BRS-CRZ) Pokémon-GX are a special kind of card. This page show the newest released sets first. com Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet Card List Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! = standard set = standard set foil = common = uncommon = rare = double rare = ultra rare = illustration rare = special illustration rare = hyper rare = standard set = standard set foil = parallel set = common = uncommon ★ = rare ★H = holo rare ★U = ultra rare ★ = holo rare V ★X = holo rare VMAX V★ = holo rare VSTAR★RAD = Radiant rare Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! Complete Pokémon TCG: Platinum Card List 1 Ampharos ★H 2 Blastoise ★H 3 Blaziken ★H 4 Delcatty ★H 5 Dialga ★H 6 Dialga ★H 7 Dialga ★H 8 Gardevoir ★H 9 Giratina ★H Justinbasil. Howdy! The Pokéllector's goal is to index as many of the Pokémon Trading Cards as possible!. Most Popular Pokemon Card Sets The most popular Pokemon Card Sets right now. The Pokellector Website and Mobile Applications are not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by, or in any way associated with Pokemon or The Pokemon Company International Inc Hi ! I am still out here ! You're right, Topps had/has at least 4 variants as well, depending on the sets. Evolving Skies Pokemon Cards info and collection management. X Mar 3, 2023 · Like many of the most rare and expensive Pokémon cards on this list, this is a promo card. For example: Charizard #4 or Bulbusaur. You must be logged in to track your collection. Unown forms checklist; Vivillon patterns checklist; Generation VI. Like previous sets, it also comes with 30 Trainer Gallery cards; these are cards of Trainers and Pokemon together. Cards 141-147 and SH7-SH9: come in one foil version. You can also search Pokemon Cards with a photo. RS Dex Pokemon | Cool pokemon cards, Pokémon ruby, Pokemon type chart. 006 Clefairy 7. See the complete lineup from the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable expansion. The set contains over 200 cards, including 14 secret rare cards. Check All Check None #1 - Pinsir #2 - Hoppip #3 - Skiploom #4 - Jumpluff #5 - Seedot #6 - Tropius The first English set to feature VSTAR Pokemon. It was released in 2010 as part of the L-P Promotional Cards, which tied in with the Pokemon Card Game Legend era. 008 Hitmonchan 9. What is Find and save ideas about pokemon checklist printable on Pinterest. Card List . 015 Poliwrath 16. 001 Alakazam 2. 009 Magneton 10. Cards 94-99, AR1-AR9, and SH10-SH12: come in one foil version. Find any Pokémon card by name, keyword, evolution, energy type, format, expansion, and more. See card images, rarity, illustrator, and other details for each card. Find any Pokémon card, track prices on TCGPlayer and Card Market, and dive into captivating content on strategies, collections, and more. Including all the way up till around 2010-2011. 002 Blastoise 3. These cards will have a collector number above that of the number of cards in the set, e. 012 Ninetails Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! Need Help Playing www. com 001 Venusaur ex 002 Ledyba 003 Ledian 004 Celebi 005 Lileep 006 Cradily Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Stellar Crown Card List Cards 1-14: come in two foil versions. Pokemon List With Pictures. Pokémon like Iron Boulder and Raging Bolt are powering their way into the compelling and competitive world of the Pokémon TCG courtesy of the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Stellar Crown expansion. Browse the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Stellar Crown Expansion Meet some of the new Pokémon from Area Zero as they make their Pokémon TCG debut. The Pokellector Website and Mobile Applications are not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by, or in any way associated with Pokemon or The Pokemon Company International Inc Sep 9, 2022 · Lost Origin is the latest Pokemon TCG set in the Sword and Shield series, featuring Pokemon V, VMAX and VSTAR cards for players to collect. Jun 17, 2021 · How Can We Make a Pokemon Card Checklist? The first thing you need is an inspiration. Trading Cards. There are many checklist templates you can incorporate with the Pokemon card collection. 005 Clefable 6. Filled with 8,000 Trading Card Game cards and values, this must-have reference is packed with all 73 current TCG expansion sets, every ultra rare and secret rare cards (GX, EX, 1st Edition, and more) and checklists for every expansion set. DJS Pokemon Trading Cards 8714 69th st Pinellas Park Fl 33782 727-459-7761: Gulfcoast Webworks, L. Illustration Rare Pokémon To access checklists from the TCG website that do exist you can click a series/expansion name & look for the "Card Checklist" option on the page. POKÉMON VARIATIONS Secret Rare Rare Rainbow Ultra Rare Sad as it may be there are plenty of fake packs out there. Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! Complete Pokémon TCG: Platinum Card List 1 Ampharos ★H 2 Blastoise ★H 3 Blaziken ★H 4 Delcatty ★H 5 Dialga ★H 6 Dialga ★H 7 Dialga ★H 8 Gardevoir ★H 9 Giratina ★H Pokémon card scans, prices and collection management. See the cards from the latest Pokémon TCG expansion, including the debut of Shiny rare and Shiny ultra rare Pokémon, type-shifted Tera Pokémon ex with a crystalline appearance, brand-new Pokémon ex, beautiful cards with special illustrations, and more. You can search for a specific set of Pokemon Cards using the search box below. com. Full list of the English Pokemon card set names along with each set's symbols and a printable checklist. Like Pokémon EX, if defeated then the player can take two prize cards. It was an exclusive edition given to members of the Daisuki Club (a Pokémon fan club) who accrued 8,600 points by completing specific tasks. 021 Beedrill 22. com Mar 22, 2021 · Pokemon Card Sets. Explore the Pokémon living dex checklist, track your pokemon with the best pokedex tracker for all pokemon games. Explore the complete list of Pokémon Trading Card Game sets. You have to insert some badges for each checklist and clip art of characters in Pokemon. Hello Guest! sign in | register. ★H = rare Holo ★ = rare = uncommon = common = rare Holo LV. If you include Reverse cards, the total becomes 360 cards. 018 Venusaur 19. Collection Status. Twilight Masquerade Card List, Prices & Collection Management. Released on 1999-01-09. English Sets » Base Set Series » Base Set. https://www. Beginning with Scarlet & Violet base set, Full Art cards are now also considered secret rares. 005 Clefairy 6. 004 Charizard 5. Browse checklists by sets, rarity, and regions with images and badges. / GAME FREAK inc. 016 Raichu 17. C. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire; Type effectiveness chart; Unown forms checklist; Vivillon patterns checklist; Pokémon X and Y; Type effectiveness chart; Unown forms checklist; Vivillon patterns checklist; Generation V. X Pokémon-ex were a special type of Pokémon card that existed throughout the Pokémon EX card series. As well as featuring new Pokemon from the Sword & Shields series, it also features the two legendary faces of the games: Zacian and Zamazenta. Cards 15-140: come in foil versions and non-foil versions. 015 Venusaur 16. Browse through the list of Pokemon Card sets that have been released since the original Base Set in 1999. We think this will be a valuable resource for collectors and players alike who either want to keep track of the cards in their collection or look up a card to add to their deck! Jan 8, 1999 · The big 3 Pokemon - Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur, have a special place in many Pokemon Fans hearts, and this set shows just how much, with these cards in excellent condition often going for tens of thousands in the market especially if they are First Edition Holo versions of the cards. The list ignores alternate miscellaneous promotional prints of cards originally released in main expansions, such as the Prerelease print of Buck's Training or the Sheen Holofoil print of Fiery Torch included in the Pyroar Box. The set contains 102 cards… highly sought after by collectors who want the first appearance (sort of like a Rookie Card) of each Pokemon. Thank for being so kind. 016 Zapdos 17. Also features a Trainer Gallery subset 1. Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Battle Styles Card List Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! = standard set = standard set foil = parallel set = common = uncommon ★ = rare ★H = holo rare ★U = ultra rare ★ = holo rare V ★X = holo rare VMAX 001 Bellsprout 002 Weepinbell Pokémon card scans, prices and collection management. For more information about the set, including which as yet unrevealed cards are expected to make an appearance in the set—and for translations of cards that appear in Japanese below—be sure to check out Silver Tempest Prospective Set List. 007 Gyarados 8. VSTAR Universe Paradigm Trigger Incandescent Arcana Lost Abyss Pokemon GO Dark Phantasma Time Gazer Space Juggler Battle Region Star Birth Start Deck 100 VMAX Climax 25th Anniversary Promo Pack 25th Anniversary Collection Fusion ARTS Blue Sky Stream Towering Perfection Eevee Heroes Jet Black Spirit Silver Lance Matchless Fighter Rapid Base Set Pokemon Cards info and collection management. 017 Scyther 18. Also features a Trainer Gallery subset. I have tons of fake cards from that set time and just like you he’ll had there’s always been fake cards with fake packs they even the store passes off as real because they are unsure at the time and especially getting Shady vendors to know what’s real or not. 001 Bulbasaur 002 Ivysaur 003 Venusaur ex 004 Charmander 005 Charmeleon 006 Charizard ex 007 Squirtle 008 Wartortle 009 Blastoise ex A simple list of all 1025 Pokémon by National Dex number, with images. Jun 17, 2021 · Find 10 free PDF printables for Pokemon card collectors to keep track of their collection. Released Jan 9th 1999. Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Astral Radiance Card List Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! 001 Beedrill V ★ 002 Hisuian Voltorb 003 Hisuian Electrode 004 Scyther 005 Scyther 006 Yanma 007 Yanmega 008 Heracross 009 Kricketot 010 Kricketune Justinbasil. The list is sorted by year with the latest sets at the top. Released in 1999, Base Set cards are some of the most expensive to buy today, especially First Edition and Shadowless versions. 018 Dragonair 19. Alternate Art Promos; Aquapolis; Arceus; Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit (JP Exclusive) Base Set; Base Set (Shadowless) Base Set 2 20 hours ago · Card List. ©1995–2024 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. 1. Base Set. 001 Celebi V 002 Roselia 003 Roselia 004 Roserade ★ 005 Cottonee 006 Whimsicott ★ 007 Maractus 008 Durant ★ 009 Dhelmise V 010 Grookey 011 Grookey 012 Thwackey Justinbasil. com/us/pokemon-tcg/trading-card-expansions/#/ Browse and search all Pokemon card sets from Base Set to Scarlet & Violet. com Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Paldea Evolved Card List Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! = standard set = standard set foil = common = uncommon = rare = double rare = ultra rare = illustration rare = special illustration rare = hyper rare www. GENERATIONS CHECKLIST This icon will appear on cards in this set via Pokellector Venusaur EX 001 Pokemon Fan Club 069 Revitalizer 070 Red Card 071 Shauna 072 This special set includes each of the original 151 Pokemon distributed in special box sets and tins and also via Booster Bundles and ETBs Cards 165 +42 Secret Released Sep 22nd 2023 Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Battle Styles Card List Use the check boxes below to keep track of your Pokémon TCG cards! = standard set = standard set foil = parallel set = common = uncommon ★ = rare ★H = holo rare ★U = ultra rare ★ = holo rare V ★X = holo rare VMAX 001 Bellsprout 002 Weepinbell Nov 13, 2017 · Find out with Pokemon Cards: The Unofficial Ultimate Collector's Guide. The following is a chronological list of all the Trainer cards released in English for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. 011 Nidoking 12. onme vjr frbx quuwkeo zxsjff icbvum bweg vge klctdo cvqaiej ofcc zkmsu fhgjgl xyojxfj vebq