Please check and confirm. OK Please confirm if the given address is valid.
Please check and confirm Jul 2, 2022 · このように、 CheckとConfirm は、日本語の「確認する」より意味する範囲が限定的です。 CheckとConfirmの具体例. org: Ihr Wörterbuch im Internet für Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen, mit Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. See full list on grammarhow. The selected ICC input profile path seems to be invalid. Exact (1) The prolonged engagement with two participant groups, six weeks with the mentors and four weeks with nursing students, as outlined above, also provided opportunities for checking and confirming the trustworthiness of the emerging analysis over time. double lock the door = 给门上两道锁. Could you please confirm if you received my message? 7 “Could You Please Confirm” Email Templates Below are 7 “could you please confirm” email templates you can copy and paste into your email correspondences with customers and professionals Jun 30, 2020 · When it comes to formal situations, using polite language and a respectful tone are essential. It shows that you’ve read and understood something. 3. May 13, 2011 · 别人说”Upload finished please check and confirm. ” This direct approach is commonly used in formal business emails. Scenario: You’ve sent an important contract to your colleague, and you need to ensure they’ve received it. ” Confirming Required Actions by Email. 和訳: 確認して Mar 30, 2024 · Warm regards, Oscar. This article will explore some good ways to ask someone to check something. The kindly is leaning towards a demand. The please is leaning towards a request. 同じシチュエーションでCheckとConfirmを使ったときに、どのような意味になるのかと言う具体例を見ると、より意味の違いがはっきりすると思います。 Apr 9, 2024 · Please check at your end; To change your reservation, please check first the availability at your chosen hotel then cancel your reservation and make a new booking. Here are a few formal alternatives to the phrase “kindly check”: Please review the enclosed document. 31 other terms for please confirm- words and phrases with similar meaning Oct 20, 2015 · I'd like to confirm with you that you will finish the report by Thursday. Apr 1, 2020 · Please confirm의 동의어 영어(미국) 프랑스어(프랑스) 독일어 이탈리아어 일본어 한국어 폴란드어 포르투갈어(브라질) 포르투갈어(포르투갈) 러시아어 간체 중국어 스페인어(멕시코) 중국어(대만) 터키어 베트남어 大量翻译例句关于"please check" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 please check - 英中 – Linguee词典 在Linguee网站寻找 Apr 1, 2020 · Synonym for confirm To confirm is used when assuring whether or not something is true. This article will explore the contexts where “please process” is appropriate, alternatives to consider, and Feb 27, 2021 · Please review: Please review the attached document and verify its contents. In this case, you’re asking for someone to look into something. Please check it, as I do not want to have so many clones in the European Parliament. ” “Please confirm by email that you’ve received the details on the meeting. 的意思为请确认以下信息。 correct,英文单词,形容词、动词,作形容词时意为“(政治或思想)正确的;恰当的;端正的”,作动词时意为“改正;批改(学生作业);校正;指出错误;抵消;校准(仪器);修正、调整(数据)”。 Mar 27, 2024 · I'll do my best, so please check it out. Please Oct 3, 2024 · 2. Example: Please check the figures before submitting the report. "Please, check" is used when you want to politely ask someone to verify something, while "please check" is used when you want to ask someone to examine or inspect something. Note any changes and return to EPI as soon as possible. Please check your spelling before submitting your application. Could I trouble you to confirm? Every on-the-spot check under this Chapter, regardless whether the farmer in question was selected for the on-the-spot check in accordance with Article 51, checked on-the-spot pursuant to the legislation applicable to the acts and standards in accordance with Article 50(1a) or as a follow-up of non-compliances brought to the attention of the competent control authority in any other way, shall Mar 25, 2024 · Both "please, check" and "please check" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. LEO. May I ask you to confirm: May I ask you to confirm the dates and times of the meeting? Apr 1, 2020 · Synonym for check there isn’t much difference as they can both be used. " Jan 13, 2025 · Saying “just to confirm” may work in most scenarios, but using alternative phrases can help you sound more empathetic, professional, or approachable, depending on the tone you want to convey. To politely confirm, restate the information that was confirmed, declare what you will do with the confirmed information, and ask for further confirmation if needed. Please confirm at your earliest convenience – Indicating that they can reply when convenient shows understanding of their Please check 실제 사용 예시. I need to Dec 17, 2019 · 日本語でもある「check(チェック)」ですが、少しカジュアルな表現となるので、「confirm」がいいでしょう。しかし、「Please check ~. Emails are often used to request that a member of a team completes a specific task. Jul 23, 2021 Please check for accuracy and re-enter Sep 13, 2022 · Let me check my schedule. Note: For some rates, cancellation of your reservation may be subject to conditions. Jan 20, 2025 · 1. このメールに添付の資料を確認してください。 Please check the attached documents in this email. You could say "can you confirm that I have a valid ticket for tomorrow night's play" Apr 4, 2024 · 三. To check can mean the same thing (while sounding more casual), but it also has many other uses. Example scenario: Hi John, I’ve just sent over the revised contract via courier. 문구 분석: please check and confirm. confirm vs check. This simple guide will clearly explain the subtle difference between the words “verify” and “confirm”. CRAYOLA 4 Feb 12, 2020 Please check for accuracy and try again. confirm. See examples of formal and conversational phrases and synonyms for "please check and confirm". 我想要確認一下我飯店的 ビジネス英語で確認を意味する単語でよく使われるのは"check"と"confirm"です。 それぞれの単語が持つ意味や表現をご紹介します。 目次. (0027). Please check and confirm. “Please verify that you have received…” This phrase is straightforward and works well when you need a clear confirmation. Also, for me is a bit awkward since it creates another prepositional phrase in the sentence, and therefore dilutes the main contents. “Please confirm receipt of this email” is limited to electronic transactions using emailing tools. Please confirm the section headings are correctly identified. 以下をご確認ください。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。 Please check and confirm the receipt of this order. 最后再次回到标题,那么check和confirm有什么区别呢? 先是check. 在执行特殊任务的工作人员,如特警 飞行员等回复时都是用copy或者over的. To emphasize the need for confirmation or to ensure accuracy, “double-check” is a commonly used phrase. These are the best options: Please confirm you acknowledge this Kindly confirm receipt … 11 Other Ways to Say “Please Confirm Confirm with me: to talk about it now and confirm now. 日積月累,你也能成為英語大神 Apr 10, 2024 · “Please confirm receipt” is an expression commonly used in business correspondence. While the term ‘double check’ has become widely recognized in American English and other English-speaking regions, ‘double confirm’ is prevalent in specific Dec 11, 2024 · The phrase “please process” is commonly used in professional settings to politely request action, often involving approval, handling, or execution of tasks. please – 제발, 부디, 아무쪼록, 기쁘게 하다, 하고 싶어하다, 남의 마음에 들다, 좋게 생각하다. Find examples, tips, and regional variations for effective communication. Could you check and confirm to me the time of the meeting? I need you to check and confirm to me the details of the reservation. Learn the correct usage of "Please check and confirm with us if the cheque " and "Please check and confirm with us whether the cheque " in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase. For example, "Can you please check and confirm the size of the room before I book it?". check主要是“检查”的意思,更多是对于未知或者未清晰的状况进行检查确认。 You should always check your oil, water, and tyres before taking your car on a long trip. We would normally leave it out of this sentence; the “please” is already polite enough, so the “kindly” isn’t needed. When you want to confirm or make sure of something in a casual context, “check” is commonly used. 例句: Please check and confirm. The third possible expression to use is “please confirm receipt of this email. Feb 11, 2021 · Formal Ways to Say “Kindly Check” In formal email communication, it is essential to maintain a polite and respectful tone. “Can you validate” emphasizes accuracy. double insurance =双重保险. Mar 19, 2018 · 「確認してください」を英語で. 我的问题: 1. What Is The Difference Between “Verify” and “Confirm”? Despite Check PNR status live on mobile with Trainman. Please check: This is a straightforward and polite way to request someone’s attention to reviewing or verifying something. DESCRIPTION. Find out when to use "please check" or its variations in formal or informal situations. (0014). ” Validate the Information: Confirm the accuracy and reliability of information “It’s crucial to validate the information before sharing. 请先检查后进行确认。 You have to reconfirm your flight 24 hours before travelling. Jan 18, 2023 · 今回は特にcheck」「confirm」「verify」の単語を中心に解説します。「確認する」と言う表現で使われる英単語ですが、それぞれ使い方やニュアンスが異なります。正しい使い分けができるように、例文も紹介しているのでぜひ参考にいしてください。 Sep 18, 2022 · Please confirm receipt of this email. please describe any - 아무거나 설명해주세요; please proceed - 의 절차를 따르십시오; Please turn to the right - 오른쪽으로 가주세요 Many translated example sentences containing "please check and confirm" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. “Please confirm receipt of this email. Here are some ways to say “kindly check” formally: 1. I would appreciate it if you could double check: I would appreciate it if you could double check the figures before finalizing the report. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. ” Review and Confirm: Thoroughly go through and then verify Feb 19, 2019 · 總的來說,check更偏向檢查,confirm更偏向確認,一般來說,是先check(檢查),再confirm(確認)。 Please check and confirm. A quick reply lets others know their message made it through and keeps work flowing smoothly. Listen. The preferred ways to politely ask … 10 Best Ways to Politely Ask Someone to Check Read More » Can you please confirm the location of the meeting? I seem to have misplaced that information. ) 2. “Would you double-check” implies thoroughness. Learn 10 polite ways to ask someone to double-check their work or your own work in an email. Jul 9, 2024 · Please check and confirm to me that the report is accurate. Also, kindly confirm the details in the metadata are correct. . Please check if the given address is valid. @tommama The “kindly” is what makes it a bit unnatural. How Do You Respond To Please Confirm Your Appointment? Sure, I appreciate the invitation for the appointment. 英語で確認を表す言葉 "check"と"confirm"の違い "check"と"confirm"の使い方について 軽めのお願いの"check" Nov 2, 2017 · 「確認」を英語で何というか知っていますか?実は「確認」を意味する英単語はたくさんあり、それぞれ微妙にニュアンスが違います。今回は英語で「確認」「確認する」はどのように表現するのか、またそれぞれの英語表現の違いを徹底解説したいと思います。 Mar 31, 2020 · Synonym for Please check your availability for next Sunday. It works well when requesting verification in a serious context: Being polite is fundamental in all situations (as long as you care about your manners). In addition, it is used for acknowledgment of the receipt of Please confirm if DIFS will require issuers to submit the two-year enrollment projections as required when health plans expand into new service areas for Message "Please confirm your 在職場溝通中,"請幫忙確認英文" 是一個常見的請求,但如何以禮貌且有效的語氣表達,是建立良好人際關係的關鍵。例如,當您需要同事確認文件內容時,可以使用 "Could you please confirm" 開頭,例如 "Could you please confirm that the attached Mar 1, 2024 · Please let me know that you’ve received this email; Could you please acknowledge receipt of this message? Please confirm that this email has been received; I’d appreciate a quick confirmation that this email has reached you; Please send a brief reply to confirm receipt; In the follow-up: Just following up to see if you have received my Apr 13, 2020 · Formal Ways to Say “Please Confirm” 1. " (you don't have the address yet, but you will talk later and Aug 1, 2017 · 「confirm」「check」はどれも「確認する」という意味の英単語ですがニュアンスの違いがありますので、詳しく解説していきます。音声付き例文もありますので、アメリカ英語の発音も確認してみてください。 double confirm = 重复证实两次 ( ) relock the door = 重新锁一遍门. Translate Please check and confirm. " This translation maintains a polite tone and is suitable for professional or formal situations. 在商务英语中可回复sth have approvaled. She asked him to check and confirm to her the delivery address. Double-check. “Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email. See examples of polite, formal, casual, and friendly ways to say “please confirm” in emails, messages, or projects. What to Say Instead of “Please Proceed” Kindly move forward; Please continue; Feel free to proceed; You may continue; When you’re ready, keep going; Go ahead Oct 9, 2023 · Formal translation: "Could you please verify and provide guidance. 2. Please check the expiration date on the milk carton before So, keep reading to learn how to say “please proceed” in an email. Casual translation: "Can you please check and let me know?" 4 days ago · “Could you please” is a simple way to ask someone’s permission to do something. I hope it helps|@hhoc2000 확인하다 = Confirm|@hhoc2000 Check = Review, try to “confirm”, to investigate by actually “checking” Or A rectangular (this shape is longer than it is tall or high) piece of paper that is a form of payment. I have a person who regularly makes mistakes in spelling or the data he writes are wrong, so I want to tell someone that (Please check and confirm the data or spellings before you send email or Jun 3, 2022 · Choose please or kindly. Check. ) 3. It conveys a professional tone while clearly requesting confirmation that the email has been received. " (you don't have the address yet, but you will talk later and Mar 28, 2024 · Exploring the Origins of ‘Double Check’ and ‘Double Confirm’ The phrases ‘double check’ and ‘double confirm’ have distinct etymologies and uses in English. が使われます。内容的には、 I am attaching the XXX file that you requested. 8. I’m sorry Jul 24, 2022 · 1. Learn how to use the phrase "please check and confirm" in written English with examples from various sources. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "please check and confirm" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Examples of Confirmation Responses Simple, clear responses help maintain good communication Learn the correct usage of "I have checked various possibilities in testing so please check and confirm" and "I have checked various possibilities, so please check and confirm" in English. "Please check your availability for next Sunday" implies you don't know if you are available or not, and need to check to know. Dec 8, 2020 · Please examine and confirm: “Examine and confirm” is a direct and formal way to emphasize the need for thorough checking. Please check and confirm the author names and initials are correct. Also get train ticket confirmation chances for waiting list ̉tickets. Please confirm the receipt. (확인 메시지를 받으시려면 이메일을 확인해주세요. 使うのはこれ! Please confirm (プリーズ コン ファ ーム ) 「confirm」(コンファーム)(※太字のところにアクセントがきます)は、「~ (が正しいこと) を確かめる」「~(が正しいこと)を確認する」という意味の他動詞(※目的語を必要とする動詞)です。 May 11, 2018 · Please confirm Please check 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 confirm は「確認する」という意味の英語表現です。 例: Please confirm the following. reinsurance =再保险. I need your confirmation that you'll do it on time. Moltissimi esempi di frasi con "please check and confirm" – Dizionario italiano-inglese e motore di ricerca per milioni di traduzioni in italiano. Subject: Confirmation of Contract Delivery Jan 10, 2024 · Double-Check, Please: Politely request a second review “If you could double-check, please, before finalizing. OK Please confirm if the given address is valid. (ご都合をご確認の上、ご確認ください。) 「ご確認よろしくお願いいたします」の英語訳②I kindly ask for your confirmation 確認英文Check:掌握「Check」、「Confirm」、「Verify」和「Validate」的精髓 在探索「Check」、「Confirm」、「Verify」和「Validate」這四個與確認相關的詞彙時,我們會發現其中潛藏著微妙而重要的語義差別,這些差別對於提升我們的英語使用能力至關重要。 Email confirmations play a big role in the modern workplace. This phrase is commonly used when sending attachments or documents that require the recipient’s attention. Jul 4, 2024 · Learn the correct usage of "please kindly check" and "kindly check" in English. confirm back to me: gives you a chance to think about an answer. But confirm could mean to make it final. The customer requested the salesperson to check and confirm to them the availability of the Oct 30, 2024 · Learn how to request confirmation in various situations with alternative phrases. QUANTITY. Sometimes, "Please confirm your availability for next Sunday" is the same as "please check Coming up with another way to say “please confirm receipt of this email” helps people to acknowledge formal emails. To confirm is often to acknowledge or restate some fact, such as a theater booking. Aug 19, 2015 · To validate is to verify, check or prove the authenticity if something, such as a ticket or permit for example. "Please confirm your availability for next Sunday" implies you think you are available, but need to make certain. Confirm with me: to talk about it now and confirm now. “Can you please check your details?” “Can you please confirm your details?” - both mean to make sure it is correct. For instance: Hey, could you check if we still have milk in the fridge? 2. Please check it. Expand. Main Points “Could you verify” is a polite alternative. Oct 26, 2019 · Learn different ways to say "please check and confirm" formally or informally in various situations. Ludwig is an English writing platform that helps you write better and faster with AI suggestions. “Mind confirming” is a friendly way to ask. Like. Please check your email for the confirmation message. Doing both moves the tone from polite to needy. With this sense, you can also confirm something for someone: Let me look at my calendar to confirm that for you. 1. Check is just a review Sep 30, 2022 · 仕事などでよく確認を依頼することがあります。例えば「資料を確認していただけませんか」などです。今日、メールを打っていて、ふと「Could you please check it?」と「Could you please confirm it?」のどちらが良いのだろうと悩んだため、今日はCheckとConfirmの違いについて紹介したいと思います。 The words “verify” and “confirm” are widely used, but the difference between the two can be confusing for both readers and writers. 」などとしてもOKです。 「confirm」の発音と発音記号は下記となります。 Nov 4, 2008 · please confirm 怎么回答对方要求确认可根据情况回答. We have followed bold variables(这是什么意思?) as in manuscript. Natürlich auch als App. This article will look into how to write an email asking for confirmation of receipt. ” High quality example sentences with “check and confirm” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform 1. Additional tip: Offering flexibility in terms of timing or method of review can accommodate the recipient’s schedule or preferences. High quality example sentences with “could please check and revert” in context from reliable sources Please confirm the receipt. All three fields for Phone are required. 在職場中,用英文請同事或上司確認資訊是常見的需求。想要禮貌地提出請求,同時又能清楚表達自己的需求,需要掌握一些技巧。例如,「請協助確認 英文」 最常遇到的問題是,直接使用 "Please help me confirm…" 的句型,反而顯得不夠禮貌。 High quality example sentences with “please check and confirm ok” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Work in the battery room, please check and confirm no abnormal phenomenon in the room before the operation, a ban on battery charging during the operation, all of the indoor ventilation should be started, to maintain good ventilation. Please check it again, will you? The configured window manager is being launched. Please check for accuracy and try again. We would be obliged, if you could quote your earliest delivery date and quan Bitte prüfen Sie und bestätigen Sie den Erhalt der Bestellung. Sending a clear, professional response to “Please confirm receipt of this email” shows respect and helps build trust. confirmには、ある情報が本当に間違いないかどうかについて裏付けや証拠を使って確かめるというニュアンスがあります。 Jul 9, 2024 · Learn the correct usage of "Please check" and "please kindly check" in English. “Check” is then the order that you’d like them to carry out. 這是英語罐頭,每天我都會分享最實用的英語知識. It’s important to know good ways to word certain requests to make sure you remain as friendly and polite as possible. |@tommama It makes sense, but I would probably say “Could you please check it. ビジネスシーンでよく多用される「確認する」。英語では、日本語以上に多くの言い回しがあります。確認することは、ビジネスパートナーと信頼関係を築く上で非常に重要な表現です。是非マスターしましょう。 Dec 18, 2019 · Could you please confirm – Using the word “could” adds a level of politeness and respect to your request. ITEM NUMBER. High quality example sentences with “please check and” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Apr 1, 2020 · Synonym for Check @hhoc2000 That's the best way i can explain. I would appreciate it if you could confirm – This phrase emphasises your gratitude for their confirmation. ” Of course, you may conveniently change the part after the preposition “of” depending on what you are referring to. " Explanation: In a formal context, the phrase "check and advice" can be translated as "verify and provide guidance. Please confirm. Jul 9, 2024 · confirm和check的差別是? 「confirm」是已經有「確定好的事物」這樣的狀態下,「確認是否是正確的」這樣的意思。 相較於此,「check」要確認的東西則是以沒有「確定好的事物」為前提。 I would like to confirm that my hotel reservation has been made. “我该怎么回答? 我让他们帮助上传文件到一个网页上,这句话是他们帮我上传好后对我说的,我已经检查过网页,没有问题,那应该说? Exploring different expressions for ‘please check’ can enhance your communication skills and professionalism. Despite its simplicity, how you use this phrase can significantly impact the tone and clarity of your communication. Translations in context of "check and confirm" in English-French from Reverso Context: Please check and confirm whether the accessories are complete. 「ご要望のXXXファイルを添付いたします。受領をご確認ください。」と言うような場合です。 このような文章で最後に、Please check it. Here, we’ll explore 30 thoughtful alternatives, complete with explanations and examples to guide you. We’ve gathered a helpful list of synonyms to give you a better idea of what might work well in your emails. (제출하기 전에 철자를 확인해주세요. Jul 1, 2011 · please confirm the below information. Check your gas ⛽️ or petrol in the car 🚗 before you make a long drive. Example Email:. ” “Please reply with confirmation that you’ve read the attached. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 May 19, 2021 · “Please reply with confirmation that you have received this email. OK (sounds very formal though) There are more use cases which you can use check in, but confirm would be wrong: To Nov 26, 2024 · Please check for accuracy. example: "I need you to confirm with me your new phone number" (you must do it right away) "I need you to confirm back to me when you have your new home address. Consider the example below: Please respond to this email to confirm receipt; Please respond as soon as you’ve read this; I need a response once you’ve read this; Please confirm that you received this email; Please confirm upon receipt; I would appreciate a return email once you’ve read this; Please send a confirmation when you’ve read this; Let me know when you Feb 1, 2024 · 例文②:Could you please check the details and let me know?(詳細をご確認の上、ご連絡いただけますか?) 例文③:Please check and confirm your availability. I confirm our meeting on [date] at [time] to discuss [topic]. 請先檢查後進行確認。. com Learn different ways to ask someone to check information, such as "do you mind reviewing" or "look through". Jan 29, 2024 · When your boss, vendor or client asks to 'Confirm email receipt', this is how to do it formally. Could you please check this for me? I want to make sure I know what I’m doing here before I commit to anything. Please check it whether it complies with the statements. Know your PNR confirmation chances with IRCTC-authorized PNR enquiry platform. Many translated example sentences containing "check and confirm" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. ” Mar 27, 2024 · よりフォーマルな文脈や、敬意を払いたい相手には、「Kindly confirm」や「Could you please confirm?」のような表現が適しています。一方で、より直接的なアプローチを求める場合は、「Please confirm」を使用すると良いでしょう。 1. Reading this article should make understanding the difference easier. You can also request confirmation: Please confirm that you'll finish the report by then. Sharing polite and professional replies to 'Please confirm the receipt of this email' in business communication. nkad rlp wwedyn rgis hbeci crhp xcifs rvabf kqcf atbcn flnkpy qxtebzg nvzny uqohbm lxbev