
Overwatch fps drops july 2020. Game is unplayable during this time.

Overwatch fps drops july 2020 Jul 17, 2021 · Everytime I face the enemies team mates, my FPS drops from 150 to 80. It only happens on overwatch, I never had this issue on games like Apex or valorant. . This is great because I have a 240 Hz monitor. Basically unplayable, abilities that target team mates will not even trigger because it seems they never become valid “targets” for me due to choppy screen updates. Aug 23, 2020 · Hi, I have had issues with drops in fps and crackling sound, during the start menu I get no issues, and as I go into a game it begins to drop down, even at low display settings, I’m lucky to get 15fps, this was never the case before. Deleted the game settings, cache folders (Overwatch Dec 19, 2024 · Hey yall, Im incredibly frustrated and would rly appreciate help ;-; My game currently launches at 30 fps, then eventually falls to 5-10 frames after about 10 minutes of playing; it used to stay at 60 with hardly a problem. Dec 4, 2020 · Overwatch Forums FPS drops during fights? Technical Support. Looks like after playing for 20min it gets better but I tried all the options, put new driver etc seems its last update who made this problem. Same seemingly random fps drops, but now they are getting as low as 8 fps, and holds for like 5-10 seconds then goes back to normal as if nothing happened. g clearing game cache, updating drivers, having stable internet connection, etc Subreddit for all things Overwatch™, Overwatch 2™ and the Overwatch™ Universe, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment. Jun 12, 2023 · None of those screenshots are showing massive FPS drops but it looks like there was a big SIM spike which may indicate a problem. Connection PVE Event Disconnections on Jul 4, 2018 · Ever since the Horizon rework there are certain spots on the map that cause me to get random FPS drops. 3. (again, 0. The issue starts at the beginning of the match when everyone uses their skills for the first time and FPS goes down and up causing stuttering which is very very annoying. If your post is a bug report or issue with the game, please reference the stickied Megathread at the top of the subreddit here. 49154) I’m getting huge (~80% ) fps drops from capped 142 to 30 FPS. I have tried every step on this ( Blizzard Support - Overwatch 2 Jun 3, 2024 · GPU remains around the same, CPU rises to 81°C then drops to high 70’s, back to 81-ish anytime FPS drops occur. 50Hz, installed Ram: 8GB, system Jan 18, 2020 · Check the Limit FPS setting in-game. I have a GTX 1060, Ryzen 5 1600 and 16gb of ram and while its not the greatest system it should definitely be able to run OW at 1080p Throughout most of my games i receive 200-215fps but i get random dips down to 50 or 60 which makes the game stutter a lot. The 1060 would run fine however I am now constantly experiencing stuttering in game. The game feels choppy my frames seem to be in the 220-270 fps range. Please read this comment, as it is being automatically posted to each submission on r/Overwatch. The most notable spot where this will tend to occur is on the second point. To quantify the problem, here is how it affects my performance in a controlled benchmark (timed benchmark of the same replay, logged with frameview). Now I have sometimes 100-110 fps. Aug 7, 2018 · Since the latest update (1. New games often have certain maps that hog up the gpu for specific hardware. Some drops here and there to 120fps. When i play my game suddenly drops from around 120 fps to 25-30 and stays that way for a long time, like up to 45 minutes, and i cannot for the life of me find out why. For example If I go to the training room and use Echo mini bombs for the first time the game freezes for a second same with pulse bomb and even primary fire for heroes. This includes setting Overwatch at Maximum Performance (not optimal power Nov 24, 2020 · Recently I decided on getting back into the game, when I did I noticed that my game will have huge FPS drops, from 120-20, I can’t even play the game anymore. I tried to fix it by toggling reduce buffering, going from fullscreen to windowed and back, changing fps cap The games runs smoothly most of the time even if I don't have the best PC on the market, but I randomly get these HUGE FPS-drops, which drop me from like 120fps to 5-10fps for 5-10 seconds. My FPS are now dropping constantly and it’s driving me nuts. So far I’ve tried: reinstalling the GPU drivers reinstalling the game repairing the game capping my FPS at Jul 7, 2020 · Obligatory DxDiag pastebin: 7bw3bZ1Q I’m currently struggling with stuttering that seems to be occurring intermittently during gameplay. https://i. Severe stuttering too when I get into a team fight. Change it to “Display Based” to get higher FPS; Check in the game Settings if the “Reduce Buffering” option is enabled. Today I queued and got put into an on-going game, at first it was smooth, after like a minute my fps dropped to 60~ from my usual stable capped 165. Nov 8, 2020 · I have the same issue too. When I join a game it drops significantly to around 60 at best and to around 40 on average. Despite having good specs (e. Anyone else ? I have a MX150 graphic card, which is old but always worked for overwatch May 17, 2020 · So I just got ow on my laptop yesterday and it was capable of running at 100-130 fps in game, however today it cant even handle 30 fps. Specifically (perspective of attacking team) the right side choke on point B. This only happened in 1 game of like 20 games I played Sep 29, 2020 · I have a laptop with a 6GB GTX 1060 and a 120Hz screen and for some reason I can only get 120 FPS somewhat consistently when I set all settings to LOW and run @ 1600x900 (i run it @ 150% render scale cuz otherwise its unbearable and believe it or not i get better FPS than 1920x1080 @ 100%). Resolves itself by flicking reduce buffering off and back on again. Every once in a blue moon, it will be able to run 60 fps, however on normal occasions it will always stutter from 60 to 30 fps and if I set it to 30 fps, it will stutter to 25 fps so whenever I play Jun 10, 2019 · dude im in 2020 i use a 2070s and i have the same problem like guys optimize your game this shouldnt be happening costed me 2 games worth of sr [Edited by Blizzard] This thread has been inactive for some time. Hi guys. ·I click Ashe, another FPS drop. It was rock-stable and without any issues. Whatever is happening is not affecting other games even when I turn the graphics to the highest quality in those games. This problem appears only in Capture the Flag and in all Quickplay modes. The strange thing is that theoretically at 200 fps lag should not be noticeable. u/FluffyMustache: Click here to view u/FluffyMustache's comment My Reply: Click here to view ibz100's comment Please let me know if you have any potential solutions or if it is a known bug with a recent update. My PC runs OW at 300 stable FPS but roughly a week ago it became unstable and jumps between 200 an 300, sometimes dropping as low as 160. I also deinstalled and reinstalled all drivers. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. I have a 3080FE and a 3900X, and on medium settings i regularly get FPS drops down to between 90-140 FPS, which in this game just feels terrible and not smooth. Jun 3, 2024 · Then, just after a night of playing with a friend, no changes being made to my computer ― that I'm aware of ― the next day, the game starts giving me massive FPS drops, down to 1-5 FPS. So, from Epic to Low I get the same result. Subreddit for all things Overwatch™, Overwatch 2™ and the Overwatch™ Universe, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment. when my fps tanks the usage doesn't change and I have no idea why that's happening. The issue: The game performs rather poorly for my video card regardless of settings. I have 0 background apps oppened while playing and my laptop and game are on high priority. Issue is the same. Did this update break something? EDIT: It seems to be getting worse and worse as I play. ·The Heroes menu no longer has frame drops when the I dint have any issues playing all high before, but now my FPS drops from 220-270 to as low as 30-50. I alt-tab out and back to the game and it goes up to around 100 + for a while. Back in early Summer 2019 I had major issues regarding random FPS drops the progressively got worse over time. Nov 26, 2024 · I’m almost 100% positive that being refilled gradually starts dropping your frames throughout the game. This will happen more during fights but also outside of fights, seemingly stuck at the extremely stuttery 40-60 fps until it shoots back up to 180. This happened in classic mode. I have tried the following but nothing seems to work Oct 30, 2023 · I had always 275 fps (capped) without any drops. After a recent windows update i started having fps drops and lag. 0. Some instances are Overwatch frame drops after an update, Overwatch low FPS in high-end pc, and Overwatch low FPS in the menu. It began with one game I would have the game freeze during a team fight – then the next time I would play it Has this ever happened to anybody here. If you no longer have your Razer device, follow the steps for the Razer blackscreen issue. So a drop of 30 fps would happen from 144 instead of from ~200 or more. g clearing game cache, updating drivers, having stable internet connection, etc Sep 19, 2018 · I found all the keys to the “stuttering” question we all had. Sometimes its as bad as going from 100 to 30. Dec 6, 2024 · I'm running a 3060 ti Ryzen 7 5800 and I have had zero frame or stuttering issues. I don't know why this was to be honest, or how it worked; but it seemed to me like the drops I'd normally be getting from my max system fps output were instead happening from the cap. Turning on Vsync doesnt fix the issue Apr 1, 2020 · New to this since I’ve never had a problem, Since Archives event started right before the second week of unlocking Torb’s skin I have gotten dropped frames. CPU rises to 91°C - 94°C, and drops back to the 80’s when frames stabilise. Sometimes it stays on high FPS for longer, but never long. Prior to the patch, I was constantly over my monitor’s refresh rate (144Hz), but after the patch I am lucky if my games are stably over 80 (usually range around 60-70 fps), and I have random drops mid-game to as low as 14 fps. So I got granted access to the OW2 Beta and I was so excited to play but I noticed my FPS has taken a massive plunge. This can occur five times in a single game, then not at all for like three straight games. Overwatch 1 was great, my laptop ran it quite well and I've had a blast. If you have your Chroma device, enable Chroma effects for Overwatch, or uninstall the Razer Synapse/Chroma software and reinstall the newest version of Synapse 3. Was fine before that. Jun 20, 2018 · Same issue here after playing a while fps drops. Members Online huge frame drops and constant stuttering and lag I'm having same issues, theres 3 versions of proton I've tried. GE-34 is probably the best but fps drops massively for no apparent reason (get like 80 fps when I should be getting like 300 and it feels like 40). FPS Loss symptoms: You load the I built a new PC a few months ago (Ryzen 5 3600, Sapphire Nitro+ 5700xt, 16 GB 3200mhz RAM) and of course Overwatch has been running smoothly at 25… Last week in my first 4 days of playing Overwatch back in October 9, I can play the game smoothly (about 200 fps) with my friends, then one by one me and my friends each get the fps drop issue, despite having upgraded our PCs already. I play on the lowest resolution(1024x768) 60 Hz and lowest settings possible. The game runs around 60 FPS in the practice range. I usually play with 120fps, now I’m lucky if I get 60, and it oftentimes drops to 30. net; I changed the graphics settings to the lowest settings Jan 24, 2020 · (skip to the tl;dr for the good stuff) Note, Vulkan/DXVK requires a discrete graphics card to work, so if you don’t have a dedicated graphics card, this isn’t for you. 26. I tried the followings: Reinstall the game. But in the end no testing software will easily show this or reveal a solution without looking through stuff with a “FINE tooth comb”. Now i have Fps dropping from 275 to 220 and back to 275 again every 20-30 seconds since mid October 23. Additionally, when I go into the practice range Oct 9, 2024 · Hey everyone, I’ve been playing Overwatch 2 for a couple of weeks now and everything was running smoothly around 300 FPS until the latest updates this month. GE-39 is the last one to mention overwatch in the changelog and this has better fps but frequent hard stuttering. Jan 26, 2020 · hi sorry for the late reply, on my old pc i was running around 40 fps solid, now with a much better pc I was running at 60 but when I was in a fight with around 3-4 people it would drop to 30. These drops not only hinder the smooth gameplay but also change the existing tier list . Jan 17, 2024 · Been experiencing major fps drops when in team fights averaging about 5-7 fps since Jan 13 2024 when I took a break for 4 weeks and got the recent patch and microsoft update. Game is unplayable during this time. Check out the list below, and give these steps a try before creating a new topic! Additionally, more bug-related issues can be found in the . When i press Tab is even worse drops to 80-90. The in-game custom framerate limit was messing with my fps. Even then it often drops to 95-100 FPS during big fights. Previously I had same CPU usage but around 80%+ GPU usage like all other games and it ran very smoothly. May 28, 2023 · Basically, my CPU and GPU usage are constantly at around 50-60% but my GPU usage drops to around 30% and that’s when the fps drops and stuttering happens. These are not the so called regular “fps drops” due to high graphics, these are stucks, where the game just stops to load. When I first open the game there are horrible frame drops for the first 5-10 minutes, and then the frame drops stop and it runs smooth. The game ended and I got back to the main menu, Mei did an animation, she had 1 seconds fps drops, unlike before which was 2-5 seconds drops. However, after 15-20 minutes, the game just fixes itself? I instantly jump up to +300 FPS and have zero FPS drops until I restart the game. sippycup-21809 December 4, 2020, 9:47pm 1. Aug 20, 2020 · I have a fairly good pc and I have been getting constant 144fps+ capped at 144hz for the past 10 seasons, on custom settings. This is a two-part fix. Upon restarting, the same thing occurs. But I'm getting drops to like 20-30 fps mid game now. Now I don’t have a high end PC or anything and I run my game at 70 FPS tops so it’ll drop to 30 randomly during a match. Thank you! Jan 19, 2020 · Alt tab out of the game, get back, framerate is now fubar. Apr 8, 2020 · Hi, Myself and another user on Reddit are facing huge fps drops when using controllers with Overwatch. I have an old i5-2500k 4. I have all bios and drivers updated and still got the issue. The game hangs there for a while and after a few secs everything goes back to normal. During the start of season 5 i had 0 problems suprisingly, but after the last patch that made antartica and paraiso return it’s unplayable. I’ve been trying to figure this out for hours and nothing seems to work. My specs: Processor: intel® Core™ I5-7200 Cpu 2. I have not done anything except lower the graphics quality. When on deathmatch and at the beginning of the game my FPS is Jul 5, 2020 · Now, however, I’m barely getting above 60 fps (even when lowering the graphics settings all the way down) and every team fight it goes below that, and the sounds go all crazy (probabily stuttering). If so, disable the option and then check to see if the FPS has improved; While the game is running alt-tab or place the game in windowed mode. Sep 19, 2018 · I found all the keys to the “stuttering” question we all had. Then with the same settings in OW2 I’m barely making 60 fps. First I thought that maybe there is problem with my GPU drivers, but new version didn’t fix it. Tried new drivers, re-installing the game, locked the FPS to 60 and it was still stuttering and dipping. (well, until the last Windows update). Overwatch never maxes out any of my hardware sitting at a comfortable 60% GPU usage and 15-30% CPU usage. My settings are not capped by V-Sync or any FPS Jul 11, 2018 · Just for consistency, you should cap your fps. Font-1988 July 11, 2018, 4:04am Jul 2, 2023 · The problem is, after almost all the patches i get massive frame drops and stuttering… just in overwatch 2. I’ve gone ahead and uninstalled Razer Synapse and noticed that a lot of problem signatures are coming back regarding Jan 1, 2020 · My game has been having serious FPS drops for a little while making the game nearly unplayable. Particle effects seem to be the worst offenders, and oftentimes I’ll drop to a second or so of 15 FPS and lose my tracking on a target. FPS Loss symptoms: You load the My game is basically microstuttering all of the time, makes aiming an impossibility, I have tried every possible solution out there in order to fix this issue, and most of them are sadly very temporary in fixing the solution. It seems to be happening when things are loading in. WTF? I never had that before ever. 60 fps with large stutters and frame drops. But, sometimes, my FPS drops to about 150 in spawn and even reaching double digits during team fights. Dec 6, 2018 · These standard tips can help resolve most Overwatch FPS drops: Reset Overwatch’s Video Settings; Update your graphic card driver. It’ll simply throw you off when you run at 280fps outside of teamfights but then drop to 200 or below. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 8GB RAM Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER PRIME B450 Jun 20, 2024 · To the heroes of Overwatch, We want to keep you up to date on some of the bugs and issues we’re aware of that are affecting the game. OW can max out the GPU or CPU in the menu which can overheat & crash. In deathmatch or other modes I dont have any FPS drops and can easily hold the 150FPS cap (Even if the lobbys are full and I face more than one enemie, my FPS dont drop). 85 - 95 fps. Just like you, only happens in OW. These issues are also shown in the Jan 24, 2021 · By following this post’s steps, you can fix all of your Overwatch fps drops easily in Overwatch. This video (not mine) exemplifies: Overwatch FPS drop - YouTube My laptop is an ASUS ROG GL7 Jan 23, 2020 · Hey everyone ive been having an issue where my game runs smoothly at around 80 to 90 average FPS but at some points it will drop to 50 to 40 FPS and this causes stutters i made a lot of research prior to buying the game and all the places o checked suggested I’d be to run the game at recommended settings I’ve tried running the game on lowest settings and on medium to high and it’s the Feb 21, 2021 · Typically players will see their FPS stuck between 15-30 FPS while experiencing this issue. Please help! (if you need system info, just let me know, and remind me how to do it 😉 ) Sep 10, 2024 · Hello, Normally my game runs at 240 fps only dropping to 160-180 during heavy fights, but some days it will suddenly drop down to approx. The display is also incredibly pixelated, like I can count the pixels in the Avatar collaboration art on the launch screen. That is, until you alt tab again. Goes back to 90’s, but no more frame drops when it does. Today i went froma 16:9 1080p 244Hz monitor to a 21:9 1440p Ultrawide and i've begun to notice that my game has some serious stutters and FPS drops. Game ends, suddenly fps back to 144. It happens in a 2-3 minutes period and not bind to a specific hero, animation effect, map or game mode. Dec 26, 2024 · I have been playing for months getting a consistent and flat 144 fps, but as of today, anytime I am on Rialto, my frames drop to 6-10, every other map in every other mode works perfect, it is just on this single map Oct 27, 2020 · Hi, im not very good with PCs etc and this hasn’t happened in any other games but whenever I play OW and get into combat my frames drop to <10 and I was wondering how to fix it as it makes the game unplayable - I’ve checked that my graphics card is updated and tried custom fps but neither worked . More Feb 7, 2025 · Hi idk if certain things changed in the game, but since last update my fps keep droping when animatioins arrive. It then jumps backs up for few seconds then back down and just keep repeting that. Prior to these issues I was sitting at around 280-300fps average on mainly low settings. I tried messing around with settings, VSYNC, etc, but nothing helps. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. I’ve already tried a bunch of things like the auto bliz launcher close, but nothing is working. This includes setting Overwatch at Maximum Performance (not optimal power Feb 17, 2018 · Cheers, Heroes! Bug Report Forum’s Known Issues ListWe’ll be using this forum thread to track known technical support issues, like conflicts which cause performance errors, crashes, and connection problems. I was playing OW1 on max settings and everything was perfect. I have got my drivers for my graphics card and I managed to fix the problem by closing out of all the Razer programs in the bottom right of the task bar Dec 4, 2020 · Overwatch Forums FPS drops during fights? Technical Support. This is not a complete list of all currently tracked issues affecting Overwatch 2, rather, this is a targeted list of some known specific issues with this release. Also I know that my pc is capable of not stuttering because when I play on the day that I implemented the solutions Jul 4, 2020 · Hello, I’ve run overwatch smoothly having 60 fps steadily for about a year now. Are NOT receiving answers. The issue has started somewhen in the last two months. It started probably with Halloween event or maybe 1-2 weeks before it. Nov 29, 2024 · 144 fps while in queue. If I open task manager during these slow downs I can’t catch I've been an active player of Overwatch for around 4-5 years. I tried to update my drivers, analazing the game files, closing background programs like discord and such. 5 seconds fps drops) and then I played perfectly for about 10 minutes, without fps drops at all, solid 200+ fps. I've been getting a lot of FPS drops and stuttering. I’ve looked for a few methods to fix the game such as uninstalling Razer Synapse, Launching the game without battle. I’ve literally tried every possible solution : rolling back windows update, update gpu drivers (via DDU as well, updating bios, optimising power plan, lowering settings to name a few. I read in the internet that others have this issue to but no solution As the title says, ive been having fps issues for some time now. But with Overwatch 2 - specifically season 3 it has been horrible. I have NVIDIA GeForce . Jul 7, 2020 · So recently i started getting fps drops from 70 fps to 50-45 fps. No changes have been made at all to my PC or programs outside the normal game updates. Jul 16, 2024 · In the past few months, the performance of the game has gotten increasingly worse. Mar 14, 2020 · These standard tips can help resolve most Overwatch FPS drops: Reset Overwatch’s Video Settings; Update your graphic card driver. Reset your graphic card driver settings. When on deathmatch and at the beginning of the game my FPS is Feb 21, 2021 · Typically players will see their FPS stuck between 15-30 FPS while experiencing this issue. Locking this thread. Here’s the information we posted on the Reddit thread. Ever since the new update after the first minute or so of launching the game I get an immense drop to 14-20 fps and crackling sound problems. The game feels stable when it is at around 450 fps. Same bug has been reported for years, but it’s still a thing. As long as there isn’t something crazy happening in the computer we can’t see (such as something wonky happening with the clock speeds or system errors disrupting the game) I think your best bet is to tweak some Nov 29, 2020 · My game was again having no fps drops to little fps drops. However, the factors causing the FPS drop issue in Overwatch may differ on various computers. Overwatch 2 fps drops I just got the beta and when I play it I get like 140+ fps on medium settings, but some times my fps just tanks for no reason. com So recently got back into Overwatch and have upgraded my GPU from a 1060 to a 1660. It is also super weird, because when Oct 14, 2020 · It’s been a year, but i keep having this problem. Sudden Fps Drops are the worst type of experience in gaming, especially in multiplayer games. I have tried the troubleshooting steps on the official guide and tried disabling any audio Jan 28, 2024 · Hello, today I started to experience huge oscillation and/or semi-permanent drops in FPS. I keep getting 14 fps for no reasons. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 8GB RAM Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER PRIME B450 Posted by u/Madxj - 2 votes and 4 comments Hopefully they don't take a chapter from the EA playback and with every update they smooth out the graphics. g CPU is not overheating, dxdiag not detecting any problems, etc) and doing my own general troubleshooting (e. Jan 27, 2024 · Hello, today I started to experience huge oscillation and/or semi-permanent drops in FPS. Generally, I average over 200 FPS and get over 250 FPS coming out of spawn. imgur. After i read a solution I did fresh instalation of my win 10 make upgrade to 1803 and new drivers from nvidia (gtx970). so I’m giving up and asking for assistance here. I put a cap at 175 fps and never went under 150. Most of you whom have presented this problem on the forum. Jul 22, 2020 · Playing on a Ryzen 5 3600 + Sapphire Nitro+ 5700xt +16GB 3200Mhz RAM. Some important details: The FPS drop only happens in OW2 while other games I play run perfectly fine. Suddenly my FPS has dropped to the 60s and it’s really affecting my gameplay. Do you tab out of overwatch in between games? Upon launching the game, I will have horrendously inconsistent and low FPS. Game starts (I get backfilled) suddenly 5 (FIVE) fps. What should i do? I have a pretty powerful system, but I am often getting frames drop while playing Overwatch 2. And then it I have a decent PC with a Ryzen 5 2600 and an RTX 2060 and use low in-game settings to get the highest FPS. Don’t tell me to buy a new pc cause i’ve been playing this game since Orisa and this problem show up since summer games 2019 Basically my frames drops to 30 in maps like Oasis and Lijang tower. Its like the game says i have a full 140FPS but only actually draws every second frame. Jul 26, 2019 · I have been experiencing extreme FPS drops since that large patch that was supposed to improve performance hit. 6” 144Hz Full HD IPS-Type, AMD Ryzen 7 4800H, GeForce RTX 2060, 16GB DDR4, 1TB PCIe SSD), and it used to run great, but now Overwatch is only getting around 60 fps on medium. I’ve tried reinstalling Overwatch and the drivers but I’m still having the same issue. Nov 1, 2020 · I have a GTX1070, which runs the game at 200+ fps at all times with my current graphics settings, so it’s not a GPU issue. Jun 21, 2024 · To the heroes of Overwatch, We want to keep you up to date on some of the bugs and issues we’re aware of that are affecting the game. Dec 5, 2020 · Hello, I recently reinstalled navida drivers, and when I started up overwatch recently, I got great FPS (90-150+) but then I got about a minute into the match– My FPS instantly droped to 19-20 and my fans went mad. You guys having issues may have driver problems or something. , then make sure that your Graphic Card Driver control panel is configured correctly for Overwatch. Until the game ends. But it still happens. You can do all the system diagnostics you want. Other than that the game has run perfectly well with consistent 150 average FPS. Bouncing between 35-80 with many freezes. Ever since I built this PC, Overwatch has been running smoothly at 250 FPS and I’ve never had any issues with it. I was getting 70fps+ on a 144hz 1440p monitor no problem, and all of a sudden I have this issue… it also slows my PC down a lot, everything stops working Oct 4, 2023 · Furthermore, you may encounter FPS drops in Overwatch for many reasons and may occur in various situations. I repaired game files, reinstalled it and nothing helps. My cpu is at 75-80 C and gpu 67-70 C so idk if overheating is a problem. 4Ghz CPU along with 8GB DDR3 Ram and RX 580 Graphics Card. Oct 5, 2020 · I bought a laptop back in July (ASUS TUF506IV-AS76 TUF Gaming A15 Gaming Laptop, 15. I've had two hard crashes from my GPU in like 8 hours. Constant fps drops, stuttering, freezing, etc. Nothing in my setup has been changed, I am running on I have an EVGA XC3 RTX 3080 & R7 3700X and Overwatch is the only game I’ve had issues with. Jul 23, 2020 · Hi, there thank you for reading. Strange fps drops at the beggining that go away in 1-4 minutes. xxxqjg wcoos dus iszzr jmeflmca qbh ukksvf twvygarr fhhql ixaz ydiwha akfp pbynvk ksv pfbh