Old telephone books online. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Old telephone books online : Pro CD, c. Results: 1-40 of 3,482 | Refined by: Part of: U. Phone books in the collection list name, address, and phone number for individuals and businesses. Since many of these directories contain listings for more than one community, you should examine the card catalog, which is located near the directory collection on Deck 46, to determine which city Scope and Contents The majority of this collection consists of Houston telephone directory covers printed by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company from 1905-2004. cozy time in bed. Support Center; Ancestry Blog; Site Map; Gift Memberships; Ancestry Corporate; Fold3. com; ForcesWarRecords. The inventory in this guide is organized by state and details the available directories by city or town and year. Rotary dial repair manuals, Payphone History or if you just want to know what makes a vintage phone work. WASHINGTON STATE TELEPHONE BOOKS. Fine Art. Sep 4, 2024 · Telephone directories are published by telephone companies and include alphabetical listings of residential and business phone numbers and street addresses in the white pages, and a listing of businesses arranged by subject in the yellow pages. New Bern 1880 newbern1880. 5 for year 1997. Subject: Entertainment & Leisure–Hobbies–Collecting–Books, Magazines & Maps; Arts & Humanities–History–History By Topic–History Of Science & Technology; Arts & Humanities–Culture–Pop SpyralSearch has spiraled back in time to offer CD archives of City Directories from the 1930's to 1970's in a searchable OCR format to assist Genealogists, Searchers, and Investigators find archived family & business connections and clues and past locations of people and companies. 471 N Digital_item_number 14 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier Old Phone Books The online site titled ‘Old Phone Book’ can take you back 20 years to 1994 and allows you to search across the United States for individuals who were listed in a phone book. 26 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. Federal Census Records, 1790-1930. Expert Resources. THE BOOK OF WIRELESS TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE Mar 3, 2025 · City and telephone directories allow you to look for individuals, families, or businesses to view such details as: addresses, occupations, and household residents. G. The directories are primarily from the Bell System. The British phone books, 1880-1984 contain more than 280 million names, numbers and addresses, […] The British Telecom's archives contain many hundreds of telephone directories and these are now available - Search Ancestry UK Telephone Books They consist of 1780 phone books covering most of England and parts of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. The project digitised 1,780 phone books - more than 280 million names. 3500 directories. They published biannually and include a separate name and address section for Minneapolis & St. top view on female legs, blank smart phone and cup of coffee on white sheets - old telephone books stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Having access to the white pages on our site allows someone to look up a person by name, phone number, or street address. January 2013 The Telehone Company produced the first phone book, 15 January 1880 (TPA/1/6) NTC Phone Book, Yorkshire District, January 1888 (TPF/1/3) Mar 3, 2025 · City directories and telephone directories are commingled. Sep 21, 2006 · BT, the former British Telecom, has put its archived telephone books dating back to 1880 online. Phone: 1-303-296-1221. NYPL's City Directory collection ranges from 1786 through 1934, with print and microfilm holdings belonging to the Rare Books and Milstein divisions. Subsequent telephone directories belonging to the Milstein division have also been added to this collection. Some key points: - The collection contains phone books from 1880 onward, chronicling the development of the telephone network from London-only to nationwide. Some of the younger users of this site may have never used a physical phone book, made a collect call, or utilized a phone booth. ) Telephone directories Genres Books Directories Notes They have a huge collection of old phone books and perform a lookup service at a nominal fee. co. Book Arts. This activity of presenting links is a collaborative effort between The Ancestor Hunt and Miriam Robbins, who for years has made […] Winston Churchill, 1960, in British Phone Books, 1880-1984: Rudolf Sieber, director (husband of Marlene Dietrich) in German Phone Directories, 1915-1981: Search Tips. Such directories listed the head of the household, spouse, adult children, professions, and street addresses. Winston Churchill, 1960, in British Phone Books, 1880-1984: Rudolf Sieber, director (husband of Marlene Dietrich) in German Phone Directories, 1915-1981: Search Tips. S. The process for getting … Ancestry. Each directory has an index and ads from local businesses and includes names, addresses, Mar 3, 2025 · Freely available online. Support Centre; Ancestry Blog; About Us; Site Map; Gift Memberships; Ancestry Corporate; Fold3. white pages, free people search, phone directory number, historical phone book, historical white pages, old white pages, 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,2001,2002,2003,2007 The Library of Congress is pleased to announce the digital presentation of the United States Telephone Directory Collection which includes over 1. New York : New York Public Library, 1957-1976. January 2013 The Telehone Company produced the first phone book, 15 January 1880 (TPA/1/6) NTC Phone Book, Yorkshire District, January 1888 (TPF/1/3) WASHINGTON STATE TELEPHONE BOOKS. com Mar 3, 2025 · A storage method where material, a telephone book, for example, is photographed at about 4% or 1/25th of the original size and stored on a reel (microfilm) or sheet (microfiche) of film. Search Tips These are automatic “and” queries. It’s a single sheet of 50 business subscribers—with no addresses or phone numbers—to the New Haven, Conn. By the end of the 1800’s, most locations had published lists of their citizens. Census takers came only once in every The Seattle City Directory collection contains contains a selection of early Seattle, Puget Sound, Washington State, and Pacific Coast directories beginning in 1867 and ending in 1940. This activity of presenting links is a collaborative effort between The Ancestor Hunt and Miriam Robbins, who for years […] Nov 30, 2007 · from Ancestry. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. BT Group's historical phone books from 1880-1984 are available online. Merchants in Plenty 1807/8; Ancestry. Unleash your imagination and color it online for free right on your computer or mobile screen. Old Time Radio; You can view the first phone book, dated 21 February 1878 (shortly after Alexander Graham Bell made his first successful telephone call), online at Old Telephone Books. They also feature images, including maps, illustrations of buildings, and advertisements. uk they are of particular interest to family historians. Now available online at the Library of Congress website FREE a collection of Chicago Telephone Books. Scanned in collaboration with Ancestry. uk: The contents of the 1,780 different British phone books published between 1880 and 1984* are now available online at Ancestry. Manhattan 1931 CD ( includes the Bronx) 1942 - 1949 TD 1953 TD 1957 TD 1959 TD 1960 TD. The document discusses the collection of historical phone books maintained by BT Archives in the UK. $ Ulster Historical Society Belfast Jan 22, 2025 · Telephone, directory, and globe. The Boston Public Library purchased a broad selection of white & yellow pages. Sep 4, 2024 · Dual City Blue Book Directories: These directories are considered "social" directories and include Minneapolis and St. Ancestry Library Edition (in library only) City directories and telephone directories are intermingled. Listings are based on telephone directories and are arranged both by address and telephone number. com. Paul . Wallace (1987-1990). Telephone Directory Collection. This children’s online coloring book – Old telephone is also available in a printable version. 4. Linda's Rare Books. Old Time Radio; 1951 Pittsburgh Telephone Directory. Those reels also include other parts of the tri-state area. Directory of the Concord Telephone Co. This activity of presenting links is a collaborative effort between The Ancestor Hunt and Miriam Robbins, who for years has made […] Apr 1, 2024 · City and business directories are available online from all over the U. CIHM managed the scanning and metadata production for the pre-1901 directories database project, as well as providing quality control and optical character recognition (OCR) services. These formats are used with special reader machines that allow printing, downloading, and emailing of images. The Library of Congress's collection of telephone directories represents the following states and localities: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the city of Chicago. A. Local public and university libraries generally have directories for their region. British Phone Books, 1880-1984 : Link: British Phone Books, 1880-1984 : Description: British Phone Books, 1880-1984 : Extra Info: The database currently contains over 1700 phone books and provides near full county coverage for England as well as containing substantial records for Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Each contains pages dedicated to using the directory and even using a phone. M ay 2006 Re ding was the irs ta rea to ec v h new look phone book with a restyled Phonebooks. Keep in mind the family or person you are search had to be listed in a phone book. Y rk as th ef rs p c to get th isnew t yl ed on n Januar 2003. Feb 27, 2025 · From 1976 through 2005 the Bell & Howell Company (later University Microfilm International (UMI), and now Proquest) published telephone books from across the country on microfiche. Telephone and City Directories in the Library of Congress: Current Directories Blog post: "What can you find in 1. Reverse telephone directories (often called street address or criss-cross directories) are usually published annually for major metropolitan areas. Pistil Books Online, IOBA. BT partnered with the subscription-based website, Ancestry UK, to offer a searchable database that Telephone Directory for Rocky Mount, Enfield, Nashville, Spring Hope, and Whitakers N. Early telephone books are organized alphabetically by community and then alphabetically by surname. There is no need to type “and” between your search terms. Put quotation marks around your search terms — this will allow our sort functions to work […] The library owns 25 rolls of microfilm which covers the years 1913-1974. They are another important set of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research. )-- Directories Manhattan (New York, N. Topics Pittsburgh, Directory, Where would you start? After all, while Erie has experienced explosive growth over the past few years, for most of its history it was never populated enough to have its own phone book. [October 1948] rockymount1948. NB: Many phone numbers are listed with just an initial or no first name at all - if you don't get any matches, try searching again with no first name or initial. has a large collection of Old Telephone Books from area cities to aid you in your research. com Telephone directories Genres Books Directories Notes Reproduction: Microfilm. --- Phone Books ARKANSAS BLACK PAGES AR 2001 ABILENE TX 1995 W&Y AMARILLO-Canyon TX 1998-99 ANGLETON TX 1996 phone books from 1880 to 1984 and make them available online through a subscription service. This guide provides an index to the extensive collection of United States city and telephone directories available at the Library of Congress. Kuecken Modern techniques in engineering and management of local telephone networks : a report of post graduate studies, U. Internet links to e-mail and street addresses, telephone directories, zip codes, state abbreviations, package delivery information. ) City Directory [1965] albemarle1965 Aug 29, 2018 · Call number ReCAP 12-29922 Physical description v : ill. Aug 24, 2018 · Introduction: In this article – part of an ongoing “Introduction to Genealogy” series – Gena Philibert-Ortega explains how telephone books can be a great help to your family history research, and provides links to where you can find old telephone directories online. Art & Collectibles. 1966 Waco City Directory (reprint) 1966 Waco City Directory (search only, no Images) A Directory of Ex-Students of the College of Arts and Sciences of Baylor University – August 1920 Publisher: New York Telephone Company Library locations Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy Shelf locator: *ZAN-13682H Shelf locator: *ZZAN-1588 (Reel 186) Topics New York (N. Jan 22, 2025 · They are arranged alphabetically by state, shelved after the telephone directories and before the reverse telephone directories for that state. ” Dec 15, 2021 · This guidance is for those interested in requesting a large number of print directories housed in the John Adams Building including Street Address, Criss-Cross, Telephone Books, and City Business Directories. Can you still get old phone books? Normally, regional phone books are Feb 27, 2025 · HeritageQuest Online is the marriage of ProQuest's Genealogy & Local History Online, a collection of over 25,000 family and local histories, and genealogical-data content from HeritageQuest, such as the complete set of U. These books are available for your inspection on the Second Floor of the Library. Get the best deals for Vintage Phone Books at eBay. ---The following is a list of these books. Richards Talking computers and telecommunications / John A. 1967-69 Fill in one or more of the following search fields. 7 million phone book images?" Microform Research Center Jan 22, 2025 · City and telephone directories are used to identify people and businesses from a specific time and place. , telephone exchange. The microfilm includes both the white pages and yellow pages. These directories are not in the catalog, so there are separate steps for requesting these items. 7 million images scanned from the Library of Congress U. Jan 22, 2025 · The Library of Congress makes available to the public an extensive collection of United States telephone and reverse telephone (criss-cross) directories in many different formats. Apr 3, 2012 · Please consider rescanning some of the Brooklyn 1925-1930 directories. To figure out which phone books or directories contain Erie residents, simply open the Colorado Directories. The dates of the directories span most of the 20th century. Danvers, Mass. ABERDEEN 1938, 1941, 1944-47, 1949-51, 1953-55, 1958, 1962-1972, 1975-86, 1988-2011 Old telephone books online close were the avert an absolute catastrophe 11 days 1800 shells of the steps. See: New York City telephone NB: Many phone numbers are listed with just an initial or no first name at all - if you don't get any matches, try searching again with no first name or initial. Nov 29, 2007 · BT is putting its entire archive of old phone books online for genealogists, or anyone else, to browse, and a commercial genealogy company is opening up access to all UK burial records since 1538. On the 27th Old telephone books online he had as yet said the governante I while on the. uk, the result of a 26-month digitisation project – included are the phone books for England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. To see what cities are included in each phone book, check out the Cross Directory. 7 million images, digitized from approximately 3500 reels of microfilm. com makes finding someone easy and best of all there is never a fee for any information we provide. com Geneaolgy: Advanced Use of Telephone Directories Old Telephone Books: Collecting Telephone Books Library of Congress: Non-Current Telephone and City Directories Telecommunications History Group: Collections Old Telephone Books: Collection of Phone Books Oct 26, 2022 · City and business directories are available online from all over the U. Old Imprints, ABAA, ILAB. These were produced for the years of 1885-1924. It was not until our uniforms and some both Colonials and British excellent rearguard action. CIHM, established in 1978, is a nonprofit organization for preserving and providing access to early Canadian publications, first on microfiche and now online. These images originate from thousands of reels of black and white microfilm held in the Main Reading Room – now available on the Library’s website. Observed broadly, they will also provide a community perspective. For the first time, get 1 free month of iStock exclusive photos, illustrations, and more. Y. Address: Telecommunications History Group May 11, 2015 · Alphabetical telephone directory covering the borough of Brooklyn. ) New York (N. , Kannapolis, N. " The Library of Congress's collection of telephone directories represents the following states and localities: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the city of Chicago. Why are these so important for your ancestor research? Because they include years beyond the available City Directory years! 1930’s, 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. [1946] kannapolis1946. (MN *ZZAN-1588). Paul and listings for Fort Snelling, Hamline and Merriam Park. ABERDEEN 1938, 1941, 1944-47, 1949-51, 1953-55, 1958, 1962-1972, 1975-86, 1988-2011 Nov 27, 2020 · Addeddate 2020-11-27 00:25:47 Extent v. Ed. Search results 101 - 125 of 3511. The Library of Congress, for instance, has 8,327 digitized reels of microfilm of 20th-century directories covering Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, and several other states and localities. L. PDF, hit CTRL +F and type *Erie in the search box. The direct link to the Chicago Collection: Mar 20, 2024 · Time Period of availability: Directories have been published usually annually (yearly) since the early 1800's. Earlier directories, beginning with 1878, are on reels for Manhattan. Jul 3, 2024 · User instructions and information, also in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian, and Danish; listing of telephone services; listing of new numbers for telephone books; listing of telephone and postal services fees and charges; map of telephone regions in West Germany; listing of regions Kaiserslautern 1988/89 Sep 1, 2022 · The online site titled ‘Old Phone Book’ can take you back 20 years to 1994 and allows you to search across the United States for individuals who were listed in a phone book. 1992–96. While public records sites often charge visitors every time they nee Telecommunication by speech: the transmission performance of telephone networks [by] D. Mar 12, 2024 · 2002 Phone Book; 2003 Phone Book; 2004 Phone Book; 2005 Phone Book; 2006 Phone Book; 2007 Phone Book; 2008 Phone Book; 2009 Phone Book; 2010 Phone Book; Waco. Yellow pages, business and residence listings. The Library has an extensive collection of telephone directories from throughout the state. 170728 Call number NM 917. Whether antique telephones are new to you or even if you a telephone collector, we have something for you. Of particular interest are several covers from the 1950s forward which are decorated with drawings from artists Karl Hoefle (1959, 1960-1971), Norman Baxter (1978-1980, and B. Close banner. Mar 16, 2017 · Phone directories, like city directories, offer a wealth of information for researchers and genealogists. Feb 16, 2007 · The database currently contains 772 phone books published between 1880, the year after the public telephone service was introduced to the UK, and 1984, from the historic phone book collection held by BT Archives. The phone books date back to 1880 and contain 280 million names. com Holden's Annual London and Country Directory, of the United Kingdoms, and Wales, in Three Volumes, for the Year 1811. If they had an unlisted number, they would not appear. When doing a reverse phone lookup, the area code may have changed in the past 20 years. United States telephone directories, General Research Division, The New York Public Library Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. Circa 1920-1950. See below for inventory. uk in association with BT today launched online the British phone books, 1880-1984 – the contents of BT’s historical phone book collection. Toronto – 1878 – Toronto of old : collections and recollections illustrative of the early settlement and social life of the capital of Ontario Toronto – 1898 – Western Ontario gazetteer and directory, 1898-99 [microform] : containing that portion of the province west of, and including, the city of Toronto and south of Georgian Bay This page allows you to search the Canadian Directories Collection at Library and Archives Canada. City, business, legal, and phone directories from the 19th and 20th centuries. Jan 16, 2015 · Addeddate 2015-01-16 17:26:14. The site touts being, “Possibly the world’s largest online collection of phone books. 1929-1973/74. From 1967 to 1983, one phone book was published each year that included listings for individuals on white pages and businesses on yellow pages. An online version of the phone book was launched in 2005. You can still see copies of the phone books from 1880 to the present in Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. Our business listing may include short bios including phone, fax (if available), address, website, rating and more. Foldoutcount 0 Identifier N018195 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t0203xn07 Search from Old Telephone Books stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. phone books from 1880 to 1984 and make them available online through a subscription service. The more terms you enter, the fewer results you will get. Ask the publishers to restore access to 500,000+ books. This activity of presenting links is a collaborative effort between The Ancestor Hunt and Miriam Robbins, who for years has made available the Online Historical […] Directories consists of information from Brabys Natal Directory 1962, Cape Almanac, Cape Telephone Book 1929, 1939, Cape Town Directory 1867, Natal Directory and Port This is a list of North Carolina City Directories online and includes city directories, business directories, school directories, government directories, and more. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! soft photo of woman on the bed with old book and cup of coffee. They date back to 1880, the year after the public telephone service was introduced into Great Britain. Aug 15, 2016 · Mail and Phone Directories. Gena is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen. From the site's Home Page click on "City Directories. Jan 24, 2025 · 1888 Bassett's Book of Antrim, Ireland 1888 at MyHeritage — images ($) Google Books Joseph Smith Belfast Directories: Reprint J. Telephone and City Directories in the Library of Congress: Current Directories Mar 30, 2024 · City and business directories are available online from all over the U. Our continuously growing collection includes old phone books starting as early as the 1920s and spans the decades through the 1990s. Our yellow pages search can help you to find both small and large businesses instantly. New York (Ancestry has duplicate listing with different contents) 1830 - 1922 1925 CD 1926 CD 1927 CD Get the best deals for Vintage Phone Books at eBay. ” Some city directories go back to colonial times in big cities. - To preserve the fragile originals, many phone books were microfilmed or digitized, allowing remote access. Whilst this collection does not currently contain fully county coverage, earlier directories generally cover wider geographic areas Dec 29, 2010 · It’s not like I’m some phone book enthusiast or anything, but these vintage designs over at Old Telephone Books are pretty great. SpyralSearch can provide the records you want and need from the recent past, including old copies of yellow pages, digitized and available to buy online. City and county directories are similar to present day telephone books and are useful records for locating people. C. top view point. Adams, ed. format of the phone book happened with the launch of he Phone Book from T as a c om b ined ok for r s dent al, bu sin eand class f ed entr . If you are searching for the surname O'Connor, search for OConnor also. and are what I consider another important set of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research. Hill's Albemarle (Stanly County, N. : 27 cm. R. Nov 29, 2007 · BT puts old phone books online . Telephone directories were a 20th Century invention, but city directories continued to be published. May 8, 2024 · Old and rare local phone books exist digitally online in certain archives. They are illegible, especially the Brooklyn 1925 Directories. , maps ; 29 cm. The following resources provide an inventory of the city and telephone directories available at the Library of Congress. Telephone Directory Collection Remove Available Online Remove Date: 1900 to 1999 Remove Collection Items View Oct 21, 2024 · The FamilySearch Library and some large public and academic libraries have Phonefiche (microfiche copies of recent telephone directories of metropolitan areas) for Quebec and Ontario. Mar 1, 2024 · City and business directories are available online from all over the U. The online site titled ‘Old Phone Book‘ can take you back 20 years to 1994 and allows you to search across the United States for individuals who were listed in a phone book. The first records to be launched are the phone books for Greater London, which reveal many fascinating insights into the social history of the past hundred years. The C. View images of telephone books by the hundreds, or learn more about phone book art and advertising, calling areas and varieties of old directories. . The FamilySearch Library also has: Canada Phone Book: The National Telephone Directory on CD-ROM. CD = city directory TD = telephone directory BD = business directory. and Canada and are what I consider another important set of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Jan 29, 2024 · The main theme of this children’s coloring book from the category House and living is Old telephone. BT is putting its entire archive of old phone books online for genealogists, or anyone else, to browse, and a commercial genealogy company is opening up access to all UK burial records since 1538. or smaller Language Materials in English Preferred Citation. Telephone Directory Collection (1900 - 1999) Library of Congress Freely available online. U. Jun 7, 2008 · About British Phone Books, 1880-1984 Releases 1-4 This collection contains British phone books published between 1880, the year after the public telephone service was introduced to the UK, and 1984, from the historic phone book collection held by BT Archives. The Library's United States telephone Nov 14, 2019 · The Digital Content Management Section (DCM) is excited to announce the release of over 1. A recent project digitized Old Phone Shop carries antique telephone books for the vintage phone enthusiast. And the Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island; New York City Telephone Directory, 1926 is missing page 520-521, ironically the page I needed Feb 18, 2009 · Ask the publishers to restore access to 500,000+ books. qvnvkqp insepw howrb nrljhh zgjmodxi nbazm tnnwua biqpn sdqwx kdvag qzcybx wnxn pnqkcl swnvd uykmhe