National museum of denmark You may choose between Here, the name "Denmark" makes its appearance for the first time; Here, Christianity became the official religion of Denmark; Here, the king - the progenitor of the current Danish house of royalty - was presented; Here, stands the symbol of the founding of the Danish nation You can also get to know the story of the Golden Horns from Gallehus - read here how Denmark’s largest gold treasure from the prehistoric period was found and how it disappeared. From written sources such as Snorri's Edda, other Edda poems and the Icelandic sagas, which was written down in the Middle Ages, we know the stories of Odin, Thor and the other Norse gods. Freed slaves. The lack of helmet finds may also be partly due to the fact that no tradition existed of placing them in graves. Different types of ruins The Egtved Girl. The Medieval and Renaissance collection; Relics and Reliquaries; Devotion and worship of Christ in medieval times; Marie Laursen is Curator and coordinator at the Medieval and Renaissance collection. The National Museum of Denmark features a museum shop that offers a wide range of items inspired by Danish history and culture. The most impressive collection of complete Viking shields was recovered from the Norwegian burial at Gokstad. ” The National Museum, the Open Air Museum, Kongernes Jelling and Frøslev Camp Museum have their own museum shops, where you can buy books, historical jewellery, toys and other quality products. The Hjortspring Boat is northern Europe’s oldest plank-built vessel. Go exploring online in the Danish cultural heritage. The Egtved Girl. Learn about the museum's research, conservation and public programmes in Copenhagen and other locations. Embark on an adventure in our museum shop, which is located at Tøjhusgade 3 at Christian IV’s historical arsenal. See exhibits from the Ice Age, Viking era, Middle Ages, Egypt, Greenland and more. Daher empfehlen wir dir, die Öffnungszeiten immer bei The National Museum of Denmark vor deinem Besuch zu überprüfen und zu sehen, ob es nötig sein könnte, einen Zeitpunkt zu reservieren. ) Booking and info: +45 4120 6333 (weekdays from 10 am. The hunting people in Denmark had long had contact with the farming societies in central Europe, but only around 3900 BC the hunters began to till the land and keep animals. Museum of Danish Resistance: Photo Archives. In more recent years Anna Møller has been sailed and maintained by a group of voluntary workers from a boat association, who in the summer take part in sailing activities, so that the ship can remain operational and be presented to the public around the country all year round. With its about 60. There are collections and exhibitions on Denmark's history, people and culture, with special emphasis on kids' fun. Have a virtual tour of the Exhibition on the Danish Middle Ages and Renaissance Viking houses were built of wood. Explore the heritage of Denmark at the National Museum in Copenhagen, where you can see the famous Viking exhibition The Viking Sorceress and the Golden Horns. The extensive collection at the National Museum of Denmark is divided into several periods in history: Danish Prehistory: On view are items used during the Bronze Age, jewelry, pottery, weapons, and many other key instruments from the prehistoric era. The building itself is an architectural masterpiece, built in iron and steel on top of the old cobblestones and surrounding the cannons exhibited at the Danish War Museum. Our knowledge about Viking clothes is supplemented by written sources, as well as clothes depicted on small figures and tapestries. Explore the history and culture of Denmark and the world at the National Museum of Denmark. Sacrificial activities also ceased at the cult sites in the surrounding landscape around this date. The webapp showcase assets stored in the Canto Cumulus installation at the Natonal Museum of Denmark. (During the Vikingfestival, the museum is open on mondays aswell) September - October Tuesday - Sunday: 10. See full list on visitcopenhagen. Under all circumstances the craftsmen were influenced by the bronze work of the east Alpine Donau area. The sword was from the beginning of the Bronze Age, around 1600 BC, and was the first of its kind to be found in Denmark. Explore Denmark's largest museum of cultural history with exhibitions, activities and digital collections. From ancient Stone Age relics and sacred exhibits such as the pre-historic Sun Chariot, to exhibits procured from the Renaissance and beyond, the museum's National Museum of Denmark is a great place for history buffs to explore Danish culture and heritage. The Valkyrien crew on Transfer Day March 31st 1917 / Photo: John Lee, The National Museum of Denmark What isTransfer Day? On March 31st 2017 it is exactly 100 years since Denmark relinquished possession of the Danish West Indies to the United States for $25 million in gold coin. Like his father, he is said to be buried in Roskilde Cathedral. Established in 1819, the National Museum of Denmark is housed within the remarkable grandeur of The Prince's Palace. A guided tour takes approximately 1½ hours and can take 25 persons. Ved at følge Vølvens spådomme og overvinde de udfordringer I møder, vil I kunne finde skatte, udstyr og følgesvende, der kan hjælpe jer hver især på rejsen. Gold hoard from Lillesø at Gudme on Fynen with a so-called kolben armlet, two spiralled scabbard mounts and three gold spiral rings. The National Museum Collection. The audioguide introduces you to ten people, each of them in a life-changing moment. Here you can take a journey around the globe and find out more about Africa, the lands of the Mediterranean, Asia, North America, South and Central America, Oceania and the Arctic. Exhibitions at The national Museum of Denmark. Bitte beachte, dass sich die Öffnungszeiten an besonderen Tagen oder Feiertagen von dem hier Angezeigten unterscheiden können. Senior Researcher, PhD. The National Museum of Denmark Ny Vestergade 10 1471 København K Denmark Tel. National Museum of Denmark National Museum of Denmark. Temporary exhibitions at The Nationalmuseum of Denmark. Guided tours in Danish Every Saturday and Sunday at 11:00, 12:30 and 14:00. The shield is dated to the time of the Viking castle around 980 AD and is an important source of knowledge about the Vikings' war life and combat techniques. Svein led several large Viking raids against the English, and for a period he was king of Denmark, Norway and England. The new metal of bronze, which replaced stone and flint, was imported to Denmark from foreign areas of Europe. The National Museum is Denmark's largest museum of cultural history. In 1891 a precious silver cauldron appeared during peat-digging in the bog Rævemosen, near Gundestrup in Himmerland. - 21st of July is it possible to experience over 1000 vikings at Trelleborg. The large rune stone at Jelling is often called “Denmark’s birth certificate”, because Denmark is named in the inscription and also because the stone is a clear material proof of the change in religion. ” Read more about the only found and preserved Viking Shield in Denmark. During the Viking Age the first kings appeared, who ruled an area roughly corresponding to present-day Denmark. The museum has an escalator and it is possible to get around with a weelchair or a baby carriage. natmus-samlinger Public . Hier worden de openingstijden voor The National Museum of Denmark in Kopenhagen weergegeven. Around 250 rune stones are known from Viking Age Denmark. Lisbeth M. You can be inspired, spoil yourself or go on a gift hunt amongst the unique selection of historical products in the shops. The hoard from Mammen appeared during gravel quarrying near the chamber-grave. From the 31st of October to the 31st of March, the museum is winterclosed. Denmark's fascinating history comes to life at the National Museum of Denmark, one of the best museums in Copenhagen. The Vikings were both Christian and believed in the Nordic gods, sometimes at the same time. Contact. The longhouses had bowed walls in plan, forming a ship-like outline. Visitors can explore Denmark's rich cultural heritage through exhibitions and interactive experiences. Slaves could have their freedom bought by others or, in some cases, be set free by their owners. It contained two fine harness bows for carriage horses. The Egtved Girl is one of the best-known figures from prehistory. This was probably one of the first private churches in Denmark. The National Museum is the place, where the original treasures of Danish archaeology are gathered, while replicas are found in local museums all over the country. This fast, flexible vessel weighed 530 kilos and could carry 24 men with weapons as well as other gear. These often consist of small pieces of material preserved by chance. The museum includes a Children's Museum with no 'do not touch' signs so kids can explore everything from ancient coins to contemporary art. Houd er rekening mee dat openingstijden op speciale dagen en feestdagen kunnen afwijken. Journey through 14,000 years of Danish culture – from ancient Viking sagas to the mysteries of the Golden Horns - perfect for history enthusiasts and families alike. One summer’s day in 1370 BC she was buried in an oak coffin that was covered by the barrow Storehøj near Egtved, west of Vejle. Sweden, Norway and northern Germany too have produced examples. #3 Dänemark #3 Kopenhagen The Bronze Age in Denmark covers the period 1700 - 500 BC. Scattered over the landscape of Denmark are protected ancient monuments. 64 shields in a grave. Imer. They came into use all over the country, but were mainly made in northern Jutland and southeastern Denmark. For employees The National Museum of Denmark The National Museum has a large collection of photos available online. The Vikings could supply themselves with raspberries, bilberries, plums, wild apples and hazelnuts from the woods. to 4 pm. The Danish War Museum is a specialised, cultural history museum. Up until now, around 500 Viking skeletons have been found in Denmark. The tradition apparently only became widespread in Denmark after Harald Bluetooth erected the large Jelling Stone for his father, Gorm the Old, and his mother, Thyra, around 970. Jun 27, 2024 · The National Museum of Denmark is the country's largest museum of cultural history. History: The National Museum has an impressive collection of historical artefacts spanning a period of more than 10,000 years. National Museum of Denmark. Oct 11, 2024 · Take a trip back to the Middle Ages at the Danish War Museum's Culture Night when we are visited by German mercenaries from the association Freie Rostocker Fähnlein. ART Applied art was extensively used in the Middle Ages. The National Museum of Denmark is an exciting world of adventure and surprises, a wondrous place where kids explore history while they play. They sacrificed to the gods and had cult sites. Here’s what you can find: Here’s what you can find: Books and catalogs covering Danish history, archaeology, Viking culture, and art. The 1950s in Denmark. Read reviews, see photos, and book tours and experiences online. You can book events and more, all year round. The origin of the runes; The National Museum of Denmark (Prince's Mansion) Ny Vestergade 10, Copenhagen Tel. In the poem about Hárbard and Thor, a typical Viking meal is described. This dress from the National Museum is a reconstruction of what the clothes of King Cnut the Great may have looked like. The Bronze Age in Denmark covers the period 1700 - 500 BC. It is not possible to enter the museum in an electric scooter. The hoard from Mammen. Here a ship was buried, together with a prince or king and large numbers of grave goods. Most events are in Danish, but you are more than welcome to come and enjoy our historical scenes or pre-book a guided tour in English You can also get to know the story of the Golden Horns from Gallehus - read here how Denmark’s largest gold treasure from the prehistoric period was found and how it disappeared. Go back in time to discover our ancient ancestors who chased the legendary aurochs through dense green forests of the North. : +45 4120 6850 post@natmus. He found an ornamented curved sword of bronze that had been stuck diagonally into the turf. There are exceptions, however. The logo of the National Museum of Denmark Shortcuts. The German bishop, Thietmar of Merseburg, describes how the Vikings met every nine years at Lejre on Zealand in January “and offer to their gods 99 people and just as many horses, dogs and hens or hawks, for these should serve them in the kingdom of the dead and atone for their evil deeds. However, after the end of the Second World War there was also belief that the future would be brighter than the past. 1. Join us on a unforgettable journey back in time at the Trelleborg Viking Festival 2024. write us at: trelleborg-booking@natmus. Ten Stories from the History of Denmark Ten glimpses of people who fought battles in the past – battles both big and small. The clothes and jewellery of the Vikings Finds of clothes from the Viking period are rare. He has examined countless churches, buildings, ships and material from archaeological excavations, including the famous finds from Oseberg (Norway) and Gokstad (Norway). . Odin, Tor and the other Norse Gods. At this time wheat was a rare cereal crop and a luxury product preserved for the rich. On King Harald Bluetooth’s rune stone at Jelling, Denmark is named for the first time around 965 AD. Wooden man from Jelling. It was handed in as treasure trove to the National Museum, but the story does not end there. All photos have been scanned in high resolution (TIF, 600 dpi). Most of these lurs have come from Denmark, where a total of 39 have been found. Enjoy the restaurant Smör with new interpretations of Danish food and guided tours. Front page; Museums and palaces The main hall of the National Museum. Additionally, this exhibit features various prehistoric animal The Gundestrup Cauldron. ) or by mail. 00 - 16. Wooded areas were cleared, burnt and replaced with fields of arable crops. Nordic mythology. The name ‘lur’ is of recent date. With the Cold War between capitalism and communism came the fear of nuclear war in 1950s Denmark. There is a changing table at the museum. Most of the Scandinavian examples are from Sweden, where there are over 3000 inscriptions. However, in recent years many metal items which are identifiably Christian have been found using metal detectors. No longer under active development: Webapp built on top of the Canto Cumulus webservice, Canto Integration Platform. It is possible to sit down in the exibition. The Hjortspring Boat. The medieval Church played an important role on many levels of society, and this is reflected in the exhibition at the National Museum, which contains many magnificent, unique and fascinating objects associated with the Church. The museum's main building is located a short distance from Strøget, at the center of Copenhagen. De tijden van vandaag zijn gehighlight. Performs search. This comprehensive museum features a varied collection that spans numerous continents and significant periods in history. Watch and listen as Denmark's largest reconstruction of a medieval cannon is showcased. Jobs at The National Museum of Denmark. With its diminutive green gate and low balustrade facing Christiansborg Palace and Frederiksholms Kanal, the building does not look like much at first. 00: Mondays closed. Warriors, tradesmen and the regular Viking life. At the transition from the Neolithic period to the Bronze Age new connections were established between north and south. The inscription on the rune stone from Hørning in Jutland reads “Tóki Smith raised the stone in memory of Þorgísl Guðmundr's son, who gave him gold(?) and freedom. Find information about museums, palaces, collections, research, events and more. : (+45) 33 13 44 11. Prehistory, the Middle Age and Renaissance. Webshop 'Vølvens varsler' - spektakulært og spændende brætspil for hele familien udviklet af Nationalmuseet. At the end of the Viking Age Denmark’s king also ruled over England and Norway during certain periods. Parts of helmets have been found in Denmark, including “brow ridges” to protect the warrior’s face in battle. In Denmark the lurs are usually found in pairs and always in bog deposits. The bones show a population that suffered from tooth problems and aching joints, for instance. It contains exhibits from around the world, from Greenland to South America. Contact information; Press and news; Job; Bank details A typical Viking meal. Everyone interested can learn more about weapons and cannons from the Middle Ages. The worked flint daggers were much sought-after among the farming societies in Denmark at the end of the third millennium BC. The National Museum of Denmark is one of those rare specimens. Get insights to occouring events at the Viking Fortress Trelleborg. Vikings, golden horns, mummies - and the best open sandwiches in town. Find what you ar looking for in our online archive. Undertakes studies in Denmark, Norway and Sweden Niels Bonde has been conducting dendrochronological studies in southern Scandinavia for more than 40 years. to 1 pm. 000 pictures, the archives of The Museum of Danish Resistance 1940-1945 hold the largest photo collection specialised in the subejct Denmark during Nazi occupation. Danefæ (treasure trove) Craftsmanship, tools, smithing; Identity and status of individuals in the Danish Iron Age; Iron Age (100 BC-500 AC) Kirstine Pommergaard is curator and archaeologist with responsibility for processing Danefæ (Treasure Trove), found by amateurs in Denmark. The vessel had been deposited in the bog – an immensely valuable sacrifice to the powers above. Historical knowledge - the world. dk. com Explore the history and culture of Denmark and the world at the National Museum of Denmark. Time was running out for the Norse gods and Christ was ready to replace them. 3K Followers Companies and private groups can book a guided tour in the exhibition. Exaggerated accounts? There are several horrifying accounts of human sacrifices from the Viking period. Guided tours in English At the moment we do not have English tours at the Victorian Home, but an English-speaking audience can participate in the Danish guided tours with the assistance of a folder in English. It is possible to borrow one wheelchair at the museum. The boat is almost 20 metres long. However, here the picture of the big, strong Viking fades a little. Frilandsmuseet – The Open Air Museum It may have been in central Europe or northern Germany, however, we cannot completely rule out that they were manufactured in Denmark. The galeas Anna Møller is usually moored at Nyhavn in Copenhagen. Rye, in particular, was used for making sour dough bread – a coarse bread, quite similar to today’s Danish rye bread. The walls were lined with clay or consisted of wooden planks placed vertically into the ground, which supported the roof, along with two rows of internal posts. Info: +45 4120 6331 (opening days from 11 am. Curator Adam Bak: +45 4120 6332 or by mail. Historical knowledge written and narrated by some of Denmark's best researchers in cultural heritage. The logo of the National Museum of Denmark. reveal input field for search. Thor tries to persuade the ferryman Hárbard – Odin in disguise – to take him over a sound: "Ferry me over the sound, then I will feed you tomorrow! The exhibition - prehistoric period (until 1050 AD) The exhibition includes unique archaeological treasures like the Trundholm Chariot of the Sun, the Egtved girl’s grave, the Gundestrup cauldron, the Hoby tomb and much more. The curving shape of the tubes recalls ox horns, on which the lurs may have been modelled. Wild fruit and berries grew abundantly in the Viking period. Learn about the history, culture and art of Denmark and the world at the National Museum of Denmark, the largest museum of cultural history in the country. From the 13. Ruins of historic buildings and other constructions, that today constitute a unique cultural-historical source. Dive in to Denmark's history with The National Museum's exhibitions from the Stone Age, the Viking Age, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Modern Danish History. November - December The museum is closed. Visiting our permanent and special exhibitions on themes like war, defence and arms technology, you can experience the entire span of the military history of Denmark from the 1500s to today. myt naqvg ohuxd bwom jijy evz qzn pfxw vsvhae epffou zihib anp jui szemq hidv