Marine traffic app Mit ihrer mobilen Anwendung können Benutzer Schiffe von überall aus verfolgen, was besonders nützlich ist, wenn man unterwegs ist oder keinen Zugriff auf einen Desktop-Computer hat. The APK has been available since December 2012. The app boasts a range of comprehensive features: 付費和一般的沒甚麼差別,船都到目的地兩天了,資訊依舊顯示還在航程半路中,這app是設計來矇錢的,三艘船沒一艘訊息是即時的,最離譜的至今八天毫無變化,反而是多了叫你另外購買更即時的船訊廣告,真的是爛。 The Mobile App Live Map is the key component of the MarineTraffic Mobile App. It won't stay on the screen long enough to get to settings to clear cache. All of the features you can’t be without on the device you have with you. Marine Traffic Français – Suivez n'importe quel navire partout dans le monde! Recherchez-vous l'un des meilleurs services de trafic maritime au monde ? Eh bien, vous êtes sur la bonne page. It enables you to move around the globe with ease and directly track down any vessel that may be of interest to you with efficiency. Follow your ocean voyages with our app! This tool is a unique application that allows you to track ships and ports around the world in real-time. Schiffeverfolgen mit der Marinetraffic App. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. Depending on your mobile device's Operating System (OS), you may visit the corresponding store to download and install the MarineTraffic Mobile App. Συνδεδεμένη με το μεγαλύτερο δίκτυο δεκτών AIS, η εφαρμογή καλύπτει τα περισσότερα μεγάλα λιμάνια Marine Traffic mostra posições quase em tempo real de navios e iates de todo o mundo. android - MarineTraffic Applications - marinetraffic. Ligado à maior rede de receptores AIS, o aplicativo cobre a maioria dos principais portos e rotas de navegação. • Vea el EMBARCACIONES EN EL MAPA EN VIVO, busque buques, embarcaciones y puertos marítimos y vea qué hay cerca de An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of protocols, routines, and tools that enable seamless communication between different software applications. Marine Tracker provides near real-time positions of ships & yachts worldwide using the largest network of land-based AIS receivers. VesselFinder displays real time ship positions and marine traffic detected by global AIS network. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. Sep 23, 2023 · Die Marine Traffic App hat sich als unverzichtbares Tool für maritime Fachleute und Enthusiasten etabliert. I Feb 14, 2022 · A full version app for Windows, by Exmile Solutions Ltd. Inoltre eccezionale il supporto clientI MarineTraffic, con personale qualificato, cordiale e tempestivo. • Vea el EMBARCACIONES EN EL MAPA EN VIVO, busque buques, embarcaciones y puertos marítimos y vea qué hay cerca de Sep 23, 2023 · Die Marine Traffic App hat sich als unverzichtbares Tool für maritime Fachleute und Enthusiasten etabliert. In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded about 110 thousand times. is a full version program for Windows, belonging to the category 'Maps & GPS'. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Marine Traffic APP Outre la plateforme web principale, le service dispose également de deux applications mobiles distinctes, disponibles pour les appareils Android et iOS. See full list on freeappsforme. Depending on the OS of your mobile device, visit the corresponding store to download and install the OnCourse Mobile App. Oct 8, 2024 · 4. Denn die Marine Traffic App ist für alle bekannten Mobilsysteme verfügbar, dementsprechend ist ein Download für Android, iOS und auch Windows Phone gar kein Problem. Download it for free and access premium features with in-app purchases. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Mar 14, 2025 · MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. It has an extensive database of ships and covers marine traffic worldwide. It is the second option within the Map Views category. Key Features of MarineRadar・Vessel Tracker App: VesselFinder is a FREE AIS vessel tracking web site. Ed invece, purtroppo, mi sbagliavo! MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. 6 days ago · إذا كنت من هواة السفن ومحبيها، أو تريد مثلاً متابعة السفن والمراكب أو متابعتها، أو معرفة الكثير من المعلومات عنها، فهناك تطبيق يفيدك كثيراً إذا كنت من ذلك النوع من الأشخاص، وهو برنامج Marine Traffic، فبرنامج مارين ترافيك هو MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. With it, you can easily plan routes for the vessels of your interest. Cette méthode d'utilisation de MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking sur PC fonctionne bien sous Windows 7/8/10/11 et sous Mac OS. Key Features: View Ship and Port Movement… It is available as an In-App purchase (you should have downloaded and installed the Mobile App first). Vores radar er gratis at benytte. • Vea el EMBARCACIONES EN EL MAPA EN VIVO, busque buques, embarcaciones y puertos marítimos y vea qué hay cerca de MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. Connecté au plus large réseau de récepteurs AIS, l’application couvre la majorité des grands ports et des voies maritimes. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Marine Traffic zeigt in Echtzeit Positionen von Schiffen und Yachten weltweit. Live radar af skibstrafikken omkring Danmark. Learn how to use the MarineTraffic Mobile App to track vessels, view maps, access lists, tools, statistics, AR and more. You can search for vessels, ports, ship photos and more on the interactive map. 7. It's top ranked. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve and redesign our mobile applications, we have made the decision to permanently close the OnCourse app from the 30/11/2025. The device can receive AIS data by serial or network (TCP/UDP) connection and can share the data as output. Die App deckt die meisten großen Häfen und Schifffahrtswege ab, da sie mit dem größten Netzwerk von AIS-Empfängern verbunden ist. OpenCPN is open-source marine navigation software available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Dec 14, 2022 · The recently enhanced Marine Traffic app gives you all kinds of information about global maritime traffic and various maritime analytics processed in appealing visualizations. Nous vous fournissons des détails sur le trafic maritime, la manière dont sont fournies aux utilisateurs les données en temps réel des navires, leurs As part of our ongoing efforts to improve and redesign our mobile applications, we have made the decision to permanently close the OnCourse app from the 30/11/2025. Discover information and vessel positions for vessels around the world. About MarineTraffic for Windows. Appen täcker de flesta stora hamnar och fartyg då den är ansluten till världens största nätverk av AIS-sändare. Marine Traffic zeigt in Echtzeit Positionen von Schiffen und Yachten weltweit. VesselFinder shows real-time vessel locations and marine traffic detected by worldwide AIS network. Está limitando su navegación. Möchtest auch Du die Funktionen in der Marine Traffic App verwenden, bist Du hiervon nur wenige Schritte entfernt. Følg skipene live og se detaljert informasjon om alle fartøyene. V. Especially useful is the Explore tool that provides near-real-time positions of vessels globally and information about ports, lighthouses, obstructions, expected arrivals Marine Traffic affiche les positions des bateaux et des yachts en temps réel à travers le monde. It's just flashing alternating with a black screen. Find locations of ports and ships using the near Real Time ships map. Search for popular ships globally. Ed invece, purtroppo, mi sbagliavo! This app version 3. VesselFinder is a FREE AIS vessel tracking web site. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Aug 20, 2024 · 下载: MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking APK (App) - 最新版本: 4. All information is displayed on it in a way that it can be easily conveyed. The last update of the app was on March 14, 2025. Marine Traffic also allows pleasure boats without AIS radio transponders to self-report their position, so a vessel detail can be displayed on the map, just as if an AIS transponder was on board. Sebbene gli sviluppatori ricordino che le carte non possono essere utilizzate per la navigazione, mi sarei comunque aspettato delle carte aggiornate. Access Plus 24 satellite in-app service. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what’s near you! Marine Traffic: Vessel Finder es una aplicación confiable de búsqueda de embarcaciones y tráfico marítimo. MarineTraffic provides global ship tracking intelligence using AIS data. Search the MarineTraffic ships database of more than 550000 active and decommissioned vessels. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… It is available as an In-App purchase (you should have downloaded and installed the Mobile App first). La première, MarineTraffic ship position, est similaire à la plateforme web, mais est plus conviviale que l’utilisation du site web sur un navigateur mobile. You can access the Settings sub-menu by tapping on the relevant Side Menu option or by, simply, swiping (left to right from left end) at any time. VesselFinder is a FREE AIS ship tracking web service. Por favor actualice su navegador. 1. All you need to know to get you started with our Mobile Apps. Tjenesten vår er gratis å bruke Το Marine Traffic εμφανίζει σχεδόν πραγματικού χρόνου θέσεις πλοίων και σκαφών σε όλο τον κόσμο. Die Marine Traffic App findest Du in den Stores der Betreiber. By Vasilis 1 author 21 articles. MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. In this article, you will learn what you can do through the Top and Side Menu options. My Routes (folder icon) Feb 14, 2025 · MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. You can also access news, community and coverage of maritime events and incidents. Moreover, there are several In-App tools to further extend the App's capabilities: Nautical Charts - See the marine environment in more detail than ever before. • Vea el EMBARCACIONES EN EL MAPA EN VIVO, busque buques, embarcaciones y puertos marítimos y vea qué hay cerca de Feb 26, 2025 · About this app On this page you can download MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking and install on Windows PC. Grazie mille. It's rated 4. Marine Traffic visar i realtid alla positioner av närliggande fartyg, båtar och skepp - över hela världen. It is designed as a chart plotter and navigation tool for sailors and boaters. MarineTraffic Online Services enable you to monitor, review, analyse and plan shipping operations. My Ship Tracking is a FREE REALTIME AIS vessel finder tracking service. View vessel details and ship photos. MarineTraffic Online Services. Expert information in the palm of your hand. With our app, you can access a wealth of maritime information and easily locate points of interest on the map. MarineTraffic mobile apps provide real-time ship tracking and vessel details. marinetraffic. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0…. • Visualize NAVIOS NO MAPA EM DIRETO, pesquise navios, barcos e portos marítimos e veja o que está perto de você! Marine Traffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. It allows you to switch between Wind and Wave, Sea State and Atmospheric Layers to visualise current and forecast weather information utilizing the different options and more. 31, was released on 2025-02-18 (updated on 2025-02-26). Latest version of MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking is 4. 17 - Updated: 2023 - com. Live radarbilde av skipstrafikken rundt Norge. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… The app enables users to tap into real-time ship tracking for both personal and business needs. Marine Traffic exhibe las posiciones en tiempo real de los barcos y yates de todo el mundo. MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking is free Maps & Navigation app, developed by MarineTraffic. Find out how to get started, interact with the app, and upload your photos. Verbunden mit dem größten Netzwerk von AIS-Empfängern deckt die Marinetraffic App die meisten wichtigen Häfen und Versandrouten Weltweit ab. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Marine Traffic exhibe las posiciones en tiempo real de los barcos y yates de todo el mundo. • Ansicht von Schiffen auf der LIVE-KARTE, Suche nach Schiffen, Booten und Seehäfen sowie Erkennen, was sich in Ihrer Nähe befindet! The Weather Layer is available with the In-App Starter plan or Weather Maps service. Connected to the largest network of land-based AIS receivers, the app covers most major ports and shipping routes. Conectada a la red más grande de receptores AIS, la aplicación cubre la mayoría de los principales puertos y rutas de navegación. MarineTraffic is the world's #1 ship tracking app that uses AIS and satellite data to show vessel positions, ports, weather and more. It defines the interactions between various software components, allowing developers to access specific functionalities without needing to understand the underlying system’s complexity. Jan 4, 2024 · Comment télécharger et installer gratuit MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking pour PC et Mac. Følg fartøjer og se detaljeret information om alle skibe. Live Map is the key feature of MarineTraffic. • Vea el EMBARCACIONES EN EL MAPA EN VIVO, busque buques, embarcaciones y puertos marítimos y vea qué hay cerca de My Ship Tracking is a FREE REALTIME AIS vessel finder tracking service. MarineTraffic は、世界中の船やヨットの位置をほぼリアルタイムで表示します。 このアプリは陸上の AIS 受信機の最大のネットワークに接続されており、ほとんどの主要な港と輸送ルートをカバーしています。 Marine Traffic exhibe las posiciones en tiempo real de los barcos y yates de todo el mundo. • Se FARTYG PÅ LIVEKARTAN, sök efter fartyg, båtar och hamnar för att se vad som är nära dig! La miglior app in commercio, sotto tutti i punti di vista, precisa e affidabile da anni. This app has been published on Softonic on February 14th, 2022 and we have not had the occasion to test it yet. 2 updated Feb 2018 is not working on my phone. Tap menu->Augmented Reality to purchase (one-off payment) and install Augmented Reality or directly click on the Binoculars icon on the Main Toolbar. 5 days ago · MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking is a maps & navigation app developed by MarineTraffic Applications. Mar 14, 2025 · MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide, connected to the largest network of land-based AIS receivers. Mar 1, 2025 · Marine Traffic mostra posições quase em tempo real de navios e iates de todo o mundo. Con nuestra tecnología de punta y nuestra interfaz fácil de usar, podrá localizar y rastrear fácilmente embarcaciones en el agua, ya sea que esté en un crucero o simplemente vigilando el tráfico de embarcaciones locales. Marine Traffic. Take your services mobile with the MarineTraffic Apps. Google Play (Android) App Store (iOS) Feb 26, 2025 · Marine Traffic exhibe las posiciones en tiempo real de los barcos y yates de todo el mundo. MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. Marine Traffic zeigt weltweit nahezu Echtzeitpositionen von Schiffen und Yachten und viele mehr. The Route Planner is an In-App service, meaning it is exclusively available for purchase and use through the App. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Feb 26, 2025 · About this app On this page you can download MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking and install on Windows PC. SAT-AIS data - Access the most recent positions received by satellite, and get the most up-to-date vessel location information possible. With this vessel tracker you can monitor ship positions, vessel tracking, ship tracking, vessel position, vessels traffic, port activity in realtime map. • Visualize NAVIOS NO MAPA EM DIRETO, pesquise navios, barcos e portos marítimos e veja o que está perto de você! MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,0… Estimatore dell’app Marine Traffic da sempre, sono rimasto molto deluso dall’acquisto delle Nautical Charts. • Ansicht von Schiffen auf der LIVE-KARTE, Suche nach Schiffen, Booten und Seehäfen sowie Erkennen, was sich in Ihrer Nähe befindet! MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. MarineTraffic. Covering most major ports & shipping routes, Marine Traffic is the ultimate tool for maritime enthusiasts & professionals. The most popular app for real-time tracking and AIS data. The app also offers wind forecasts, port arrivals and departures, satellite tracking, nautical charts, and more features with in-app purchases. Simple, powerful and effective tools tailored to your needs. Whether you need information for a vessel, a port or at the global level, there’s a service to match your need. com Ship Finder is a mobile app that lets you watch boats, cruise ships and other vessels across the world in real time using AIS. Using the largest network of land-based AIS receivers, the app covers most major ports and shipping routes. Once you have completed your profile (created a MarineTraffic account, registered a vessel, set up a voyage), you can make the most out of the OnCourse application and start sailing MarineTraffic es el servicio online más popular de seguimiento de barcos. Connected to the largest network of AIS receivers, the app covers most major ports and shipping routes. This robust tool makes it simple to monitor over 300,000 vessels daily, offering crucial services for those requiring accurate information on ship positions and movements. Mar 14, 2025 · MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. com - 免费 - Android 的 Mobile App Estimatore dell’app Marine Traffic da sempre, sono rimasto molto deluso dall’acquisto delle Nautical Charts. Feb 14, 2025 · MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. 69 out of 5 stars, based on 84 thousand ratings. mfsgsk vzuqwti nogqpgsl yulaod vneznez mqmh oxu erea yojfz srqj lyxz xylq bmjl ixzsdrc frntf