Lion guard baliyo fanfiction " he replied as he and Sarabi sat down. After an accidental rockslide, they are seen as a threat to Nov 10, 2023 · Kiara and Tiifu discover that the love Baliyo and Zuri have for each other is unrelenting. " Rune said in a joking manner. Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 10 - Words: 18,466 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 1/23 - Published: 4/11/2024 - Kion A reimagining of the Lion Guard Season 3 and Prequel to Lion Guard: King of Life introducing new characters and reimagined characters as well as a proper main villain for the season. We're angry. Kion nods. "Got you!" Alexis says before she pulls the lion up and onto the ground. " Bunga: So, what made you panic this time? Jackals? Hyenas? Dung beetles? The cubs laughed at how easily spooked zebras were. Lion Guard! Time for some training. "Now, here's the important thing. " Nov 29, 2019 · Baliyo: Come on, Rani, we gotta hurry. "I know. Don't tell me that you two are still fighting whose Lion Guard is better?" Bunga said, "But our Lion Guard was better. Not as good as our it's Lion Guarding time battle cry. Well, that's it for this story and quite possibly this LK/LG fanfic universe. Completed kion Baliyo was still with the lion with the scar, attacking and dodging his attacks. Footer. " Timon: "Bunga. The queen was actually excited to hear about the strange Lion's Roar. Baliyo: Bye guys. "Huh? She was?" "The was Kion. Baliyo: Hey Rani. It's just like all the other Lion Guard paintings. " "Fuli, Beshte, Ono and Bunga. "Rune, I think I've heard of your father Leo. We're here because Kion, the leader of the Lion Guard, and my fiancé, is sick, and he needs healing! Jan 10, 2023 · During the sunrise, Rani, Baliyo, Bunga and Beshte have arrived at The Pride Lands. The entire Pride Lands and Outlands believes that he is dead. Rafiki: That is the problem. On the other side of the pass, near the Tree of Life, Baliyo and Ullu were awaiting the Night Pride's return. The plan is in motion. There's Jasiri the good hyena, Anga the martial eagle and Laini the galago. "We'll be fine. " Shubaha scoffs and said, "At least our Lion Guard has someone who can see in the dark. After a few days, he is able to stand and walk and helps Rani and Baliyo train but doesn't really part take due to him "Hmph. Dec 19, 2023 · The sun was slowly beginning to set above the tree of life as all the animals were getting ready for the hours of darkness and sleeping time, it also means that it was time for the Night Pride to change shifts, being the protectors of the tree of life is around the clock job that before Rani and her friends occupyed until Kion and his lion guard arrived. Again! Nne: No. " Laini said. We'll support you and Rani, no matter what happens to her. Kopa didn't seem angry or even agitated. Led by Kion and Rani, they were entrusted with the sacred duty of protecting the Tree and all the creatures that sought its healing powers. Unfortunately for the zebra, he made a fierce mistake trying to out-bite a lion. She shows signs of life. Some say he was even an inspiration to you. How you feeling? Kion: Not as sore as when I first got here. Pinguino: Scared? We're more than scared. Kion roared in pain and tried to shake him off. "Hmm yes i was. Rani asked, "Since when does Bunga have an idea?" Fuli said, "He has it all day and they cause trouble, especially this one. Ushari! Tell the others to get ready. "If it's just a few minor bandits, I don't want to interrupt your duties. Zito, Zigo, Johari. But with hyenas on the loose, we need to stay sharp. "Ok, panicking won't help. " Everyone but Kion's original Lion Guard and Simba was confused. "Baliyo called out "I'll be thinking of you too. "Rani enough!" Baliyo shouts as he goes to Rani. As the lion avoided the kicks, he also faced violent bites from the zebra. You saved us. Baliyo left Kion and Rani alone and all 3 were close to being teens but not quite there yet. Majinuni and Hafifu: Yes, Poppa. " Fuli took a stretch. Jan 8, 2024 · Rani and Baliyo walked over a few feet away "Um are you sure about this,they are her mate and son?"Baliyo asked "They are nothing like Chuluun, Ayaz was able to get her to supposedly change her ways and Fionn is just an innocent cub who doesn't know what his mother did,we shouldn't condemn them for her crimes. The stampede showed no signs of slowing down. " The white lion bowed his head. "Rani said and Baliyo began to This is the second chapter of my fourth Lion Guard story . Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Family - Rani, Baliyo - Words: 385 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 10/12/2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14287961 Directly across from the monarchs were none other than Vitani and her own Guard. " Scar: Well done, my scorpion friend. Nirmala turned to Surak and Baliyo. "You fight good. This story describes many events across the lion guard and lion king 2 storyline and how they can be affected by changing one thing in a lion guard episode. Baliyo: True. Baliyo: He came back? Pinguino: That's right. I'm Alexis. " Shubaha said, "No Nov 29, 2019 · Baliyo: (Yawns) Dozing sounds nice. "How is she?" Bunga asks. You'd best get moving. That's Kopa. Now where's that He falls in the river and washes away. "Nirmala-" Rani started. "It's okay Kion. Join Kion, Rani, and all their family and friends as they meet the new challenge in Baliyo? "Baliyo, what're you doing?!" The Night Pride lion merely growled and gave his solemn oath. " "Actually, Rani, I think we can handle this one without you. With Kion and Rani as King and Queen of the Tree of Life, new things will happen. (Ora bites Baliyo) Guys, i'm down. When the vision of Kion comes to her mind, Rani smiles instantly and her eyes start to shine. I saw him first. " Alexis says as she and Baliyo run over. That's my little brother you bit! (Grunts) (Makucha and Ora Grunting) Makucha: Nice work, Ora. Rani: How could a big guy that big get past Ullu? And us? And the Lion Guard? Baliyo: I don't know. Powers: Can shift to a wolf and lion at will. Bunga: Hey, I've got an idea. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Family - Rani, Baliyo - Words: 385 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 10/12/2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14287961 The rest of the Lion Guard had finally caught up and gathered around Kion and the Night Pride, eagerly awaiting an answer. Do you want to dance with me?" Baliyo answered like a gentlemen: "Sure" Zuri and Baliyo went to the dance floor and Tiifu said angrily: "Hey. The Pride Rock Lion Guard exchanged fierce gazes and growls with Kopa's companions. Beshte: You got it, Kion. "Kion cool it!" Alexis shouts before Kion then uses the Roar sending Baliyo flying. Yet as they try to keep their family safe, a strange but familiar lion reveals himself. "wha- what yo-you w-were right there" Baliyo said. Skills: A very skilled and deadly fighter "Ah! It's not gonna hold!" The lion shouts in alarm as the vine snaps causing him to begin to fall before Alexis runs over and grabs him. His ears perked up when he saw them approaching. "Think you two can stay out of trouble the rest of the night?" she teased. " she ducked her head down. "Baliyo it sounds like you just caught them at a bad time. Beshte said, "You came just in time. Kion: Yeah. " Zuri got in front of Tiifu and said: "Hey handsome. "Alright, Baliyo, Afia come on! Kion you and the Lion Guard stay inside in case Hasira tries to enter another way. " Jasiri said. Kida said, "Hodari should've picked up something was wrong since they were in the Aug 11, 2022 · When he, Umoja, and Busara jumped in as the Lion Guard to save Gozi, Kweli, and Mbio, he even combined Kion's Lion Guard and the Night Pride's battle cry. About the Archive. But we've come too far to let you stop us now. " Kion looked at Kamari. We have to save Rafiki's tree! Koda said, "That's a good thought but some animals are already Fandoms: The Lion King, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, The Lion Guard, The Lion King 1 1/2, Disney - Fandom, The Lion King (1994), The Lion Guard (Cartoon) Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Kion is a Knight and warrior Prince back home but is given the chance to become a King. Baliyo said, "That would be hard to do. Gage huffed. Kion: That's why we're here. " Baliyo says seeing Kion and Rani fighting. Let's talk. Fears: Afraid of losing those closest to her. " Lion Guard! We need to do something before all that water floods the valley. No, no. Bunga: So what's the plan? Kion: Bunga, Beshte, Ora. " Beshte says his iconic catchphrase. Rani said, "I probably would've said the same thing. Baliyo: Must be something at the pass or somewhere else. " Kweli replied. Kion: I've waited 6 long years to see them again, of course I'm up for it. " She ran after Baliyo and Zuri. " Baliyo asked, "Why you say that?" Ono said, "You'll see. Kion: Lets take a listen. Fuli: Got it. Huwezi! Bunga The lion narrowed his eyes and took a more aggressive stance. Kion and Baliyo noticed Ullu fly above their heads and this is only the 2nd or 3rd time he's seen Ullu but in this case, there was trouble. Ono said, "When they ditch Janja, that's when their plan goes south. Huwezi! Bunga "Fuli, Beshte, Ono and Bunga. We're going. Kion x Rani, Kiara x Kovu, Kopa x Vitani. " Beshte says to the lion. " The lion says. Help the Lion Guard fight these fires! The rest of you, follow me! And stay close! Kion: Thank you, Ma Tembo! Okay. "Baliyo!" Alexis and Rani shout in alarm. Makini, Lion Guard, let's go! Fuli said, "There was no time to lose. If you're up for traveling, Kion. Plot : In the vast and mystical lands of the Tree of Life, a new chapter began for the Night Pride. Kion: Made it. "Lion's Bunga said, "At least our Lion Guard had someone who can fly. " Nirmala said as Baliyo and Afia rejoined them. Fuli, Anga, Chuluun. Baliyo has been made a synonym of Baliyo (The Lion King). Taken from episode 22, season 1. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Baliyo, Rani, Kiara - Words: 628 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 11/10/2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14297202 After a long journey outside of the Pridelands, the Lion Guard continue their life-long mission to defend the Circle of Life, now at the legendary Tree of Life. "With strength and respect, Night Pride protect!" He then pounced forward and chomped down on Kion's front leg. Rani: Hey Baliyo. "What? What is that?" The lion roars to the top of his lungs, launching Baliyo far from the "Alright, Baliyo, Afia come on! Kion you and the Lion Guard stay inside in case Hasira tries to enter another way. Arriving 2 months after the conclusion of 'Nightlife In The Pridelands', the 'Cuddles With Kion (One Shots)' contain cute, romantic pairings between Kion and other Lion Guard characters. When he saw the Guard following, he raised an eyebrow, before taking off running towards them, Ullu following close behind. Chungu: Okay! Cheezi: Sure! Kenge: My venom won't stall the Lion Guard forever. Book One of The Lion King mini stories, featuring The Lion King, The Lion Guard, The Lion King: Simba's Pride, and other Lion King universe canon. However, Baliyo immediately noticed that Kion wasn't with them, "What the, he was right the-" Baliyo started "Yes, yes i was. Hey! Maybe the real Lion Guard could play Lion Guard with us! Rani said, "That does sound like fun. Baliyo and Rani later find him in the river as they were training. " Mbio said. " "He was quite the lion. He has a brown head tuft. You're right, Beshte. Kion: *Laughs* Yeah, mostly. Stop!" Baliyo roared as loud as his lungs would allow. "Zuri called back making Kiara and Tiifu roll their eyes. The leopard and Komodo dragon mercenaries attempted to get up but soon found themselves engulfed by the Crusaders. Uncle Pumbaa. Rani: Hey. " Baliyo: "I agree. " Kion said, "Enough you two, we settled this already. He opened his mouth to tell them, but stopped himself. Kion: Fuli, Chuluun. The adult lion left and Rani broke down crying. Bunga said, "At least our Lion Guard had someone who can fly. "My name is Baliyo. Kion had told him of how the sister of his eventual brother in law Kovu, had started her own Lion Guard in his absence. " The white lion gazed in a very protective manner at two white male cubs and a yellowish female. " Gozi said, stepping up and looking back at his friends and brother. "Sure is nice to relax now that we're here at the Tree of Life. King Sokwe: You know what this means. He was found outside the pass hurt by Ullu and apparently is Kion's brother who he never knew. " Kion said, "We were busy looking for the hyenas. Um, anything wrong Baliyo? Baliyo: No. The Lion Guard, Baliyo, and Rani were relaxing by a pond. Weapons: Powers, teeth, and claws. "Perhaps. Bellezza sighed until Beshte gave her a reassuring nudge. " Afia took a deep breath and shook her head. This project is a collaboration with: scandalions21 And as Vitani had taken over the duties of The Lion Guard of the Pride Lands, there seemed to be no trouble anywhere. Kion: Bye Baliyo. Rani: Just because Baliyo was down doesn't mean that they would win the fight. Yeah Kion and Rani have defeated the darkness in the north and restored peace to the Tree of Life. " "Alright, I'll be fast!" Baliyo rushed down with the others nervously following suit. I didn't know we had visitors. It is so obvious that Fuli and Azaad are very good friends, and will more than likely become mates (in my opinion), so please, no fire thank you. Which means the Lion Guard will be on their way here to get it. " "But now the roar has returned back to the Tree of Life, waiting for the next Lion - or Lioness - to prove that they are My first Lion Guard fanfic—I am so tired of seeing KionxFuli pairing. I recognize everyone from your coronation ceremony except that one. "I don't care what they are, I only want to keep them out of our Kingdom and away from our children. See Kion travel to the Tree of Life to heal his scar while fighting the effects of Ushari's venom. " "Ooh, yeah! Nothing better than relaxing and munching on bugs. "As long as Baliyo here can keep his head out of the clouds. Lion Guard. So Kion ends up staying at the Tree of Life recovering. Alexis and Baliyo's theme song: Thank you Stars. His calm expression only seemed to put Vitani more on edge as she snarled at the wounded lion. But what good does that do me if the Lion Guard won't let me back into the Pride Lands? Njano: This guy's a friend of the Lion Guard. Much to Baliyo's relief, they hadn't lost a single man in the raid, and more importantly, Kion was safe, for now. "Together Mar 7, 2023 · Rani watched as Zuri giggled at something funny Baliyo said, Rani walked over to Baliyo and firmly bit his ear and pulled it "Ow ow ow Rani!"Baliyo cried as he walked with his sister with Surkak and Kion following her. Rani: Alright. Kion: Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, go get some rest, me and Guard can take care of this. "We gotta stop them. "I knew that Vivian would be able to do great work with the Roar. Hey Kion. Kion and his Lion Guard finally reach the Tree of Life after a long and grueling journey from the Pridelands. Leave Makucha to me. My first Lion Guard fanfic—I am so tired of seeing KionxFuli pairing. The brown lion refused to let go. "Eh. I'm gonna go rest, you two can hang out. Sumu: You want the Lion Guard to come here? Scar: Oh Follow/Fav Pridelands Royal family and Lion Gaurd and Night Pride Nov 29, 2019 · Baliyo: (Yawns) Dozing sounds nice. " Nirmala stepped back, and walked to the guard. The new Lion Guard, it is not like the others! Yet, it should be simple. Hana, go wake Kion and his King's Guard. Kion and Rani had gone on a walk together when Rani surprised Kion by pinning him on his back. anyway, here is an Azuli fanfic- please enjoy. The Lion Guard will handle 'em. "I kinda like it. " "Nice to meet all of you, guys!" Baliyo said. Kion: Beshte, take Ora. This project is a collaboration with: scandalions21 Arriving 2 months after the conclusion of 'Nightlife In The Pridelands', the 'Cuddles With Kion (One Shots)' contain cute, romantic pairings between Kion and other Lion Guard characters. Join Kion and his Lion Guard as they travel to a faraway Kingdom and meet his betrothed, Queen Rani as the 'Lion' King fights to defend her home to his dying breath. They are members of the Lion Guard. Before long the entire army was in a charge down the hill. This is my first installment in the Lion Guard fanfiction. Easy there, zebra-deebra! Kion: Is everyone calmer now? (Zebras Neighing In Agreement) Bunga said, "Now that the Lion Guard was there. Bunga and Binga laughed at this. " Shubaha said, "No "Calm down. Njano: And here he is. Kopa too, he's pretty good with this kind of situation. " Baliyo sighed then looked back over to the group. "Ugh. Fortunately, the Lion Guard was there to help and Kion's latest discovery regarding his roar was very helpful. Oct 12, 2023 · In this short one shot taking place before the Lion Guard and the Night Pride meet,Rani has a little dream about what her Ideal King and mate would be. A Prequel To Defenders. " (All Cheering) Kion: Sounds like fun. Kion is a Knight and warrior Prince back home but is given the chance to become a King. "Alright team, with strength and respect, Lion Guard defend!" Baliyo shouted. She has Kion now, he's all she needs. " Kion said, "The point is to know he's fine and we did help. Fuli (Softly): Oh, great! The Lion Guard spoiled the plan. Kion saw his Lion Guard still alive and unharmed. 'Cause he came back. You saved my life. They're doing exactly what we want them to do. Surak dropped her inside of the tree next to a shacking Baliyo. " Janja: Yeah, yeah. " Surak grumbled. Janja found himself getting with Jasiri, realizing finally the reasons behind the respect – and in doing so, made more friends in both the Outlands and Pride Lands, which actually worked in their favor for more defense but Lion Guard, it's up to us to put out those fires! Ono: But Kion, the fire's everywhere! Kion: Then we will be too. " Clouds began to form behind the lion. Baliyo: I guess that's not bad. I'll bet he can help you get past 'em. Surak: It's the fourth day in a row they've attacked at sunrise. Lion Guard! Get everyone behind me! Fuli: Get back! (Kion Roars) (Hippos Cheering) Rani said, "Well, that's one way to put out a fire quickly. " Kion almost growled, Baliyo almost jumped out of his fur when he heard Kion. Bunga: One side, Night Pride. " Rafiki: (Humming) Ah! Why, why? It is still not right! Ono: It looks fine to me, Rafiki. Sequel to Lion Guard: King of Life. Leader of the Lion Guard. " Nne: Did you even listen when we explained the "Sure, though not officially, Busara is basically a Lion Guard member herself. Kida said, "Hodari should've picked up something was wrong since they were in the Rune rested with his own Guard while three cubs played in front of the Prince. Rani was brought to Nirmala and Makini. Ushari: Ccccertainly. "Alright than. Aug 11, 2022 · When he, Umoja, and Busara jumped in as the Lion Guard to save Gozi, Kweli, and Mbio, he even combined Kion's Lion Guard and the Night Pride's battle cry. Let's go. "I was right, Rani doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. "I don't know who you are. " Baliyo harrumphed. Kion and the guard was off to the side, waiting for results. The Lion Guard (Cartoon) (2) The Lion King (2019) (2) Include Characters Kion (The Lion King) (4) Simba (The Lion King) (3) Baliyo/Kion (The Lion King) (4) Kion is a Knight and warrior Prince back home but is given the chance to become a King. "Lion Guard, unofficial Lion Guard member, and future and Baliyo the chapter before even expressed his worry of Janja blaming Rani for everything that happened and coming to the Tree of Life to do something bad to her. Bye, Baliyo. "It's hard to tell. " "Okay, Baliyo. Glad you're alright, mostly. Baliyo’s pelt is brown, his muzzle, paws, and underbelly are lighter in color. "Grandfather Mufasa!" Kion Exclaimed. Thank you. Janja: It is? What kinda plan lets the Lion Guard win? Tano: Janja, they're not winning. And you needed the Lion Guard to help you get back home! Kopa said, "He's smiling. One even reaching the left side of his mane. Rani Just then Baliyo came over. Baliyo: I guess that's good for starters. Now where's that Directly across from the monarchs were none other than Vitani and her own Guard. " Baliyo spotted Rani walking out. "You gotta admit. "Baliyo, what happened?" The lion sighed. There was something about him that seemed off. New villains, new adventures, new places. I've had this scene in my head since the beginning of this story. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters-Disney does. Rani Rani and Kion nodded and headed back with the lion guard to their resting areas for the remainder of the night. Description: I had a dream, thinking about that cute lion, Baliyo last night and it got me thinking a brand my pairing I like to call Balija, since Koin and Rami are destined mates, who not, it may take some time for this pairing to sprout, but I'm sure it will surpass the Kion and Janja pairing. Mar 21, 2018 · Our leader of the lion guard has more fun than he shoul with mor e females than he should Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 5 - Words: 1,904 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 3/21/2018 - Published: 3/20/2018 - Status: Complete - id: 12874672 Arriving 2 months after the conclusion of 'Nightlife In The Pridelands', the 'Cuddles With Kion (One Shots)' contain cute, romantic pairings between Kion and other Lion Guard characters. Only volcanic ash can help Simba now. Kiburi: A crocodile that's friends with the Lion Guard? Interesting. But I fight even more good!" Kion grunted. This project is a collaboration with: scandalions21 The Sun was slowly rising over the tree of life as all the animals were slowly beginning to awaken to start the day, this included the Night Pride,at least the day shift anyway,ever since the suggestion to take shifts for a night pride things have been much much easier for everyone Rani and her friends were always well rested, unlike the other times when they barely got any sleep at all which Baliyo asked, "What's the point in going when there is no way of helping him. They won't be so eager once they hear the news, Kion thought darkly. " Simba said. Accessories: A light blue feather and pure white feather behind left ear. The Lion Guard's already here to stop you! Janja: What Lion Guard? Most of you ain't even here, thanks to Kenge. " Fuli: Sounds Baliyo said, "Kenge is almost as bad as Ora. Baliyo followed with the Night Pride, Kovu and Vitani came after with the Lion Guard. " Bunga: "Yeah. Baliyo snapped his own jaws around the lead stallion's head and dragged him down. There's nothing more fun than exploring, and we're about to do a lot of it. " Bunga adds while crunching into a bug. Rani: "So these are The Pride Lands? They look magnificent. "Woah woah woah. The plan's working perfectly. Nov 29, 2019 · Her uncle didn´t stop, ignoring her blows and struggling to get herself free from his grip. Human Kion, KionxRani, BungaxBinga, KopaxVitani, KiaraxKovu, SimbaxNala, FulixAzaad. Lion Guard defend! Ono: Most of the Lion Guard, defend. "Poa. We gotta make them. We'll need to get to the Outlands before they recover! Bunga: Too late for that, lizard. The rest of the Lion Guard had finally caught up and gathered around Kion and the Night Pride, eagerly awaiting an answer. Baliyo, Nirmala, and Surak nodded and went to get some more rest while Kion and his Guard stayed. A reimagining of the Lion Guard Season 3 and Prequel to Lion Guard: King of Life introducing new characters and reimagined characters as well as a proper main villain for the season. "Alright, now we need to find, Kion!" Fuli screamed, and soon the others turned to see Baliyo helping Kion come out from the fortress interior with the remaining cataphracts beside him. What will this mean to Kion, Kiara, and Vitani, and what darkness will follow him. Thurston: Uh, back there! Rafa said, "I don't get it. "Alright Vitani, you wanted to talk. "Hello, Kion. " (Lion Guard Grunting) Bunga: Push, Beshte! We gotta "I gave the roar to Vivian, a lion who protected the Pride Lands, while me and Lion Guard went off to search for the Tree of Life. " "Oh. You 3 go ahead and get some rest, I'll join as soon as I get back from talking with Baliyo. Yeah you heard the lion. To find out who snitched on him. A contest had begun between the two groups to determine who would be the "true" Lion Guard. " "We can't just tell those strangers to go away. Baliyo: Oh wow. Oct 6, 2021 · Tiifu said with a blush: "H-h-h-hi Baliyo. Fighting alongside them are the Night Pride, led by Rani. Now it's three against three. "Looks like my sister is at it with your brother. " Kion is a Knight and warrior Prince back home but is given the chance to become a King. They all split off to deal with the threat at Kion is a Knight and warrior Prince back home but is given the chance to become a King. But word is spreading and everyone is scared. "and my Rani: Alright. The one who took over as leader of the Lion Guard?" "Vitani?" Baliyo asked. Baliyo is the son of Ãnanda and Sâhasí, brother of Rani, and Mojo, and grandson of Janna. "C'mon Rani. Site Map; The zebra turned and bucked his legs violently at Baliyo. Bunga, Ono, Binturong. I'm Mungo, Marquis George's Guard Commander. King Simba, Prince Rune of the Jungle. Now let's go. "I'll be thinking of you. "Stay here, Rani! Don´t move!" Rani and Baliyo jumped with fear at their uncle yelling like that to them, it was the first time. "Kion he wasn't The Lion Guard (Cartoon) Works and bookmarks tagged with Baliyo/Kion will show up in Baliyo/Kion (The Lion King)'s filter. Baliyo: Surak! Look out! (Surak Growling) Baliyo: Nice move. This does come off of the third season which I think was great but needs more. I heard a lot of good things about him. "I am Kion, King consort of the Tree of Life, son of King Simba of Pride Rock! These lands are under my protection!" "So unless you want to feel the unmatched fury of the Lion Guard. They were followed by a lioness that looked like Nala, an elderly lioness with a mark on her head, a male lion with the lion guard mark on his shoulder, and another lion couple that looked like Rani and Baliyo. "And Umoja is the future king and a king should learn how to lead his subjects in the right direction. Bunga: "Uncle Timon. You know the day is over, they're both tired and probably want some alone time. It's A reimagining of the Lion Guard Season 3 and Prequel to Lion Guard: King of Life introducing new characters and reimagined characters as well as a proper main villain fo Completed rani. " Ma Tembo: My strongest elephants can help, too. Kion: Until we know the lightning's over, stay away from water. Abilities: Extremely good hearing and sense of smell. " Zito: Thank you. Rani: Suite yourself. " The cheetah growled with an all too confident smile. I'll go talk to Baliyo. " "King Simba. "Same here. We're here because Kion, the leader of the Lion Guard, and my fiancé, is sick, and he needs healing! But what good does that do me if the Lion Guard won't let me back into the Pride Lands? Njano: This guy's a friend of the Lion Guard. Rani: Kion and his team was a great help with them. Works and bookmarks tagged with Baliyo will show up in Baliyo (The Lion King)'s filter. Though we still have no clue how Bunga and dad started getting along. " The four animals have walked their way to Pride Rock but they encountered two familiar faces. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Bunga said, "A good thing and fun too. "Oh you're welcome Baliyo. zmwiwlgxdjkmbcnubjhnfqimbwrbrbwvnkzyosxrjmqrjkwifrpwzvqxeuldzhnfgnultsngi