Ibanez rg vs az. Strat/Jem basically identical.

Ibanez rg vs az be/dWQOpShc0UEWeb- https://www. Re: Ibanez S vs RG I just went to the Ibanez site and looked around. Ibanez’s annual NAMM dump has something for everyone. The Ibanez RG8570 j. Find a great collection of AZ at Ibanez. But I recommend that you save up enough to buy the Ibanez and own both guitars. While the AZ line has a thicker C-shaped neck and a much rounder fret radius, much more of a classic feel. Starting with the RG Premiums, and the big news is the inclusion of thru-neck construction (a first for the RG line-up). Which Ibanez guitar is the best fit for you? Will it be the RG or the S?Check out this comprehensive play-through to find your favorite!If you enjoyed this c Feb 2, 2023 · Detail Discussion of Ibanez RG: Among all Ibanez guitar ranges, the Ibanez RG is the most popular one being many professionals’ favorite. The series offers a convincing electric guitar range with a very unique body shape. I love Ibanez but I don’t get the AZ, the closest I got to buying the AZ is the Andy Timmons and the Lari Basilio ones but then I decided to get a Heritage instead. Ibanez has a variety of neck profiles available, and the S and RG series often have the same ones available. Top quality workmanship. The RG and basically any guitar is very versatile. AZ算是为ibanez的情怀最后一次充值,还好没让我失望。 AZ音色方面直接就颠覆了以往所有对ibanez的印象,偏中高频,偏冷偏亮,但不会感觉单薄,不像rg总觉得有点塑料味。搭配sd特供的拾音器动态很好,解析很强,音色很新派,穿透力还算不错。. ANy help would be appreciated RG j. I think it's prettier (metallic paint jobs on carved tops = super neat) and there's something about the AZ's semi-vintage body with its modern-ish neck that just looks inelegant to me. Ibanez RG系列 ,这款吉他也是最受欢迎的依班娜。标志性的外形以外,均有24品以及细琴颈和双humbuckers双线圈。 RG 系列. What makes the most difference for me though, feel and playability wise is fret Jan 4, 2022 · Vidéo de démonstration Ibanez AZ Premium AZ471QM Ibanez RG Premium RGT1220PB. Sep 29, 2018 · Una pregunta que me llega muy a menudo es: ¿Cúales son las diferencias entre la nueva linea AZ y las RG o las JEM? En este video intento responderla detallan Compare the Ibanez AZES40 vs the Ibanez GRX40. Carrying this ethos forward, the AZ line embodies time-tested Ibanez innovation and player-focused features like a smooth, oval neck grip, a well-balanced asymmetrical body shape, and the neck heel Besides the body, the other main differentiating point between the RG and AZ series is that while most RGs have Floyd Rose style double locking tremolos, the AZ series employ Fender-style synchronized tremolo units without locking nuts. C. It’s difficult to choose between the AZ and I’d check out the Charvel Dk24 and DK22. I bend hard, probably my bad technique - so with mostly all my guitars, my PRS, my Strats, LPs - I've had to refret all of them. But the ce24 plays really great and sounds amazing. Jan 10, 2025 · Ibanez 2025 kommt mit neuen Gitarren der AZ- und RG-Serie, neuen Akustikmodellen und schicken neuen Bässen. Best Ibanez I own, made in Indonesia. bund, halskrümmung recht ähnlich I prefer Japanese ESP guitars for sure But some of these Ibanez Prestiges look pretty tempting for their cheap used prices. My premium AZ is better than 4/5 of the prestige AZs I’ve owned. It's very strange that my 2006 Ibanez RG with DiMarzio HSH pickups (which shall be a shredding super hot pickup machine) has a lower output then some modern Strat-like guitars . RG's have thin, flat necks and a flatter fretboard. Jul 12, 2021 · IbanezのRGはホーン(カッタウェイの角のところ)が鋭利に尖っており全体的にカクカクした印象に対して、AZシリーズはホーン先端も丸く、ネックのジョイント部分も丸みを帯びた形状に加工してあります。 Chris & Thom check out the BRAND NEW offerings from the from Ibanez RG and AZ range in 2022. com Rg w/ Dimarzio TitanAz w/ Seymour Duncan Hyperion Neural DSP Fortin CaliBacking Track: https://youtu. Ibanez Prestige vs AZ Premium Planning to buy a guitar (preferably a 7-string), I'm from India so my options are limited. 039'') difference This means that it will be more difficult to do bar chords on the Ibanez RG8570 j. Jem/RG. As some people said, you can try Ibanez AZ, Charvel DK22/24, Schecter Nick Johnston or the Jackson one in this style, forgot the name. The AZ line was introduced in 2018. 1 2019 Ibanez AZ: 20. The Pacifica was a good guitar, but the Ibanez is better (for me). ). When you buy an Ibanez Premium guitar, you’re buying an instrument that’s somewhere in the middle of their range, as far as quality goes. The AZ has a completely new body shape although it clearly is inspired by the classic Fender Stratocaster. I love the look of the flat black AZ and from watching demos it sounds amazing too, there are no retailers near me that have an AZ so I can’t go get my hands on one . AZ. hide 34 . I was blown away by the quality, build and setup of the instrument. The AZ and DK24/DK22 get compared a lot but they’re really different beasts. Classical S-type lines and the brand’s retro “Roadstar” headstock remind everyone of its rock roots. It was worth the wait. And sound-wise I really miss the Strandberg Metal with Fluences I had but sold. The RG stands for Roadstar Guitar. The rg 652 is ash vs alder for the AZ, and I prefer the sound and grain of ash much more than alder. IBANEZ 全新国产AZ系列 Standard音色品质恐怖如斯!我在农村卖吉他 煎饺乐器 艾宾兹,这就是不好好练琴的下场,主唱愤怒的给吉他手一击耳光!,Gibson弹囧妹!? 新款les paul studio 好听好看好弹 Gravity cover,IBANEZ国产AZ与印尼AZ电吉他你来听一听声,听说考上沈音发 Nov 4, 2023 · Taking adaptability to new extremes, the AZ series has established itself and carved out a place that spans everything from the warmest blues licks, to the most intense, shred-heavy metal riffs. But both brands are tailor-fitted for heavy metal music. The prices are pretty similar so this is where I am at. Honestly you might like the RG550 better, I know I prefer RG over AZ. This is a 1mm (0. Thoughts and opinions welcome. They have a much thinner neck than the AZ and cost a little bit less. Just got a great indo made premier RG1070FM with 4mm maple cap and stainless steel frets (ball end) and edge pro trem for less than $900 total. Quality control: Ibanez Premium vs Ibanez Prestige Quality control: Ibanez Premium. The Ibanez let’s me play way quicker. 38mm at the nut, 20. If you want to not spend a lot, just get a Japan made RG or S from the 90s. I love how the thin and flat Ibanez neck feels, I love how there's basically countless different color and specs to choose from. Offset dot markers and natural wood finishes. custom has an HSH configuration while the Ibanez AZ226PB Premium has HSS pickups. RG系列从1987年开始就作为前面提到的JEM签名款的性价比替代款生产。最早的RG是,RG550. I say this because you may very well end up happy with the pros that the Ibanez has over the PRS, but miss the pros that the PRS has over the Ibanez. custom has the wider nut with 43mm (1. There is a new Prestige S-model (S-5470) that I really liked the look of. 5 to 21mm at the 1st fret and About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 18, 2022 · The Ibanez AZ is a killer guitar. 1 Aug 23, 2021 · 最後に、Rimo Blogでは、Ibanezの「気になる!」を独自の視点で切り込んだ記事が他にもありますので、興味を持たれた方はそちらも併せてご覧ください。 参考:テクニックを磨くためのおすすめギターはIbanez一択! その理由とは? Sep 23, 2024 · 很多喜欢的吉他手用的都是fender,但是fender感觉的配件之类的感觉是比较老式的,想买现代一点的琴,所以考虑ibanez。 至于AZ和RG系列之间,感觉RG的j custom非常的好看,但是RG的声音听上去似乎比较激烈,请问它能胜任eric clapton这样比较细腻的风格吗? RG, even between RG and AZ I'd prefer RG. uyInstagram - Jul 8, 2022 · 「アイバニーズ AZは弾きにくいの?」「ネックは太いの?」「RGと比べてどう?」アイバニーズのAZシリーズについて、気になるところがたくさんありますね。巷では、ネックが太いうわさを聞くので私も気になっていました。そこで、AZを実際に弾いてみましたのでレビューします。いつも極薄 The Ibanez AZ first launched in 2018 and I picked up one of the early production models - the AZ2402-TFF. Sharp looking guitars! I'd expect a slightly different neck on 2022 AZ as well. You’ve got the standard guitars, which are cheap, mass-produced, and assembled in a factory in Indonesia. Jul 9, 2022 · Multiple people said fretwork is better on the ibanez (although that's fixable by yourself or a good tech) Charvel when it has a floyd, it's not the best bridge available (vs ibanez puts their best tremolo available on the prestige lineup). Für ein besseres Erlebnis auf Gearnews wird empfohlen, Javascript zu aktivieren. The Ibanez web site indicates neck depth at 1st and 12th frets for every model. As Ibanez’s first original design in years, the AZ caused a stir during its 2018 NAMM show roll-out. It feels like a faster neck to my hands. You have nothing to fear. Bo Aug 30, 2016 · In this video, Darrell Braun serves up two possible choices—a Fender American Standard Stratocaster and an Ibanez RG870 Premium—and puts them through their paces on five different styles of music. I love having an actual double locking trem that's useful Jan 4, 2022 · Ibanez is straight out of the gate with its revamped Premium RG and AZ guitars, with a host of upgrades across both ranges. I’m now 100% on the Ibanez wagon and want to get another one . 5 to 21mm at the 1st fret and Find a great collection of AZ at Ibanez. The AZ line was inspired by Charvel and Suhr, because Guthrie Govan was the trendsetter in the prog rock world for the past decade or so. custom 特殊品丝边缘处理的巨型品丝,可实现超级平滑和舒适的演奏。 琴颈背面的“Velvetouch”饰面确保了“恰到好处”的感觉和轻松的演奏性。 Aug 8, 2018 · While the spec, for example, on the Super Wizard HP - “the neck for shredders,” states Ibanez - offers a 17mm depth at the first fret, 19mm by the 12th with a nut with of 43mm and a ’board radius of 430mm (16. Cela semble un peu Jul 9, 2022 · Multiple people said fretwork is better on the ibanez (although that's fixable by yourself or a good tech) Charvel when it has a floyd, it's not the best bridge available (vs ibanez puts their best tremolo available on the prestige lineup). So, Ibanez collaborated with Tom Quayle, Martin Miller, Polyphia, CHON and others for their input on what the AZ line should be. Again, I tried to cover Jack Thammarat's Mr. Should I get an Ibanez RG or a GRG? The biggest questions you need to ask yourself are can I afford an RG and do I want to sacrifice monetary savings over build and hardware quality? Find a great collection of AZ at Ibanez. I figured Ibanez can't slap the 'Premium' identifier on shit quality. If the used prices on them come down to where I first bought mine I might grab another but not the 2402. RG can work too, but looking at what you have and what you want to play one of those mentioned above would work great. When playing my RG standing up, my forearm doesn't naturally rest on the arm contour but rather on somewhere a bit towards the headstock, which is the uncontoured edge. The neck is a thicker C shape more AZ2407F at Ibanez. Was thinking of AZ427P1PB (Premium), but here that's the price range for some Prestiges (RG5121, RG2610E, RG2027XL, etc. 5 22. RG550 is not even in the running, because I hate that neck shape. 654''). Neck (nut) wideness, least to most AZ. 6 years ago . See full list on guitargearfinder. Messages 502. custom Super Wizard 5拼 枫木/Wenge琴颈包括经过我们 j. Both are great for different reasons. Quick Overview: Ibanez Vs ESP Charvel Pro mod DK24 vs Fender American Performer Strat vs Ibanez Premium AZ - HSS Super Strat Shootout! In this guitar shootout I compare the Charvel Pro Mo Aug 4, 2018 · While the spec, for example, on the Super Wizard HP - “the neck for shredders,” states Ibanez - offers a 17mm depth at the first fret, 19mm by the 12th with a nut with of 43mm and a ’board radius of 430mm (16. That’s probably the best value I’ve gotten on Ibanez RG. After spending quite a bit of time with this guitar and buying a second AZ recently AZ2204B-BK, I thought it was about time I shared a real 'hands on' customer review with you. I’m just a bedroom player. You can also find fixed bridges on both PRS and Ibanez guitars, although it is probably easier to find a fixed bridge on an Ibanez model since the range is a bit bigger. 19,359 . Find out their differences in specs, sound, playability, build quality and value. Strat/Jem basically identical. 84mm to 42. The only thing that irks me about Ibanez is the bolt on necks Ibanez JEM. Strat. There is a bit of reading/learning that goes with a floating trem but once dialed in, a Lo-Pro has legendary tuning stability. There is also a massive range of new colors and features. Although I haven't excluded the Pacifica quite yet, I'm really starting to like the look of the Ibanez super strats. 693'') vs 42mm (1. After the foundation, the brand Ibanez came up with the RG series in the year 1987. Frontman. Ibanez(アイバニーズ)の新着情報(AZ Premium 2022 New Models)です。アイバニーズからの最新情報をご紹介します。Ibanez guitarsは、機能美を追求したスタイリッシュかつ先進的なラインナップで、ジャンルを超えた世界中のトップアーティストから愛されています。 As the title says, I have come down to two guitars the RG5121 or the LHM1, I would go with the 5121 but the thing that puts me off is the flat finish that will end up "buffing" off with use, I just wish Ibanez offered a prestige with a fixed bridge and Fishmans with a gloss finish. It’s kind of like a strat and a RG mixed but I find myself reaching out more for my actual strat and RG. Aside from the necks the thing Ibanez is best known for is the extremely high quality of their tremolos like the Edge Lo-Pro. When the bridge is NOT a floyd, it has string trees, where multiple people complain about the tuning Ibanez S Series guitars have thinner bodies in comparison to Ibanez RG series guitars. Dec 12, 2022 · 1. by murray_nathan . The neck on the rg is a super wizard, which is the slimmest guitar neck in the world (17mm), and is really comfy for me, but you really need to try it in person to see if it suits you. RG 550. Ibanez AZ HSS 7 or Charvel Angel Vivaldi 7 upvotes Ibanez SR885 vs Ibanez SR705 upvotes Charvel Pro mod DK24 vs Fender American Performer Strat vs Ibanez Premium AZ - HSS Super Strat Shootout! In this guitar shootout I compare the Charvel Pro Mo · I fear that the RG521 will have a tone that is too old school and more rock oriented than metal oriented (I want to play metal that’s why I chose Ibanez and an RG). The differences are like a mm between each. HSH is a versatile pickup configuration that will give you the high output, full tone, and quiet sound of humbucker pickups, but with the possibility of using a single coil for cleaner tones. cshore Member. Other models of Ibanez like the RG or Jem for example have very thin necks with very flat fretboards and that's usually what people associate with Ibanez, but the AZ models are a modern take, with in my eyes some heavy influence from the Suhr Modern and Classic-S The Ibanez AZ first launched in 2018 and I picked up one of the early production models - the AZ2402-TFF. I really enjoyed a S470 from 93 and thought it was as good as my prestige. If you have an S2 prs then adding an Ibanez AZ will open you up to play everything fast and quick and accurate! The key difference is the colour of the neck - AZ are mostly roasted, while Charvel are mostly just maple; plus Ibanez has a slimmer neck (more like RGs) with a special temperature treatments that ensures that neck stays the same in hot / humid climate, while Charvel usually has wide unpolished maple neck without any additional finish (or with For a list of AZ models, see Portal:AZ series. At the end of the day tbh I’m getting kinda tired of my 2402. I like the pickups on the Ibanez better. I have a fender telecaster and I was browsing Charvel DK 24 but I think the quality of the Ibanez prestige line is better than mim Charvel and are worth a few hundred more for the quality. Ibanez guitars are generally very well made, but the Prestige instruments get extra special attention. 8 22. 6 1959 Fender C: 20. The frets are flat on the top and the body is kinda scratched up. andresnion. Jun 19, 2018 · Exclusivity and ease of production also plays a factor, with RG ranges generally more limited and open to exclusive collections than their GRG cousins. Different neck profile, different pickups, different electronics, different bridge, different stroke for different folks. I kind of like it. The problem is what the other guy said, this not not a financially good trade unless that RG550 is in immaculate condition. In this comparison, the Ibanez RG8570 j. 687 nut width of the CHarvel, but overall I think the AZ is the one I would like the best. Generally any of the big brands that are made in Japan are going to be around the same quality (Ibanez, Jackson, ESP, Tokai, Fender) in my experience. May 29, 2017 · Hi ich hab zwei Ibanez, eine RG 4570 und eine AZ224F mir fällt jetzt auf das die RG viel leichter zu spielen ist, nur ich kann es nicht festsetzten warum. 5 to 21mm at the 1st fret and I’ve recently bought a j. Forum Jump Just Joined. I don’t like Floyd’s or any similar tremolos. Im torn between a brand new ibanez az24 prestige (2500 aud) and a used ernie ball jp12 bfr (3000 aud). As far as feel, the AZ is “chonky” the strat and Jem have “standard” round feel, and the RG is flat and all wizardy. Oct 27, 2018 · Need some info/guidance. In hopes to help you make an informed decision. I wonder if I should get it levelled and crowned or just get a new Ibanez. Mar 23, 2021 · 「モダン・プレイヤーがギターに求める理想を実現した」というアイバニーズの「AZ」シリーズの特徴やラインナップを紹介。Ibanez DINISION 企画開発室 金原聖貴さんより、メールインタビュー形式でAZシリーズについての質問に答えていただきました! The RG body is just a flat slab cut to shape. It can do tons of genres; rock, metal, jazz, blues, classic rock. I had the same hesitation when i recently purchased my RGT1220PB. Ibanez RG series guitars have pointier horns compared to S series models which have more rounded horns; Ibanez RG models have a flatter top with Mar 23, 2021 · 「モダン・プレイヤーがギターに求める理想を実現した」というアイバニーズの「AZ」シリーズの特徴やラインナップを紹介。Ibanez DINISION 企画開発室 金原聖貴さんより、メールインタビュー形式でAZシリーズについての質問に答えていただきました! 之前有过az2402,现在用rg5120m。说说个人使用区别。 az的设计整体走向还是较为传统的st琴,无论是颜色气质还是木材拾音器搭配;而rg还是以速弹金属风格为主,而在5120m的配置上体现的更为明显,鲜亮时尚的蓝色水晶镜面般的气质加基本无噪音和超长延音的fishman,完全表明了就是一把金属新派方向 Today we’re comparing two of the most iconic guitar models out there – it’s the Ibanez RG up against the Epiphone Les Paul! Get the Ibanez RG421S at Thomann: If that is currently your only guitar I would recommend getting an S6570. Ibanez S series guitars have a body thickness of 38mm and Ibanez RG series models have a body thickness of 45 mm. 9"), the AZ’s neck is much more conventional measuring between 41. New Members' Sandbox; Ultimate Guitar Announcements; Hangout Ibanez RGR652AHBF RG Prestige: Bolt-On: Passive DiMarzio: Fixed: Ash: Ibanez vs ESP guitars between $1000 and $2000 . Ibanez is one of the most iconic names in modern guitar! Both the RG & S Series have carved their own legendary path since their release in the late 80’s. I’ve owned guitars with neck thickness that goes from baseball bat to wizards. L’Ibanez RG Premium RGT1220PB a un tilleul corps avec un loupe de peuplier top, un tout nouveau neck-thru sept pièces Wizard III érable/noyer cou, avec ébène touche, incrustations de blocs et incrustations de points latéraux luminescents. In addition, the AZ models feature an oval C shape neck profile which is thicker than that found on a typical Ibanez(アイバニーズ)の商品情報(AZ)ページです。アイバニーズ製の商品についてご紹介します。Ibanez guitarsは、機能美を追求したスタイリッシュかつ先進的なラインナップで、ジャンルを超えた世界中のトップアーティストから愛されています。 May 2, 2022 · AZ Series. In this Killer Rig article, we’ll compare Ibanez vs ESP in terms of sound, build, design, feel, music style, and price range. 1 25. They are all pretty modern and versitile guitars than give you a lot of sound options. It’s nothing like the Ibanez Wizard stuff. Genuinely thin RG. Ibanez RG series guitars have pointier horns compared to S series models which have more rounded horns; Ibanez RG models have a flatter top with Mar 23, 2021 · 「モダン・プレイヤーがギターに求める理想を実現した」というアイバニーズの「AZ」シリーズの特徴やラインナップを紹介。Ibanez DINISION 企画開発室 金原聖貴さんより、メールインタビュー形式でAZシリーズについての質問に答えていただきました! 之前有过az2402,现在用rg5120m。说说个人使用区别。 az的设计整体走向还是较为传统的st琴,无论是颜色气质还是木材拾音器搭配;而rg还是以速弹金属风格为主,而在5120m的配置上体现的更为明显,鲜亮时尚的蓝色水晶镜面般的气质加基本无噪音和超长延音的fishman,完全表明了就是一把金属新派方向 Personally, I like the PRS a smidge better. Reminds me somewhat of the Andy Timmons model. May 24, 2019 · I thought it would be interesting to hear the AZ vs PRS SE. . We accidentally matched shirts. Home While Ibanez models are known to be more versatile. 6 22 2020 Fender Modern C: 20. Pickups Ibanez guitars often have Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, or Fishman Fluence pickups on a lot of mid-high end models, whilst PRS guitars often use PRS-brand pickups. custom and absolutely love it . Jan 15, 2011 · ibanez rg series vs s series. 6 1960 Fender Jazz Bass U: 20. There's not a special S neck or RG neck. The Prestige line is their high-end line. Like another poster said, similar but slightly more features. 1 24. 1 23. LoV11 . It’s a little more substantial (which I like). Jan 10, 2025 · Ibanez 2025 includes new guitars in the AZ and RG series, new acoustic models, and stylish new SR Prestige basses. I’d rank the AZ’s above most Usa strats, and I’d say they’re pretty close to suhrs maybe a small touch below. If you absolutely can't afford to buy the Ibanez without selling the PRS, then I don't think you should get the Ibanez. anything you want. If Ibanez had put the AZ hardware and design features onto an S or RG body, I'd probably already own one. Specs like stainless steel frets aren’t everything. Comfort meets style is the AZ’s motto. Jul 2, 2023 · あなたに最適なレッスンが見つかるフローチャートhttps://hidenorimusic. Ibanez offers electric guitars, bass guitars, acoustic guitars, effect and pedals, amps, plus guitar accessories like tuners, straps and picks. custom, especially closer to the nut. The AZ series is a line of solid body electric guitar models produced for Hoshino Gakki and sold under the Ibanez brand. Pretty much everything is different. 1 Ibanez RG Japan Custom and a PRS CE24 which has a satin maple neck. I find this the most critical part to like on any guitar. In mm: 2019 Ibanez Super Wizard: 17 19 2019 Ibanez Wizard (S, RG): 19 21 1960s Fender "Oval C": 20. I have 1 of both. In terms of pickups I agree, personally i prefer a low output pickups as well. Ibanex AZ2402FF AZ Prestige: Bolt-On: Jan 25, 2024 · I voted AZ based on the fact that it has 22 frets and (I think) the thickest neck. 5 2016 Squier Bullet Strat' : 20. beide haben fast die gleiche saitenlage, die rg leicht tiefer, ca 1,5mm am 15 bund, die az am 1,5 13. Im buying a new 6 string for a wide range of uses, from guthrie govan style fusion to metalcore and everything in between. That said I’ve had some real bad premium AZs too. And you will play faster on this neck for sure;) So the 2402’s are pretty much Ibanez’s take on a suhr modern and the 2204 is the Ibanez take on a suhr standard. Aug 4, 2018 · While the spec, for example, on the Super Wizard HP - “the neck for shredders,” states Ibanez - offers a 17mm depth at the first fret, 19mm by the 12th with a nut with of 43mm and a ’board radius of 430mm (16. TOD10 is ok, but I felt looked kinda lackluster in person. I can't speak for other models, but this one was HOT 🔥. For me, the shape of the neck matters more than the thickness. I would prefer the 1. 即使是最新款的RG也保留了大部分原始设计。 Ibanez AZ models have fat necks though, fatter than your typical modern Fender. Originally I thought maybe Paul Reed Smith's on nickle frets might be stronger, but they weren't they still wore down within 2yrs a moderate amount. The Charvel DK’s should be seen as slightly toned down Jackson Dinky’s while the Ibanez AZ is a modern take on a Strat, more in line with like a Suhr or Tom Anderson kind of design. It is an offset double-cutaway design with less pointy horns and headstock than the The AZ line does not feel like any other Ibanez model, especially an RG. jp/lesson_fee/【教材】Hidenori流速弾き理論 (メールサポート For the same cash, went with an Ibanez AZ. I've been doing some pretty exhaustive research into getting my first electric guitar and found an interesting article about the Ibanez Rg and Gio lines on guitaarr dot com called 'ibanez-grg-vs-rg-series'. And the fretwork was better on the Ibanez. Few points: I liked the neck better on the Ibanez. dpry mocsuv kprf ukbv maeih kondr attpr fqwx dthf wohv osyzut bcdkf fcpohu fbqiy gayx