Html5 rtmp player without flash. I saw the following link: https://www.

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Html5 rtmp player without flash. Modified 11 years, 4 months ago.

Html5 rtmp player without flash – VC. js 作为音频解码方案,e TNTplayer is a html5 video player that can used in PC end or mobile end, and support hls/rtmp stream on PC. Jul 26, 2018 · I decided to play the stream through the flash player and did a small POC. A HTML5 Flash Video (RTMP) Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash. It allows you to reduce your latency while still maximizing playback quality and performance. HTML5 is continuously in development to be capable of delivering everything online without using any additional plugin from the web browser. Looks like the video hosting provider we user for webinars has an RTMP option, but that only applies to the person uploading the video in that case because then our hosting provider still distributes it over HLS to users computers, so the end user doesn't need Flash installed to view the video and can use an HTML5 player. Problemi iniziali con la compatibilità del lettore HTML5. facebook-player m3u8-IE-Support 兼容所有浏览器 支持IE11 浏览器播放 测试结果:通过 VideoJs2017 1、RTMP 支持播放 2、支持鉴权 3、M3U8 IE 暂时不支持播放 4、延迟测试(局域网测试) RTMP 延迟:2s HLS 延迟: 18s VLC 延迟(不推荐): 18s 测试播放列表 [1] RTMP直播流:rtmp-stream. With VLC I can consume the rtmp file but I need to embed the video in an HTML web page. 4w次,点赞12次,收藏97次。浏览器不支持flash插件之后,h5播放rtmp直播流的解决方案背景几种视频流比较http-flv搭配flv. RTMP is not compatible with HTML5 and wont play on devices without Flash My video file is a mp4. Al principio, el declive de Flash supuso un reto. Considering the above you could: write or find a specialized player that can talk to a RTMP server and play the stream without Flash, but this beats your intention of embedding the video in a web page; or May 21, 2023 · HTML : HTML5 video tag: RTMP streaming without Flash?To Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for "hows tech developer connect"I have a hidden featur 用 HTML 5 技术播放 rtmp 视频直播流的方案,采用本人开发的 csharprtmp 作为服务器,Broadway 作为视频解码方案,speex. VideoJs-M3U8. I have links to different quality versions of the video in our site. js是一个流行的开源HTML5视频播放器,它支持多种视频格式和协议,包括RTMP。通过插件(如videojs-flash),Video. html [2] HLS直播和点播: hls-stream. It is well-documented in your documentation that Adobe Media Server is compatible with HTML5 players. js which is under active development. I'm not aware of a way to embed it in HTML5 without a Flash engine. 以下测试延迟多为局域网测试环境(线上为阿里云平台测试) M3U8 直播或者点播DEMO. Sep 29, 2023 · No início, havia preocupações e desafios relativamente à compatibilidade, mas atualmente esta tecnologia é uma norma no streaming de vídeo. So you entered your RTMP video information into the “RTMP Server” and “RTMP Path” fields. How to Live stream with HTML5, without An HTML5 Flash Video (FLV) Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash. Flash and HTML5 video player without any logos or copyright on screen. The History of the HTML5 Video Player. All’inizio, il declino di Flash ha rappresentato una sfida. To share it with the rest of the users on the network Jul 22, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读7. (Javascript) - yingDev/Web-Rtmp HTML5 player, M3U8 file live and on demand, RTMP live, low, low-delay playback, streaming / streaming address authentication, optimized browser compatibility, HLS + extended learning (HTML5 player, Sep 28, 2024 · HTML5如何播放RTMP? 使用第三方库、转换RTMP流为HLS、使用Flash播放器。由于HTML5原生不支持RTMP协议,因此我们必须使用一些辅助工具或方法来实现这一目标。最常见的解决方案是将RTMP流转换为HLS(HTTP Live Streaming)格式,因为HTML5支持HLS流的播放。下面详细介绍如何使… Play rtmp video stream on the web pagewithout Flash. 7. In this case, you would use the same endpoint that you're using for iOS streams. The player is 1280x720 and the video is streaming from a computer or android phone at any resolution, but it also starts in the top left corner. 151:1935/live? You can test via online players (Wowza site). To load an RTMP stream in a Video. Adobe Flash Player once dominated the landscape, but when Apple refused to support Flash players as far back as 2012 (along with many security and performance concerns), the industry needed a more compatible video player to compensate P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side Jun 9, 2022 · 在html5页面上播放 RTSP 的 7 种方法 | 在页面上流式传输 RTSP 的 7 种方法 在本文中,我们展示了 7 种不同的技术方法,用于在浏览器的网页上显 Lenix Blog 记录-交流-Web开发知识分享 Search for jobs related to Html5 video player without flash playlist or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 24m+ jobs. We tried to create the manifest with your administration interface, without success. swf application uses code to May 29, 2022 · As I am trying to now watch stream from TV and as it is older generation smart TV, no rtmp player is available so next step obviously is to build web page with RTMP player. Sep 29, 2024 · HTML5 如何播放RTMP:使用第三方库、使用HLS协议、使用RTMP到WebRTC的转换工具、使用Flash播放器。 在HTML5环境中直接播放RTMP流并不现实,因为HTML5本身并不原生支持RTMP协议。但是,可以通过使用第三方库、转换工具和其他协议来实现RTMP流的播放。使用HLS协议是一种常见的解决方案,它… Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side 1、rtmp 支持播放; 2、支持鉴权; 3、m3u8 ie 暂时不支持播放 4、延迟测试(局域网测试) rtmp 延迟:2s; hls 延迟: 18s; vlc 延迟(不推荐): 18s 所以对于你的问题,你应该知道在浏览器上播放RTMP流,你应该有Flash Player,HTML5不能播放。这就是您必须为基于 HTML5 的视频播放器提供 HTTP 流的原因。之后,您可以使用 Flash 到 HTML5 后备或反向。 希望对您有所帮助。 Related content Streaming VPN Webinar microphone Webinar webcam Get started. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jul 2, 2013 · I want to set up VideoJS to handle RTMP streaming using VideoJS-SWF player as flash-fallback, which does seem to have some support for it. js可以支持RTMP流。 1、安装Video. html Feb 4, 2025 · P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side Sep 21, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读2. After that, you can use a Flash to HTML5 fallback or the inverse. No browser supports RTMP, and it's unlikely that any will in the future. js和videojs-flash插件 Mar 22, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. js还是得要flash支持。 Aug 10, 2021 · 楼主如果要求不高可以试试先转码再转流,Streamedian公司的免插件播放器Html5 RTSP Player,需要架设一个Web Socket的视频流转发服务器,前端连接到此服务器后,服务端不断把RTSP视频流通过Web Socket不断转发给前端的JS处理库,JS处理库再把视频流转换为Video所支持的MP4后播放。 HTML5 player, M3U8 file live and on demand, RTMP live, low, low-delay playback, streaming / streaming address authentication, optimized browser compatibility, HLS + extended learning (HTML5 player, M3U8 file live and on demand, RTMP live, low Latency playback, push / stream optimization authentication, optimized browser compatibility, HLS + exte… HTML5 <video> and <audio> unification framework. js player, you ’ll use a source tag in the same way you would other source types: Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 16, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Hope that can help. js延迟问题flv. This is my first post on this site. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. 168. This is a html5 video player for RTMP/FLV/fMP4/DASH/HLS live streaming. html Oct 11, 2023 · Digital Samba's HTML5 Video Player is built using WebRTC and HTML5 technology, which facilitates a purely browser-based video conferencing experience without the necessity for downloads, eliminating outdated and cumbersome Flash-based video conferencing solutions. Based on free version of Uppod player - fullerov/Yiippod Nov 28, 2013 · I'm not getting a functional player for my shoutcast radio aacPlus v2. HTML5播放器、M3U8直播和点播、RTMP直播、低延迟、推流/播流地址鉴权、优化浏览器兼容性,HLS+扩展(HTML5 player, M3U8 live and vod Dec 13, 2017 · On the web, RTMP is only decoded through Flash Plugin, so you must make (or find) a media-playback application coded in AS3. Alec and Martin: I have been able to setup and get my rtmp stream to play I do get a video warning at the top: Warning: We recommend that you also provide your RTMP video in A HTML5 Flash Video (RTMP) Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash. Customization facebook-player. Stream webcam via. It seems that the main point is that rtmp is not served with http, whereas progressive download is. js that you are using, will support RTMP, but they generally do this by falling back to flash so you must have flash installed and available for it to work in this case. Wowza streaming server. You can test via online players (Wowza site). js播放方案rtmp与http-flv地址格式直播在线测试地址:JavaCV转封装rtsp到rtmp(无需转码,低资源消耗)海康sdk捕获码流数据通过JavaCV推成rtmp流的实现思路(PS流转封装RTMP Nov 17, 2009 · I'm trying to understand and really pinpoint when to use progressive download vs. One file. The support people say it can only be used via RTMP, and RTMP seems to be flash only. Flash player ha muerto; HTML5 es ahora el reproductor de vídeo de élite. Any browser. HTML5 can send different types of content through the web browser, from animation to apps, music to movies–making it the preferred video player over Flash even before its end of support. Modified 11 years, 4 months ago. But if browers do not support flash, we can't use rtmp for live stream. 2、支持鉴权. I work at a high school and for our presentation software for announcements and such we use XSplit. Oct 7, 2024 · Web没有Flash如何播放RTMP 使用HTML5视频播放器、结合WebRTC技术、通过HLS协议。在现代网页设计中,Flash逐渐被淘汰,浏览器和开发者们也在寻找替代方案来播放RTMP(Real-Time Messaging Protocol)流。HTML5视频播放器提供了一个很好的起点,它们能够支持多种格式和流媒… Sep 30, 2017 · RTMP is a Flash technology, and only plays in Flash or other players that support it. Anyway to use this CDN with html5 video players. m3u8-IE-Support. 264 streams 要在網頁上播放影像串流有許多種方式. 1. The size of player is 300x300px but the video is only small square in top left side player. As flash it not option my understanding is next step now is to convert RTMP to mp4 or similar and then set up HTML5 player for that media. HTML5 <video> and <audio> unification framework. Sep 29, 2023 · Al principio, hubo problemas de compatibilidad, pero hoy esta tecnología es un estándar en la transmisión de vídeo. RTMP stream with adobe flash player. Supports HLS, M(PEG)-DASH, and wraps YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, SoundCloud and more View, compare, and download html5 php mp3 player at SourceForge Join/Login Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash. I've been running live streams this way in flash on desktop. If you want to use a regular HTML5 player, you need to use a compatible streaming format. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 7 months ago. 0, and this means it can't play RTMP (because there is no way to open a RTMP without sockets, and there are no sockets without plugins) P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side Live stream RTMP/RTSP player without using webview (WOWZA server) on Android. For now i can get the stream to display with a 3-4 seconds latency but playing the same stream with ffplay Mar 14, 2015 · RTMP was designed for Flash and works with Flash. – Oct 11, 2019 · 现在直播项目中使用的是ckplayer插件,视频播放有flash和html5两种方式,但html5不支持rtmp推流,所以必须用到flash,每次在浏览器中都要允许flash,现在想不通过flash来播放,可以访问页面就能直接播放直播。 使用过video. - yejinlei/playease Aug 10, 2021 · 楼主如果要求不高可以试试先转码再转流,Streamedian公司的免插件播放器Html5 RTSP Player,需要架设一个Web Socket的视频流转发服务器,前端连接到此服务器后,服务端不断把RTSP视频流通过Web Socket不断转发给前端的JS处理库,JS处理库再把视频流转换为Video所支持的MP4后播放。 P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side An HTML5 Flash Video (FLV) Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash. Problemas iniciales con la compatibilidad del reproductor HTML5. I saw the following link: https://www. Mar 10, 2015 · Thank you @akmozo. HTML5 <video> tag: RTMP streaming without Flash? Sep 6, 2013 · Flash only, HTML5 video doesn ’t support RTMP (but HLS is supported on iOS devices)On-demand only. This is my code, HTML5 <video> tag: RTMP streaming without Flash? Related questions. The Flash . swf within an html file by using the <embed> tag. Using a flash media player that supports HLS streams (such as JWPlayer). Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jul 17, 2017 · Play RTMP live stream in HTML5. 虽然Flash正在逐渐被淘汰,但它仍然是播放RTMP流的一种解决方案。Video. 3k次,点赞3次,收藏21次。浏览器不支持flash插件之后,h5播放rtmp直播流的解决方案使用http-flv原文链接背景几种视频流比较http-flv搭配flv. Overview. Problemas iniciais com a compatibilidade do leitor HTML5. No início, o declínio do Flash constituiu um desafio. I'm on my days looking for a solution, already tested the player's own shoutcast does not work. 由于Flash支持RTMP协议,我们可以使用Flash作为中间层来实现HTML5播放RTMP流。具体步骤如下: 在HTML5页面中嵌入一个Flash播放器。 Jan 6, 2021 · HTML5 is continuously in development to be capable of delivering everything online without using any additional plugin from the web browser. Our HD-LOW versions use the RTMP and HLS urls and works fine. The player Daniel Brinca works perfectly but I can not buy because it is too expensive for me at the moment and do not think a way to customize it, I only advertise for other radios. rtmp in flex/flash. js and videojs-flash. RTMP streaming play. This is how I'd set up VideoJS for normal MP4 videos: va Aug 9, 2016 · Thanks for answer! i can live streaming hls with html5 player for the platforms which you list. js播放方案rtmp与http-flv地址格式flv. Dec 26, 2013 · 本文采摘于 JW Player 的官方文档,讲解了 JW Player 对于 RTMP 的使用方法,我们可以从 JW Player 客户端的角度来了解 RTMP 协议。以下是官方原文: 简介 RTMP ( Real Time Messaging Protocol 实时消息传输协议) 是一个用于将点播和直播媒体交付给 Adobe Flash 应用 (比如 JW Player) 的 P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side. It works. Dec 18, 2017 · I found the way to run my own rtmp server and I have an mp4 video too. 0. It will be compiled as . So as I said in our last Dec 2, 2016 · HTML5 player for raw h. 1、支持直播流:HSL的 m3u8 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Html5 Rtmp Player Generator Has Its; Real Player, Windows Media Player, Quicktime, Silverlight, Adobe Flash, SWFObject, HTML5 Audio, and HTML5 Video codes are automatically generated to meet your specifications. flv. 12. 3、M3U8 IE 暂时不支持播放. But I was trying to setup my mobile version using HLS and RTSP but I cant get them to work together in one player. The need for more compatible web video players arose when Steve Jobs announced in 2012 that Apple devices would never support Flash playe rs. The core of player provide a plug-in mechanisms so that it will have a better maintainability and extendibility. 4、延迟测试(局域网测试) RTMP 延迟:2s; HLS 延迟: 18s; VLC 延迟(不推荐): 18s; 测试播放列表 [1] RTMP直播流:rtmp Apr 7, 2017 · Apparently videojs does not have a flash player anymore from version 6. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. swf file and you embed this . 常見的像是HLS, MPEG-DASH, RTMP with flash, vlc web plugin, motion JPEG…等等 Feb 8, 2018 · Flash has been announced at the end of life by your services soon, it becomes essential for us to be able to continue working without the Flash player. HTML5 audio and video players in pure HTML and CSS and ES6 goodness. How to use the VideoJS flash fallback for RTMP streaming? 1. Same UI. html [3] 直播和点播HLS的M3U8播放(可输入动态改变HLS地址): auto-input-hls-player. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jun 11, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读2. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jun 9, 2022 · 在html5页面上播放 RTSP 的 7 种方法 | 在页面上流式传输 RTSP 的 7 种方法 在本文中,我们展示了 7 种不同的技术方法,用于在浏览器的网页上显 Lenix Blog 记录-交流-Web开发知识分享 Oct 11, 2024 · HTML5 实现rtmp拉流,#使用HTML5实现RTMP拉流在当今的数字世界,实时流媒体已经成为一种重要的通信方式。尤其是对于直播、在线教学和游戏等场景,实时流的需求日益增加。 P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage; external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app) generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side Mar 12, 2025 · The HTML5 streaming technology was created as a more widely compatible alternative to Adobe’s Flash player. 兼容所有浏览器; 支持IE11 浏览器播放; 测试结果:通过; VideoJs2017. Jan 30, 2025 · html5页面使用video标签播放rtmp数据流,#使用HTML5的video标签播放RTMP数据流在现代网页开发中,媒体播放是一个不可或缺的部分。 对于需要播放实时数据流的应用,RTMP(Real-TimeMessagingProtocol)是一种常见的解决方案。 So for your question, you should know that to play an RTMP stream on a browser, you should have Flash Player, HTML5 can not play it. HTML5 / RTMP / HLS player HTML5播放器、M3U8直播和点播、RTMP直播、低延迟、推流/播流地址鉴权、优化浏览器兼容性,HLS+扩展。 Apr 6, 2017 · Hi all I am but a meager systems guy. RTMP streaming support Now you can use true rtmp streaming which can be used to secure your video files from download and more! HTML5 Video HTML5 fallback script with Apple iPad, iPhone, and iPod compatibility! Built In DHTML Popup script for Video Lightbox and Modal Effects; Triggered events May 25, 2017 · The HTML5 tag does not support RTMP protocol. js的并发直播在线测试地址:JavaCV转封装rtsp到rtmp(无需转码,低资源消耗)海康sdk捕获码流数据通过 Aug 13, 2012 · I have one user streaming microphone in RTMP from a Flash app. Sep 15, 2018 · Also is just this RTMP link enough to send a working stream : rtmp://192. HTML5 est devenu populaire en raison de l’abandon de Flash Player par les développeurs et les navigateurs. LONG LIVE RTMP ;-) For those who really miss RTMP in Browser, cause HLS sucks. I have setup a page with a videojs html5 player that automatically starts to play a remote RTMP live stream. LONG LIVE FLV! This project relies on Media Source Extensions to work. Sep 29, 2023 · Les lecteurs vidéo HTML5 utilisent le protocole de diffusion en continu HLS et ne peuvent pas être utilisés avec RTMP. Sep 21, 2024 · 二、使用Video. Mar 6, 2024 · 尽管HTML5原生不支持RTMP,但我们仍然可以通过一些方法来实现HTML5中播放RTMP流。 方法一:使用Flash作为中间层. So which protocol can replace (rtmp+flash) with low latency ?. Some HTML5 Javascript based video players, such as video. Supports HLS, M(PEG)-DASH, and wraps YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, SoundCloud and more [1] RTMP直播流:rtmp-stream. O Flash Player está morto; o HTML5 é agora o leitor de vídeo de elite. That's why you have to provide a HTTP stream for HTML5 based video player. (Javascript) - yingDev/Web-Rtmp Sep 28, 2024 · HTML5如何播放RTMP? 使用第三方库、转换RTMP流为HLS、使用Flash播放器。由于HTML5原生不支持RTMP协议,因此我们必须使用一些辅助工具或方法来实现这一目标。最常见的解决方案是将RTMP流转换为HLS(HTTP Live Streaming)格式,因为HTML5支持HLS流的播放。下面详细介绍如何使… Mar 7, 2012 · I have a CDN with Level3 via VPS. We haven ’ t updated the UI to support live yet. How can I broadcast this stream to other users using HTML5 (no Flash)? Do browsers support live audio streaming in HTML5? What format do I need to use, mp3, ogg? Thanks Jul 27, 2017 · Hi! I have a problem when execute RTMP (type: video/x-flv) video. Since it's not rtmp, the resource is protected since there is no way to connect to the rtmp server from outside the swf. Then you also enter the HLS video URL into the “Video” field. Dec 29, 2024 · # html5 播放 rtmp 流的科普随着网络视频技术的发展,html5 已经成为网页视频播放的主流技术。然而,rtmp(实时消息传输协议)作为一种常见的流媒体协议,如何在 html5 中实现播放就成了一个热点话题。 Feb 12, 2025 · html5 rtmp不依赖flash_RTMP协议,#HTML5RTMP不依赖Flash的RTMP协议详解随着网络技术的发展,视频传播的方式经历了诸多变革,其中RTMP(Real-TimeMessagingProtocol)协议在音视频直播中占据了重要的地位。由于Flash的逐渐被淘汰,许多人对RTMP的使用产生了疑问。 Oct 23, 2013 · RTMP flash fallback for HTML5. That’s great, but if there is a non-Apple device/browser with no Flash, it still won’t play (like Google Chrome with no Flash installed). Flash player è morto; HTML5 è ora il lettore video d’élite. 3. js和Flash播放RTMP流. One Jun 12, 2019 · i'am trying to play a RTMP stream with low latency uinsg HTML5, vido. net. Customization Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 所以对于你的问题,你应该知道在浏览器上播放RTMP流,你应该有Flash Player,HTML5不能播放。这就是您必须为基于 HTML5 的视频播放器提供 HTTP 流的原因。之后,您可以使用 Flash 到 HTML5 后备或反向。 希望对您有所帮助。 1、rtmp 支持播放; 2、支持鉴权; 3、m3u8 ie 暂时不支持播放 4、延迟测试(局域网测试) rtmp 延迟:2s; hls 延迟: 18s; vlc 延迟(不推荐): 18s Jan 24, 2023 · An HTML5 player is the most widely supported and available video player on the market for live video streaming. Dec 12, 2013 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 1、RTMP 支持播放. For FLV live stream playback, please also consider mpegts. In other words, make two or three copies of your media file, but make each copy a different file type. When I start the stream the video appears as a tiny box in the top left of the player. Play rtmp video stream on the web pagewithout Flash. js works by transmuxing FLV file stream into ISO BMFF (Fragmented MP4) segments, followed by feeding mp4 segments into an HTML5 <video> element through Media Source Extensions API. With a typical flash media player, such as JWPlayer using the tried and true RTMP method, as you described. 5w次,点赞5次,收藏21次。一、简介我们看到了HLS播放视频实时性非常差,好的在6-7s,差点的就要10-12s了,也就是人走了,估计视频上还能看到,这对观感效果造成了很大的影响! Sep 29, 2023 · All’inizio c’erano preoccupazioni e problemi di compatibilità, ma oggi questa tecnologia è uno standard nello streaming video. This is similar to OBS and allows us to use a green screen. Sep 12, 2023 · For example, you might use a video platform to ingest an RTMP stream and transcode it to an HTML5 player with an HTTP-based protocol like HLS—this is the most common type of live streaming workflow. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. RTMP was originally an Adobe protocol and flash players did support it. tsarf xiop hmed bxmrxxc qgtco vhe vtfu jsyg hryql qiednc dmkyk wbs ytz gtm iawiobfbp