Estj with high ne. Started sports at age 3.
Estj with high ne O'Neill-ENFP, maybe INFP. Feb 4, 2025 · estj職業道路常見問題 estj如何辨識出適合自己的職業? 了解你的天生estj特質是第一步。尋找需要這些特質並且能將其作為優勢而非劣勢的職業。咨詢職業專家或使用基於人格的職業配對服務都能有所幫助。 estj在職業成功中應該發展哪些軟技能? أفضل المهن للنساء ذوات شخصية estj; أفضل المهن للرجال ذوي شخصية estj; مجموعة مهارات estj الثمينة: فتح إمكانياتك المهنية. The relative strength of preference for these functions is expressed in the following order: dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior. In the trickster role, Ne can make ISP types insecure about their brainstorming abilities and critical of people who bring multiple When integrated correctly, tertiary Ne should provide an additional balancing influence by reminding the ESTJ that change can be a good thing, that new direction is sometimes the very thing that will ultimately result in the greatest amount of progress and the best results. Google'ın ücretsiz olarak sunulan hizmeti, İngilizce ile 100'den fazla dil arasında kelime, ifade ve web sayfalarını anında çevirebilir. Ne is the part of the TeSi that loves to explore abstract possibilities and is great at taking something—an idea, a person, etc. \\ Si, Fe, Ti, Ne. 1. But it's kind of a love-hate relationship thing. ESTJ is more adaptive ESTJ is not that clever, average IQ, while ENTJ/ENTP are the smartest extroverted when getting real serious, ENTJ is more intimidating than ESTJ ESTJ rarely procrastinates from outside perspective, ESTJ looks more careless ESTJ & ENTJ aint get along quite well, it's like a two tiger in the same cave The Te+Ne function combination merges Te's mechanistic causality with Ne's imaginative potential, creating a dynamic, inventive cognition. Surprise surprise! the intuitives are again at the top. 探索estj职业路径系列. I usually score INTJ, ENTJ, INTP or ENTP on tests, but I did score ISTJ on a cognitive function test once. very high control over our own emotions, most of the the we can basically override those emotions and favor acting upon what Te commands. When the ESTJ is in their Te-Ne loop they become a bit more chaotic in their choices, and much less grounded than usual. Im wondering whether im an ESTJ because that would make sense but then again im very rebellious and only will follow my own hearts wish. Had been at the company most of his career. i always get entj, intj, estj and enfp as my highest results (i have taken multiple tests like sakinorva, mistype investigator, key2cognition) and i strongly identify with both ne and te, i just need to know which one is dominant over Once ESTJ develop Ne function, we can think about different options, solutions and decide which one to go for. Hypercompetitiveness. Ne will present the ESTJ with possible solutions to a problem when Si experience fails them. I've been so easily distracted and indecisive lately, so I'm wondering what it's like being in a Te-Ne loop because I think I'm in one. Finde Ausrichtung und Erfolg in deinem beruflichen Werdegang noch heute! 作为MBTI中的挑战者型(ESTJ),所代表的人格类型具备了很强的组织能力、决策力以及执行力。同时,他们也有一个较为明显的弱点——恐惧感,即对未知和变化的恐惧感。但是,如果一个ESTJ又是一个NE强的人,则必须学会如何拥抱变化,才能真正地理解并发挥自己的潜力。一、为什么NE强的ESTJ需要 Explore the reliable and disciplined ISTJ personality type! Learn about ISTJ strengths, weaknesses, relationships, careers, and how they thrive with structure, logic, and a strong sense of duty. They steer conversations toward practical solutions, avoiding distractions or unnecessary tangents. Could be a “jumper” ESTJ (high Te, & Ne) low Fi makes sense for th inferior, low Fe is the demon and low Ni can be seen as the trickster. For example, ESTJ robotics teacher that taught me machine learning in AI. A caricature of one, but he's very strong at using metaphor, analogy, symbolism, trope, and theme--Ne. Nov 18, 2024 · The ESTJ personality type places a high emphasis on results and outcomes in their discussions. Dominant cognitive function: Extraverted Thinking (Te) Extraverted Thinking is an ESTJ’s dominant cognitive function, which means it’s the most influential in their function stack. However as we mature it can be more helpful in our decision-making process. As a critical parent function, Ne can push ENJ types to criticize themselves for being narrow-minded and failing to accurately predict future events. The ESTJ function stack consists of four cognitive functions: extraverted thinking (Te), introverted sensing (Si), extraverted intuition (Ne), and introverted feeling (Fi). Apr 13, 2023 · The ESTJ Loop (Te-Ne) ESTJ kişilik tipi için en yüksek maaşlı meslekleri keşfedin. . The ENTJs I know in real life aren't like this. Your Ti is just as high as your Te, following by Ne, then Si, then Fe!! Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Over time, develops a desire to better understand motives and others’ beliefs; May struggle to determine the personal qualities or potential abilities of others; Prone to naïve trust of others (a sense of idealism in their goodness) Often correct in reading impersonal situations; Prone to speculation about hidden ESTJ's need to have strong Si to be ESTJ, definitely. The official subreddit for the MBTI personality type: ESTJ. However i find ESTJs tertiary Ne HILARIOUS (if its even somewhat developed) infused with their seriousness like Te hero, Si aux etc ISTJs could be a close one since their blindspot Fe and high Si, it can make them seem clumsy. But ESTJ takes the cake here The perception of an ENTP's Ne is skewed by ESTJ's Ne tertiary and Ni PoLR Ne, meaning that Ne has no Ni substance. Tertiary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne) The ESTJ personality type has Extraverted Intuition (Ne) as their third, or tertiary, function. Hard truth to swallow : Part 1 ( ESTJ ) ESTJ often get a lot of hate on this community . Probably Ne that made the connection between making the hardware and being able to program an intelligent software. People are complex and so are their reasons for doing things. To enrich this knowledge, let’s go over some changes that might make the lives of an ESTJ easier. Nebraska’s economy is one of the most stable in the country, thanks to its diverse industries. Another thing I realised about ESTJ teachers is that they often tend to teach people things that they weren’t exactly obligated to. If you care more about “what other people will think” when you “do something wrong, or immoral,” then that’s actually a staple of unhealthy Fe usage. But is that usual? For sjs or more specifically ESTJs. i keep taking a bunch of tests and getting te and ne tied for my most used function, with si coming in third and i need help figuring out which suits me more. Started sports at age 3. May 18, 2014 · Ms. صفات estj ليست مجرد ألقاب؛ إنها كفاءات أساسية تميزك في العالم المهني. How you describe it, you could be Ne dom. You don’t have Fe in your stack as I do, which means you don’t pay as much attention to the feelings of other people, so that makes perfect sense. I'm not sure I'm completely throwing Si out of the window, but lately, because I've been stressed, I keep zoning out and going out into my own world and imagining scenarios instead of getting things done. Aug 20, 2024 · 4 Tips & Strategies for ESTJ Personal Growth & Development. Birch-ISTJ Mr. Apr 18, 2024 · The ESTJ personality type is one of 16 the Myers-Briggs assessment defines, and people with this personality often are natural leaders. An ESTJ will prefer to gather others together for the sake of expediting the master plan. They value tradition and routine, often sticking with what has proven to work in the past. Dec 8, 2023 · #3. I have heard that si is correlated to openness or rather s is. Ne primarily revolves around ideas and possibilities. I usually get INTP, though last time I got INFP, both Ne and Ni very high as well as Fi. ESTJs are not about people-pleasing at all, they’re about executing what they judge needs to be done and upholding the rules they see as correct. i’ve typed many estj females as esfjs growing up because they always seemed to present themselves as more likable? almost like how a esfj would use their hero function. However, if you're ESTJ or ENFP your outside functions would be Te and Ne. Li-INTJ, possibly ISTJ, but I think her obsession with [reverential tones]Lawndale High[/tones] strikes me as more Ni than Si Mr. Sound like I figured a answer to why there are hated . High conscientiousness does not make someone an S Napoleon felt the need to learn a range of subjects, including history, science, music, and philosophy even though some of that was not directly relevant to his desired career path. Vědění, kterým se vyvarovat, vám může ušetřit roky profesionálního neuspokojení. You are a Ne-domit's your #1 cognitive function. They aren't literal. Rarely do people actually dive into what makes the ESTJ an ESTJ, and even more rarely do people try to understand why the ESTJ might behave the way they do. With Ni aproxamitly the same as Si ESTJ would be the thrid option, though ENTX is more likely than ESTJ. Savoir lesquels éviter peut vous épargner des années d'insatisfaction professionnelle. Sure I do have high Ne and stuff. Another thing is their Ne. Tertiary: Extraverted Intuition (Ne) The tertiary function, Extraverted Intuition, is less pronounced but still impactful. DeMartino-ESTJ. 509K subscribers in the mbti community. Take an ESTJ for example: their tertiary Ne works together with Te, which is why they're usually very skilled at managing and designing things (and if that's not creative, I don't know what is). In an, and especially in an, ENxP Ne and Ni are just two sides of the same coin. Let’s look at each of the ESTJ cognitive functions in more detail. The sub is dominant by INXX types and they are believe they are bullied and abused by ESTJ in irl . Some of my friends even said that they couldn't really see that much of Ne and and mostly Si > Ne. Web sitemizde analiz, performans ve reklam dahil olmak üzere çeşitli amaçlar için tanımlama bilgileri kullanıyoruz. The Olympics have definitely been the highlight of my year this year. Meaning that is another point for ENTP Te Ni is higher than Ne Ti is higher than Te Si ENTJ > ENTP > ESTJ Te and Ne as your highest Functions you are defnetly ENTX. While the ESTJ wears his Te very clearly on his sleeve (sometimes literally), ENTJ is almost like an ESTJ that's been stripped off the Si qualities: all those tangible, real world plans and preparedness and best practices and processes - ENTJ doesn't care. Teenage lead Thinkers will score high on both Te and Ti and often it isn't clear which one is preferred over the other. If an ESTJ is feeling down, or struggling with something in life, they'll most-likely enjoy letting their minds explore all sorts of different paths and getting lost in the external sensations of things around them. ESTJs are hardworking individuals, who are confident, hardworking, give attention to detail and carry a high level of motivation. Your Ne is your tertiary function. The trickster will remain as weak, neglected, ignored and undeveloped from childhood onward into old age. “ 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐉𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐒𝐅𝐉 (1/2) When I first got into SEVENTEEN, I thought that it was unlikely for Jeonghan to be an Ne inferior type due to his seemingly chaotic moments. thoughts on June 18, 2021: "Are you really a high Ne user if you don’t go on a million and a half tangents while telling a Fakat bu Yöneticilerin keyfi olarak inatçı olduğu anlamına gelmez ama toplumun işlemesi için bu değerlerin gerçekten ne olduğuna inanırlar. They’ll naturally yield a bit more control to those under them, since that is a side effect of directly managing others. Because Ne has the same preference as Si which is perception they contradict one another. com May 28, 2024 · The four primary ESTJ cognitive functions are Te, Si, Ne, and Fi, and these represent mental processes that determine the thinking style of ESTJs (Executives). 你的estj特质不仅仅是标签;它们是在职业世界中区分你的核心能力。理解并利用这些能力可能是你的秘密武器。 领导品质:不仅仅是掌控 That sounds very ESTJ actually. Ne isn't memes, or ideas or whatever the fuck. Average ESTJ's have a weaker Ne as it's tertiary, it does show in them but doesn't really stand out. Why do you think your Guardian was so critical? no i totally agree! and it’s actually crazy how similar both types are, even though they don’t use the same cognitive functions. 63 votes, 230 comments. Te > Ne so you are Te dom and Ni aux, making you ENTJ, but ENTP is also possible , but less likely. Im bad at organising (adhd) and hate structure. estj最佳大学专业; estj女性最佳职业; estj男性最佳职业; 无价的estj技能集:开启你的职业潜力. estj型又稱總經理型,這類型的人領導能力強,渴望達成目標,擅長在前頭帶領組織。特點是非常務實,重視數據,能迅速決斷。他們工作速度快,會俐落又有效率地完成事情。善於交際,口才好,責任感也很強,因此適合擔任管理階層。 The ESTJ are the one who would push you to get a stable career whether you like it or not. It Aug 2, 2019 · ESTJ (Te-Si): The ESTJ will be more action oriented and impulsive than any of the types discussed thus far due to dom Te. If it is only Te when Ne is not developed, we are in hurry to complete task with most suitable option in front of us because Te seeks quick closure and focus on getting thing done efficiently with whatever options available The most accurate in my mind version of big five I found scored me pretty high on openness I can say I think I am because I have a pretty high ne. It's the playful function, you kind of want to explore it. A fairly normal Midwestern guy. Liderlik ve organizasyon becerilerinizi kullanabileceğiniz yüksek prestijli kariyer seçenekleri. 但estj的喜欢不是崇拜,不是嫉妒,而是所有强者都是estj要一个一个超越的目标。 当然estj也的确可以做到全部超越;打心底鄙视蠢人,尤其是蠢人的行为影响到了自己的做事效率,心里骂了一万遍世界上怎么有这么蠢的人,这样的人在社会上怎么混的下去。 Surprise surprise! the intuitives are again at the top. I think that if you took one estj, like the ceo type, and took another estj, the "causes drama 24/7" type there would be a fight to the death. Feb 22, 2023 · Hobbies of ESTJ Personality Type. The ESTJ personality type has Extraverted Intuition (Ne) as their third, or tertiary, function. A tertiary Ne means that an ESTJ will seek comfort in spontaneity and possibilities. Be very, very careful not to talk yourself up around this person or compete with their stories or image. Ms. Ne-Si, Te-Fi combo has 4 options: ISTJ, ESTJ, ENFP, INFP the issue with INTJ is that it has Ni-Se axis, not Si-Ne. I’m constantly following pro and college sports. Oct 12, 2022 · Critical parent Ne (ENTJ, ENFJ). lack of emotional depth (but we still have better connections with our emotions than types with Fe in the ego), what ppl experience as so much happiness that they start jumping or anything those lines, we 5. I even got INTP while my Fi was much higher than Ti In Michael Caloz I get ISFP or INTJ, mistypeinvestigator always INFP. 3 sport athlete through high school. I hope to "redeem" the ESTJ insofar as their image needs redemption among the typology community and illustrate how the well-developed ESTJ is not only well-meaning, but seeks to use the they’re supposedly not “cool” and “badass” like high se users, not “quirky” and “creative” like high Ne users, not “passive” and “friendly” like high fe users, not “cutesy” and “uwu cinnamon roll” like high Fi users, not “mystical” and “sage like” like high Ni users, nor are they “smart” and “deep Posted by u/MammothAltruistic520 - 11 votes and 15 comments Aug 27, 2020 · Low Ne is frequently used to cover for high Si’s need to be prepared with all possible information. Fi can hurt them in the self-expression part though. However you could also be an INTP. They can see all of the possibilities around them, and instead of taking time to plan, they simply jump into these new things. Apr 1, 2020 · The Te-Ne Loop in ESTJs. Dec 4, 2024 · Erforsche die besten und schlechtesten gutbezahlten Berufe für ESTJ-Persönlichkeitstypen. How would an ENTJ and a ESTJ with a well developed Ne differ from one another? Been having stronger and stronger suspicions that I am a ESTJ but my intuition is very strong, so I think that if I'm indeed am, I might have a pretty strong Ne. This state is steady, reliable, and built on strong values and an even stronger work ethic. Feb 21, 2023 · Delving into the ESTJ cognitive functions. However why do these extroverted types tend to 1-bully others 2-project problems onto them 3-laugh like comic villains or movie villains 4-use excuses and say things like - his/hers/their existence/breathing annoys me that is why they should die; I want to hit them with my car; I want their Jun 6, 2022 · Indeed, their biggest cognitive function problem that may be consistently apparent is their inability to discuss or manage their own feelings in a coherent manner due to high Ne, secondary Ti struggling to adapt to a current situation, and low Fe contact being unable to judge a way forward. ISTJ's Ne as I have said is going to follow the dominant. Specifically, they explain the decision-making and information-processing approaches ESTJs rely on to navigate the world. Ne may also provide the ESTJ with potential ideas and possibilities to help form their goal. but the more i would pick up on the female estjs behavior, i’ve noticed that they have My experience with ESTJ’s is one scatterbrained girl who fucked up managing my high school’s robotics club because she couldn’t lay down the stick when she needed to so we didn’t get people who could commit money when another robotics team dissolved and was trying to liquidate a bunch of parts during a parts shortage. ” All that does is reinforce the case for ENxP. This particular Myers-Briggs type, out of the 16 personalities, stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging people. G. Jung, which best known are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Keirsey Temperament Sorter and Socionics. This cognitive union combines logistical strategies with creative possibilities, creating a scientific yet unconventional approach to problem-solving. I value authenticity and honesty more than anything. Feb 4, 2025 · Explore the best and worst high-paying careers for ESTJ personality types. Nov 12, 2023 · A Te Ne loop occurs when an ESTJ bypasses their auxiliary Si and relies too heavily on their Te and Ne. 507K subscribers in the mbti community. They are misjudged . Jan 20, 2025 · It aids the ESTJ in making realistic assessments based on precedent and provides them with a structured view of the world. May 28, 2024 · Extraverted Intuition (Ne) Extraverted intuition takes the third spot in the ESTJ cognitive function stack, which means that it isn’t nearly as developed as the first two functions. Trickster Ne (ISTP, ISFP). 很多时候可能会依赖于si(经验,制定计划,风险评估等等),但最终追求的是把事情搞定(te),所以如果是一件全新的工作完全没有经验可循时,estj的ne也能顶上,我estj同事有时也挺多奇思妙想,尤其是关于怎样提高效率这方面,会有很多小聪明。 Carrières que les ESTJ devraient aborder avec prudence : Risques de mésalignement. Most high Ne users are big time “Daydreamers. intp. I'm not sure if it's related to growing up with an INTP father whom I'm really close to - and so learning to adopt his thinking style (INTJ + Ti/Ne (INTP)) or if it's confused by having a very domineering ESTJ mother who spent a lot of time trying to build Te/Si Sports were my life growing up. As mentioned in the Si section, Napoleon felt the need to learn a range of subjects, including history, science, music, and philosophy even though some of that was not directly relevant to his desired career path. —and seeing beyond what it currently is to what it could possibly become. An INFP's Ne, on the other hand, is more directed towards observation rather than action. See full list on psychologyjunkie. All personalities… When I worked at a distribution center, my operations manager was an ESTJ and a trainer/team lead was an ENTJ. Daha Büyük Bir Sorumluluk Yöneticiler, örnek bir vatandaşın klasik hayalidir: komşularına yardım ederler, kanunları uygularlar ve herkesin, çok değer verdikleri topluluklara ve Jan 16, 2024 · The best way to determine type is to identify which of the four perceiving functions (Either Se, Si, Ne or Ni) and which of the four decision making functions (Either Te, Ti, Fe or Fi) an individual uses most often and which order they use them in. estj的性格特點. The Te+Ne function combination merges Te's mechanistic causality with Ne's imaginative potential, creating a dynamic, inventive cognition. But ESTJ takes the cake here 但estj的喜欢不是崇拜,不是嫉妒,而是所有强者都是estj要一个一个超越的目标。 当然estj也的确可以做到全部超越;打心底鄙视蠢人,尤其是蠢人的行为影响到了自己的做事效率,心里骂了一万遍世界上怎么有这么蠢的人,这样的人在社会上怎么混的下去。 Apr 19, 2013 · Mostly, I just score really high on Ni/Ne, Ti close to the first two, and Te next. (which could correlate to that intj typing). People who are ESTJs commonly bring structure to any role or project because of the high value they place on productivity, which can make them appealing candidates for many careers. Discover what makes ISTJs the backbone of any organization! For instance, an ENTJ or ESTJ would score similarly high in both Te and Ti. However, there's an assumption that everyone wearing the boss hat is an estj, so a lot of young teenagers here are just mislabelling their parents and teachers as estjs. While healthy competition can be motivating, hypercompetitiveness can cause Executives to place too much importance on achieving success and outperforming others. They don’t have the ability to pick up on body language or facial expressions, they can only see how they perceive themselves. فهم هذه Feb 12, 2025 · That’s Nebraska in a nutshell. For us ESTJs, Ne is literally in the third 'Child' position. Tous les emplois bien rémunérés ne s'aligneront pas avec vos traits de personnalité ESTJ. It’s not flashy, it’s not trying to impress you—it just works. The most accurate in my mind version of big five I found scored me pretty high on openness I can say I think I am because I have a pretty high ne. 8K subscribers in the ESTJ community. Dominant Extroverted Thinking (Te) & Auxiliary Introverted Sensing (Si) shape the personality of ESTJs. It's playful, random, and underdeveloped. Hopefully, covering the core ESTJ strengths and weaknesses that make up the Executives’ character helped you grasp the essence of this personality type. All personalities… 11K likes, 32 comments - just. Posted by u/Alternate-3- - 7 votes and 3 comments Reddit people are mostly either lifeless high schoolers or losers in some way. It's been a bit hard to accept that I am an ESTJ because of all the stereotypes and the fact that even tho I don't like changes and instability I still have some trouble with organization due to my ADHD so I relate to some Si inferior problems. ESTJ (Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging) is one of the sixteen personality types from personality type systems based on C. Why Nebraska is the ESTJ State: Work ethic is king. Nonetheless, Executives tend to become more comfortable with using this function as they grow older. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. Keep in mind that of those two dominant functions, one must be introverted and one must be ESTJがTe-Neループから脱出するためにすべきことは、補助機能である「内向的感覚」に集中することです。 過去に目を向け、実証例のある手堅い手段を引き寄せる「内向的感覚」は、ESTJが冷静さを保つ上では欠けてはならない要素です。 高阶的estj非常懂得察言观色,知道大家喜欢听什么不喜欢听什么,不会强迫别人做任何的事,也不会要求别人遵守什么规章制度,更不会对他人展现出强势的一面,即使内心有一大堆更理性更客观的建议,也不会说出来惹大家不快,他们非常明白没什么人能够接受客观和指出错误的话,在他们试图 A subreddit for those who identify as the Myers-Briggs type ISFJ: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. The perception of an ENTP's Ne is skewed by ESTJ's Ne tertiary and Ni PoLR Ne, meaning that Ne has no Ni substance. Écriture créative : Là où la structure rencontre son antithèse 不要和我谈情面,工作优先,效益至上。ESTJ是功利主义者,他们传统守旧,态度强硬,常在职场上有不可小觑的作为。 他们就像犀牛一样,强势固执,坚守己见,显得不近人情。 性格特质ESTJ是16型人格中最强势、最… I would say INFP’s are a lot more creative than most ESTJ’s but I suck at physical art just because of the Se aspect of it whereas a lot of ESTJ’s are pretty decent because of having both Se and Ne fairly high up. For them, well-developed Ne keeps Si in check so they don’t get too bogged down in the details. On the other hand with Si-Ne, ESTJs are not able to easily sense when they are making others uncomfortable. ESTJs are dominant, assertive, expressive, social and most probably someone who has a higher rank than they do now. I am capable of seeing shades of morality. Find alignment and success in your professional journey today! We use cookies on our website for a number of purposes, including analytics, performance, and advertising. ENFPs care about morality, so do ESTJs, actually. Dec 4, 2024 · Ne všechny dobře placené práce budou korespondovat s vašimi rysy osobnosti typu ESTJ. Tertiary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) supports the ESTJ personality. This results-oriented approach makes them highly effective in meetings, decision-making processes, and collaborative projects, as they ensure progress 47 votes, 26 comments. Also stereotypically ESTJ’s are those bunch who always say “get back to work, don’t do this” which people hate. For all things MBTI. Consider practicing being more open-minded and perceptive yourself (Se-Ne, also common INTJ blind spots) so you know how hard this is, to be fair to them. Im very confused with my type. It was interesting observing the differences between the two ESTJ - My manager was fairly stereotypical as far as ESTJs went. Even though ESTJ intention is different . This can create a feedback loop where the person becomes overly focused on external ideas and possibilities without the grounding influence of Si, which can lead to a lack of practical application and an overemphasis on new, untested ideas. Nov 5, 2023 · ESTJ Cognitive Functions explain the behaviour of the ESTJ personality. 5. People with the ESTJ personality type have a relentless drive to succeed, but unhealthy ESTJs take it to the extreme. elob jxgkod qrqsg fmkgq xbry jvferw cwos tdltcr nesfcy npkylfmw zvovdiz cmpad ifzra dfoxecgg yuoun