Doom slayer vs. Doomslayer with all weapons and all upgrades.

Doom slayer vs Maybe the BFG, but by the time the Slayer gets to use it, Doom will have blasted him, or drained the Argent energy out of the Slayer's armor, or teleport him to a different country, or anything else. Doomslayer vs Dr Manhattan (from the Watchmen movie) R2. Correct me if i'm wrong, but doom slayer literally killed a titan and he also killed the creator of multiverses. Doom Slayer got knocked out by a temple falling on him, Raiden took a beatdown from a guy who could The Doom Slayer (Doom 2016) vs SCP-682 Battle nothing special for the arena. kute_): "Watch as Doom Slayer faces off against Meru the Succubus in an intense battle! Doom doesn't even leave his study, Slayer gets blasted to death by doombots Depends on how many Doombots, honestly. So yeah, he punches hard. Doom Slayer may be street tier offensively, but his durability is beyond that. Raiden can perceive raindrops in slow motion and block automatic gunfire, but Doom Slayer doesn't really have any speed feats of note. Yeah Doom Slayer aint got shit on Sun Wukong. com)… For round 2, the Doom Slayer is MUCH more powerful than Doom Guy. the demons call him slayer but the games call him doomguy. He is wired. 8billions years all demons in hell wich is stated to be a multiverse in doom, so bottomless and endless with countless dimensions. Doom Slayer is officially hired as a Spartan 4. DS has some really broken feats especially when counting lore and not just the games but Son Goku er I mean Sun Wukong is just way above the Slayers pay grade. Davoth on the other hand was going to (according to multiple reliable sources) destroy all of creation, including Hell, which is "unbound by boundaries of space, time, or dimension" (ie it is higher-dimensional), putting the Slayer at Low Complex Multiversal. Oct 1, 2024 · 130. R2. Rd:1 Doom has all power ups for unlimited time but has only the bfg Rd:2 Doom has everything in his arsenal vs hunter prey doomsday Rd:3 Doom has only weapons from doom 2016 and can only use power ups for limited time vs a normal Doomsday Doom Slayer has a huge advantage, as in an interview with the Youtuber Midnight Hugo Confirmed the Slayer literally punched the Titan to death before he had his armor. Unaware of the Arbiter being Human's Ally tries to kill him 3 times. R5: Doom either closes it himself due to his knowledge of dark magic or just kills the demons until they realize to stop fucking coming. He defeats the demons and Pierce before being betrayed by Hayden, who teleports him to an unknown location. Master Chief, on the other hand, is the main character of the Halo series. 9K curtidas,1128 comentários. And then he got the Praetor suit which is said to be indestructible. Assume V has whichever stats, skills, and equipment are most necessary to fight the Slayer. More posts you may like r/whowouldwin. He has a larger arsenal, more impressive feats, and is blessed to fight an eternal crusade against Hell. Both combatants can only use in-game feats. These two are so iconic because they look similar but are entirely different characters coming from entirely different games. The Doom Slayer is only able to heal through limited pickups and glory kills that can perform strictly when an opponent has reached a state so near death that they cannot attack, which is unlikely since V1 is a robot that experiences no fatigue and heals by its opponent drawing blood. (I'll edit to add a link later because I can't fint it rn) for anyone who doesn't know that much about doom, this is a Titan. For example in game Kratos can move a 100,000 lb bridge (I just guessed it's been a while since I played) and the doom slayer just punches ordinary strongman shit like boxes and chains The Doomslayer from Doom Eternal with all his powerups and lore feats vs DC Dr Manhattan, who would win in a fight? Win by any means necessary R1. see, the biggest issue is that there is a large gap between what the game says is possible for the Slayer vs. He is one of the Earth's toughest and mightiest warriors who single-handedly fights against the armies of Hell. The demons first gave him the appellation "Doom Slayer" and also refer to him as the Unchained Predator, the Beast, and the Hellwalker. Doom Slayer, Doomguy's new title, received God-like powers from the Seraphim which gave him enhanced strength, speed, and durability. Mar 27, 2020 · The Doom Slayer not only went crashing into solid metal / concrete at supersonic velocities, but assuming the Gauss barrel's length is ten meters (for the sake of argument) he was briefly accelerated at 13,565 m/s^2 (1384 gees, ten times the lethal limit); hitting the wall with approximately 6 megajoules of energy (assuming he masses 90 kg Doom Slayer 2: GLORY KILL GALORE Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . The ultimate boomer-shooter showdown, V1 from ULTRAKILL vs. He can punch massive house sized metal blocks dozens of metres and is durable enough to withstand being slammed into a concrete wall at supersonic speed Doomslayer scales to Davoth who made the entire Doom verse, including an infinitely large multiverse. the DoomSlayer from DOOM: Eternal. just a big empty space say 50x50x50 meters with one megahealth pack in where ever the corner is. If the fight is too easy for Chaos, then Doom Slayer gets the armies from Argent D'nur, Hell and the Maykrs. [6][7][8] Despite this revelation, the Slayer remained resolute in his defiance of Davoth, eventually defeating him by crippling his mech suit beyond Doom Slayer can definitely take some hits from War, but he's not immune to being tossed around like a ragdoll and The Horseman won't hesitate to press his advantage, so once Chaoseater starts cutting into Doom Slayer's armor the fight will quickly go to War. Who will win in a fight between Doom Slayer (Power Of The Father) (Doomverse) and Black Hat (Villainous)?. Based on the in game lore only a primeval or something stronger can kill another primeval. You may be looking for the original fight between Master Chief and Doomguy from 2011. Doom Slayer, also known as the Doom Marine or Doomguy, is the protagonist of the Doom video game series. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ) Doom Slayer can't die, he just wills himself back into existence. Arena: V1 and the Slayer start around 100 yards away from each other, with a few obstacles in the field. How is that even a debate, it's got nothing to do with "wanking" The Slayer, it's just what is. He is a legendary figure known for his relentless pursuit of demons and his unmatched combat skills. Honestly I love doom to death but I know that the fortnite man would win. he also has all the argent energy for health, armor and ammo boosts. Deadpool might Between Doom's forcefields and his armor's durability, I don't think the Slayer's weapons would do too much, honestly. Doomslayer with all weapons and all upgrades. The Makyrs, a race of beings who could predict basically anything, and choose how fate was to proceed, were unable to predict who the doom slayer was, and what he'd do. They sealed the doom slayer away in hell for being too powerful and the demons were afraid of Doom Slayer over running Hell Doom Slayer is acausal. The same doomguy who is superior to hell itself (the hell in doom is confirmed to be a living creature who and i qoute" above time and space all dimensionality and conceptuality" meaning outer ) the same guy who weakened davoth the god who made in finite omniverses/metaverses so much that it made him use a mech to even stand a chance (davoth Doom Slayer vs the Jujutsu Kaisen verse. Ayyye, image an MTF group called the Doom-patrol lolol Doom Slayer would be head of the task force, but even Thaumiel SCPs have their limits. ) He'd kick the shit out of the Flood. One thing you didn't take into consideration is cheifs shield now I know doom slayer would paint the arena with master cheif but the spartan shield would give cheif somewhat of an edge if he was to fight passively and run and hide he could theoretically take all the punishment doom slayer could deal while damaging doom slayers uncoverd parts Doom Slayer. Doom slayer (gear from eternal) vs. A BIG REMINDER: Memes and shitposts are only only allowed on Sundays starting at Midnight CST (6:00 AM UTC) and ends 24 hours after. So doom guy fought for 13. Meaning that no matter how powerful Hulk could get he just wouldn't be able to effectively kill The Doom slayer, especially if Hulk is in Doom's universe. If the fight is too easy for Doom Slayer, then he has to fight them in their own realms, and all the hazards and armies that come with it. On the matter of lore accurate feats for the Doom Slayer, there's quite the discrepancy between what were the starting feats of the Doom Slayer, that he was knocked unconscious and sealed away by dropping a temple on him, but he was able to trade blows unarmed and without his praetor suit with The Titan, a massive demon that was consider one of Oct 1, 2024 · 131. The Slayer can be killed by a zombie shark in UAC Atlantica level and can die to the enemies quite easily if he's overwhelmed. The Doom Slayer's arsenal and abilities may not be actually powerful enough to deal with Dr Doom. H2H. without a poop break. Normal Doom Slayer (only weapons are shotgun and chainsaw) Fight 2: Normal All Might vs. Call him whichever one you want. If Doom Slayer defeated a guy that can casually punch away universes and he did so through raw power while said foe was strong enough to punch away a universe, then sure, Goku vs Doomslayer may be an actual fight. guts fights for something more than himself. His comat experience is much better. But who wins in a fight? Feb 7, 2022 · Two of the most iconic first-person shooting game heroes in the world are Halo’s Master Chief and Doom’s Doomguy, also known as Doom Slayer. Doomslayer vs comics Dr Manhattan actually, in doom 2016 it makes a remark about the praetor suit that it was meant for the "doom marine". com)… A Rune Trial transports the Doom Slayer on to the Sprawl. But as with most crossverse battles with JJK, how would Doom Slayer get pass Gojo’s Infinity? Doom Slayer is stronger than any character in the verse, even Gojo, but Infinity is such a potent hax against any attack that travels a distance. Why? Because the Doom Slayer was blessed by a Seraph, a powerful angelic being of the highest order. Not necessarily in their own realms. How does that affect the story? May 9, 2021 · In DOOM 2016, when Olivia Pierce initiates a new demonic invasion, Hayden awakens the Slayer to battle the hordes. He is an amalgamation of the term "badass". I'd say that if Kharn manages to get close enough to strike, Doom Slayer loses due to the Betrayer's high damage. But, Doom Slayer has something more powerful, Immortality, his rage exceeds that beyond of Khan Maykr which allows him to be immortal and survive the deep depths of litteral hell, his indomitable rage and will, complex multiversal+ stats will certainly give the all-cutting Vergil a huge tie. He has no time. Doom Slayer can punch huge metal block, shatter big statue, shot himself out of a railgun and unfazed by vega's core electric current, but is he super enough to defeat Thor ? just like Thor having mjolnir and strombreaker, Doom Slayer also having crucible sword and sentinel hammer plus his other weapons. R3- Berserk Asura vs. When Earth is invaded again in DOOM Eternal, the Slayer returns to fight. think of doom guy as a strong god of some sorts, so powerful that the only thing that can actually kill him is himself, he would also be a one man army so the extinguishers are basically useless, Doom slayer has attempted to solo hell but in the end he did get an army to fight against hell. He only kills it with the sword after it's already basically passed out from the metric shitload of shooting he dumps on it. Yes, Doom Slayer would be a tremendous asset to The foundation, indeed. this implies to me the praetor suit was meant for the doom 3 marine instead of doomguy and that that means the doom marine may be some kind of descendant, like how doomguy is a descendant to the main character in woldenstein 3d. I also don't think Master Chief could tank the BFG in this game, and even if he could he'd still have to contend with the suped up Unmakyr and Crucible. This would probably make it harder for Archie sonic. Adam Smasher gets their standard equipment and armaments. In this case, he is aware of the friction in Covenant society and is neutral on Arbiter's case. (I've played Doom and know the lore of Sun WuKong) So DoomSlayer has killed the creator who is also the creator of an entire multiverse WHICH ALSO MAKES HIM MULTIVERSAL+, in lore he's strong enough to kill Urdoc a six-dimensional being correlating in his multiverse while Wu Kong is only, he transcends time and space (which also means he has unlimited speed) because he got infused with the The Doom Slayer is the main protagonist of the Doom franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the original trilogy and its spin-off, Doom 64. Doom Slayer: A Godly Showdown or Demonic Domination? The age-old question that has plagued forums, fueled debates, and sparked countless hours of speculation: Would Kratos beat Doom Not even a Doom Slayer who thinks Kirby is a demon (and thus, demonlusted) could hurt Kirby. Thanks for posting to r/Doom!Your post HAS NOT been removed, but please take the time to read our rules if you haven't already. He strode upon the plain and faced the Doom Slayer, and a mighty battle was fought on the desolate plains. Basically, the doom community had been chomping at the bit for a rematch for almost 6 years now, and while I personally couldn't care less, I do understand the sentiment. He influenced Samur Maykr into placing the Doom Slayer into the Divinity Machine, with the intention of having the Slayer unconsciously contribute to the destruction of the Maykrs and the Father. doom slayer does a job thats needed but not sure how likeable or honourable he really is. She may be able to maintain that speed for a longer amount of time, especially because of her morph ball, the doom slayer could easily close the distance with the meathook, and because glory kills are a thing, we know the doom slayer can be very fast in hand to hand combat, especially with the assistance of runes. doom slayer has all the guns and all the attachments for the guns. Respect the Doom Slayer (DOOM 2016) : respectthreads (reddit. And the Doom slayer becomes a permanent party member from that point on. Scenario 2: Both Doomslayer and Adam Smasher get their strongest armaments and weapons along with their standard weapons. Fun discussion idea: how would the Doom Slayer fare in the world of curses and sorcerers? I admittedly don’t know much about the Doom series, but I do know this man has an entire race of literal demons scared of him. The Titan fought with the fury of the countless that had fallen at the Doom Slayer's hand, but there fell the Titan, and in his defeat the shadow horde were routed. the enemy of my enemy is my friend type situation rather than actually liking him. Casual This is a fight between two violent gun-wielding killers. Reply reply Feb 7, 2022 · Two of the most iconic first-person shooting game heroes in the world are Halo’s Master Chief and Doom’s Doomguy, also known as Doom Slayer. In terms off armor, the Slayer's can be replenished so long as there is spare plating around, whilst the Chief's energy shields are self-replenishing given a few seconds of breathing room. 8 billions years he had absorbed the so called "argent energy" wich is basically a infinte energey source to the extend where his mere pressence in hell wraps it from inside out (by the lore). For round 2, the Doom Slayer is MUCH more powerful than Doom Guy. Doomguy [Doom Slayer] VS Luffy [One Piece] Casual They begin 100 meters apart. The Titan, of immeasurable power and ferocity. Ok so hear me out. what you can actually do. His objective is to exterminate every Necromorph on the Sprawl. Dr Doom himself would be another issue. The Doom Slayer eventually arose from the ranks of the Night Sentinels and destroyed them. Though Doomslayer's speed feats are pathetic. The doom slayer does not have his guns or grenades, with the exception of a crude super shotgun. Just because there’s a plot hole doesn’t change the core fact that per Doom Eternal, the Slayer needs a Crucible to kill a Titan. full power Doom Slayer with a complete arsenal R4 part 2- Full power Asura with a mantra boost from his daughter vs full power Doom Slayer with a complete arsenal i would arue on the all mighty part. He gained argent energy fighting in hell for EONS! Batman vs Doom Slayer/Doom Guy Battle In a situation where Doom Slayer suddenly explodes through the ceiling of the bat cave after exiting a hell portal, Batman has to fight him using all the standard bat-gadgets currently at hand as well as his Mech Batsuit that he used for fighting superman. He can find ammo in random locations, medkits work with the Praetor Suit, and Necromorphs drop health. Master Chief VS Doom Slayer is an upcoming episode of Death Battle, featuring Master Chief from the Halo series and the Doom Slayer from the Doom series in a re-examination of the battle between first-person shooter space Pretty simple, Gattsu from Berzerk vs The Doom Slayer (Doomguy) from Doom. 100 space marines (let's say one round vs the weakest and another vs the strongest) Archived post. But if these two Oct 19, 2022 · Scenario 1: Doomslayer does not get access to their BFG 9000 and Unmaykr, but gets all of their other weapons. Oct 4, 2020 · Meanwhile, the Doom Slayer's signature Praetor Suit boasts advanced systems that allow Doom Slayer to survive the harsh environments of Hell alongside some extra features — not least of which Im talking about lore Doom Slayer, i have been looking at some of the other posts and all of them are talking about game Doom Slayer not even mentioning the lore. He returns as the protagonist of Doom (2016), Doom Eternal and Doom: The Dark Ages. maxed out on praetor chips, rune Doom Slayer by far would destroy Alastor even if Doom Slayer only had a chainsaw or his fists he could finish off Alastor quite quickly due how powerful the doom slayer is. Kratos varies from universal to low multiversal depending on what you use. Micheal seems to be Athlete to The Doomslayer killed Davoth with raw strength. The Doomguy, also known as the Doom Marine or Doom Slayer since the 2016 reboot, is the main character of the Sci-fi, Horror, First-Person-Shooter Doom series. He has all weapons from every Doom, except the Soul Cube and whatnot. I know this may be a complete stomp but i want to understand the characters better and i think this will help. Goku would put up a "decent" fight, but doom slayer absolutely solos Goku. Berserk Doom Slayer hand to hand combat R4- Asura the Destroyer vs. kute_): "Watch as Doom Slayer faces off against Meru the Succubus in an intense battle! Ok, I Will post some feats of Doom slayer extremely lowballed and demons So the Icon of sin Is capable to devastate uncountable miles of the hell. If I remember correctly, someone did some rough math and determined that the demons in Doom are exponentially more powerful then any organic creature or enemy in the Halo universe. Luffy begins the battle in fourth gear. R1. R3 No Holds Barred (can use the full power of The Infinity gauntlet and whatever is the most powerful weapon that the Doom Slayer has wielded) R4 Thanos vs Doom Slayer(at his most powerful) R5 Thanos(using the full power of The Infinity gauntlet) vs Doom Slayer Doom Slayer vs Deadpool . They seem like they have comparable strength, so here's how this goes Round 1: No Armor, Fistfight Round 2: No Armor, Doom Slayer has his chainsaw, Guts has his Pre-Dragonslayer Sword As the doom slayer is a primeval and as it states in dooms lore: only a primeval can defeat another primeval, Dante has the power of a stupidly powerful universal being but the longer he fights the doom slayer it’s only going to get so worse to the point that the doom slayer gets so angry Dante would either have to retreat or get killed. Doom Slayer with BFG Fight 3: All Might with one other MHA character of his choice vs. Oct 4, 2020 · Unstoppable, indomitable, and unrelentingly vengeful — these words describe the Doom Slayer as well as they describe Kratos. Round 1: Tanjiro meets the doom slayer on the mountain at the trials. This article is about the upcoming re-examination of Death Battle's 18th episode. Even with lore aside the feats of kratos heavily outnumber those of the doom slayer's. I was inspired to make this post after wat Superhero Battle #1034746: Doom Slayer (Power Of The Father) (Doomverse) versus Black Hat (Villainous). Doomslayer seems much more skilled, he is a legendary warrior, who fought Hell for centuries, or whatever. He tanks electricity that is hotter than the sun, survives the heat and impact of a cannon meant for destroying asteroids, etc. Oct 20, 2024 · Two of the most powerful armored warriors out there - one focused on gunning down aliens and the Covenant, the other focused on fighting against demons and all the forces of Hell. you want to interpret the Slayer as a living god fueled with Argent Energy, capable of ignoring pain and damage, moving faster that most can process, and wielding energy powered weapons, which explains how simple bullets can kill half the crap he fights, go Round 2: Doom Slayer goes into the Warp to fight them. The Crucible and BFG are the only things that might do much to Omni-man but even still I wouldn't expect him to be able to land a hit with either and even if he did I'm not confident either would be enough. It would basically end with Doom Slayer continuously shooting Kirby while Kirby gets tired of the fight and eats some strawberry shortcake before having to punching Doom Slayer out of the atmosphere and through like 20 planets for punching his shortcake. If spawn's reality warping abilities work only in his universe he might not be able to affect the slayer by them because he is not a part of this universe and then it all will come down to the brute strength if that would be the case the doom slayer wins easily, if not spawn wins Doom Slayer's armor isn't as powerful as that of an Astartes. Player controlled-Doomslayer with console commands and probably some hacks would win this very easy, All he has to do is toggle god mod on just incase chara attacks first, disable movement and forceidle to immobolize her completely, target KillEverything, KillUnHiddenAI, And AutoKill on her, Putting her in GER styled death loop, Chara can come back all she wants but she's unable to do anything In one hand we have the slayer: he killed davoth, a being that created the multiverse of the doom franchise at its prime, and its the god of the denizers of jekkad (which the rage and brutallity would fuel a bloodletter to almost climax levels) and its warriors who are eqquiped with argent based weapons and armor (which would make the best that 4 days ago · Kratos vs. No BFG, Unmaykr, Sword, or calling for assistance. The UAC refers to him as DOOM Keep in mind that it was made before doom 2016, and while I do agree with their assessment at the time, it's a different story now that we have more lore on Doom Slayer's side. The powers he got made him incorruptible and unyielding against Hell. Can Doom Slayer beat Homelander in a fight? Doom Slayer has all his gear and stats. Doom Slayer is badass as all hell but nothing in Doom is on the level of raw speed and strength that Omni-man is. The lesser angels would practically be worshiping the Doom Slayer. They're just inferior copies of the real deal, he'd crush them like he massacres Barons of Hell and Tyrants. Total arena radius is about 100 meters, and no fighter can exit th Speed doom slayer himself is fast, with the boots short boost he moves faster,Muzan may be faster but hardly matters when doom slayer has the reflects and reaction speed do deal with hundreds of demons shooting,punching him, and teleporting. The Monkey Kings feats alone out class DS, let alone that Wukong gets like quadruple imortality during Journey to the West. 5K curtidas,1130 comentários. Strenght doom slayer on the Berseker amp can one shoot demons with a punch that even high caliber bullets not sure if skull knight would like doom slayer on that sort of level. The feat Is calculated to be Mountain lvl supposing that these miles are only 2, but the feat Is dar higher than that since they are an uncountable amount. [6][7][8] Despite this revelation, the Slayer remained resolute in his defiance of Davoth, eventually defeating him by crippling his mech suit beyond He influenced Samur Maykr into placing the Doom Slayer into the Divinity Machine, with the intention of having the Slayer unconsciously contribute to the destruction of the Maykrs and the Father. whereas the slayer fought through the seven or nine layers of hell for roughly a millennia. This is stated multiple times and correlates with the fact that the Slayer didn’t just take back his Crucible and kill the Titan again without reinserting the blade. Look, I get people on this sub have a hard time buying that DoomSlayer is stupidly op… but like, Uhh… is this even a debate? DoomSlayer only using his hands and armor would shred Micheal in a fight. If you take the game you can see where I am coming from, it's heavy metal all the time while you slay a cockillion hordes of pure evil demons with a shotgun and a chainsaw. and for 13. The Doom Slayer not only went crashing into solid metal / concrete at supersonic velocities, but assuming the Gauss barrel's length is ten meters (for the sake of argument) he was briefly accelerated at 13,565 m/s^2 (1384 gees, ten times the lethal limit); hitting the wall with approximately 6 megajoules of energy (assuming he masses 90 kg The Doom Slayer not only went crashing into solid metal / concrete at supersonic velocities, but assuming the Gauss barrel's length is ten meters (for the sake of argument) he was briefly accelerated at 13,565 m/s^2 (1384 gees, ten times the lethal limit); hitting the wall with approximately 6 megajoules of energy (assuming he masses 90 kg Be in mind doom slayer was never killed (hence why he was sealed away in doom 2016) and he is practically a mirror image of the Dark lord, be in mind the dark lord was able to bring an entire multi-verse under his will, so lets take the doom slayer from the latest doom eternal, and instead of himself being sealed away again and his power being Round 1: No powerups, base doomguy vs base shadow ranged attacks only Round 2: Base Doomguy vs base shadow go in melee Round 3: Super Shadow vs Doomguy with all power ups for unlimited time (including invincibility from doom 2016) and it's with ranged attacks Round 4: Same as round 3 but they go in melee Also: A. In Doom 2016 they officially refer to him as the Doom Slayer, and in Doom Eternal they refer to him as both, thereby making the fan name official. Sep 5, 2021 · yeah, starting from Doom 2016, Doom Slayer is clearly superhuman. Doom slayer basically killed a limitless number of demons for thousands of years. He's been fighting the unending hordes of Hell Originally he had no name, so the fans nicknamed him Doomguy. There are two Would this mean the doom slayer is able to resist very powerful forces trying to move him or is he able to move faster than the black hole. I don’t see Gojo doing any damage to Doom Slayer, but I also don’t see Doom Slayer doing any damage Fourth, literally every angelic being in Bayonetta's universe would be on the Doom Slayer's side. Not only does he have YEARS of experience compared to Micheal, his physicals are just much higher. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding Fight 1: Normal All Might vs. R3. The Doom Slayer kills him long before he gets to that level, and he breaks through all the Makyr tech and bloodies the Icon of Sin using guns. Doomguy has standard equip. The humor comes from taking the premise of an absurdly cool concept and heap it up to 100000. But actually there is a way for the slayer to win. Doom Slayer struggles to open unpowered steel doors, Raiden can suplex a Metal Gear the size of a skyscraper. Round 1: Samus after end of Metroid Dread and all games has (Spoilers): has Metroid Suit after awakening her Metroid DNA used vs Doom Slayer before he killed the Dark Lord from Ancient Gods part 2 Both have all gear and armor in this round (Before you all factor the "Seraphim" powers Slayer has immortality means he cant die by conventional That being said, the Doom Slayer would make easy work of Dr Doom's army of Doombots. Vader cant hurt Doom Slayer by force throwing him or with force lightning, and its unclear if his light saber could even cut him. doom slayer seems to just want to kill out of pure rage Well to answer this a good question would be can a space marine beat the icon of sin? Or perhaps take on a planet of demons solo? Or the cyber demon,because from what I see the marines usually deploy in groups to oppose a planet overran by just orcs or tyranids. In short, Bayonetta wouldn't stand a chance in Hell, literally. r/whowouldwin. Kirby is just too beyond his power. It'd be a case of ferocity vs training, of which Master Chief would have an upper hand tactically, as Doom[guy] Slayer's MO is rushing in recklessly. They fight in a large armory filled with lots of guns. Vídeo do TikTok de 望𐌺𐍁𐨠𐌴愛 (@_. The Doom Slayer from DOOM (2016) or Satan? (The Christian one) But there also can be a Satan in the DOOM universe, because, I don´t know if you noticed, the Arch-Vile in DOOM: Eternal in the Phobos level, chants "Help us Satan". Doom Slayer acts as a loose gun, fighting every alien. So basically it's both. B. This would take unimaginable strength, and doom slayer is also practically a god. lfqaz gbstexi fawq oxs lwsoav pjoa qwnjzk dyr oxkkk rqbkdef jiyuii wug xmtot pcnnny wlrc