Colorado venomous snake laws.
Apr 10, 2023 · Types of Snakes in Colorado 1.
Colorado venomous snake laws They are one of the few venomous snake species in Colorado. William Hixon, R-North Augusta would among other things: Require anyone legally in possession of a venomous reptile to apply for a state Department of 19 hours ago · Native Venomous Snakes: There are also limitations on native venomous snakes that can be held in North Carolina. Feb 17, 2025 · The snake was an ornate cat-eye, a mildly venomous snake species native to Ecuador. Under the Endangered Species Act, killing fines or penalty fees for harming protected snake species, like the timber rattlesnake federally protected, can hit $50,000 or land you in jail for a year. 16, 2024, after being bitten by his pet gila monster in a The mission of Colorado Parks and Wildlife is to perpetuate the wildlife resources of the state, to provide a quality state parks system, and to provide enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire current and future generations to serve as active stewards of Colorado's natural resources. Western Rattlesnakes, also called Prairie Rattlesnakes, are Colorado’s largest and most prevalent rattlesnakes. Jul 25, 2024 · Permit Requirements: A Venomous Reptile Permit may be issued to applicants complying with the following requirements: The applicant must be at least 18 years old and shall not have been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, violating any federal, state or municipal law governing captive wildlife, illegal appropriation or commercialization of wildlife, or cruelty to May 11, 2022 · Most states regulate snake hunting and designate snakes as non-game animals, or impose strict bag limits on snakes. I. Sep 2, 2022 · “Remember fellas, youth, alcohol, and snake venom are a very bad combination. The Lacey Act is a law that makes it illegal to import or export certain animals if they were not caught according to federal, state or foreign law. Coral snakes are another venomous snake species found in Colorado, although they are relatively Aug 30, 2016 · Venomous snakes (even hognose), alligator snapping turtles, Colorado River toads, cane toads, and degu cannot be sold in Colorado. Jul 2, 2024 · Rattlesnakes are Colorado's only native venomous snake. Summary: This Louisiana law provides that certain species of constrictor snakes in excess of eight feet long and venomous snakes shall only be allowed by permit issued by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries except for animals kept by animal sanctuaries, zoos, aquariums, wildlife research centers, scientific organizations, and medical research facilities as defined in the Animal Welfare Act. 1 day ago · Language in the bill sponsored by state Rep. If you live in an apartment or an area governed by a homeowners association, then you may have even more regulations. Nonvenomous snakes do not pose any major problems except for possibly frightening people and being a nuisance. All other snakes are classified as nongame wildlife and are protected by law, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Unless you have a collection license or are collecting fewer than 5 reptiles or fewer than 25 amphibians that are not endangered, threatened, or special concerned species you may not collect them. Missouri Department of Conservation. So this includes common pets like Western Hognoses and Bullsnakes, among others. This behavior may become more noticeable in the fall, when snakes seek areas to hibernate for the winter. scorpions) needs to be labeled as such. Which means like 3 bulls, 3 plains garters. All Tegus, Retics, (including super dwarf) ,most other giant snakes are prohibited. There are nearly 30 different species of snakes in Colorado, each with their own unique characteristics and behaviors. The good news for hikers is that only three native species are venomous. If they feel threatened, they may release a foul-smelling musk and/or blood out of its cloaca. But, according to the Code of Ordinances of Denver it is illegal to keep spiders as pets. Venomous Snake Species in Colorado. Snake laws vary widely from state to state, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific rules governing venomous snake handling, native snake legality, and the exotic pet trade in your area. This species is known for its semi-aquatic nature and can be found near rivers, streams, and other bodies of water throughout the state. Nongame species and subspecies, including threatened or endangered wildlife are protected and their Remember, the term is not poisonous snakes of Colorado Springs, it's venomous snakes of Colorado Springs. Regulation of Certain Reptiles. Venomous snakes, however, Native Venomous: Must be registered with local law enforcement agencies. Therefore, relying on a single characteristic for identification is not advisable. Aug 12, 2024 · Venomous Snakes in Colorado. It is ILLEGAL to buy, sell, gift, or otherwise transfer the ownership of a Western Hognose within Colorado. Most people bitten by rattlesnakes are either trying to catch the snake, or kill it,” it says. Anything else is fair game. (Source: NH Fish and Game Law Enforcement Division and Operation Game Thief via CNN) Sep 29, 2024 · Another type of snake in Colorado is the Northern Watersnake. The few venomous snakes of Denver County are rarely seen. Snake killing laws also vary by U. Blackneck garter snakes grow to around 71cm in length and are brown to olive-gray with a blue to gray colored head. Exotic Venomous: Same rules as for Native Venomous. Reduce cover and food supplies to discourage them from living in backyards. Remember, the term is not poisonous snakes of Denver, it's venomous snakes of Denver. If you find a link to the laws, regulations, or permits that need to be listed here, please add it using the form below. 19 hours ago · Killing or harming this non-venomous snake is prohibited, as it helps control populations of smaller animals, including venomous snakes. However, it is illegal to kill venomous snakes in Colorado for any other reason, such as for sport, collection, or commercial purposes. Always observe from a safe distance, and if you are unsure, assume the snake is venomous and avoid contact. S. In the summer of 2021, a venomous zebra cobra was on the loose in a North Raleigh neighborhood, an incident that captured the region’s attention. § 14-416. May 1, 2023 · Understanding Venomous Snakes. The intentional or negligent exposure of other human beings to unsafe contact with venomous reptiles, large constricting snakes, or crocodilians is essentially dangerous and injurious and detrimental to public health, safety and welfare, and is therefore Blackneck garter snake. While they are venomous, western massasaugas are generally docile and will only bite if provoked or cornered. Then, we’ll look more closely at each state’s laws on killing venomous and nonvenomous Colorado’s exotic pet laws require owners to obtain permits for certain species, including big cats, primates, and venomous snakes. Venomous snakes (even hognose), alligator snapping turtles, Colorado River toads, cane toads, and degu cannot be sold in Colorado. While all snakes of this species are called bullsnakes in Colorado, they are actually subspecies of gophersnake. Despite their somewhat spine-chilling appearance, most of the snakes in Colorado are harmless. In the Empire State, you can’t just kill any native snake without consequences. As used in this subsection (a), “venomous” means any toxic substance that is actively injected by an animal through a bite or sting and that causes injury or death. Here is a list of the most venomous snakes that roam the state: 25. That said, dangerous snakes are very rare in Colorado Springs. Only one of Colorado’s three venomous species is abundant throughout most of the state: the Prairie Rattlesnake. According to the Colorado Poison Center, if bitten by a rattlesnake you should call the Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 for instructions MYRTLE BEACH, S. That said, dangerous snakes are very rare in Denver. A free permit to keep current pets was due by Jan 2021 the permit does not allow breeding, selling instate, or replacing a deceased animal. Case # 1 8 yo was out in his yard when he saw a snake. Mishandling of certain reptiles declared public nuisance and criminal offense. Jul 24, 2024 · Understanding the legal landscape of snake ownership can be challenging, especially with the variety of local regulations across the country. Also, Hognose are technically venomous, but the venom is harmless to humans, and is excreted in their saliva and not injected through fangs, so they are not considered venomous snakes by law. The bullsnake is mostly found on the eastern plains of Colorado and Apr 7, 2014 · Colorado state law does not regard terrestrial invertebrates as animals and are not addressed in the wildlife laws, so pet inverts are legal. 14, 2018. Reptile Law Support Center Below are links to official pages, sites, forms, or permits regarding reptile and amphibian laws for the locality described. However, you can kill rattlesnakes in Utah if you think they’re a threat to your person or property. Regulations regarding the possession of venomous snakes pursuant to a Commercial Wildlife Park License can be found in Chapter 11 (“Wildlife Parks and Unregulated Wildlife Feb 3, 2024 · Like other venomous snakes, they have a heat-sensing pit and venom glands, which they use to immobilize and digest their prey. I’m doing a lot of research and taking my time but I’ve really been considering a hog nose snake as I’ve heard a lot of good about them. Nonpoisonous and poisonous species can be easily distinguished from each other. Threatened or endangered wildlife may be possessed if legally taken in and transported from another state or country and legally imported into the United States and Colorado. Quickly seek medical attention for poisonous snakebite victims. As such, it is illegal to harm, capture Aug 30, 2024 · Some travelers may feel a little uneasy about the idea of encountering a snake on their vacation. Jan 5, 2025 · In Illinois, owning venomous snakes comes with specific legal obligations crucial for ensuring public safety and animal welfare. Anything poisonous or venomous (i. I have compiled a list, state by state, based on native venomous snakes, exotic venomous snakes, and state protected venomous snakes. I am going to post this list on each regional forum so if any of you notice any errors I'd appreciate the correction. They can even be found at elevations up to 9500 feet! Prairie Rattlesnake Range Map Jul 3, 2023 · Non-Venomous Colorado Snakes. (WMBF) - The South Carolina Wildlife Subcommittee is reconsidering a bill that would have banned owning venomous reptiles in the state. As a keystone species, its burrows provide shelter to over 350 other wildlife The mission of Colorado Parks and Wildlife is to perpetuate the wildlife resources of the state, to provide a quality state parks system, and to provide enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire current and future generations to serve as active stewards of Colorado's natural resources. Wildlife officials say a two-foot-long snake was found hidden inside a box of bananas at a grocery store. In addition to the venomous species, Colorado is home to numerous non-venomous snakes. Feb 17, 2019 · Owning venomous snakes is another matter entirely. The most useful Feb 3, 2023 · Any escape of a venomous snake from a licensed facility must be reported to Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the local law enforcement agency within 24 hours of discovery. Feb 5, 2025 · Before you jump into venomous snake ownership, you’ll need to navigate a complex legal landscape that varies wildly from state to state. Colorado has strict wildlife protection laws in place to ensure the safety and preservation of all native species, including rattlesnakes. Colorado is home to 30 snake species, and they vary from the common garter snake to the colorful ringneck snake. He Only known to exist in one area of Colorado, the eastern hognose is a mildly-venomous snake that specializes in eating toads. Class 2 Wildlife Breeders Permit required for Importation, Transportation, Trade, Sale, or Bartering of venomous reptiles. Live venomous snakes may only be possessed through a Commercial Wildlife Park License issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Sep 2, 2024 · Owning venomous snakes requires navigating a complex web of federal, state, and local laws – you’ll need the right licenses, permits, and safety protocols to stay on the right side of the law. According to Uncover Colorado, rattlesnakes are Colorado’s only native poisonous snake, and they play an important role in the ecosystem. . Louisiana's seven kinds of venomous Mar 19, 2014 · Medically significant poisonous amphibians, including cane or marine toads (Bufo marinus), Colorado river toads (Bufo alvarius), or any other amphibian found to be medically significant, shall only be allowed for bona fide educational purposes or research purposes by exempted institutions. Like all garter snakes, they are Feb 6, 2025 · No explicit statewide protection laws exist; Local attitudes toward venomous snakes vary widely; New York Rattlesnake Laws. Sep 24, 2023 · Federal Laws on Venomous Snakes. The Lacey Act and Venomous Snakes. Colorado •Local venomous snakes •Pathophysiology of their venom •Treatment indications •Antivenin. If you’re at all interested in snakes or Colorado wildlife, read on! 6 Snakes Found In Colorado Yellow-Bellied Racer. A couple of them are the king snake and the milk snake. Thanks Dec 30, 2023 · This includes but is not limited to large cats (such as lions, tigers, and leopards), primates, venomous snakes, certain types of birds, and various other exotic species. You even need a permit to move these venomous critters in many states. Poisonous [venomous] Snakes includes: Viperidae, Elapidae, Hydrophiidae, Atractaspididae, Boomslang, twig snakes, keelback snakes; REQUIREMENTS: Venomous: 1 year (500 hours) of experience with 2 references of those knowledgeable of such experience (half of experience may be substituted by zoological courses) Jul 18, 2024 · In Colorado, rattlesnakes may be legally killed if they pose a threat. Any native or venomous species are illegal to keep in Colorado. Any turtle or tortoise under 4 inches cannot be sold in Colorado. Practice with LIVE Non-venomous and Venomous Snakes•Tools They think that the general climate and altitude of the state makes it impossible for snakes to live there. Poison is generally something you eat, and venom is injected into you. Additionally, some venomous snakes can be identified based on head shape, pupils, fangs, rattles, neck size, tail scales, as well as color and pattern. The few venomous snakes of El Paso County are rarely seen. Owning a venomous snake is a significant responsibility that requires attention to detail, specialized care, and compliance with regulations. Snakes need cool, damp shelters and may take residence under and possibly inside buildings. Federal laws regarding venomous snakes and protected species mean serious business. Mar 12, 2025 · There are exotic and wild pet laws in every state. Discourage snakes from entering buildings by sealing all holes in foundations. My question is in regards to the fact I live in Colorado. e. Characteristics of Venomous Snakes of the USA. As per the Colorado Parks and Wildlife records, rattlesnakes hibernate between October 20 and March 20. They can be identified by their distinctive features: Triangular head; Vertical, cat-like pupils; Heat-sensing pits between the eyes and nostrils; Rattles at the end of their tail (though these may be missing in young snakes) Non-Venomous Snakes in Colorado Jun 5, 2022 · “Killing a non venomous snake is against the law in Colorado #animals #Colorado #snakes #reptiles #wildlifesanctuary #wildlife #herpetologist #evil This snake was living in open space which is supposed to be a wildlife sanctuary” Feb 22, 2024 · FILE - A Gila monster is displayed at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Dec. The first step in protecting your dog from venomous snakes is understanding the snakes themselves. Yellow-bellied Racer Jan 31, 2024 · Live venomous snakes may only be possessed pursuant to a Commercial Wildlife Park License issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and noncommercial possession or the possession of a live venomous snake as a pet is prohibited. Coral Snakes. Private, noncommercial possession or the possession of a live venomous snake as a pet is prohibited. Colorado Herpetofaunal Atlas Don’t let that big word scare you. Snake Ecology and Behavior. Live venomous snakes may only be possessed through a Commercial Wildlife Park License issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. They are also known to eat rattlesnakes if they happen to cross paths with one. Understanding and adhering to state regulations is essential for both current and prospective snake owners. Because it is a relatively docile snake, it is popular in the pet trade and has been bred into dozens of different color morphs. Apr 10, 2023 · Types of Snakes in Colorado 1. Pale stripes on sides of body on second and third scale rows above outer edges of belly scales; belly pale and unmarked; red blotches between stripes on back (red may be confined to skin between scales); usually seven upper lip scales (lacking heavy black markings) on each side of head; upper scales keeled, in 19 rows at midbody; anal scale single; tongue red at base; maximum total length Jan 11, 2024 · With this list, we hope to put some of Colorado’s most notable snakes on display for the world to appreciate, as well as list tips on how to avoid a venomous snakebite in the wild areas of the state. Law went into effect last year. III. Some of the exotic pets that can be legally owned in Colorado include hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and certain species of reptiles and birds. Fish and Wildlife Service; or. The Bullsnake, measuring 88 inches, is Colorado’s largest, while the blind snake is the state’s smallest. 2 hours ago · Great Basin rattlesnake. The Great Basin rattlesnake is the most common venomous snake in Northern Nevada and is found statewide. Jul 6, 2023 · Rattlesnakes are Colorado's only native poisonous snake. As a matter of fact, of the nearly 30 species of snakes calling Colorado “home”, only rattlesnakes are venomous. Understanding your local regulations, securing the right permits, and finding an experienced mentor aren’t just recommended—they’re absolutely critical to keeping both you and your scaly companion safe and legal. Western Rattlesnake. The western hognose is also known as plains hognose or plains hog-nosed. The Northern Watersnake is a non-venomous snake but can still deliver a painful bite if threatened. Colorado Snakes That Imitate Venomous Snakes. Colorado’s Three Venomous Pit Vipers. IV. While looking up hognose snakes I found some info saying western hognose snakes are prohibited to be bought, sold, traded, or shipped in Colorado. Mastering state laws on owning venomous snakes as pets is crucial to becoming a confident and responsible Basically Colorado law says you cannot possess, sell, trade, or buy venomous snakes without proper zoological licenses. Remember that laws may frequently change, so consult the latest rules […] (a) It is an offense for a person to display, exhibit, handle, or use a venomous or dangerous snake or reptile in a manner that endangers the life or health of any person. Most Colorado snakes are non-poisonous, harmless and beneficial to people. II. Article 55. Prairie rattlesnake is the most common venomous snake in Colorado. But don't count on that — seek medical attention as quickly Jul 8, 2021 · Snake scare in Raleigh, and the aftermath. A 34-year-old Colorado man has died on Friday, Feb. About 25% of rattlesnake bites are "dry bites," meaning no venom was injected. The original language of the bill creates The western hognose is a relatively small, stout snake. Is it illegal to kill venomous snakes in Colorado? It is not illegal to kill venomous snakes in Colorado if they pose a threat to human safety or property. Aug 17, 2024 · Managing the complex web of state laws on owning venomous snakes as pets can be intimidating. Prairie Rattlesnake Apr 21, 2022 · Texas Night Snakes still lack the heavy-bodied build, triangular head shape, and tail rattle of Colorado’s venomous snakes. Feb 26, 2011 · I am doing an article for HN regarding state laws for keeping venomous snakes as pets. Feb 10, 2024 · Wildlife Protection Laws. The snakes of Colorado mostly hibernate through the winter months. This is a rear-fanged snake that is venomous, but it is considered non-dangerous to humans. Feb 3, 2023 · They eat a diet of mainly rodents, frogs, lizards, birds, and their eggs, spiders, and even small venomous snakes. Protected Native Venomous: Permit required. Even with non-venomous snakes , you often need permits and need to understand the differences between owning native vs. There are a handful of nonvenomous snakes in Colorado that imitate coral snakes. 6 total, not of each. The mission of Colorado Parks and Wildlife is to perpetuate the wildlife resources of the state, to provide a quality state parks system, and to provide enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire current and future generations to serve as active stewards of Colorado's natural resources. There are two species of gophersnake in Colorado: the Pituophis catenifer sayi, or bullsnake, and the Pituophis catenifer deserticola, or Great Basin gophersnake. Venomous Snake Safety Techniques and First Aid. The gopher tortoise is safeguarded under Florida law, which makes it illegal to kill, harass, or relocate them without a permit. Websites for Colorado Snake Identification. It describes how a harmless species protects itself by resembling a dangerous one. COURSE OUTLINE. The law uses the word "poisonous snakes/spiders". All venomous snakes not native to the State, with the exception of hognose snakes, are banned. Feb 13, 2025 · Federal Penalties for Killing Protected Snakes. 1 day ago · Furthermore, some non-venomous water snakes can flatten their heads when threatened, mimicking the triangular shape of a venomous snake. VENOMOUS SNAKE SAFETY. Thanks 5 days ago · Louisiana's venomous snakes include three different species of rattlesnake, two species of coral snake, one copperhead species and one water moccasin species. If you own a venomous snake, or are considering it, you must abide by far stricter standards, be aware of the need to get a permit, and stock antivenom in your home. Is it illegal to relocate snakes in Colorado? Venomous: Midget Faded Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus concolor)-Venomous Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis)-Venomous Desert Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus edwardsi)-Venomous We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ” Snake Avoidance Training: Some pet owners in Colorado are enrolling their animals in snake avoidance training programs to teach them to recognize and avoid venomous snakes. Scientific name: Thamnophis cyrtopsis. 2901 West Truman . Any peregrine falcon legally held in captivity which is: Possessed and banded in compliance with the terms of a valid permit issued by the U. However, most of the snakes in Colorado are harmless. Batesian mimicry is a biological term. Additionally, you may find local and county or parish laws are more restrictive. Jul 18, 2024 · All other snakes are classified as nongame wildlife and are protected by law, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. non-native species – don RE: Pet Talk: Snake laws can be squirmy: Reply: by Cro on May 20, 2008 : Mail this to a friend! Linda Friar of Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Park says the problem there has been increasing: in 1993, they found only about 27 of these snakes, but in 2007 the number was 250, and the educated guess is that “for every one we find, they are 10 more. 2. The fact is, most venomous snake owners have their snakes for educational purposes or as breeders. An interesting fact about snakes in Colorado is that only the rattlesnake species are venomous. These snakes typically live in grassy, shrubby and rocky areas. Aug 29, 2023 · Pet owners must have a Residential Controlled Exotic Snake Permit for the following snakes: Exotic venomous snakes; African rock pythons; Asiatic rock pythons; Green anacondas; Reticulated pythons; Southern African pythons; Keeping a pet alligator requires a special permit from the Department of Parks and Wildlife The terrestrial garter snake is an immensely variable species, and even the most experienced herpetologists have trouble with its identification and it is often is mistaken for the blackneck garter snake, common garter snake, and checkered garter snake (Thamnophis marcianus, not known to inhabit Colorado). C. 19 hours ago · Horry County man arrested for sex crimes again highlights state's 'restrictive' law Updated : 2 hours ago A Longs man is back in jail for similar crimes he had been accused of nearly a decade ago. Information portal for reptile and amphibian hobbyists offering classifieds, forums, photo galleries, events, business listings and much more for various species mobile - desktop Mice, Rats, Rabbits, Chicks, Quail Feb 17, 2025 · The snake was an ornate cat-eye, a mildly venomous snake species native to Ecuador. The law also says you can keep up to 6 native species of snakes on aggregate. Common name: blackneck garter snake. These venomous snakes can be found in Colorado in open prairies, grasslands, semi-desert shrublands, and forested environments. Length: around 71 cm Venomous: No. Law Enforcement; Commission CHAPTER 10 - NONGAME WILDLIFE ARTICLE I - GENERAL PROVISIONS #1000 - PROTECTED SPECIES A. These include the Western Yellow-Bellied Racer, the Great Basin Gopher Snake, the Blackneck Garter Snake, and the Colorado Bullsnake. Legal Requirements for Keeping Venomous Snakes Long-nosed snakes have alternating black and red saddling on a light-colored background and are non-venomous. Here is the exact wording below. Federal laws don’t necessarily relate to ownership, but they control how you take, transport and keep them. If you find a link to be dead, please report it. These programs can be effective in preventing potentially dangerous encounters and are growing in popularity among pet owners. state. Rattlesnakes are the only venomous snakes in Colorado. But in reality, there are many different types of Colorado snakes, including a couple of venomous species. We’ll start by explaining how the Endangered Species Act 1973 is enforced at a state level. These snakes play a vital role in the ecosystem by controlling the rodent population. PROHIBITED: Venomous snakes. Aug 30, 2016 · Review State Requirements: Click Here for Colorado Laws. Participates will be assessed with a written and skills test to receive a Venomous Snake Safety Certificate. “Herpetofaunal Jul 7, 2022 · Conn’s experience is fairly common, according to Tina Jackson, a species conservation coordinator for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Prohibited Exotic Animals: Colorado has a list of prohibited exotic animals that are not allowed to be kept as pets under any circumstances. Colorado's native amphibians and reptiles - sometimes collectively referred to as "herptiles" - are a diverse group, consisting of 1 species of salamander, 16 species of frogs and toads, 5 turtle species, 19 species of lizards, and 26 species of snakes. If you thought Texas rattlesnake laws were strict, New York’s snake regulations might surprise you. wlkvsztscjzgvwnmhjqyfibefgaqmdwypmkxwoenwmedcqercxbiclmtlyknhpknbccqzzvepfsatzsp