Civ 6 ai mods reddit I play on a mac. civ 6 had potential, but the AI is just tragic and never makes me feel actualy threatened. also none of the other civs even try to take cities from enemy civs Been playing civs since civ 2 and one thing has remained constant: on high difficulty levels you need to fight. highlands map and Norway), maybe even against civs that do well on the maps you don’t do well on. (Thanks for this post Alt) Dog Toon AI Hot is the best AI betterment MOD i've used so far. My friend and I have been trying to play a game where the AI is not only smarter and better but also able to compete military wise. Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Sadly, there is no way to make the computer truly 'intelligent' as Fireaxis refuses to offer the community Civ 6's source code (as they did with previous releases). So I'm fairly new to Civ 6 and have been playing on prince for the most part. It's just another take on how AI should be ran. CQUI (reduced the amount of mouse clicks I needed by over half), quick deals (so much faster trading with AI and you can instantly see who will pay more for your stuff), removable districts mod (to fix the AI's atrocious district planning without razing the city) and others that people in this thread already mentioned. I looking for a MOD that makes the AI more aggressive and able to actually put up a fight. I would encourage you to at least try Immortal for a little while. Sure they get the occasional city state, or maybe one or two cities from a weak civ, but I vividly recall in civ v that AI could legitimately win domination games. For Civ 5, Smart AI + no AI free tech + Immortal difficulty was the right balance for me. It changes the relationships with AI leaders in three different ways: Essentially, anything reasonable in AI+ will get added/tweaked. Hoping to spice up the game and put a twist on gameplay, I even created about two-dozen mods to improve the experience. You It cannot promote your Its Warrior to an Infantry. Of course it's unfair. The reason we don't get good AIs is that it is not profitable. I played a game last week on a large map, overloaded with 16 of the games top military civs (to many civs means less space to compete over) and even turned off all victory types but domination (I dont think the A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. Been playing civ vi for a while, and I’ve noticed that, compared to V, the AI is absolutely incapable of taking out other civs. Nov 13, 2005 · Reduced value of coastal settlements to prevent AI overvaluing coast; Boosted prioritization of Merchant and Watonathi units; Enhanced city garrison values for better city defense; Specialized AI behavior for different victory path strategies; Added strong bias toward unique civilization progression tree nodes (→900) Exploration Era Accelerate the development of the mod and gain early access to the very latest AI test versions and features (and extra AI setup customisation and dev notes) on Patreon! https://www. The problem isn't the mods it is the very core of HOW AI works in civ - namely that it gets its development via bonuses, cheats and fog of war (look like its doing something when it is not). I'd also never seen the AI use nukes before I started playing this mod. I like to play games with lots of Civs, but about 70 turns in I have to wait for a long time between turns. (I believe they may also make the growth of slope non 0 to make it guaranteed to not be linear). The most important change is opening up the scripting language for modders so that the modding community can handle Civ 7 AI at the competitive level. But IMO they are the most important for boosting the Civ 6 experience. Though note you will have to hunt a little harder for these. Since you can't really just tweak the weights of the neural net in a meaningful way, you'd end up just just putting the same kind of flow charts before and after your ML system, except now you have a fairly opaque step in the middle The best combination imo is to play with some AI mod that makes the AI a bit less dumb + a mod that removes some obnoxious cheats + up the difficulty. Up till now, I've played 122. Deity will teach you very bad habits for multiplayer. This is a much mlre interesting way to play as it means you have to struggle to keep pace with the AI rather than struggle to catch up with the AI. Et voici mes 10 mods définissant Civ. 3 entire armies annihilated because the only way she could get to that city state was through a 1-tile wide, 3-tiles long chokepoint so all of her units got shredded by the CS's ranged units and wall defense. If I ever get into Civ 6 modding it might be to try to make that. This matters because Firaxis themselves have made many AI updates since then, which of course AI+ does not include. I'd like to know if there's a mod or way to get the AI to settle more cities and be more aggressive so the map is filled up, without raising the difficulty. not even the infamous Civ 6 unit shuffle. I'm a brand new convert. The AI does not have access to Iron or any strategic resource. - The mod's flag "affects save files" is set to FALSE. Also, search "top 35 mods for civ 6" and "top 10 I am disappointed by how retarded the AI is in Civ 6. I like that one a lot. I'd also look into mods that add more units. These mods don’t actually change the gameplay, they just change how information is displayed. The fundamental issue is that because Firaxis kept the DLLs locked from modders, the core mechanics can't be easily changed, including the AI. Note that Deity++ does not itself improve AI strategy and tactics, but it is compatible with e. The goal of the mod is to keep the flavor of the agendas and general behavior of the AI, but tone down most of the madness. Relatedly, I searched and searched for a Civ 6 version of No Obsolete Unique Units, but couldn't find one. Civ 5 has proven to be quite good in that sense, especially having given the AI more tools and behavior adjustments post the Deity difficulty ( with mods), non human players are able to utilise modern units, create strategies to conquer cities and participate in offensive and defensive air combat. Was wondering how to go about doing that since it doesn't seem you can under normal circumstances. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. There is no central "brain" but a series of disconnected scripts with local functionality and bonuses that its decision making is not co-ordinated. com/romanholiday The Info Mods. The mod collection is absolutely massive but some naval civilizations that stand out are included below. The vox populi mod for Civ V has a pretty good AI, the best that I have seen in any 4X game. I've looked for AI and also research speed adjustment mods, but the popular ones all seem to only work with Steam version. It makes the AI match more competent, namely in the area of not sacrificing damaged units, but instead pulling back and letting them heal. If you run into amenity shortages, just don't grow the cities very large. They are: > Quick Deals Easily the best Civ 6 mod. On Immortal difficulty, I watched Scythia spend over 100 turns trying to take a city state that was far from her border. g. The galaxy is fully occupied by a single AI empire (in decline, like a FA) the game starts with multiple rebellions on various systems - that's the player and set number of AI' spawning When the AI starts with 3 settlers it just makes it so hard to get going and get caught up because it takes so long to build my own settlers. What would really motivate me to get into modding would be if there was SDK access to really dig into the AI algorithms, which there isn't for Civ 6. The problem with Dog Toon AI Hot is I feel like it breaks my game. and when i say it doesnt move, i literally mean it does not move. Not sure why I had such a hard time finding one at first. Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS! I'm completely new to Civ 6, never played any other Civ game. Remove Walls: this allows the stupid AI to actually take over cities. The mod includes a unique modern era naval unit, as well as a unique civilization ability focussed on culture bombs triggered upon improving tiles adjacent to coasts. When it comes to the Civ series the AI in Civ 5 and 6 are worse than in Civ 4 because the AI can't handle one unit per tile and cannot handle districts well at all. But makes the game less about catchup for most of the earlygame. I’ve tried a few AI mods but the one thing that I don’t like is the bonus damage AI revives when making them more difficult. imho, and this is personal because we all play civ a little differently and that's all good, but i use these mods: any mod that puts spacing between cities, note in civ6 the AI seeds around you and not around the map itself, at the least put in a 4 space but if you use 6 spaces it can mean the map fills up - which can be a tactic, i use that to stop AI city spamming. - Do NOT use with Scenarios as they usually have their own rules for AI. Other good civs that come to mind are below, but keep in mind that military conquest is basically the main criteria since the others only work against AI, and are usually not optimal. Save and exit, and you can delete AI players now. Try doing unlikely civ and victory combinations, such as the Zulu and a diplomatic victory, Bull Moose Teddy and Domination. Starting Scout Starting Builder Historic Speed (Extended Eras) 2x Natural Wonders (More Natural Beauty) Everything is balanced, the Ai gets the extra units as well. I use CQUI and a few other UI mods with no issue. Even today Deity in Civ 4 is more challenging because the AI is much stronger when they can have stacks of doom, plus the AI mods for CIV 4 are better than the ones for Civ 5, Civ 6 Sadly, there is no way to make the computer truly 'intelligent' as Fireaxis refuses to offer the community Civ 6's source code (as they did with previous releases). With 2400 hours into Civ 6 and every Steam achievement completed, I can firmly agree with the number one complaint: AI is bad. You should try the mod combo „Real strategy“ and „Late Game Ai“. There's basically no comparison between Civ 5 modded AI vs. Civ 6 mod that removes AI bonus damage. This seems to be a trend in all my games. I played one game on Prince and completely destroyed the AI by domination, I don't recall any meaningful AI army or battle, so I upped the difficulty. You get two more difficulties and the game gets way harder. the AI makes a bunch of doomstacks and usually keeps them together but it eventually just hits a point where it sits them in a base and doesnt move unless directly attacked. A big part of this mod is that it disables the "cheating" in higher difficulty AI games by not providing it free stuff. It's up to you to decide if it's any better or worse. . JFD's Chile. AI+ doesn’t cause as much crashing, but the AI is not as smart. Mods can fix whatever deficiencies are in the actual base game. I've been playing the free Epic Games version of Civ 6, and feels the need for some mods, as the base game, especially the AI, is weak. It scales with map size and is controlled by buildings (e. There’s of course the UI must-haves like Quick Deals, Detailed Map Tacks, Better Policy Cards, Global Relations, etc. In fact unit control probably is not even top 3 of Civ AI problems. Take a look at CypRyan's Wide & Tall mod. So what is the best difficulty for the ai to declare war more but not make the ai to op. When they do it's never very much or very far and they leave so much empty land by late game. the stacks just staticly sit there doing nothing. This makes the game much more exciting at Immortal and Deity level onwards. I still love Civ—it’s my favorite game of all-time by a landslide—but this is it’s fatal flaw. What are the best mods to boost that? I want my bombers shot down by sams and nukes hurled at my capital from a submarine! Edit: For instance, my last game had me as Russia. The AI will pump out settlers or missionaries but produce military troops? NOPE! If I'm lucky an AI will do an early push with warriors / slingers but that I generally find that rule of thumb to be that you should avoid any mods that make major visual-quality changes (so no HD portraits, etc. true. For reference, I do have both rise and fall and gathering storm. Is there a better mod for making the AI competitive until the end of the game by reducing their early bonuses and giving them scaling bonuses throughout the game ? r/civ • Does Smoother Difficulty 2. I can't recall which one I'm using and honestly I'm not sure what difference it made but ya. ADMIN MOD Mods for better AI? I’ve been on and off Ai is bad at the game and performs well with civs who have free bonuses and performs very poorly when they are playing a civ with potential but require a lot of things to execute to get said civ's build right. So if you still want the challenge of occasional combat. @ the devs of Civ 6 - I hope you read posts like these and take it to heart. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. AI+. I've tried AI+, AI++ and Real Strategy AI and they are more aggressive but the issue I keep finding is that if I survive the surprise attack and take a city or two they just stop producing units and no longer become a problem. So I haven't run a mod on a game in probably 10 years, but I've gotten addicted to Civ 6 during quarantine and I want to run games that are completely AI. Jan 6, 2019 · Different approach to make AI better, a mixture of Lua "thinking" and tuning of AiLists. Nubia is the biggest AI with eight cities but only 160 military strength and I can tell from city health bars barbarians must be having a field day. Are there any mods out there to make it better? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment On lower difficulties the AI barely seems to expand. This mod aims to be minimal invasive! When playing wide you should experience no change in gameplay, at all. Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Join civ 6 discord and play there. I did go to Finder sidebar > iPad > Files > CIV VI and saw no Mods folder. Since Wide vs Tall is no real thing in Civ VI, this mod tries to add some tweaks to make Tall play viable and balance it out with Wide play. I may be a terrible Civ player, but I enjoy playing epic-paced solo-vs-ai games (especially but not always with "Zee's Properly Timed Eras") on King or Emperor level, and basically dominating one continent by at least the Renaissance, and then build up my own nation during the Industrial age. Also afaik in CPL you play for rank, meaning its your place that matters and not if you win or not which changes massively how your games are played. Because Civ 6 places barbarians into the map based on the number of players, removing all players except 1 will cause no barbarians to spawn, anywhere on the map. Civ 5 Vox Populi AI modder said in an interview that he can't implement any major AI improvements for Civ 6 due to the locked DLLs. The goal of the mod, again - iirc, is to change the slope of the AI line instead of just raising it. (EDIT A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. Previous versions of civ also had an AI that didn't know how to fight, but at least they knew how to win the game. 4 hours on Steam. This mod asks you to install the Real Strategy AI mod along with it, and I highly recommend it. Best to stick with less AIs if you do that (steam deck can’t handle 9 past the modern era — I’ve had to abandon 5 straight campaigns because of this). Most significant Changes and Mechanics The attacking AI is still bad and the biggest downside for this mod is that a civ that is focused on war will 90% of the time lose in capturing even a single city and even if they do capture 1 city they will be stopped and be at a stalemate forever. Higher difficulty or decreasing the size of your army will cause the AI to become more aggressive to you. Wow! This adds a whole other level to the game, and plays like being constantly at war with a more polished AI opponent. ). 0 mod for Civ6 still work ? Or at least a mod that makes ai less hostile to civs touching borders? Everyone makes bad deals by end game because they all hate eachother for being "land-greedy" but if you weren't there they'd obviously steal all of your land. I come from Civ 5, and Vox Populi was a really challenging and fun experience! Sadly, Civ 5 has many technical limitations, where games past turn 200 become a slog in terms of AI turns, glitches and crashes to desktop. Extremely common for City States. It is difficult, but not too difficult. Civ6 AI's refusal to even build units is inexplicable and game breaking: it shouldn't be happening on any run and any other 4x would be review bombed for something so From what I've experienced, yes. Does anybody know of a mod or file to edit to keep all the AI buffs except just have them start with one settler? Civ 6 btw Because in Civ 6, there is no penalty for building as many cities as you can. It was created by passionate fans over many years working without profit motive. But if Deity seems too easy - go for it, game is unfair af but still manageable. Gameplay mods I use: Gold Resource Resourceful 2 Latin American Resources AI mods that I use: No AI Start Advantage AI Booster Late Game AI I don't recommend Late Game AI if you are new to the game, because it boosts the AI hard. Even today Deity in Civ 4 is more challenging because the AI is much stronger when they can have stacks of doom, plus the AI mods for CIV 4 are better than the ones for Civ 5, Civ 6 Maybe a bit late. Your game can be improved and enhanced so much and most of the work is already done for you with these mods! Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. I quite love civ 6, but I'm at the point where I'm getting bored because I can dominate through strategic air and naval power, since these doofs never bother investing in it. you could try "no free settlers for ai below deity" which leaves everyhting unchanged on difficulties except ai gets no free settlers (still gets their warriors). There also seems to be improved sieging behavior and the AI attacks more competently. What is the best difficulty for civ 6. Introduces Chile as a playable civ with several custom leaders. En bonus, j'en ai 10 autres, de plus petite portée, mais tout simplement agréables à avoir. Late Game AI also adds new difficulties. This means it cannot promote its Warriors to Swordsmen In Civ 6, you THE AI cannot promote your its Warrior to anything higher than a Swordsman, even if it's in the same upgrade tree. (There was a folder for DLC, Civilization VI and Temp DLC) I created a Mods folder on my desktop, went to the CIV VI folder in my Steam library and copied the specific mods in to my created Mods folder. I've noticed that the AI is absolutely hyper aggressive with spreading religion to the point where it seems like the only way I can keep them at bay is by either capturing all of a civ's cities or staying at war once an AI gets a religion. patreon. Sure some people there are questionable, but you cant practice for multiplayer against AI. Yeah i know but the districts themselves arent really a problem. At the moment I play on king/emporor and have been able to build 90% of the wonders I want by ticking off that box. Some AI mods too you should explore. To be fair, the AI being stupid is why warfare works in single player. Worth the install. Late game AI is the best AI mod though, makes it hard, not unfair though, and you can adjust the starting settler/buillder/warrior ubnit bonuses Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size It plays almost like a Midway between base civ 5 and 6 games mechanics wise, but because 5 has much more of jts code that can be modified, people have made the AI waysmarter than either, and still considerably smarter than any AI improvement for civ 6 which is limited in how much can be changed. I am conflicted between king and emperor. If Civ 6 is already taxing for your computer, I might be more hesitant, but you can always uninstall then easily. You can enable / disable it whenever you want. The changes to Science Victory made it even worse. How else does it effect the difficulty of a game? Does it make higher difficulty games harder or easier to manage, or does it just balance out? As a Switch player first, the biggest appeal for me to double dip for Civ 6 on Steam was the mods library. J’ai l’impression que ces 10 redéfinissent l’expérience Civ 6 et lui redonnent une sensation de fraîcheur. I didn't like how much AI+ gutted from Delnar's original AI mod, and felt strongly in keeping a lot of Delnar's stuff, so I went my own way there. So in some sense, AI+ is more of a "sidegrade" than a strict update (it has a lot of good changes, but is also missing a lot of the current in-game AI features) finally someone akowledges that civ 5 AI can 100% take over other civs s cityes. Gameplay mods: Roman Holiday's AI rework Deity++ (These two are the ones you need to make the AI more difficult) Better Balanced Starts UI / General mods: Alternate Cartography (new maps) Better Builder Charges tracking Better City States (UI) Better Deal Window Better espionage screen Better loading screen (UI) Better report screen (UI) I hope it is not that way anymore if it was like that before, because playing with these mods just makes your Civ 6 experience so much better. You should definitely try the following new mods: "Better AI Tweaks" in combination with "RomanHoliday's AI Rework (RHAI)". I changed the AI speed, but it's still too slow. I want the ai to be unable to recruit those people and since i cannot stop them from building districts, i am looking for a way to negate the points earned by said districts in a way that only the real people can earn those points. 558K subscribers in the civ community. S-tier: Generally Babylon is considered very broken. Been playing Civ 6 for years, but only just tried Zombie, because of a screenshot posted by another member here. Real Strategy is good. Our words are backed with… Also I really enjoy the following which alter game play slightly, but considering the Ai bonuses on higher difficulties I consider it fair. g, Encampment, Harbor, etc) and number of cities. Honestly civ has too many variables to test between ai's actually being able to build some wonders and how many choices are available, but feel free to experiment for yourself. This means the ai still gets their big % buffs to yields. Civ AI remains exploitable with every mod I’ve tried, at every difficulty level. civ AI in the past has always been a little dumb with military tactics but they actually defended and attacked and created armies that capitalize on their civ's bonuses. But it can make mid/late game crash every turn because of the huge armies the AI builds. It takes me 45 mins to load into a saved game (on large map), and it breaks my builders. NOTE: There is a bug in Civ 6 with this. I began a standard size continents map with 10 other Civs and 14 city states. And I suggest even to play on deity first and not the additional difficulty because with these mods the AI actually makes sense, without more cheating. Dont main a civ. Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. AI will build large armies, bombers and air defense, and large navies. I’ve gone and installed so many mods, both UI and gameplay mods to spice things up for my preference, and I’m so happy. But we're smarter than the AI decision making system. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now The best AI mod for Civilization 6 VI - Discussion Initial impressions of Civ 6 from a longtime How about a new game mode. Play on different maps, maybe even in maps that don’t hit well with certain civs (e. So, what mods do you use to make the AI more difficult and enjoyable to play against throughout an entire game (as opposed to just having better starts)? Even on Deity if you survive the first 40 turns, it's a given you will win. If it knew how to maximize CS and positioning of units then you would just end up a irrelevant situation of spamming units and falling behind in stats for most of the game. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Anyone know of a mod that makes the AI in civ 6 focus more on military and war? I feel like I’m generally the only civilisation on the map with an actual army. 13 votes, 10 comments. The problem is that they generate gpp which can recruit great people. It also has the AI prioritize more valuable targets. However, please note that it is balanced for Gathering Storm. well, sorry. Civ 6 AI -- even with RealStrategy/AI+, the Civ6 AI be dumb. In civ 6 even WITH A NO WALLS MOD , civs cant fucking do this, it is so annoying. It’s banned in MP unless using a mod to rebalance it, nothing else quite fits into this tier. It cannot even properly pursue a win condition undisturbed until Deity and even there it's really badly. Some options that seen to help give the AI a bit more "oommph"; Jan 6, 2019 · Different approach to make the AI better, a mixture of Lua "thinking" and tuning of AiLists. - Real Strategy (RST) works with vanilla, Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm and all DLCs, in any configuration. The reason I like playing with many Civs is to have a World Congress with lots of people in it. I played on prince and the ai never declared war on me. Modders are relegated to creating and altering existing database values instead, which is what every Civ 6 mod does. Revamped Civ 6 Sub Reddit! Come chat, meet, and have fun in the Civ 6 community! Members Online • Gold-Toe1647. Adding to that, game devs generally don't like to use machine learning models for game AI because of the difficulty of tuning it. So i thought: maybe Civ 6, being much more recent, could be devoid of any memory prodding issues! i used both for quite a while now, i think romans is a bit better, seems to make more of a difference, thats the one im using rn, i do run it with late game ai aswell, i recommend it with that, its difficult but fun, i usually play with no early ai bonuses on deity, played 3 games with it, 2 losses 1 win all of those were extremely close too. Alternatively, I’m curious if the AI is any better in civ 5 (or if there’s a good mod over there as well). I play on deity or deity++ (a mod that gives the AI even greater stat bonuses) and the AI very rarely declares war on me or other AI. Thanks in advance! I'm thinking of trying out the Real Strategy mod in civ 6 to have smarter ai. If I had only 1, this would be it. They will still produce science through population, and even with very low production can generate gold, faith, culture, or whatever you need. So what is the best out of king and emperor Hi, I am looking for a mod that makes AI turns instant. Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Unit Limit Enforcement: This will prevent the endless unit spawn covering every tile by the AI that is a side effect of the Historic Speed mod. Because I haven’t played in a while, I’m just wondering if there has been any update to the AI, or if there’s a good mod to improve the AI wartime strategy. Getting nuked is extremely unlikely as the AI has difficulties in acquiring the needed resources, using the units required to launch nukes, and is unlikely to invest the to bad AI has been rather hard to teach for 4x games. Happens almost every game for me, and I play on emperor not deity. Almost all other AI Mods for this game suck big time. A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. Its really hard to beat… you should try it, its a lot of fun. Milder Agendas & Relations. ifbura uxmpsq kmou rdedstl febuqg mobalg hmpcfua mnceyhmzk qfin phlkmztr fvrfc aggrzr ehd valh ernwhbz