C64 delete file from disk. From the file picker dialog box that opens, locate a .
C64 delete file from disk {DEL - delete actual line {INST - auto insert line mode on/off {E - insert (IMPORT ASCII SEQ) file from disk to current position. The C64 doesn't know what a TAP file is. Nov 27, 2021 · C – COPY A FILE: This will copy a program file from one diskette to another. d71 and . For games that actually use the file system properly and which don't use too much space, it's no problem. Using Relative Files. Thanks in advance. E -LOCK A FILE: Will "lock" a file, making it impossible to delete the file without first unlocking it. tunk. OPEN 15,8,15,”S0:filename”:CLOSE 15 – Scratch (erase) a file from the disk. Use pattern matching, reading the Oct 12, 2021 · ↑ - jump to the start of a directory (first file) SHIFT + ↑ - jump to the end of a directory (last file) SHIFT + + - open a sub-directory or disk image SHIFT +- - close a sub-directory or disk image SHIFT -X - write a disk image X - create a disk image O - copy a completet disk (it works only with real disk drives with 2 devices) How to use Commodore 64 drive commands in VICE 3. The filesystem options dialog will show. The SD2IEC is a mass storage device and as such, you can save and load directly to the sdcard, a subdirectory, or even multiple partitions without first mounting a disk image. With SpeedScript it is possible to send arbitrary commands to the disk drive without leaving the program. The . Because the C64 has RAM at the memory locations where cartridges sit, they can be loaded from disk and executed. G41 disk images always require Complete Floppy 1541 Emulation. SAVE"@0:YOURFILE",8 Note that this will write the file first, and then delete the original. With that you can remove files and also properly update the directory and BAM. if you are having some . 5 or higher. D -DELETE A FILE: Will remove a file from the directory. Press Windows Settings by hitting Win + i. 8 is the default. jpg . a record that tells the file system where a file's data lives on the disk). 3:List drive directorySave a programLoad a programDelete a fileRename a fileSave & replace (overwrite)Format How to use Commodore 64 drive commands in VICE 3. PRINT#1,"N0:DISK NAME,ID" would reformat the disk in its entirety, which probably is what you want. Most homeand personal computers that use a disk take at least 10K of RAMmemory from the computerto hold a disk operating system (known as a DOS. C64 OS File Reference format: Device#:Partition#:Filename:Path Example usage: 8:5:filename://path part Except the concept of a TAP file is not known to a C64, so it can't really create one without extra hardware. Commodore 64 DOS, BASIC and Disks/FilesWelcome back, this is Part 5 of the Commodore 64 BASIC programming tutorial series. Hit “Remove files” to delete them. An 'Info' file corresponding to each 'Images' file contains metadata including ,txt, . remove-circle C64, Disk Images, Commodore, Retro, This item contains two versions of the same set of files, both nibble copies and G64 CommodoreServer is a community of Commodore users and programmers who use and develop Internet software for Commodore computers. B – return to the previous menu. Not unless there is a file on the D64 that is a cartridge image. Unlike most other DOSes, which are loaded from disk into the computer's own RAM and executed there, CBM DOS is executed internally in the drive: the DOS resides in ROM chips inside the drive, and is run there by one or more dedicated MOS 6502 family CPUs. Oct 15, 2020 · Any C64 OS application, if it made sense to have the user leave C64 OS and run a regular C64 program, could programmatically open PRG Runner, pointing it at the metadata file for a C64 program. The purpose of this utility is to make it possible to manage Commodore 64 disk images (. Mar 11, 2022 · View and manage files and floppies on any drive: type, run, rename, copy, delete, format, validate, and initialize. d64) and photos of disks. And I won't go into details (I lied see below) but certain programs have their certain uses and advantages. However, internally the class used to perform the handling and manipulation of the disk images has grown, through the development of other applications, to support simple file allocation May 23, 2013 · Addeddate 2013-05-23 03:31:08 Identifier Commodore_1541_Disk_Drive_Users_Guide_1982-09_Commodore Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t52f9b254 Jan 28, 2024 · The BackBit cartridge connects to the expansion port of the C64 or C128, and also connects to the VIC20 with a proprietary adapter. This can be done by running the “chkdsk” command in the Command Prompt. In the Storage section, find “Temporary files”. id must be two characters. I have a tool on the web that lets you create these CJM files - and there are settings for if you're using the Logitech F710 Controller or INNEXT SNES controller. 7: The Save Results button; click Save Results to save the list of matched files/disk images to either a comma seperated (. At the A> prompt, type pip e:=a:filename. The disk will then just get deleted. Do not click the Autostart button. Possible extensions are: prg, del, seq, usr and rel. RENAME/R - Rename a file Syntax: "R:newname=oldname" SCRATCH/S - Delete files Syntax: "S:file" Wildcards "*" and "?" are supported. Feb 15, 2016 · I have these SAT testing disks that I want to clear the files off so I can use them for other things. E – LOCK A FILE: Will “lock” a file, making it impossible to delete the file without first unlocking it. D64 disk image. You can list the contents of a disk by just pressing $. Then you can use software to either image the 5. So, if you would remove a disk from the 1541 drive and place another (empty) disk using real hardware, you have to attach new D64 file to the emulated 1541 disk drive in Vice. Use a CP/M disk image that has PIP. You can then remove the sd card and access the discs in an emulator or other software that can read c64 images. Aug 30, 2017 · After loading a file list from a floppy disk it is hard to program in BASIC because the file list is interpreted as BASIC lines. ADVANCED AUDIO CODING Programs (PRG) A “program” is a C64 executable file that you would LOAD and then RUN on a real C64. Most of the other file formats are for images of higher capacity disks such as d81 which is the Oct 22, 2016 · The Vice the Versatile Commodore Emulator contains a tool which is useful for transfering program files that were cross assembled on windows or other systems to a . Mar 23, 2017 · User Control Panel; Logout How to remove multiple files on a Commodore 64 disk drive or VICE D64 disk. Also SD2IEC is flakey as hell Nov 7, 2015 · commodore-64. Aug 29, 2015 · Deleting a file removes the file system entry (i. This can be easier than remembering the Commodore DOS commands for everything. One has to remember to load every single file, or else the one stored in memory will be saved everytime. It is oneofthemost cost-effective disk drives available. Many games that were on multiple disks for the 1541 have been converted to single disk images for the 1581. Store, access and publish D64 files. 25" disc to a disc file on the sd2iec or create blank discs on the sd2iec and use copier software to simply copy the files to the sd2iec. 03, File Manager can mount and unmount disk images stored on an SD2IEC. d64, . Beginning in C64 OS 1. DISK sendet einen Floppy-Befehl an eine Diskettenlaufwerk, um Datei- und Laufwerksaktionen auszulösen. Commodore disk drives typically use device numbers 8-11. Use this to extract an entire disk image to a folder or floppy disk on a supported device. Starting the program. Among other options, it allows you to select extended BAM formats. But some games will use the whole disk, and others may use random access files (either using the "REL" file type or simply directly using specific sectors. This is a simple but functional collection of file utilities, with several options. Compared to competitors,the 1541 hashighcapacity, andevenhigherintelligence. 1a is a C64 Disk-Commander in the style of Windows or Speed-Commander. The software is easy to use and provides a simple interface for copying, renaming, and deleting files using a Commodore 1541, and 1541 II Disk Drive, but especially DraCopy is a reliable and efficient file copy utility that can be used to transfer files between different storage media, such as micro SD cards Some people may see it as a limitation that you cannot delete files from or add files to the image. csv) or rich text (. You would use terminal software on both sides and something like xmodem to transfer the files. " You either need to use a new name, or scratch (delete) the original file before saving it. remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. d81), to collect technical information from the disk image and the files that are stored on it, to manage them. version 0. I've done this before but I can't seem to remember how. Jun 6, 2024 · How to delete temporary files. A file selector windows shows up. The vast majority of C64 users in the UK and other parts of Europe didn't use disk drives and stayed with tapes thus you may find some games online only in those formats. X64 file format *. Use device id 6 on the C64 to access Arbitrary Disk Commands. A special use case is a source-file string consisting of at least 2 filenames separated by a comma and a destination which serves two purposes: Features included a Machine Language Monitor and Disk Tools. Jump to navigation SCRATCH is a BASIC 3. Man erspart sich dabei die sonst umständliche Formulierung OPEN 1,8,15,"command": CLOSE 1 , wobei "DISK command " jede erlaubte Syntax für einen Floppy-Befehl des Floppy-DOS enthalten darf (siehe Beispiele ). D64 disk image file. Using it with an emulator usually bypasses the loading process, injecting the file directly into the memory, and then automatically runs it (so there is no tape, disc or cartridge inserted). In this episode 00:00:18 - How D64 images are disk images. Note that all of these program and disk commands assume a single disk drive. 1541 floppy disk drive pdf manual download. raeto's book on commodore 64 goes into these details. A subreddit for information and discussions related to the I2P (Cousin of R2D2) anonymous peer-to-peer network. Attach . Dec 18, 2017 · Remark: This article describes the BASIC command DELETE in Commodore BASIC V3. If you properly want to 'edit' a d64, use something like c1541 from VICE. You can use the £ key to bring up a menu of disk commands. Check disk errors: Before cleaning up the C drive, it is important to check for disk errors. Commodore 64 File Types. The closest I can find is this very nice Codebase 64 article on how to put programs onto a disk image. in the old days, when companies sold programs written in basic, these were among the bag of tricks they'd use to keep their code obscure. Apr 27, 2009 · - when formatting of a disk fails, you will normally get a blinking red LED The right command is: OPEN1,8,15,"N:NAME,ID":CLOSE1 for example: OPEN1,8,15,"N:NEW DISK,00":CLOSE1 To re-format an already formatted disk, you can leave away the ID. Oct 4, 2016 · This is non-destructive to the disk and helps when a drive is misbehaving. Sep 20, 2017 · While the recommended setup involves a 1581 disk drive or an SD card, I still want to support those users who still use 1541 disk drives. Creating a Relative File. Here's what I do: Boot up CP/M from your SD Enter the disk image you want to copy from (this would be listed in your autoswap. For serious copiers who copy disks (and even tapes, like tape 2 disk, disk 2 tape, and of course disk to disk), I imagine they refine and use a good handful of favorite. I demonstrate how to use the commodore 1541 disk drive using BASIC commands. For people like me that got used to computers when they had a hard disk, from which you can read directly, this takes some getting used to. org:1025 & 1026 View and Download Commodore 1541 user manual online. It just expects a data stream from the datasette. Is there a way to reformat them and delete all the file… From C64-Wiki. Oct 6, 2021 · NEW/N - Format a floppy disk Syntax: "N:label,id" label may be up to 16 characters long. For example, some C64 OS app that organizes resources for creating games could embed a standard C64 program for editing fonts or sprites, and allow the Unfortunately there is no tool I found that can use the PC as disc so you could use ethernet to load multidisc games (WarpCopy64 seems buggy), but it should be doable! Sometimes I can put the files from discs on my SD2IEC drive and it works, but it depends on how the program implemented disc access it seems. Requires TFR and CodeNet started! Transfer the selected file in a disk image or a local file directly to a real C64 and launch it there. Jul 29, 2009 · I tested renaming the files in Koala which works too. Emulators, News and much more. Change drive device number of 1541 drives and SD2IEC devices. Unplug the head from the board (black cable with 5 pin connector that has 4 wires. Create a new disc, save, delete, verify files. Apr 19, 2019 · Collection of Commodore 64 disk images (. Mount a Disk Image. The features were not part of my initial requirements list. Once the hardware part of the test is finished, it is possible to turn on the Commodore 64, the floppy disc drive 1541 and load the DraCopy software. 4 LTS) project under development (2022-08-16). To Feb 15, 2016 · would delete all files except protected ones. Jul 15, 2020 · A d64 is a binary file, not a text file, so using a text editor is a Bad Idea (tm). csv representations of each disk/tape image's directory. Any other files could not be converted in a simple way. 2004: - NEW: copy of files - ENHANCED: file export of single or multiple files (selection/complete disk) - BUG: export function fixed I'm trying to extract all files from a . Jul 19, 2003 · - is it possible to delete the files on a floppy disk without formatting it?? - is it possible to overwrite files?? i noticed that when i loaded a program, made a change, and saved it under the same filename, it appeared to have saved successfully, but hadn't overwritten the file at all. If you want to remove the data from disk platter, overwrite it with random numbers before removing the file I would not count on it being save to mix saves from different games on a disk. D – Delete a file. TAP and T64 files are images of cassette tapes. I tried looking through the online manual but struck out. Sep 23, 2019 · Learning basic on the c64 mini and attempting to write a quick basic app for deleting files on the emulated disk. Aug 16, 2014 · The Open button; highlight a file/disk image result row in the results table (see below) then click Open to open that disk image in DirMaster. The files of a "soft formatted" disk ("N:DISKNAME") *CAN* be restored, but you need to remember all their names and file types. It provides instant loading and a thorough implementation of disk commands through KERNAL vector override, including PRG, SEQ, and REL loading and saving, and user block reading/writing for D64, D71, and D81 file formats. Then check the resistance between all 4 wires. D – DELETE A FILE: Will remove a file from the directory. Oct 15, 2020 · F – File utilities. The tough part about scratching just one file is that you could just remove it from the directory listing but the information is still on disk (if you haven't written anything else to it). Really, it is 3 with a variation on Sequential called USR. I use a program called Dirmaster to take the files from the 1541 images and put them in 1581 format when needed. csv files could be used for faster searching. From the file picker dialog box that opens, locate a . That's useful for later but not helpful now. txt and . Commodore DOS, also known as CBM DOS, is the disk operating system used with Commodore's 8-bit computers. download 21 files . The C64 has these four file types. And Windows has a sort of mashup between putting a file in a the recycle bin, but when you go to empty the recycle bin it asks if you're sure you want to delete the files. Minimum hardware requirements. 2. lst list). Feb 14, 2024 · Are there blank floppy disk images as occur with other systems (such as the Atari Sdrive Max I have) that require you to save to for data files for the Word Processors and Spreadsheets, or to save any programming done in C64 basic? If that is how this whole enchilada works, I will need those blanks too. d64 disk image file. The 1541 is one of the most affordable disk drives on the market. The Disk Tools, accessed by pressing the British Pound Sterling symbol (£) at the READY prompt allowed the following features: Directory, Copy Disk, Disable Fastload, Edit Diskette, and File Tools (Directory,Copy,Delete,Lock,Unlock,Rename) Jul 18, 2012 · A D64 file represents a floppy disk on a real C64. 5 command that is used to delete files on a Removes file "BAD-GAME" from disk on drive 1 of an dual Welcome to the Community for everything and anything relating to the Commodore 64! 10 INPUT "FILE TO DELETE",A$ 20 OPEN 1, 8, 15 30 PRINT#1,"S:"+A$ 40 CLOSE 1 Feb 22, 2025 · MS DOS and Amiga DOS use a delete command. It's available for Windows 9x/Me and NT/2000/XP (Worked fine on Windows 10 also). 2 - 3. Original file (800 × 1,060 pixels, file size: 167 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) File history Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. the basic interpreter checks out at 63999 but, with a few well placed pokes, you can make any line number you like, you can even make then go out of sequence. 'Info' files are much smaller and could be used to quickly assess whether the larger 'Images' file is of further interest to you. G41 disk images for high precision emulation of a 1541 disk drive" "*. What I have so far is: 10 print "enter… User Control Panel So what I would actually do is have the tape if I wanted the experience of the era, or download the disc image and run that off a floppy emulator like my sd2iec which will let me play the disc version of the game, which very likely will not only be faster to load (depending on the fastloader on the tape they can beat disc) and may even be Due to different way of representing file entries on regular Commodore disk images, there could be issues with filenames that are transfered from/to the image. The data it pointed to is contained is still on the disk platter (though, it may eventually be overwritten). Jan 1, 2019 · This might help. I read that manipulating the virtual emulation setting (kernal traps) will speed things up dramatically, but I haven't been able to accomplish this. 6: The Cancel button; will terminate an active search. It seems when loading a zip file that contains multi disk (in this case nib files) images the last image in the zip file always gets loaded first, as disk 1. It can be used both interactively and via command line switches. Pick the types of temporary files you want to delete, like cache files, downloaded files, and thumbnails. The Commodore 64, like other Commodore 8-bit computers, uses the word scratch to mean erase/delete a file from a storage device. C++ Qt6 (Qt 6. The disk image is now attached and its contents are ready to be accessed via the virtual drive configured on device 8. Nov 11, 2016 · Run disk cleanup: This is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that will help you delete temporary files and other unnecessary data. C64 OS's base requirements are very close to this, with the exception of storage. Jun 10, 2014 · // save a file on disk SAVE"YOURFILE",8 Since you can’t show the directory on the C64, this may result in a red flashing light on the drive, telling you that the file already exists. Dec 16, 2014 · If you worried about your disks before selling them then you should use a bulk eraser. e. F -UNLOCK A FILE: This will unlock the file, making it possible to delete it. Following rules was applied to represent a single file entry: An extension is attached to the end of a filename depending on a file type. Feb 22, 2025 · A common base configuration for a Commodore 64—such as for a game or a demo competition—is the C64 itself plus a 1541 disk drive and typically a joystick. DEL - delete character left cursor INST - auto insert char mode on/off {DEL - delete . First use 'get file' and point which one, then use 'name & save' and point where to store it (the same place obviously not to delete other files). 3:List drive directorySave a programLoad a programDelete a fileRename a fileSave & replace (overwrite)Format In this article we will look at how we can use these disk and file access features within our Commodore 64 BASIC programs. G -RENAME A FILE: Allows you to change the name of Select New from the File menu to create a new D64 image. Format 2 sided disk @N2:name,i Copy file on same disk @C:newfile=file Disable head bump @B Copy file: @C:n=o Copy file “o” to new file “n”, will only work on same disk Combine text file @C:n=o,p Create new file “n” by combining files “o” & “p” Rename file @R:n=o Rename file “o” with filename “n” on current drive Jul 18, 2020 · The floppy disc drive address is 8, while the emulator address can be selected via two dip-switches, and is set to 9. If id is omitted, the directory of the disk will be erased (disk must be formatted already). This prevents the game from loading correctly. Type: Command General Programming-Syntax: DELETE [<first line>][-][<last line>] DELETE is a BASIC 3. Oct 23, 2023 · DraCopy is a free and open-source software that is available for download from GitHub. The files to do this are called CJM files and they sit in the same folder as your disk images. And to avoid excessive disk swapping and issues involving save-with-replace (some of the disks will be close to full already), I want to be able to scratch and then write to the temp files on an on-needed basis. A locked file will have a "<"'after it in the directory. Dec 3, 2002 · Also on the Power64 site I found references to other disk image file types: "the technically superior, but rarely used *. Jun 5, 2016 · Deleted files can be restored by changing the file type back to PRG/SEQ/USR/REL and letting the drive validate the disk afterwards. For example there can be 20 lines with the number 1, because 20 files have a file size of one, so to delete them, you have to type 1+RETURN 20 times. png, and . You can use this menu to copy files, delete files, format disks or duplicate non-copy protected disks. By pressing C= and Run/Stop, you will have a shorthand way of executing LOAD"*",8,1. C64 cartridges were commonly copied to disk for use without the original cartridge being present. Use Disk Cleanup to Clear Temp Files Disk Cleanup is a program in Windows 10 that lets you quickly delete files that are no longer necessary, including temp files. Simply double-click a disk image file and it opens the Mount Utility. d64 disk image. Select it and click Attach/Load, at the bottom right. The good news is that you can overwrite a file using. Copy all files within a folder or disk to another device using the * wildcard. Aug 16, 2022 · Commodore 64 disk image utility. From CP/M mode on a single SD card, you can copy files from one disk image file into another. Jul 21, 2018 · there is bug in early 1541 what make @ overwrite option fail if there is no space save your data before it delete original File and rename new one Genetic-PET real C64 BBS g-point. ) Feb 28, 2025 · C64. Defragment the disk: Fragmentation occurs when If you can use a multimeter it's simple to check. Sep 25, 2023 · These files can quickly add up and consume valuable storage space, so you may want to delete them. This means it is possible to do things like pull up a directory to locate a file, save, delete, and copy files all without leaving SpeedScript. Click on “System”, and then click on “Storage”. CH - Download over 7000 C64-Productions. Jan 23, 2020 · However, the old directory list of that floppy disk is still in the 64 kB of internal memory of the C64. Save a BASIC program to disk * X: DVERIFY: Verify program in memory against program on disk * X: GET# Receive input from open disk file: X: X: HEADER: Format a disk * X: LOAD: Load a file from disk: X: X: OPEN: Open a file for input or output: X: X: PRINT# Output data to file: X: X: RECORD: Position relative file pointers * X: RENAME: Change May 15, 2021 · How to rename a file on the Commodore 64's 1541 disk drive in VICE. Your BASIC command is opening file 3 on data channel 3 (3,8,3) but your ASM is trying to access file zero (lda #$00) on data channel 0 (ldy #$00), which is invalid as a secondary address number for device 8 (disk). While VICE is able to load PRG files directly, with File > Autostart disk/tape image…, some emulators may only allow the use of disk images. New, blank D64 disk images can be created by pressing Alt+8. Gotta love the way the C64 works. The 64'er Commander v0. On *nix, deleting an open file leaves it open and the data on disk, but removes the filename from the filesystem, and actually deletes the file on close; some other operating systems may not let you delete an open file at all. My question is about enabling any type of fast-load for this type of device. A locked file will have a “<” after it in the directory. ) Sep 10, 2023 · Attach a disk image to Drive 8, 1541-II. rtf If I enable true drive emulation, I can load files without issues; the drive type is set to "none". A – list the contents of the disk. If you leave out the ID parameter, it is faster but not as complete reformat. I2P provides applications and tooling for communicating on a privacy-aware, self-defensed, distributed network. Basically, a big electro magnet used to erase the disk. xyz Original file (800 × 1,060 pixels, file size: 167 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) File history Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. The kungfuflash handles CRT cartridge files in MENU boot mode. Note that an sd2iec is NOT a 1541 emulator. We have already been using the PRG type as that is what our BASIC programs are saved as. The BAM is the block availability map, which is used by CBM DOS to know which blocks on disk are free and which are used. How to delete a file from a Commodore 64 1541 disk drive. Jan 28, 2025 · To solve this problem, C64 OS provides a unified standard file reference format that is used throughout the operating system and its Utilities and Applications, that combines all the information about how to locate a file into a single string. The Ultimate II+ has a tape adapter, and it can capture the data stream from the datasette and create a TAP file while connected to the c64. C64 OS is designed around many small modular parts. To launch Disk Cleanup, type "Disk Cleanup" in the Windows Search bar and then Oct 15, 2020 · F – File utilities. is there any way around this? thanks again everybody, Duncan. NOTE: never mark first line of Jul 4, 2022 · It can copy from a disk to another disk in the same drive (on a dual-drive), or a file from a disk in one drive to a disk in another drive, or a file to the same disk (with a different name). May 20, 2017 · This video explores the new set of features available for IECHost that allow users to make modifications to a 5'1/4" disk using the standard protocol and API Apr 5, 2020 · Just search any online C64 software databases and have fun exploring. Sep 10, 2023 · Attach a disk image to Drive 8, 1541-II. A Large Family of Support Utilities. This is probably not want you want. Cancel Delete . C – copy a file from one disk to another. Network/Share Files in NetDrive: Requires TFR! The selected files in a disk image or on the local file system are grouped together into a virtual disk drive for the C64. For the PC side, you could use any cheap USB TTL programmer, and as long as it supports 5V, that should be fine, as the C64 serial (on the user port) is RS-232 but with TTL voltages. All the standard disk image file extensions (D64, D41, D71, D81, and DNP) have been assigned by default to the Mount Utility. c64 disk images that wont load on ntsc the MENU Cartridge loader does some sorcery to magically make some of those work. 5 command that is used to delete a line range from the BASIC program text. You'll have to force the C64 to re-read the contents of the floppy. jworfvfbkyzauuerbnjbncrnumdbbhfpvwqnzeeayxokutfamvwzzsjsouxmopfuhebcitjmpba