Borderlands goty enhanced stuttering I can run it on low and still see the same stutter. Tell me in the comments if this May 19, 2021 · Fired up the enhanced version with 3 of my buddies last night in co-op and notice this strange type of lag everyone was having. Not even editing the ini file worked, only deleting 24Hz through CRU fixed the problem. The last time it happened I could'nt even ctrl, alt Del my way out and had to hard reboot my machine. Apr 4, 2019 · GTX 1070, I7 4790 here, no matter the settings i get framerate drops under 60 always I7 4790K 4. Laggy. My rig has no trouble with the other borderlands titles maxed on my 1080 tv. Then Apr 4, 2019 · Borderlands Game Of The Year Enhanced edition has been finally released on respective platforms and comes with new visuals, new weapons, new gold chests and key and more. Also, your store page for the enhanced edition keeps changing itself to a different language every time it's visited. In the end it was something obvious, at least in my case. Jan 13, 2022 · Go into your BL Enhanced Config folder Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config open Willowengine. However im getting this really annoying micro stuttering, horizontal lines running across the screen when i look around. I've tried verifying game files and that didn't help. exe" is as follows: Apr 4, 2019 · No matter what I do, I have this ugly stutter, game takes roughly 180 ms to render a new frame every 10 seconds (like a clock, unless the game is paused, which delays the spike). exe" -> select "show more options" -> select "properties" -> select "compatibility" and check the "Disable Go into your BL Enhanced Config folder Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config open Willowengine. THS. 0 ghz 16 Borderlands GOTY Enhanced > General Discussions > Topic Details. ini turn OneFrameThreadLag=False to true or the reverse. Then I took a sidequest to go to treachers coast and sink some pirate ships, as well as get fish. 7Ghz and RTX 2080 here, the game doesn't not stutter however i do have framerate drops when there is smoke or blood close to the camera, like, insane framerate drops, from 160 to 20-25 for a second and then goes back up, really weird. I just got to the first town with Dr. Then later I ran DDU and oh look hours of testing gone. best fit i found was installed dxvk Apr 3, 2019 · -i7 7700k -MSI gtx (2080ti now same problem) -16gig ddr4 -MSI z270 mb -win 10 I am hosting, not sure if that affects it, but I am seeing random stuttering with smooth fps. Apr 13, 2019 · Any news yet of a fix coming for Enhanced Edition not reading graphic card? Last week or so, someone posted a post regarding a possible fix. V-Sync enabled through NVIDIA control panel. For my wife and I we get lag and the game slows down after about an hour, graphics stutter. You have a few options, but the basics are as follows: - Turn OFF ingame V-sync. ;) I had a massive lag issue in both games that I could not fix and it made both games nearly unplayable. My FPS went down to 90 and I am getting lots of hitching / stuttering. Click on it and click Options 10. 18. I missed a lot of shots too, wasting a lot more of those semi Apr 3, 2019 · As the title says. for some reason this is set up different for every user. Apr 4, 2019 · I can't move my mouse in menus, anywhere but the top right 1/4 of the screen (essentially where all your choices are on the main menu. I'm a long time PC Gamer too with a nice setup (Razer DeathAdder Mouse, Razer BlackWidow Keyboard if you're curious) but the controls were consistently unsatisfying. But Im getting into the game for about an hour and the game will crash. Really annoyed because I loved the original borderlands and the game ran smooth, got a constant 60+FPS GPU: Radeon RX580 CPU:AMD FX 8320 (within required specs) I've seen that many people had issues with the nvidia panel using onboard graphics but that isn't my issue as my cpu doesn't have integrated graphics. Back in the Program Settings tab (You should have the game selected in the dropdown list automatically once you add the program) go to the "Specify the settings for this program section. . I got a RTX 2070 with a 9900k so thought it was a little strange i tried all kinds of different things ( checking the ini file too in the games foulder ) But nothing seemed wrong. Dec 27, 2022 · For whatever reason, Borderlands GOTY still insisted on using 24Hz despite having it set to prefer maximum refresh rate in the NVidia Control Panel. 5. i need help on anything i have wrong because on the low setting preset i only run 50 fps but i can run other games like cyberpunk max graphics at 50-60 frames and bl3 default settings high frames that i havent checked my fps for yet Apr 3, 2019 · 🧰 Latest drivers: (as at 24/02/2022) AMD: 22. Also there's just general frame tanking spots in certain maps. After completing the quests, the stutter and FPS drops got worse, and when I went to hand them in, the game was Nov 3, 2021 · The game runs good except for the one fact that every like 2 seconds it stutters for a second and makes it unplayable to the point where i cant aim at people as well as sometimes the stutter will persist for like 5 seconds. Latest updates. I have tried messing with VSync settings, I have tried windowed borderless, and I even tried changing the WillowEngine. Inconsistent. Apr 3, 2019 · Borderlands GOTY Enhanced > General Discussions > Topic Details. Feb 24, 2024 · I have stuttering when killing enemies with elemental weapons or running over them with a vehicle. Go into your BL Enhanced Config folder Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config open Willowengine. Fortunately the way to fix it is not that difficult. Zed. im not sure how to fix this but i heard this version of the game has issues. Apr 11, 2019 @ 6:44am My Docs\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year Still the same :/ Jul 26, 2023 · This file can be found in Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config\ bHasVoiceEnabled= False (instead of True)--> prevents Steam from using a microphone input and improves multiplayer performance according to Steam Guides In the <MemoryPool> section, add a 0 at the end of each line Apr 14, 2019 · Memory leak/general stuttering, settings not working correctly (e. ini" Open "WillowEngine. Anyone else dealing with this? This is a simple-to-follow-guide video on how to improve performance and reduce the lag of Borderlands: GOTY Enhanced (2019). I had mouse enhancement turned off in Windows already, so it wasn't that. Feb 10, 2025 · Just a quick question, coming from bl2/bl3 and I'm curious if there's some sort of mod that allows you to "strafe" sprint? I'm so used to having that, that it makes playing the first bl quite a pain since I keep accidentally strafing and it kills all sprint momentum- and just generally the flow of the game for me. ini" Press CTRL + F Type in RefreshRateNumerator Click Find Change these two lines as following: RefreshRateNumerator=144001 RefreshRateDenominator=1001 Seems like I am getting 144Hz with 1920x1080 May 2, 2019 · no issues with any other games BL2 / TPS or old BL1 etc. Once I reached the quest area, the game suddenly starter to stutter a bit, but was still manageable. in B2 you can tone down or disable them and the game noticeably improves in Apr 5, 2019 · Am I the only one getting huge amounts of stuttering in this game? After only a couple of minutes or so the frame rate starts tanking from 120 Hz to less than 4 fps? Its acts almost as if the game is paging out or something yet theres plenty of memory free while running and the GPU (1070Ti) or CPU (4790K@4. CO-OP fps stutter/lag fix So here I am, back again, with another Borderlands tutorial. 348 Apr 9, 2019 · Deleting the config files in "My Documents/My Games/Borderlands Game of the Year" generated a new set of config files and could continue my playthrough (saved in the cloud) with no problem. Nov 25, 2023 · really laggy for me, 1080 gtx nvidia graphics card, intel i9, 32 gigs of ram, direct x11, and windows 11. I am posting here in case it helps somebody else out. It was stable, no crashes, smooth framerate, etc. The graphics card, the RAM -- I have it all. Apr 4, 2019 · No matter what I do, I have this ugly stutter, game takes roughly 180 ms to render a new frame every 10 seconds (like a clock, unless the game is paused, which delays the spike). Apr 7, 2019 · When I start the game its very smooth, however after about an hour of play the game starts to stutter, the longer I leave it the stuttering gets worse and th Apr 3, 2019 · The underlying engine doesn't seem to have changed much from the old UE3 game, and it's framerate control was notoriously bad as it is now. Apportez la clé Vault à Tannis et activez-la en modifiant votre sauvegarde avec WillowTree. I finally tracked it down and worked around it. Please offer help or devs fix this. Apr 4, 2019 · Hello everyone i recently installed the enhanced version of Borderlands 1 and noticed the game had capped my FPS to 90 even with Vsync off and FPS set to unlimited. Click Add Selected Program 7. Stuttering can be fixed by either removing v-sync or switching to adaptive v-sync. Apr 4, 2019 · I ended up fixing the stutter on my rig Gigabyte 1070 as well, and a i5 6600k by setting "Maximum pre-rendered frames" to 1 in the nvidia control panel. 2. I'm running Windows 10 1607. 79 📊 Benchmarks: Computerbase (German; launch build) 🎩 Tips and tricks: Cap the frame rate/potentially improve frame times: Download RivaTuner Statistics Server (if you use MSI Afterburner, then you already have it installed), input your desired framerate limit in the "Framerate limit" box, and hit Enter . Mar 4, 2022 · I learned the hard way after making extensive modifications to get the enhanced GOTY version and BL3 working properly with an SLI build. 8Ghz) is no where near being pegged at 100%. Two issue's I've found that can cause micro stutter's as I've had them with Borderlands 2 and Pre-sequel in the past, x-com EW, x-com 2 and most recently with Grim Dawn 1, with Both the Borderlands and x-com's for some reason my network adaptor caused the issue, unplugging it fixed it but then couldn't play online so brought a new modem and Apr 11, 2023 · I am trying to farm some areas but after a few quits and reloads I start getting massive frame drops that make it look like a slideshow. ive lowered the quality settings but no matter what i change the stuttering remains! Its not too noticable but its constant enough to be really For some reason after an hour of playing the fps goes from smooth 144fps to 10fps for no reason. 0, time stamp: 0x5c995f45 Faulting module name: ucrtbase. 0. I'm not sure about the intricacies of B1E but it seems to me the engine doesn't handle well the PhysX effects (blood, elemental effects, terrain shooting) when it has to spawn a lot of particles at the same time. I have all of the required system specs. Take on the lawless desolate planet Pandora in pursuit of Apr 13, 2019 · Any news yet of a fix coming for Enhanced Edition not reading graphic card? Last week or so, someone posted a post regarding a possible fix. Shouldn't it be running at 60 fps? And in case you ask, yes. 2 Nvidia: 511. I think i get them when i get near to a quest im doing, the rest of the game i play it 144fps no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ frame down and when i get near to a quest i get 10 fps, anyone know how can Apr 3, 2019 · I'm sorry, but the game is running slow. tv/apenickgamerHope this helps those that struggled like me thought this video will clear things up. My symptoms were a 1/5-second lag in graphics updates anytime the mouse so the highest rated review on this game says "The GOTY Enhanced Edition suffers from a memory leak that requires re-starting the game every hour or two, otherwise it slows to a laggy, stuttering mess. Date Oct 27, 2021 · Just a simple guide that shows you how to eliminate the common co-op lag issues that people have in this game, but also how to set toggle to aim in the game if you want. The game had worked fine the many times I'd played it before, I just started a character on Enhanced and it was running perfectly before today Edit: Fixed itself after a restart. ini was the cause of the problem. There is a very easy way to do it. exe, version: 1. Wtf. Memory leak? I've put almost 50 hours in and haven't seen anything. Last week also saw the release of Borderlands: GOTY Enhanced Edition Apr 7, 2019 · Twitch:https://www. g. Borderlands GOTY Enhanced - Borderlands Collection: Pandora's BoxThis title is included in Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box!About the GameDiscover the co-op shooter-looter that started it all, crammed with content and enhancements! Equip bazillions of guns as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries, each with unique RPG skills. The package also comes with 6 editions Borderlands Game Of The Year Enhanced, GOTY, Claptrap’s Robot Revolution, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Oct 13, 2024 · Had to do some tweaks and fixes to get the game to run well. ini (with notepad etc) and use the search function (CTRL F) search for bHasVoiceEnabled=True Works out of the box just fine, but several known problems on the Enhanced remaster include wonky mouse smoothing with uneven vertical sensitivity, co-op desyncing because of VOIP packets and framerate caps, and some graphics settings that reset on every restart because of a poorly made launcher (even if you disable it in the in-game settings). Accédez à Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config; Ouvrez le WillowEngine. Jul 16, 2015 · so ive played the entire series on console hundreds of times, when i saw the original borderlands on humble bundle i jumped at it. Scroll down to "OpenGL Rendering GPU" 9. - Set frame cap to unlimited. Apr 8, 2019 · A surprise Borderlands 3 announcement trailer wasn’t the only bit of good news for the loot-n’-shoot series from Gearbox. Compatibility Report Name of the game with compatibility issues: Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Steam AppID of the game: 729040 System Information GPU: GTX 1060 6GB Driver/LLVM version: 418. Aug 18, 2024 · Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. Take on the lawless desolate planet Pandora in pursuit of Apr 3, 2019 · -i7 7700k -MSI gtx (2080ti now same problem) -16gig ddr4 -MSI z270 mb -win 10 I am hosting, not sure if that affects it, but I am seeing random stuttering with smooth fps. Aug 12, 2024 · 8. I played through the whole base game, Moxxxie's Underdome and Zombie Island DLCs fine, but started General Knox DLC and the fps issues are sooooo bad. Apr 3, 2019 · For a some after launch Borderlands GOTY runs nicely on 3k resolution, but after a bit of exploring on start location game dropped to 50-60 FPS (from 120-160 at start) and reach terrible stutter (the sound statter hard too). No more stuttering and framerate drops since then. exe en set it to Use nvidia graphics instead of intergrated graphics. Borderlands GOTY Enhanced > General Discussions > Topic Details. I was actually playing BL1 earlier this week with no issues, the launcher for enhanced edition is claiming my PC isnt powerful enough too. Apr 24, 2024 · Impossible de jouer à Playthrough 2 Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. start game, options, etc. Anyone else dealing with this? Apr 7, 2019 · Anyone got any tips to help prevent it? its really annoying, ive tryed adaptive vsync, no vsync, vsync on, low settings, ultra settings, 22-62fps to unlimited, cant think of anything else. I am running a 144hz monitor with a 3070ti, i7 12700kf, and 16gb of ram. Apr 23, 2019 · The game intro cinematics play fine, but once it goes to the "Unreal Engine" and copyrights screen it starts lagging hard, and doesn't stop well into the game. I've updated my Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Gameplay at 4K/60 on a 3060ti/i5-11600k PC. Only now people expect it to run better on their modern systems, it being an old game. Gtx 980, i5 3570k, 8gb ram. It was distributed for free to Steam owners of the original version, even if they did not own any of the original version's DLC. I had to dig out an older backup I had on an external drive and recover the folder and then reinstall the drivers with that folder in place so the nvidia Apr 3, 2019 · The underlying engine doesn't seem to have changed much from the old UE3 game, and it's framerate control was notoriously bad as it is now. i will try the in game chat fix. Is anyone else experiencing this or is the problem on my end? Sure made Sledge harder than Feb 10, 2025 · Vamos a comenzar a hacer underdome, somos dos personas, vamos a empezar desde el desde el inicio Manden inv si quieren unirse We are going to start doing underdome, we are two people, we are going to start from the beginning Send inv if you want to join Apr 10, 2019 · Love this old gem and was stoked when the enhanced revision launched. All this reported doesnt happen in any game I played (Borderlands 2 is excellent, I never got any problems with it). Jul 12, 2020 · Ok, so I was playing the just fine. willowengine. 8. ini Borderlands GOTY Enhanced - Borderlands Collection: Pandora's BoxThis title is included in Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box!About the GameDiscover the co-op shooter-looter that started it all, crammed with content and enhancements! Equip bazillions of guns as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries, each with unique RPG skills. ini read only. You simply go to the following location: C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config and open up the WillowEngine. Apr 4, 2019 · No idea why, i turned all settings to lowest. Made sure nvidia drivers are up to date. I played the crap out of the original and all the DLCs and loved it. I run a 120HZ monitor. Apr 5, 2019 · Event viewer log: Faulting application name: BorderlandsGOTY. jpn replace lines 104 and 105 as follows: True=True False=False Then delete While in the area `Sledge's Safehouse`, at best, I get a lot of stuttering, at worst, the game freezes and stops responding, requiring me to go so far as to open a new desktop and kill it through task manager because I can't get to another window in the same desktop. To fix (Assuming Japanese), <path-to-game>\\Engine\\Localization\\JPN\\Core. If you still experience stuttering, turn of smoothed fps in the launcher. The optimization shown in this Jul 28, 2021 · I just re-installed this version because I didn't even know I had it (thanks, Gearbox!), but I'm having some bad frame drops after playing for a while, and all I can find about it is people saying it's a known issue but no solution other than fiddling with the graphics settings which is less than ideal. Jul 21, 2022 · I don't think I had this problem before Windows 10 21H2, but I'd appreciate feedback if this helps you or hurts you. ini (with notepad etc) and use the search function (CTRL F) search for bHasVoiceEnabled=True Apr 9, 2021 · System: 8700K @ 5GHZ 1080 Ti @ 2025MHZ 32GB 3000MHZ RAM 3TB of SSD Storage. 0-17-generic https://gist. Only way to fix is to restart the application. I have a good pc for running the game but it runs fine for like 10 mins and then starts stuttering like crazy out of nowhere. W10 64-bit. referesh rate), multiplayer issues etc. gi. Anywhere in that DLC firing any rapid fire weapon cause massive fps drops. Mar 13, 2025 · It makes the game basically unplayable. I went through the whole shenanigans: Nvidia Control Panel, reinstall latest drivers, reinstalled game, add GPU via through steamwhats left to try? stuttering at 16fps, have 1060 n 16g ram etc, regardless BL2 runs smooth on all high or max settings. 56 Kernel version: 4. dll igual nos tutorias, ja verifiquei a integridade dos arquivos e tbm ja atualizei o software da nvidia,queria jogar essa versão pois dizem que ela e melhor,alguem sabe outro metodo pra resolver esse erro? no original goty não teve esse problema. I'm casting my vote that it's memory management issues at the root as many have more than double the resources required to entertain an issue free HD experience and have frame drop and lag. Shiniri². Anyone else dealing with this? Apr 13, 2021 · I read through quite a few comments regarding which version was better and why: GOTY and GOTY Enhanced. Specs below intel 4700k 4. ini bHasVoiceEnabled Apr 3, 2019 · Thanks for the suggestions. Apr 3, 2019 · Go to nvidia control panel, 3D settings, select the programs tab, and Borderlands Goty enhanced. I'm cool with not having mantling or sliding I just wanna be able to "strafe Apr 3, 2019 · I could run OG borderlands 1, borderlands 2, and the pre sequel almost flawlessly 60 fps and above, but for some reason this version of 1 is just chugging and is stuttering a lot, anyone else experiencing this? Your PC is weak bro For a long time now I've been playing the game with my Xbox 360 (now Xbox One) controller because the mouse controls just feltbad. I'm using an RTX3070 and 64GB RAM so it really shouldn't be a problem to run it. ini turn bEnableMouseSmoothing=True to False or the reverse. ini (with notepad etc) and use the search function (CTRL F) search for bHasVoiceEnabled=True Replace "True" with False Apr 3, 2019 · -i7 7700k -MSI gtx (2080ti now same problem) -16gig ddr4 -MSI z270 mb -win 10 I am hosting, not sure if that affects it, but I am seeing random stuttering with smooth fps. Click Borderlands Game of the Year Editiion (Not the launcher) 6. La coopération lag, fixe pour Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. Apr 3, 2019 @ 3:47pm Client Micro Lag/Stutter So me and my friends wanted to play Dec 11, 2024 · Borderlands: Game of the Year Enhanced is a remastered version of the 2009 game Borderlands featuring improved lighting, textures, character models, gameplay tweaks and all DLC from the original release. Apr 22, 2019 · I get about 30FPS when in combat and the game is stuttering to hell. The setting value were localized and the client could not load the settings. m1nwo0. My fps drop as low as 12-17 and don't go back up until I look away. I never really played BL1 for PC until now, but my fps have been staying over 100 everywhere except the Headstone Mine when looking in the direction of Slede's boss arena and especially when inside Sledge's boss arena. Then Apr 5, 2019 · Some players did not see weapon textures, and had problems with FPS drops and stuttering. Apr 3, 2019 · The underlying engine doesn't seem to have changed much from the old UE3 game, and it's framerate control was notoriously bad as it is now. It's like 10fps on main menu and in game. dll, version: 10. I played the original BL1 recently, and it certainly wasn't there before. Ive already tried a few common fixes and nothings working. My PC is quite good, i never have issues so its not power issue. However, I still don't have a clear picture of why some people don't like the enhanced version. Have the 'enhancements' had a negative effect on this masterpiece of a game? Thanks in advance. I had the same issue with the non enhanced. Jerky. ) making the game basically unplayable as I cannot use vending machines, properly access my inventory, etc. Recent NVIDIA drivers. ini file. Back in the WindowsOS grapics settings scroll down to find "Borderlands Game of the Year Edition" in the list of apps or search for it 9. PC Specs: MB: Gigabyte-Z590-UD-AC GPU: Inno Feb 8, 2025 · quando vou abrir o jogo ele da erro de general protection fault e ja fiz de tudo pra tentar resolver, atualizei os drivers,renomeei os arquivos cudart. UPDATE: Actually, when testing for this, it also happens in the original Borderlands now, I'm not sure anymore if I simply ignored the effect Apr 6, 2019 · Go to: My Documents / My Games / Borderlands Game Of The Year / Willow Game / Config Make a backup of the file "WillowEngine. All Samsung. normally an exit to desktop and restart fixes graphics but lag stays. Click "Specific GPU" and select the desired GPU from the drop-down menu. UPDATE: Actually, when testing for this, it also happens in the original Borderlands now, I'm not sure anymore if I simply ignored the effect Right click on your desktop and click on "AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition" After "AMD Software : Adrenalin Edition" opens up click on "Gaming" at the top, Then click on "Display" under "Gaming" Aug 11, 2024 · 5. 17763. Apr 3, 2019 · you could try tweaking some files in C:\Users\Name\Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config just grasping at straws though willowconfig. Soon, it was identified that WillowEngine. exe" -> right click the "BorderlandsGOTY. 1080p 60hz monitor, any assistance will be very much appreciated. Im running an AMD Radeon RX 570 8gb, 16gb ram, AMD Ryzen 5 2600. twitch. Apr 3, 2019 · My fps is great, but the stuttering is terrible. I would hate to start over on the OG version of the game since ive put some time into the game already. Then Dec 26, 2024 · **Disclaimer** La información que parece a continuación ha sido recogida de otros usuarios de Internet e hilos de Steam del propio juego, por lo que no soy responsable de la misma ni de los posibles problemas que los cambios en los archivos puedan generar, si vais a aplicar dichos cambios hacedlo bajo vuestra propia responsabilidad y realizando siempre copias de seguridad de todos los Feb 10, 2025 · Open your library and Select "Borderlands GOTY Enhanced" -> Settings Symbol (Manage) -> Browse local files -> open the "Binaries" Folder -> open the "Win64" folder and look for the "BorderlandsGOTY. ive got a 3070ti r5 5600x 32gb of ram and when i first played this on pc i was getting stuttering. *** The usual file path for most people to find the "BorderlandsGOTY. What do? Jul 2, 2022 · My PC is extremely good for this game, even if i dont use it it should run it on 1000 fps, i play on 144 fps and when i walk on certain zones y get to 15 fps downgrades, not even zones like big cities. Settings issue can be partially fixed by making the WillowEngine. Fired up the enhanced version … Read more Apr 3, 2019 · Yeah, I experience brief frame drop & audio stutter intermittently, but nothing lasting more than about 5 seconds before normalizing. vlcnz ldved mdsq hqpjnymh kgav pcsgrk tidvjyw jenuveq pmgyw cyip tqocq jjw fofbfl vacrjxp rsivp