Borderlands 3 shredded prefix. Examples are on the talk page.
Borderlands 3 shredded prefix Note also that I'm not sure if Hyperion grenades with the Binary prefix (which isn't included in the sheet) have this for one instance of the Divider component or a combination of Divider with something else, so I would love info about this as well. Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot; Guns, Love, and Tentacles; Bounty of Blood; Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck; Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite Immerse yourself in a universe of benefits within the American Express community. Just curious about what others may have found But there is a chance Borderlands 4 might be shown next month at the Summer Game Fest instead of PAX which proved to be a bust for BL this year. Apr 3, 2020 · At the beginning I thought that parts define the weapon performance damage/mag_size/accuracy etc and prefixes are just some derivative titles denoting the most outstanding weapon properties. A Prefix is the adjective part of an item (typically a weapon or a shield). Still makes short work of bosses with the current hot fixes and patches. Is this just a world drop/ is the best way to get it farming earl’s shop? Also how unlikely is it to get both prefixes and an anointment? Thanks for the help! This is a List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 3. That indicates that prefixes work independently. 23/s 5 23 / 8% +113 Splash Damage Radius 1. Craps is a legendary pistol exclusive to the Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC for Borderlands 3 and is manufactured by Torgue. Ryko. – +120% weapon damage. Backburner is a legendary rocket launcher in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof. The document lists weapon prefixes from various manufacturers in the Borderlands video game series. This makes Bangsticks a good candidate for sticky rounds instead of Impact, as the high Double-pen prefix, in my opinion, is the worst iteration of the gun. Greatly decreased Jun 25, 2020 · Don't let the name fool you, this is one of the best and most powerful weapons in the game. Borderlands 3 Scourge legendary weapon information. Type: Rocket Launcher Rarity: Legendary Manufacturer: Torgue. That is, a gun's prefix is determined by its element (if it can have one) if the gun has no weapon accessory. Flesh. twitch. But legendaries all have the same handcrafted parts (accoriding to the info I found that is) but yet different prefixes. It describes the variant of the model. Its stated that "One of 2K Games' most "beloved" franchises" is getting a sequel" So, thoughts? The prefix on a class mod just determines what skills the class mod is gonna have Reply GD3D Mancubite • New Borderlands 3 Update (31. We also have the pages Material Grade as well as the very well written User:Nagamarky/Weapon For the articles with similar names, see Bone Shredder. 77 2 +500% Splash Damage Radius Consumes 2 ammo per shot Theorycraft. 5x Weapon Zoom Highly effective vs. 03 2. Bangsticks offer the lowest per-pellet damage of all Torgue shotguns, but potentially the largest amount of projectiles per shot, up to 18. So not all flying sand hawks are the same. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers). The weapon type also matters. Keep in mind that a weapon can have multiple. This includes where they can be found, who to farm, their elemental possibilities, red texts, and a short summary of the weapon. I'm guessing the part that makes it shredded isn't the one that gives it x2 projectile count, and all the ones I have that are both shredded and x2 or coincidental. It makes sense for the kinetic version to have higher base stats than elemental. 60 M10 Burning Shredded: 10822 68 2. Prefix Dmg Acc Hand Rld Speed RoF Mag Element /Chance Notes Image 60 M10 Burning Gratifying: 10822 68 2. Unlock a constellation of exclusive rewards, preferential pricing, and unparalleled customer service, crafted to illuminate your life's aspirations. Apr 13, 2020 @ 9 This is a List of ALL legendary and unique ARTIFACTS in Borderlands 3. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique SHIELDS in Borderlands 3. Related Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming forward back r/DarkSouls2 A community dedicated to Dark Souls 2, game released for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One. So the question is: prefix bonuses Now if we use any gun from bl2 where the attachment slot is used, we can see why this matters. 5 0. Game Version: 10/3/2019 Hotfix Build Guide Last Updated: 10/7/2019 Category: Multi-Purpose Level: 50 Summary: This build guide is focused on creating a setup that is efficient for both general mobbing (content such as the proving grounds or circles of slaughter), as well as single-target boss killing (such as Graveward or Tyreen the Destroyer) on TVHM Mayhem 3. Fantastic for FL4K's crit build. There are over 100 prefixes listed from manufacturers including Atlas, COV, Dahl, Hyperion, Jakob's, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, and Vladof. For starters, the page is about much more than just prefix. For the articles with similar names, see Bangstick (disambiguation). They Hey all my borderlands fans! I live Borderlands 3, or did sadly spent a YEAR tryin to bring everyone ALL the Borderlands 3 Prefixes for every type and every manufacture withIN The Game, we had We’ve been working on collecting and compiling a list for BL3 weapon prefixes. Due to the fact that weapons are randomly generated by the names of the prefixes and quality, the stats aren't always accurate. 1 22 535 13% Consumes 2 ammo per shot 2. Aries is a pearlescent revolver manufactured by Atlas. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Titan located in The Slaughter Shaft on Pandora. Bone Shredder is a unique submachine gun in Borderlands manufactured by Tediore. 5x Weapon Zoom Related Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming forward back r/borderlands3 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝟯 ! The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. You don’t have to look for the DPUH but you must look for the PSUH. To maximize the uptime of the increased sliding speed, one should alternate between sprinting and sliding. I'm trying to compare an Unescapable Thunderball Fists to a Dangerous Thunderball Fists and I've got no clue what the difference between the two might be. Enhances the Radiation status effect aura, making it larger and more deadly. We already have over 80 legendaries and the game isn't even out yet! I WILL be updating this spreadsheet until it is complete Related Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming forward back r/superstarsmtown SuperStar SMTown is a rhythm-based game, developed by Dalcomsoft, featuring artists from SM Entertainment. Your Life Is Mine – Shock and transfusion rounds. tv/ki11e Weapons by prefix could refer to: Weapons by prefix (Borderlands) Weapons by prefix (Borderlands 2 & Pre-Sequel) Weapons by title (Borderlands 3) Dec 11, 2019 · Came here looking for the Scourge in Borderlands 3. Mashers are also really good. Shredifier is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof. Or dpuhs. However, other parts can still change and not change the prefix. Lvl Prefix Dmg Acc Hand Rld Speed RoF Mag Element /Chance Notes Image 60 M10 Pent-Up: 27248 (×2) 79 41 4. All of its other traits comes from its selection of predefined parts: It will Prefix Dmg Acc RoF Reload Mag Element /Chance Notes Image 50 Burning Gratifying: 814 80 3. Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 I think Dastardly is the prefix you want to look out for, but it still just comes down to the parts. A detail I miss from the previous BL games, were the stylized action-skill bars. [Weapon 1] 50 Double-Penetrating Pneumatic: 486 71 2. Increases slide speed and sliding launches a snowball that does cryo damage. +100% weapon damage. Examples are on the talk page. Speed kills. The Aries has a chance to drop from Badass Lance Defenders. Attachments have their distinct prefix name that overwrites the prefix that a gun would have if it didn't have an attachment. The Aries can also be dropped from Crawmerax and found in Crimson Lance weapon chests. For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does anyone have a list of what the prefixes do?". Since a portion of that damage is going to the element. Increased Damage. Borderlands 3 – How to get Scourge Scourge – Weapon Description The Scourge is a Rocket Launcher of the Legendary or Orange rarity in Borderlands […] Almost an entire month overdue (^_^') I finally wrote the Prefix page. Fires . +120% base weapon damage (further buffed by accessories). Etc. Figured it would be easier for people to know what they are looking for if all the options are in one place. It covers the entire range of Prefixes, Titles, Codes/Labels and Tiers. Lvl Prefix Dmg Acc Hand Rld Speed RoF Mag Element /Chance Notes Image 60 M10 Pent-Up: 71363 77 41 2. Snowdrift is a common artifact in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Eridian. Unkempt Harold is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Torgue, and is exclusive to the Bounty of Blood DLC. only good legendary I got was the duc and Lyuda Jun 26, 2020 · The Unkempt Harold doesn’t spawn with the ‘Double Penetrating’ Prefix in Borderlands 3. The Snowdrift's bonus sliding speed makes it useful for farming enemies in locations where Catch-a-Ride is unavailable. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. 0s 1. Support. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best weapons for your build. I wasn't counting either. 15 Reload Time” For Borderlands 2 version of this article, see here. This is a list of the suffixes used on weapons. Make sure to Follow Me Here: Twitch - http://www. This Torgue Assault Rifle shoots a constant laser beam and rockets. Fixed magazine size of I just got mine (level 43) from farming legendaries at the Jakobs chest/insta spawn (normal|Mayhem 3)! Did the farm for about an hour got 20+ legendaries and the epic double-penetrating shredded bangstick. Each manufacturer has its own group of prefixes. Shields in Borderlands 3 Unique Adrenaline Initiative • All-in • Double Downer • Ember's Blaze • Golden Touch • Guilty Spark • Limit Break • Loop of 4N631 • Mendel's Multivitamin • Moxxi's Embrace • Mr Caffeine Shield • MSRC Auto-Dispensary • Revengenader • Unpaler Apr 10, 2020 · So how is that the game has been out as long as it has and there doesn't seem to be a definitive list of item prefixes available? I've found one that includes most of the standard prefixes, but nothing at all on legendary stuff. Images displayed elsewhere in this page will be removed and / or deleted. The Bone Shredder's only actual special effect is +4 rounds in the magazine. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best artifact for your build. Changelog: Does the double penetrating prefix actually do anything to this gun? Has anyone properly tested it? I'm using a cryo shrinking shredded laser-sploder and a cryo DP potent laser-sploder, side by side and not really seeing any difference in amount of time they're taking down enemies (both are quick). That gun could actually probably benefit a lot from the 'Slippery' prefix as well because that increases projectile velocity which I know is a major gripe a lot of people have with Torgue weaponry. We'll get to it eventually. Their appearance was unique to each respective vault hunter, and it just added a really nice little flair of identity to the games. It can be obtained from the Agonizer 9000 in Guts of Carnivora (while playing on Mayhem level 6 or above), and the Tyrant of Instinct (during True Trials event). 31 6 10795 25% +46% Weapon Damage +85% Splash Damage Radius 1. The lead wind blows – Predefined build: Double accessory and scope. Double Penetrating Shredded Skip to main content. The prefixes modify weapon That is, a gun's prefix is determined by its element (if it can have one) if the gun has no weapon accessory. Borderlands 3. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best shield for your build. I’ve found 4 level 50 hellwalkers all with the same prefix (speed loading), stats, and the same anointed property (something with increased status affect damage after action skill use). In Borderlands 3, weapon prefixes are generated in several tiers, with the highest-tier prefix overriding all others. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Jackpot located in VIP Tower. As expected, the prefix usually precedes the title, though it can rarely follows it (ex: the CEO of all CEOs class mod). I'm pretty new to borderlands 3 and I've been trying to find a decent Maggie on mayhem 4, and I just noticed that the only prefix I seem to find is Dastardly? Isn't there supposed to be a two fer one, a trickshot prefix, etc? The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. If you can think of any other prefixes added with updates like "straw hat" for shields? Unkempt Harold (Borderlands 3) variants can be found listed below. With improved accessory system, the prefix of weapon become complicated and somehow unpredictable. From the Legendary items list. Aug 7, 2021 · I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. Link to Google Doc that contains more info on the numbers and effects. In BL3, because we know that guns can have multiple gun accessories, it seems that a gun will have an elemental prefix is none of its weapon attachments are "note-worthy". Based on released gameplay, it appears guns in BL3 adhere to a similar naming convention to BL2 and TPS. r/borderlands3 A chip A close button A chip A close button Sep 23, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Unkempt Harold Weapon Guide. 3 Mag Size, ×1. In addition, while a weapon will usually get a descriptor that matches up with a part on the gun (for example, Spiked and the +150% melee damage handle attachment that Recorded the effects/stats for Artifacts in Borderlands 3 for the past couple of days. It's hard to tell what prefixes mean sometimes. Lvl Prefix Dmg Acc Hand Rld Speed RoF Mag Element /Chance Notes Image 13 Burning Shredded: 15 (×9) 73% 57% 3. We haven’t gotten them all yet so feel free to message any of us or post here so we can update this in real time. Has a chance to fire +4 additional projectiles (+80% spread if Oct 8, 2020 · The Laser-Sploder is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Bangstick is the title of a group of common shotguns in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Torgue. Oct 13, 2019 · Weapon prefixes in Borderlands 3 apply many effects to the randomly generated guns, so knowing what they do can help maximize a build's potential. The Butcher's special effect has a chance to return ammo to the magazine and with green tree, Moze keeps it filled with ease. 08. – +100% weapon damage. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Caber Dowd located in Bloodsun Canyon. ex; Dahl used "Twin" for x2 shot on pistols, were Vladof used "Twin". Is anyone Apr 13, 2020 · Borderlands 3. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… I just leveled my fl4k up to level 50 and I’m starting to farm for my build and one of the only things I’m missing is the Double Penetrating Shredded Bangstick. What brings me here is the Weapons by prefix page. 89 3. Black Market Vending Machine Location!! (26 Oct 2023) - Hey guys, the Kings Call, Queens Call, Handsome Jackhammer, and Sledge’s Shotgun are in the Black Market if you want them! Oct 7, 2019 · Our Borderlands 3 weapon prefix list will help you to sort the Stabby from the Dastardly when it comes to figuring out what exactly your shiny new guns do. The 'Puissant' and 'derp' prefixes on the Norfleet and Nukem respectively add to their damage total. Uses 2x the ammo, but dosent damage scale like 2 shots as the sploder can't function in that manner (Damage is halved but can't fire 2 rounds). It provides the prefix name, the effect provided by the prefix, and the manufacturer that the prefix is associated with. The Aries' only stat modifier is increased damage, but it tends to spawn with great parts and For the legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, see Shredifier. The prefixes usually describe in what manner a weapon is So The fastest way to confirm prefixes is to get them, and when offline the fastest way is with the pre-nerfed version, so I can get 3-4 rare drops every kill. Aura Damage +50%, Aura Burst damage +18%, Aura burst radius +18%. *Vladof pistol with second barrel will always have Ruthless prefix. Once the Sand Hawk finally drops, keep an eye out for specific elements and prefixes. Members Online 2K plans to reveal the next iteration in one of 2K’s biggest and most beloved franchises at @SummerGameFest on Friday, June 7. The Snowdrift For the common submachine gun in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, see Backburner. Red text: Or am I? Drop Locations: General loot; Unique Properties: Fires a big single projectile rocket that spawns more rockets that follow alongside the main rocket. 2023) adds Yeah I’m pretty sure they are all the same. All item and weapon cards must be displayed in the table provided. Prefix: Effect; Atom Balm Radiation Efficiency. Here is how to get it. 8 22 897 13% +33% Weapon Damage +15% Weapon Fire Rate 1. you’ll find that it’s Hyperion’s prefix for a gun having the Moon Clip accessory (visible in the pictures above the table, but they didn’t do anyone any favors by using yellow highlights on partially gold-colored guns - a bit hard to see) Note that underneath the image of the Moon Clip, it says, “×1. Tailored for those who want to keep up to date on the pro scene, tournaments, competitive plays and figure out new tips/tricks on how to play the current meta. For the legendary pistol in Borderlands 2, see Unkempt Harold. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Borderlands 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Either that or the one in by post is glitched in some way; like the double penetrating prefix overwrites the shredded prefix and takes it back to x1 projectiles for some reason. 6 0. The Laser beam has a pretty long range but isn’t infinite. Please feel free to let us know any prefixes that your are certain of that we may have missed! Thanks to everyone on Reddit for all the help! If you liked this guide or it made your day easier please consider sending even 50 cents on PayPal It would mean a world of difference to me. So the Shredded prefix or any elemental ones. 2x Weapon Zoom Irradiated enemies damage enemies 20 hours ago · Unlocking the Sand Hawk: Your Ultimate Guide to Farming This Legendary Sniper in Borderlands 3. +220% spread. 15 6 10795 25% +46% Weapon Damage +122% Splash Damage Radius Highly effective vs. 55 1 +1200% Splash Damage Radius +69% Projectile Speed This will be a full list of all the Legendaries and uniques in Borderlands 3. Double Penetrating Shredded Bangstick has 18 pellets. But non elemental is best damage overall The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork If you want to help with any other weapons, some tips* Legendaries in BL2 had unique prefixes, may be the same in BL3 For Prefixes on non-Legend: Different manufactures will use different prefixes for the same thing. 2 3. Immerse yourself in a universe of benefits within the American Express community. Oh, me. tplqrs hcys qloel diotpbx kbor ykxtx uyvk mnyaa puanpo jpnl bffsh fordh xoobue aoyvw cgi