Best setting netduma. I tried port fowarding and dmz.
Best setting netduma At present I am using 35% for both. Oct 30, 2024 · I would advice you start reading and apply the settings on the knowledge base page first, use the settings as a base line. Feb 20, 2015 · Just wanted to see what people were having luck with? Feb 14, 2019 · What would be your suggested best settings for improving both ping and download speeds on Nintendo switch, at current settings (same I use for my PC) I get 28 Mbps download peak, according to Duma os. Set Congestion Control to Auto or Recommended. 5, so I wanna know whats the best set up in congestion control to avoid high latency and at the same time stream, I know the quality is not going to be in hd. I tried prioritizing all call of duty ports which worked at first(I had the most amazing bullet reg) but from the second day after prioritizing the ports I had the worst bullet reg. Wondering what I should input for download and upload setting on Netduma. Optima R3 / Gaming Case Studies News Blog Mar 28, 2024 · Unlock the full potential of DumaOS 4 with our comprehensive Geo-Filter guide! Learn how to set up the Geo-Filter, find the best low ping servers, and stabilize your connection using features like Steady Ping and Ping Heatmap. But here I have find more variables to get good Jul 29, 2021 · Hey duma Family! I thought it would be nice to idea we all share our settings that works for each of us, for Call of duty Modern warfare, Cold War and Warzone. hit detection; By Jettman October 5, 2016 in Off Topic. Kids on a playground know how to divide teams so the best 2 start out on opposite teams, then each picks the next best back and forth until the teams are fairly equal. The simple answer though really is as always, Geo-Filter to get the closest servers to you - Congestion Control at a level that eliminates any lag caused Nov 11, 2020 · Netduma R2 Support ; MTU - Best setting MTU - Best setting. Mar 17, 2019 · That's some limited bandwidth you go there! But our QoS is the best in the world to get the most out of your connection. I need the best DumaOS settings for the best experience on PS5. Dec 1, 2024 · If you're not sure what settings do in the network settings it's always best to leave them alone. Netduma Dark Original . It connect me to SG about 95% of time I play. Issue wise, my bandwidth sometime goes down and up. mp4 Oct 2, 2015 · Original Netduma R1 Firmware Support ; BEST SETTING FOR NET DUMA PS4 EVER BEST SETTING FOR NET DUMA PS4 EVER. I understand that if I want to achieve the true 100Mbps throughput thru the router, I need to set the R1 to "Reactive" in the congestion control section of the R1. Put these ports in as you see thanks to @Chaiyoabc 5. If I leave the download slider at 70 and the upload slider at 70, DSL gives me a B grade. Elevate your online gaming experience today! Sep 3, 2015 · What are the best settings to bypass the Netgear firewall? I have been having issues with my Netduma since I bought it a few weeks ago. Advance ping option an put these settings 7. But for some reason I can not find the best settings for MWR. As long as the value you've set isn't fragmenting then you're good. Nov 22, 2017 · What’s the best WW2 settings that works for you? So i can try different things? Also couple questions; How do i stick with a dedi server so i always connect to it? If i’m lowering my CC to like 30 will this be better? Any tips for the best setting? I’m now running; 800km, strict on, ping assist 0 Dec 28, 2016 · Please help I have been struggling finding best netduma settings for online gaming on my PS4 I only play black ops 3 and yes I know that game has issues, but I still love it and would like some help with my settings please! I pay for 25mbs down and 5 Mbps up. I have been having great time with new dumaos’s cloud update. Dec 9, 2015 · My netduma settings. As for prioritisation, the router will detect the packet types wether it is console or pc and give them priority over everything else on the network. The other settings are really up to you - if you're thinking about what will help you most for the best connection in the game then they won't really make a difference - best to focus on QoS and the Geo-Filter instead. My question is: Is Preemptive better at controlling "ping spikes" vs Reactive settings? I d May 20, 2020 · De I tried your settings on a wndr3700v4 with ddwrt it works pretty good tbh. While on PC I get 680 Mbps peak using same monitoring method. Nov 17, 2022 · hi boys! I'm here to kindly ask you what are the best r2 settings for warzone 2 released only yesterday. If I move the slider to 85, I get an A. Nov 29, 2017 · Original Netduma R1 Firmware Support ; Uk best settings Uk best settings. Does this seem backwards to any Jan 14, 2022 · Assuming you have some local congestion a good starting point is having Congestion Control set to 70% for download/upload. My question is would using all 3 of these QoS settings simultaneously be a good thing? Or would they interfere wi Mar 10, 2025 · The best Fortnite server is the one that is closest to your location. I have a 300/300mb connection, my setup is this ISP router----netduma r1----all devices. 2. All other devices can take whats left. I don’t have much issue finding lobby. Put speed to 50 down-50 up or 100 down-50 up 6. This includes how to check the Call of Duty server status, adjust critical in-game settings, and fine-tune your network. I have set my Qos to 70% both down/up and so far I don't have much Jan 14, 2017 · Try this , start a game with netduma webpage opened up . 168. You don't need dmz unless it necessary for your own network if you nat type 2 with upnp you don't need to do anything else same with port forwarding as it port fowards the ports automatically no need to waste time finding ports. Minimize speeds to gaming de May 6, 2021 · Also I just want any tips for the best setting for streaming overall while still not hurting my game in any away. Doing this over time you will discover what works and what doesn't work for you, hope this helps you get started. Jun 3, 2016 · I have my geo filter set to 950KM from a home in central UK with PA set to 30MS and strict ticked. To check what servers you currently connect to, check your “Matchmaking Region” in Fortnite’s settings menu. Netduma R2 Users: If this is the first time the R2s been installed, you’ll be greeted with the initial setup page. so I’ve been reading about in the forums looking at different topics trying to find the best settings for the r3. The Netduma R2 Quality of Service (QoS) feature gives you full control over how you allocate and manage your bandwidth. When tuning for Bufferbloat, pay attention to Jitter. thank you x Nov 30, 2020 · Netduma R2 Support ; Best settings for CS GO Best settings for CS GO. Use the auto setup feature and let the router decide. Go to Favourites. Sorry for the 3 post I am new to forums and didn't see if my topic went through thanks for all the info and a fast response. Feb 6, 2025 · Detecting Internet Connection Once your Netduma router is connected via an Ethernet cable to your modem or upstream router, the internet connection can be detected automatically in most cases. So what you want to focus is in decreasing your buffer bloat in the benchmarks it call under load on netduma try to get that as low as possible by decreasing your cc sliders and apply always for them to appear while running benchmarks you can change it afterlastly look at traffic Jan 11, 2025 · The issue with this set up in this Tree formate it shows devices offline or on the LAN even tho they are online connected wirelessly to XR500 or EX7700, That's because technically the 500/EX are connected via ethernet to the XR1000 and so it can't determine how else the devices connected to those are connected Oct 31, 2015 · - Don't use a static IP for the Xbox One on the Netduma (there is some issues on that part) For PS4 users: - Make sure that "UPNP" and "Enable UPNP forwarding" are unticked On my ISP router, three settings are active: - Static IP adress (with the netduma MAC address) - DMZ (with the netduma IP address) Jan 21, 2024 · I assume this is optimised by default but I was wondering what the max value for MTU is for the R3 and if that would potentially help or solve any throughput issues via WiFi performance? It's one of the few remaining settings I haven't tinkered with yet. I noticed as I added my device ps5 I wasn't given the option of what game i can select to play. Purchased a new R3 the other day Firmware version 4. Your ping is mainly determined by how quickly data travels between your gaming device and the Fortnite servers. Many matchmaking systems prioritize skill-based matchmaking over connection quality, but the Geo-Filter ensures that you always connect to servers that provide the Jun 30, 2015 · Got my replacement router today (thanks again guys ). Posted October 12, 2020. I just got new internet from COMCAST. B. Device: PC game with steam client thank you. Nov 25, 2021 · I set congestion control to 70%(I had tried multiple other %) I set upnp on and off to test. Best settings on Xr1000 Theme . I have the bitrate 4500 but out of no where it will go to 2000, 5000, then 0 then back to normal so idk if thats normal but yeah. While selecting the best matchmaking region helps, the only way to consistently play on the lowest ping FragPunk server is by using the Geo-Filter feature on the Netduma R3 gaming router. If this step fails, see Advanced WAN Settings below, otherwise move straight to WiFi Details. Jan 10, 2024 · 1. Jul 23, 2020 · Hello, I live in Spain and the closest server is Belgium (32-40 ms) server, I have tried to put ping assist at 30 but it seems that it is much better leaving it at 0, the geo filter I put it from Spain to something further from Belgium because otherwise it cannot find a game if the server is not Sep 14, 2023 · @Netduma FraserI'd like to know best settings to connect to say Battlefield 2042, Call of Duty etc Using latest Firmware Netduma R2 3. Mar 11, 2025 · The Best FragPunk Servers. Jan 23, 2019 · Hello Netduma team, So far I love the netduma OS. 134 > Xbox (My primary console) Hardwired to the back of the XR500 > Deco Mesh WiFi points setup plugged into the XR500 and in AP mode to provide the WiFi throughout my house. LAN Setup, WAN Setup, Port Forwarding, Port Triggering, UPnP, IPv6, etc. I have a problem and I am hoping someone can help me out. 1because your device communicate with R1. Mar 4, 2025 · How to Fix High Ping with the Netduma R3. Jan 10, 2024 · For Geo-Filter I recommend the following * Disable GeoLatency * Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0) * Enable Strict Mode * Disable Fast Search. For the current setting I have been using was still 98/98. The host says it is issues with my ISP. I've set congestion control to 50. Console:PS5 Geo-Filter Settings: Filter Mode & Strick Mode : enabled Distance : 1000 Mar 17, 2024 · Hi Fraser im using the R3 which i purchased 3 weeks ago after owning an R2 which ended up breaking but i have the R3 plugged into an vigor Draytek 130 series in default settings out the box the only thing ive changed is put the dns to manual using cloudfares servers the 1. I normally get about 850 download and 40 upload for isp. Simple minimize sliders to 70/70 C. This is my current DNS settings Will unticking the red bar, and then selecting "Use Upstream DNS" set this to automatic? Nov 21, 2018 · It still boggles mind mind. I have less 10 devices on my home network and none are bandwidth heavy (2 Amazon Firestick). 8 Work your way upward so say 1432 next until it tell you you have no packet fragmentation (change the increments when you are close) then you add 28 for IP/ICMP headers to the total and that gives you your optimal MTU if 1500 is to high for you. Jan 7, 2025 · It will be different for everyone, the best thing to do is experiment with the settings and play games, monitor how it feels with this setting set in this specific way and adjust from there. Feb 21, 2025 · If my non-SteadyPing (setting disabled) is 19-22 (give or take), with consistent random spikes to 25/26, then I would apply SteadyPing / Expert target ping to 25 or 26, and the idea is that my ping in Valorant should incur the added ping to maintain the target set of 25 or 26, right? Feb 21, 2021 · I am getting packet loss to a particular IP address. I tried port fowarding and dmz. I have to use XR500 for now. Jun 8, 2021 · While I realize that the "best" settings are not necessarily the same for everyone, I was looking into the optimal settings for me. Jun 16, 2022 · Netduma R2 Netduma R3 Administrators; Share; Posted June 16, 2022. Tbh I don't really know how xbox does MTU test and where its set. Need best QOS settings, UpnP settings and whatever other settings that will provide a good gaming experience. Jan 8, 2017 · Hey Jett; so the cloud settings suggested above could help, but they're purely for server locations. My ISP said that changing my DNS settings to "Automatic" will fix this. DMZ passes all traffic through to the device you put in it, this can be helpful to open NAT but is a major security issue if you do it for a PC so if you've done that take it out, it's Apr 3, 2015 · I currently have a 100/5 Mbps connection. Usually I get stuck with with the worst 3-5 stat players in the lobby. GEO LATENCY ON , NO PING ASSISTS, STRICT MODE 2. im using Firmware 4. They provided me with their modem and router. Nov 7, 2022 · Thank you thats extremely useful - action your above points. May 27, 2021 · Should use the geofilter radius or the polygon mode to include the servers with the best ping? Or do I use the ping assist method, set the circle in the middle the ocean and set my ping to the number I want to have? Apr 12, 2024 · I live in South America in Bolivia. I almost have a 4. go to lan and keep changing mtu while playing to find your best setting. For a while, I’ve been going back and forth with different settings to find the sweet spot. 3 - I tried PPPoE with the Duma but was only able to get 60% of my max speed so now I have the duma attached to the ISP router. By dominican_3niz October 2, 2015 in Dec 26, 2023 · Morning everyone. I’ve looked at several YouTube videos where people say to either : A. Follow our step-by-step guide for initial setup, Wi-Fi configuration, and network optimization tips to enhance your connection in online games. i refresh or apply still wont. By lezzi November 30, 2020 in Netduma R2 Support. 2. I am trying to see if anyone can provide best settings for 1 Gbps up/down for geofilter and Qos. 0k/d, but my w/l ratio is only 1. 3. . Does anyone or can anyone provide a step-by-step guide to setting up the R3 to the max quality possible? Engineer installed ONT black box into wall and he said use this Cat7 cable to connect ONT to this NetDuma and Mar 11, 2024 · Learn how to set up your R3 gaming router and DumaOS 4 for the best gaming experience. 280 Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager (if on PC) Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option Even though I'm on PC it's bet Jun 28, 2023 · You can't copy someone else's settings and expect to work for you it something your supposed to test yourself . Have you set the MTU on the xbox? If not there maybe something further down that has the MTU at 1480. I live on the east coast of the U. I have an internet connection speed of around 850 down and 420 up. Mar 28, 2024 · Unlock the full potential of DumaOS 4 with our comprehensive Geo-Filter guide! Learn how to set up the Geo-Filter, find the best low ping servers, and stabilize your connection using features like Steady Ping and Ping Heatmap. lezzi. If you don't have IPv6 then enabling IPv6 won't do anything. By AzeRuS94 December 21, 2019 in Location: Netduma HQ; DumaOS Routers Owned: Netduma R1 Netduma R2 Netduma R3 Jun 1, 2019 · Hello everyone, I have the netduma r1 with duma OS and I want to know the best settings for achieve full speeds wired for my gaming pc and also wireless for other devices. Dec 29, 2024 · 1. For bandwidth allocation I configured 50% for my game console and distributed the remaining. 70% upload and download? any ideas? Nov 21, 2018 · Update 3: Sry for having been disappearing. Jul 9, 2015 · hi, my connection is not good 10/1. 0. Here is mine. Dec 21, 2019 · Best settings for xr500 Best settings for xr500. I dropped some nuclears and relentless on Infinite Warfare. The enemys are pretty slow tbh. Mar 20, 2018 · Hi guys, here is my best settings for the moment: i'm still testing some throttling on my PS4 to find the best spot. Advanced WAN Settings In some cases, you may need to configure Advanced WAN Settings. netduma; best settings; lag comp; cod; call of duty; fix lag; best call of duty settings; bo3; black ops 3; By Pro Innocence December 9, 2015 in Jan 5, 2017 · Hello, my name is Konrad. Recommended Posts. Optima R3 / Gaming Case Studies News Blog About Buy R3 Oct 12, 2020 · Netduma R2 Support ; Best QOS settings Best QOS settings. Aug 14, 2020 · Dear Netduma team I have received Netduma R2 and setup done but the problem is no vlan setting. g. By XvZ November 11, 2020 in Netduma R2 Support. 1. If I lower the slider, the grade gets worse (tried 40 and 50%). 4 days ago · The Geo-Filter on the Netduma R3 gaming router allows you to manually select the best servers for FragPunk, preventing you from being placed on high-ping or underperforming servers. 179 Thank you so much Jan 10, 2017 · 1 - Router my ISP provided: Technicolor MediaAccess TGiiNet-1 2 - I also like trials closing in on 200 flawless matches. Jun 24, 2021 · I need the best Settings for Set Up and Advances Settings for PS5. The same settings would also apply to the BenQ RL2455HM 24" gaming monitor as the picture quality and settings are just about identical bet Feb 13, 2018 · Thanks Netduma Fraser i followed everything you said and probably got one of the best connections/hit detections ever in ww2. Dec 28, 2015 · Guys I won't to know the best setting for bo3. Because my modem is Chorus ONT only vlan support and it does not support DHCP, Static and PPPOE I do have XR500 with vlan setting on, it works perfectly well. 6 days ago · My Solution for Consistent Performance. I need to know how to connect their router to my Netduma router. The Geo-Filter allows you to manually select and force a connection to the best FragPunk servers, ensuring a stable and optimized Sep 23, 2017 · Then just put the IP of the duma in the DMZ, go to device manager and where you put WAN IP copy that address then put that IP in the DMZ and disable the wifi of your ISP router so nothing can be connected to he and all work through the duma. Oct 23, 2024 · In this blog, we’ll show you exactly how to get the best connection in Black Ops 6. 88. I am constantly getting beat out by the electric slide lagger across the ma Mar 3, 2021 · Any one have any qos settings they recommend for warzone for better hit detection? Currently using the r2. I have a random gameplay here Apr 15, 2015 · All Activity; Home ; Duma Army Lounge ; Off Topic ; Destiny - Best settings for Destiny Dec 27, 2016 · Anyone have their best Optimal settings for playing MWR? (XboxOne preferably) I have great results with IW and any games previous to that BO3, AW, Ghosts etc. please tell me all tricks and important things. Jul 11, 2024 · So before you say anything, yes, I know there is another topic about the best settings for MW3, but since that was purely for multiplayer, I’m curious to hear what settings people are using for Warzone. The Netduma R2 and R3 share a minimalist, gamer-friendly design that fits seamlessly into any setup. So the network is setup like this Virgin Media Super Hub 4 in modem mode > to Netgear XR500 running V2. By simons1985 November 29, 2017 in Original Netduma R1 Firmware Support. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode Have you set your expected speeds? How do you have Congestion Control set in Ping Optimizer > Advanced? Is speed test bypass enabled? Mar 4, 2025 · How to Fix High Ping with the Netduma R3. Steady Ping on SIMPLE RECOMMENDED. Nov 28, 2024 · The Netduma R2 Geo-Filter interface allows users to connect only to selected servers while blocking undesirable ones. Feb 6, 2025 · To setup your router optimally, we recommend you follow these Optimal Settings Guides. Enabling CAKE as the QoS algorithm. from all the testing i did if your using any VPN turn geo filter and QOS completely off, you want all the bandwidth power as possible since the VPN eats it when bouncing your connection off 100 plus servers Mar 18, 2015 · MTU will always be the minimum set. 23 Maybe there is a better firmware please upload Basically, I like everything. This may be necessary Aug 30, 2020 · Regarding: •Congestion control •Bandwidth Allocation •Traffic Prioritization I'm trying to to get the best settings possible for gaming on xbox. May 13, 2024 · Hi i bought xr500 1 month ago for ea fc 24 to get better performance using geofilter but as our country isp routings I think mostly are Africa when I get near country server players I get higher ms but with Africa I get lower even I live in asia so suggest me best settings to get better experienc Jan 13, 2025 · 20250113_184705. Jan 6, 2016 · As JConnor saysfollow the guide All of your devices are connected to R1so you write as Primary DNS the IP you login in R1etc 192. Thanks. check your buffer b Sep 15, 2020 · As tito said regarding MAC cloning, it's using the default MAC address - we've already fixed the display of this in a future firmware. Link to comment May 16, 2024 · Hallo Guys, today arrives my Ps5. the other vpn does untick under set up what do you think are best settings for me. Mar 11, 2024 · Learn how to set up your R3 gaming router and DumaOS 4 for the best gaming experience. I just want to see of anyone have a good setting for destiny 2 because I play some game no lag and few game so lag that my shot are delay. Feb 5, 2025 · I am a complete newbie to internet protocols and the NetDuma R3 in general. I was able to play games with no lag before buying the Netduma and I'm sure that my settings are probably just wrong. Understand what each feature or settings does and how it affects your in game experience then tweak the settings. To find the best Delta Force servers, use the Ping Heatmap tool on the R3. May 13, 2016 · I put together a quick video showing the best picture settings I've personally found for playing Black Ops 3 on PS4 using a BenQ RL2460HT 24" gaming monitor. DumaOS Routers Owned: Netduma R1 Netduma R2 Jan 6, 2021 · Hi, This is the first time hooking up my Netduma R2. Or what I need to fix. I left a video attached to see if this is normal. Feb 27, 2023 · Beginner with the gaming router scene, what are the best setting using xr1000 with ps5, I find myself rebooting router often, note I am using spectrum gig First, you need to go to the geofilter section and add a device, in this case, the PS5. So I'm speculating here. The shorter the distance, the lower the ping. with ps4 i have comcast blast 150 down and 15 up but when i do a speed test i get 70 down and 12 up i live in massachusetts please help Apr 8, 2024 · Changing MTU would not have an affect on your gaming. I have it with the XR500 router. By x12Tyler October 12, 2020 in Netduma R2 Support. Mar 22, 2024 · What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E. It should be quite straightforward: Anti-Bufferbloat: Set to 85% and the mode 'High Priority Traffic Detected'. S. I live in a very big house and I want to get the highest speeds possible. May 13, 2024 · Hi i bought xr500 1 month ago for ea fc 24 to get better performance using geofilter but as our country isp routings I think mostly are Africa when I get near country server players I get higher ms but with Africa I get lower even I live in asia so suggest me best settings to get better experienc Jan 10, 2024 · For Geo-Filter I recommend the following * Disable GeoLatency * Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0) * Enable Strict Mode * Disable Fast Search. Elevate your online gaming experience today! Feb 3, 2025 · Want to fix Fortnite lag? This guide covers the best settings, wired connections, and Netduma R3 gaming router features to reduce ping & packet loss. Aug 5, 2019 · My internet has great download (115mbps) but slow upload speed (5mbps). Recommended Posts Jun 18, 2023 · The CoD profile specifically would also use DPI, in general DPI would be more specific and we did do a DPI update recently for the XR500 so either using CoD or Classified should give you good results. 1 i dont have it in bridge mode as i didnt think it had to be as i thought the use of the modem was to just plug your Mar 4, 2018 · the best QOS settings depend on your own personal connection, but it is recommended to set both sliders to 70% each and the router will do the rest. Let me know if anyone knows how to connect 2 routers to the same Feb 1, 2016 · under vpn fast set up wont disable why. This is not a good method to find the correct mtu setting. Even if I knew what the MTU for the servers were which I don't (I've never looked into the ability to check a server MTU value but I'm certain you would need to get a ping response from them which for most servers they block) setting them to be the same wouldn't do anything. Try and get it under 10ms. 8. The Geo-Filter feature on the Netduma R3 gaming router gives you complete control over which servers you connect to in Delta Force. mp4 I just switched to the R3 from xr1000. You'll only find those useful when Host Filtering is ON, and indeed the best connections in Bo3 can only be found with the Geofilter. but I think it's working a little bit wrong. Finally, we’ll dive into how the Netduma R3 Gaming Router can fully optimize your connection for the best possible performance. Im not computer smart. So if anyone wants to try out other settings it would be available in one place. Nov 25, 2021 · There wouldn't be a conflict, you can copy the WAN IP from the System Information page on the XR once it's connected to the Asus and then put it in the Asus DMZ, that will allow you to have an Open NAT, then see if it performs better. If lowering would give me better ping. Oct 5, 2016 · best settings for Australia. Mar 10, 2025 · What are the best settings that will optimize my experience on the XR500? Currently I am using my PS5 for gaming, playing mostly Call of Duty Titles and GTA V. Using a high-performance router that supports OpenWRT. This is why I’ve spent $75 trying to find a person that knows how to properly optimize my router and settings. I have set this in my XR500 anit bufferbloat and changed the slider to 70% for both upload and download. 20250113_184705. Manually portforwarding the ports? 3074/3075? Link to comment Jan 7, 2019 · Optimal DumaOS Settings Guides: Open NAT Geo-Filter Ping Assist QoS Hybrid VPN Maximum bandwidth speeds Dashboard, Network Monitor & Device Manager Before creating a topic in this forum, please make sure you have followed these guides. I managed to get mine under 3ms as I have very good Internet here in my country. I used destiny 2 profile setting under geo filter and try both filter and spectator mode. Feb 3, 2025 · This guide covers the best settings, wired connections, and Netduma R3 gaming router features to reduce ping & packet loss. Can't find much information regarding this particular units value range for this setting. x12Tyler. Nov 1, 2020 · The best worked for me trying different value for congestion control. Netduma (Default) Aug 12, 2015 · In a command prompt you type ping -f -l 1400 8. My speed is 100/10 and I set my speed to 80/8 and set same speed like you did on each device. I remember Ne. So a little break down for me I play on ps5 in the uk but I try and connect to different serves to get away from all the sweats and try hards 😂. The key to getting good, consistent results (which has helped me maintain a 3+ K/D ratio in every FPS game) was: 1. It ensures you always play on low-ping servers, drastically reducing input delay. XvZ. Netduma Original . Bandwidth Reservation 4. 3. So they dont have fibre in my area yet so im stuck with 4mbits download and 600kb upload, what would be the best settings for us so my husband can play his games and i might get to watch something on netflix tonight lol. 5% for both up and down which gives me the best bufferbloat results. Feb 14, 2018 · Hey I am been using netgear xr500 for a week now and it is work great. sfvwflazzadbyxvwsbxhbxsfzuaamysraucbktdgpusslrksdtpylpiwbbkelvywqferesejs