Autohotkey get active window pid. Hi, I am new to Autohotkey.

Autohotkey get active window pid The script needs to work off of Hotkeys AND listbox choices in my script GUI. So what I tried was: Run, spsetup126. Jul 7, 2009 · Im referring to the unique PID that can be seen in the Windows Task Manager or DOS tasklist command (at least in Vista). EXE %gbssite% WinGet, ActiveWindowID, ID MsgBox, %ActiveWindowID% As far as I understand WinGet should put the ID of the previous run process into the variable ActiveWindowID but actually it seems to get the ID of the script I have running. With each instance of the window then add to the time so at the end of the day there is total The functions WinExist() and WinActive() can also be used to retrieve the ID of a window; for example, WinExist("A") is a fast way to get the ID of the active window. functions found in system DLLs but not documented by Microsoft, ie. If the active window matches the criteria, it usually takes precedence since it is usually above all other windows. WinGetPID: Returns the Process ID number (PID) of the specified window. First you run the script file, then you press that hotkey combination anytime you want to copy the active window title to the clipboard. Sometimes I will need to shutdown via a command line so I thought using a parameter would work. The script you found should work. The notification in question is this: I tried ifWinExists and it didnt work, and my AHK knowledge is not very in depth. The script works fine, but there is one big problem. I want a hotkey to maximize a window horizontally or vertically. Dec 9, 2014 · Perform an action when Windows notification appears - posted in Ask for Help: What Im trying to accomplish is to play a sound and bring a window into focus when a notification exists. May 27, 2007 · window operations & multiple users - posted in Ask for Help: Hello all,I have created a script which loops through some windows, and executes operations in them, by clicking on buttons, and so on. Code: Select all #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Is it possible? I havent seen any options for it in the winmax function. Best practice would be using PID, as it is "more precise", in that it would work for situations with multiple unfocused/hidden windows of the same type, for example if you have multiple Google Chrome windows open, all with their unique PIDs, then you could ControlSend to a specific Google Feb 11, 2013 · ActiveWindow - how to get ClassNN - posted in Ask for Help: Hello, Im not a programmer, so please bear over with my lack of programming syntax and basic knowledge. Many thanks. exe "test. In other words, if WinActive or IfWinActive evaluates to true or IfWinNotActive evaluates to false, the Last Found Window will be May 24, 2012 · The problem is that sometimes multiple such windows can appear, all having the same title and class ID. Change Notepad class for your class and try this. In short - I keep 2 clients open at the same time so I cant use the window ID because it will be the same for both clients. There was a solution offered to retrieve the path of the executable of the active window: If a matching window is not present, your keystroke or mouse click is allowed to pass through to the active window unaltered. I changed the path variable to explorerPath, to avoid potential collision. Activate explorer. There was a solution offered to retrieve the path of the executable of the active window: However, if the active window is moved to the bottom of the stack with WinSet Bottom, some other window may be activated even if the active window is a match. Ill explain. ID := WinExist("A") Top. Hidden windows are not detected unless DetectHiddenWindows has been turned on. I have done some googling on this but the old forum posts seem fairly outdated, and in any case, none of them seemed to arrive at a definite answer. Sep 9, 2021 · Hey, I'm trying to make a script that gives me a hotkey that will force close/kill the process of the currently active window, in the same way that a process is closed when you select "Kill Process" on the ProcessExplorer. ExcludeTitle and ExcludeText can be used to exclude one or more Apr 7, 2021 · Obviously, I don't want to hard kill it if there is work open, so, first it should try "Alt => F => C" (works for Explorer), or "Alt => F => X" (works for other apps like Notepad), and only if these fail should it a) get the process of the active window, then kill the active process (probably I'll prompt for confirmation for that to avoid Aug 28, 2007 · WinGet, active_pid, PID, A WinActivate, ahk_pid %active_pid% Maybe I'm pointing out the obvious, but this[*:1fzepe45]gets the PID of the active window, then [*:1fzepe45]activates some window from the active window's process. But how? Please help me. WinGet, id, list,ahk_class xyz,, Program Manager Works, but this filters for the class and not for the process. Who's to say ahk_pid %active_pid% is not going to simply find the active window? Activating the already active window is Aug 14, 2007 · WinGetTitle. Aug 14, 2012 · I want to get window handle by PID in autohotkey, because title of the window is always changing. for internal use only. I need to show the image if I place the cursor over the upper left corner of all visible windows (active or inactive). if there are 2 windows - AutoHotKey AutoIt then one will not appear in the retrieved list. exe,, Program Manager Doesnt work. I know the ClassNN-name (see it in Jan 19, 2006 · Page 1 of 2 - Maximize a window either vertically or horizontally - posted in Ask for Help: Hi. Aug 14, 2005 · Help getting Window Title - posted in Ask for Help: Im trying to get a window title name that changes every time you run it, to a 5-16 letter string of random characters. Sep 11, 2005 · (Fixed) WinClose and ahk_pid not working - posted in Ask for Help: Im probably missing something obvious, but I cant make this simplified script close the window that the middle button clicked on: MButton:: MouseGetPos,,, WindowIDClicked WinClose, ahk_pid %WindowIDClicked% Return Edit: I just noticed that MouseGetPos retrieves the unique ID, not the PID. No matters if it is an inactive window. Is there any way to achieve it? Edit: Topic subject line added ~ gregster Jun 19, 2008 · get path of the current active window - posted in Ask for Help: how can I get the path of the current active window?so lets say the user is in my documents, it gets that path. exe seems to return right away grabbing a pre-existing window. So I need to activate the window on whatever window that has the process name "WindowsTerminal. exe window of my choosing winwaitactive, ahk_class CabinetWClass ;4. Aug 9, 2012 · it won't change the class, but the pid or id will probably change every time you start the program. The PID of a newly launched process can be determined via the Run command. or if they are in some deep folder, it gets that path. To discover the HWND of a control (for use with Post/SendMessage or DllCall ), use ControlGet Hwnd or MouseGetPos . I have found several scripts that do pretty much the same thing but want it to only show one instance of each window. The class name likewise is randomized, as is the PID. Apr 27, 2010 · Thanks. The problem is that the user of the scanning software may have a modal dialog displayed and this could be desirable or not, depending on what Gibt die Prozess-ID-Nummer (PID) eines bestimmten Fensters zurück. The functions WinExist() and WinActive() can also be used to retrieve the ID of a window; for example, WinExist("A") is a fast way to get the ID of the active window. Jul 2, 2007 · Since this code will probably execute very fast, it might not matter. Jun 5, 2006 · @robiandi: OK, I think I understand. Jun 5, 2023 · Hello all! I am not exactly a n00b but I am a n00b to AHK V2. The script I have sort of works but Im a complete newcomer and would like to improve it. However, if an always-on-top window also matches (and the active window is not always-on-top), it may be used instead. May 31, 2016 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Initially I just clicked on the steam window with Dec 21, 2018 · Code: Select all SetTitleMatchMode, Regex #If WinActive("My Log - Google Sheets - Google Chrome") F7:: msgbox test send +!i sleep 200 send r return #IfWinActive ; reset winactive. In that case my script cannot detect them all and only draws a region inside the active window. { ; process exists! WinGetClass, ClassID, ahk_pid %NewPID% ; ClassID will be read here for the process. I am wondering how to get the file path of the currently active window. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:41 am; Multiple ControlClicks Window PID's May 24, 2012 · Get info from Window Under Mouse without clicking on it? - posted in Ask for Help: :mrgreen: I want to get the position and name of the Window Under the Mouse, but without sending any button press. Returns an array of unique ID numbers (HWNDs) for all existing windows that match the specified criteria. Sorry my English. Any Ideas? EDIT: WinGet, id, list,ahk_pid 2076,, Program Manager works but I only know the process name not the ID I am wondering how to get the file path of the currently active window. when you create a new folder), then dropped it (nobody asked for it). Hidden windows are not detected unless DetectHiddenWindows has been turned on in the auto-execute section (top part of the script). When WinWait, WinExist, WinActive, WinWaitActive or WinWaitNotActive find a matching window, they set it as the last found window. WinGetClass, Process, WinGetTitle, MouseGetPos, Control functions, ControlFocus, GroupAdd. ahk (thanks to SKAN) [I have put the EnumProcesses into the file PsList. Wenn jeder dieser Parameter leer ist oder weggelassen wird, wird das Zuletzt Gefundene Fenster Feb 25, 2008 · thank you, but i think i can only place windows titles in the IfWinExist command, not classes. doc, e. 1. exes ahk_class using window spy, since you cant click on it with window spy. What Id like to do is make a hotkey that does one thing for one particular executable, and something else for a different executable, regardless of which particular window class it happens to have open, e. I came across some of your ideas for word, excel and they worked. I will most certainly need a lot of help in the process which I expect will take several months, even years. For example, this minimizes the active window: WinMinimize "A" Last Found Window. I was trying the following I am wondering how to get the file path of the currently active window. lnk") { FileGetShortcut Feb 26, 2013 · AHK noob here. exe". For instance, each time I switch between notepad and mozilla firefox I want to log the PID of active window in excel or notepad or wherever. AHKStudent which takes an active Tab PID via Autohotkey Winget PID, and then Dec 11, 2016 · JoeWinograd, that code is very close to what I'm looking for. I want to log the PID of active window whenever I do switch between processes using ALT+TAB or mouse click. Are you activating it by pressing Ctrl+Alt+l? (that's the letter L not the number 1). Right now I have it set up to Mar 19, 2007 · Active Window Monitor - posted in Ask for Help: I am trying to write a script to monitor my active windows so at the end of the work day I can tell pretty much where my time was spent. Aug 14, 2012 · To get the first window Class/ID of a PID you can do the following: NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed. If multiple windows match WinTitle and any other criteria, the topmost matching window is used. Im using Run, explore, C:\\Reports, Exp_pd But this apparently is not right, since %Exp_pd% is not being assigned a number. What is correct Feb 15, 2018 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. WinTitle The title or partial title of the target window (the matching behavior is determined by SetTitleMatchMode). I can use SysGet to get the pixel coordinates of the various monitors, not a problem - but then how to find what window is at those coordinates?I know MouseGetPos can get the Window ID of the window under Oct 29, 2010 · Power Point two Windows send key, how to find other windows - posted in Ask for Help: Hello!No speak english. I'm looking to monitor 1-4 programs which run minimised for a specific change to the window title using autohotkey. Managed to find this by opening 2 instances of WinSpy: Jun 6, 2008 · How to Close Command Prompt Window Started by script? - posted in Ask for Help: Hi:I have a simple script (compiled) that runs perfectlyexcept for one area. I am fine with all of the create additional buttons and all that but was wondering if there is a way to run a cmd window within an autohotkey window? Dec 24, 2017 · What I expected is if I push #q on the AndroidStudio Window, it print 111111 on the Chrome Window, it print 22222 on the Notepad Window, it print 33333 please review On odd thing is in case #If WinActive, #IfWinActive it print out all 1111111, 222222, 333333 regardless of the program started. PID := WinGetPID (FensterTitel, FensterText, AusnahmeTitel, AusnahmeText) Parameter FensterTitel, FensterText, AusnahmeTitel, AusnahmeText. WinGetID("A") is a fast way to get the ID of the active window. But you should somehow make sure that your sendinput commands are sending input to the correct window and/or control (e. Can WinGet or Process do this and how? I have found the following but none get PID by title (they seem to use index such as AHK1, AHK2, AHK3,):WinGet, AHK, List, ahk_class Oct 21, 2004 · Getting Process Name From Active Window - posted in Ask for Help: Is there any native way to get a process name from the PID returned by WinGet. - posted in Ask for Help: I know controlsend, , ^v{enter}, windows name works, im a serious noob here guys, but i have no idea how to send it to an active window, but not minimized window in the background, only because i have two of the same programs open and the >>>>>( Window Title & Class )<<<<< AION Client ahk_clas May 13, 2015 · Passing the pid doesnt seem to work, but the commented out section which references the window by title does. Examples; Example #1: Maximize the active window and report its unique ID: WinGetID, active_id, A WinMaximize, ahk_id %active_id% MsgBox, The active window's ID is Jun 9, 2008 · get pid of process run from document - posted in Ask for Help: How do I get the PID or hwnd of a process launched by Runing a system verb, document, or shortcut?The variable will be made blank if the PID could not be determined, which usually happens if a system verb, document, or shortcut is launched rather than a direct executable file. #NoEnv #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 #singleinstance force #persistent toggle = 0 xPID := "ahk_id " . WinGetMinMax: Returns a non-zero number if the specified window is maximized or minimized. For example, this minimizes the active window: When WinWait, WinExist, WinActive, WinWaitActive or WinWaitNotActive find a matching window, they set it as the last found window. fm main window. Does anyone know how to do this in AHK or if theres a better way to play a sound limited to Jan 4, 2007 · How to wait for a window to appear - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, I know WinWait allows you to wait until a specified window appears, but is there a way to pause my script until any window appears? The reason is because after part of the script runs, one of two windows could then appear, and depending on the window that appears, certain actions need to be taken. PID: The Process ID, which is a number that uniquely identifies one specific process (this number is valid only during the lifetime of that process). doc. Typ: Zeichenkette, Integer oder Objekt. ahk", will fail. ExcludeTitle 和 ExcludeText 可用于根据标题或文本排除一个或多个窗口. Apr 8, 2015 · Alt+4 Posts the WIndow-ID of the active window in a popup. I mean it I want to attain it by a key having pressed Oct 28, 2008 · WinGet ID of RUN process? - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, I am doing the following:Run IEXPLORE. What I mean by "the file path of the currently active window" is that if I am in file explorer and double click on, for example, test. The window disappears, but the "button" on the taskbar remains. I also tried running it without the WinActivate earlier because I didnt think that would be necessary if given the pid. just hovering with the mouse. (WinTitle - if two windows match the title will match the "topmost" window). g. The functions WinExist() and WinActive() can also be used to retrieve the ID of a window; for example, WinExist("A") is a fast way to get the ID of the active window. The WinGet command can get the ahk_id (handle) of the window, or MouseGetPos can also retrieve it if the mouse is over the window in question. But I have run into a problem, I cant get steam. The script simply runs a batch filethe batch file loops until stopped. command ref Apr 30, 2020 · If you activate a bottom window, then the other window with the different ID will no longer be active. This two libraries are needed: ProcessInfo. And if you dont remove that then there can be problems e. 1x powerpoint, 2x presentation (windows), 2x monitor (Multilingual presentation)My problem, how I run it two powerpoint are needed on a computerOne-way key downbeat I have to send it from the application started first into the second. Alt+3 Brings the Editor in front/focus. Related Apr 22, 2013 · Show CMD Window in Gui - posted in Ask for Help: Basically what im trying to do is take a program that runs in windows cmd and display it in part of an autohotkey Gui. GroupActivate activates the next window that matches criteria specified by a window Feb 2, 2021 · ^!T:: if WinExist("Windows PowerShell") WinActivate else Run, wt Return But this doesn't cut it anymore, because the Windows Terminal changes its title when I am using Posh Git. ahk to make this library] May 5, 2013 · Page 1 of 2 - get program name in autohotkey - posted in Ask for Help: Hi friends, I want to prepare a dialog which outputs all possible information on current active window. Alt+2 Brings the Internet Explorer in front/focus. To refer to the active window, use the letter "A" in place of a window title. exe (as a precaution to ensure it is the current active window ;I don't really get why this would be needed, if 3 is satisfied then 4 is to ;5. batch code: @echo off nircmd wait 2000 AutoHotkey. ahk - AutoHotkey v1. One Hotkey for MS Word, another for my The functions WinExist() and WinActive() can also be used to retrieve the ID of a window; for example, WinExist("A") is a fast way to get the ID of the active window. (But if that window closes and the same process opens another window, the HWND of the first window is no good to you. Im hoping to create a script that opens a standard Windows Explorer instance, showing all drives collapsed in the tree, with the C: drive selected and ready to go. Nov 1, 2013 · Get Window under a certain X,Y Position - posted in Ask for Help: I would like to assign a hotkey to change the focus to the topmost window on the 1st monitor, 2nd monitor, or 3rd monitor. If it doesn't work in Win2k, this may be because it uses unofficial WinAPI functions, ie. WinActivateBottom activates the bottommost matching window (typically the one least recently used). How can i do that? Is that possible? Aug 6, 2014 · [Solved] What exactly does ahk_pid as WinTitle do? - posted in Ask for Help: Im just wondering if I should use the HWND instead of the PID when Im working with a window. exe (adobe acrobat) it generates some weird text in the msgbox. Using WinWait, ahk_exe WindowsTerminal. WinGetIDLast: Same as above except it retrieves the ID of the last/bottommost window if there is more than one match. Is there a way to reliably do this for the process of the currently active window? Jan 17, 2014 · If you want to activate whichever window was active when you pressed #p, you should store the window's HWND (WinExist("A")), not the PID. ahk" | more pause Jun 7, 2011 · get path for current window - posted in Ask for Help: How do I go about to get the path (application folder?) for the current window? Process and WinGet only get me so far, but not the whole path. , C:\Users\John\Documents\test. If this and the next 3 parameters are omitted, the Last Found Window will be used. I have created a second user on my computer (I use Windows XP), and I would like to run the script on my second user account, as the Mar 19, 2008 · Getting ID or Class for PARENT window - posted in Ask for Help: Is there a way to get the (P)ID or Class for the Parent window?I want to start a script that needs the Window Class ofthe active program but If a child window is active likethe find window in the example below I can not identify the program correctly. There was a solution offered to retrieve the path of the executable of the active window: Jul 26, 2020 · I even inserted sleep timers, super long ones, to ensure that by the time the check is done the third window has been open and is the active window, but AHK keeps assuming that the 2nd window is "topmost" according to the documentation. I also tried passing the window id to no avail. 09. 0, so please excuse a simple question. Ive added more commas, but still no luck. Feb 2, 2018 · It won't steal focus from the active window. If the function or command determines that the active window is a qualified match, the Last Found Window will be updated to be the active window. I came across code that works well for notepad. If active other window before execute "test. Aug 1, 2011 · Don't use a fixed number but the variable containing the PID (the PID changes each time you run the program doesn't it?) WinMaximize, ahk_pid %VarWithPID% Jan 28, 2020 · How do I get the URL of a Chrome window's first tab, whether the Chrome window is the active window or not? This is important because I don't want to run through all of the Chrome windows, activate them, and copy the URL from the browser's URL line, mainly because there are a lot of Chrome processes, some 22 or so, that I'm not interested in. This also failed as for a short time there is an active window with a ID retuned of 0. Aug 8, 2014 · [Solved] Get ActiveX control of another window? (Internet Explorer_Server) - posted in Ask for Help: Im currently trying to get the control over Internet Explorer_Server ActiveX controls. exe but when I try it with AcroRd32. When the change is detected in any of the programs, an alert pop Sep 4, 2015 · Probably an easy answer - trying to get PID working - posted in Ask for Help: Hi there - Im trying to get a script that is an auto log out and log in for a game Im playing so I dont get considered AFK. The process ID can be tricky to use, as some programs switch processes without your necessarily knowing about it. Thanks, Nov 3, 2010 · Need to detect whether ANY modal dialog is active - posted in Ask for Help: I am trying to write a script which sets initial conditions and options for some scanning software. I would like to create a shortcutkey (Autohotkey) that only runs in a specific window, and I can not only refer to the window title, since I would like it to be more sub-window specific than that. exe,,, PID win Feb 5, 2008 · So I had to remove the check for PID matching existing Explorer process. For example the Speccy installer, before installing it asks if you want to install chrome, that particular thing is an Internet Explorer_Server control. and last as default the program flow is to loop to the beginning the whole story. Otherwise, specify for WinTitle a window title or other criteria to identify the target window and/or for WinText a substring from a single text element of the target window (as revealed by the included Window Spy utility). Similarly, the PID of a window can be determined with WinGet. ) Dec 24, 2020 · Code: Select all; Get the path of the recent items folder RegRead, Recent, HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders, Recent F1:: WinGetActiveTitle, active_title ; replace " - ACDSee" by the part of the window title after the filename (if present) active_title := StrSplit(active_title," - ACDSee"). You can also check the active title at the beginning of the script and execute your code only if you are in the appropriate window. As this is different to the window that started Explorer (iCallingID), it was taken as the explorer window, which obviously didn't work. Just wondering if you had any success implementing CWM_SETPATH. Examples; Example #1: Maximize the active window and report its unique ID: WinGetID, active_id, A WinMaximize, ahk_id %active_id% MsgBox, The active window's ID is Hidden windows are not detected unless DetectHiddenWindows has been turned on. Mar 5, 2025 · Like if i press the tabkey I want to activate the other game window (toggle), if I press 'f' I want to send ''f' to the thus active window etc. Most window functions allow the window Oct 31, 2008 · How to get current window? - posted in Ask for Help: At the beginning of a script I want to save the current window so I can go back to the original window at the end of the script. ; variable "ff" is path to firefox. Sep 14, 2014 · One possibility could be the version of AutoHotkey you're using. How do I get the current window? I failed trying: WinGet, winid MsgBox, winid=%winid% ;do some stuff WinActivate ahk_pid %winid% my winid is blank in the message box. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Wait Until It Is The Active Window SendInput, 1 ; 1 WinActivate ahk_pid %Pad2PID Jan 16, 2020 · How do I get the URL of a Chrome window's first tab, whether the Chrome window is the active window or not? This is important because I don't want to run through all of the Chrome windows, activate them, and copy the URL from the browser's URL line, mainly because there are a lot of Chrome processes, some 22 or so, that I'm not interested in. Related. Active Window. if the above step is difficult, I would be fine having it Feb 22, 2013 · How to get PID just by a script's name? - posted in Ask for Help: Is there any way to get the Process ID (PID) only by a scripts title/path such as: C:\\\\script. Also I would like to toggle between maximize and restore with the press of a singel hotkey. ahk(thanks to HuBa) PsList. #HotkeyInterval 1000 # Feb 19, 2009 · Well, as I said just before, here you are the getChildProcessesList function given the parent PID. Nov 5, 2015 · This gets the HWND of the active window: Code: Select all. I dont mind looking up the PID for the particular window I want, so Jan 23, 2011 · pid and window handling query - posted in Ask for Help: Im trying to use Autohotkey to improve Win+E in Windows 7. but if they are in an application (wordpad, a game, webbrowser, w/e) it gets that path minus the app name. 1 If FileExist(Recent "\" active_title ". Is it possible to get a list of handles of all windows matching the title or class ID or in some other way cycle through all of them in AHK? Thanks Aug 2, 2022 · If you activate a bottom window, then the other window with the different ID will no longer be active. 否则, 为 WinTitle 指定窗口标题或其他条件, 来标识目标窗口, 和/或为 WinText 指定目标窗口的单个文本元素的子字符串(由包含的 Window Spy 实用程序显示). I need to use the ahk pid to resize but I cant get the run command format right. The Process command itself can also be used to discover a PID. I generally avoid it unless I demonstrate that I run a program, get the PID from the Run command, and the PID does not change. by using ControlSend). If I try to open multiple Explorer windows or Chrome windows or Firefox windows, using the following code, I get an active window (I think so because it keeps blinking on the taskbar) but I cannot get it to come to the top/front. Apr 1, 2018 · I am trying to get the show file path of active window to work on specific programs as I gave up making it work everywhere. My May 8, 2010 · Page 1 of 3 - Sending keystroke to an active, but not minimized BG window. I have got all parameter like PID,ID, process name. I guess there isnt a simpler way of Jan 27, 2018 · Use WinGet, PID, PID, A to get the PID of the active window, which you can then pass to IsProcessElevated. Aug 3, 2013 · Not able to get Steam ahk_class using Window Spy - posted in Ask for Help: I dont have the strongest computer, so I wanted to make a hotkey to close some programs, so I would get that extra needed power for my games. Feb 5, 2008 · Page 1 of 2 - Run command to assing ahk pid variable - posted in Ask for Help: Im trying to open and resize an explorer window. If all parameters are omitted, the Last Found Window will be used. exe SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;<- so you can use partial window titles run, %ff% winWaitActive, Firefox ;<- wait for the firefox window to be active WinGet, winID, ID, A ;<- this gets the instance id of the window that pops up Dec 8, 2010 · Get all windows of a process - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, how do get all windows of a specific process? WinGet, id, list,processname. Run notepad ; this is just an example program WinWaitActive Untitled - Notepad Hi, I am new to Autohotkey. WinGetPos: Retrieves the position and size of the specified window Dec 3, 2005 · WinHide incorrectly works with some programs. If any one wonder, I want to get handle of last. --and you can get the same if you add that to the WinList code- Wait for me to manually open the explorer. Slightly related but not entirely relevant: UI Access programs (the Windows 8+ touch keyboard for one) / other programs running with an higher IL than your script process are probably just as impossible to control with an unelevated AHK Jun 5, 2006 · Page 2 of 2 - Get the current path of a Window Explorer - posted in Scripts and Functions: Hi PhiLhoIm reviving this thread almost after a year :roll: Argh, I was waiting for this questionI started to code it (it can be useful, eg. Jan 22, 2021 · Maybe I should try to use ControlSend with ahk_class, ahk_exe or ahk_group, as I have not done that yet. That's why I'd like to try DllCall "ShowWindow". doc word document, I want to then have a hotkey that will messagebox the exact directory path of test. Jun 7, 2017 · I wrote a simple script that's supposed to let me mark the active window and jump back to it regardless of what other window is currently active. What I was hoping was to pass in a SHUTDOWN parameter to the Feb 27, 2007 · if you remove that then it will behave just like the WinList method (it will retrieve two entry for some windows like PSPad). To discover the HWND of a control (for use with Post/SendMessage or DllCall), use ControlGetHwnd or MouseGetPos. If it were me i wouldn't use the window class and pid in that way. Window titles and text are case sensitive. Would using ahk_pid cause AHK to search for the HWND everytime? Or in other words, should I go like this: PID := 1234 ;manipulate some controls using ahk_pid %PID% as WinTitle Or like this: PID := 1234 WinGet, hWnd,, ahk_pid Oct 21, 2020 · Capturing the pid during the Run command and using ahk_pid doesn't seem to work as the pid changes between launch and the active window that appears (msgbox debugging shows one pid, Window Spy shows a different pid). Apr 19, 2019 · Hi, I am new to Autohotkey. But can we get program name in autohotkey. Now i want that the IE and the Edititor are not put in focus cause of there names, I want that they are in focus cause of there Window-ID. Is there any way to achieve it? Edit: Topic subject line added ~ gregster Nov 27, 2013 · The ID of a program run is variable it would have to be set in each instance. 02 with no other information. sczpx ftgbv omnky ysucmpq sur gox uyxd weencrh yokxso fslwvvi tqash ojvfn bwksy hup yrsb