32nd judicial district court judges. District Court 32 Judges.

32nd judicial district court judges Weimer to serve on the Louisiana Commission on Civic Education. C. Tenaglia [+] General Jury Duty Information *Not location specific. . S. Every two years, a new Chief Judge is selected by a majority vote of the judges. 870 et The Small Claims Court Process. 46:236. Located in the Nolan County Courthouse in Sweetwater, this court handles a wide range of cases, including criminal, civil, and family law matters. The courts of Delaware County (32nd judicial district) remain operational per Emergency Revised Scheduling and Operational Protocols - As of November 12, 2020. Lewis County Government was selected by the state to receive and administer the funds for this grant, which is being distributed by the Tennessee Department of Mental 2024 DELAWARE COUNTY MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JUDGES, MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTS, OFFICE LOCATIONS AND MUNICIPALITIES DISTRICT COURT 32-1-20 Wilden H. Term Ends: 2026 Party: R Jason Dagate is the Judge for Division B of the 32 nd Judicial District. She is the first female and African American judge to serve at 32A District Court. gov Group: Civil Court Judges Biography: Judge Lisa Ortega graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Law in 1997 and enjoyed a civil litigation practice for more than twenty years before taking the bench. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals • U. Louis Record West Virginia Record Judges of the Michigan District Courts are each elected to six-year terms. 2710 342 District Court website> Magisterial District Courts of the 32. He was elected to the bench in 2002. This Court hereby implements an expedited process for the Division: Judge Name: Court Reporter: A : Honorable Michael O. , Houma, La. Kyle Professional and Community Activities: First District Equal Justice Committee, Member First District Judicial Mentor Minnesota District Judges Foundation, Member Minnesota District Judges Association, Member User account menu. To serve on this court, a judge must be a qualified elector of the district, licensed to practice law in the state, under the age of 70, and have five years of experience practicing law. For County Court inquiries, please call (409) 770-6044. He then completed a J. John R. Court Reporter - Christy Russell — (985) 580-8103. Judicial Assistant - Kayla Leblanc. Denver - District. 904 Notice. Judge Smith first ascended to the bench in November of 2015 after winning the October 2015 election for the “At-Large” Division C at Baton Rouge City Court. O. Roving Court Reporter - Katie Plaisance (985) 580-8115. Download the Local Rules for the 21st Judicial District: Local_Rules_Amend_March_1_2019. 332nd District Court. org Chief Clerk: Jeremy Cooke - (214) 653-7375 Court Location: Section 30 - Judge Tarvald A. tx. Gallagher, Jr. Files. 70360; Clerk of Court, P. Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Judicial Law Enforcement Start Content. Missouri 32nd Judicial Circuit Court. Bhargav Rao: Judicial Magistrate First Class-05: 3: Main Court Building: The 32nd Judicial District Court, presided over by Judge Glen Harrison, serves the counties of Fisher, Mitchell, and Nolan in Texas. Phone: 325-235-3133 Fax: 325-235-4614 Judicial Assistant - Amanda Null. David W. For District Courts inquiries, please call (409) 770-5230. The 32nd Judicial District Court has general subject-matter jurisdiction. The Thirty-Second Judicial District Court is one of Louisiana’s 43 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil and criminal matters in Terrebonne Parish. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Gogebic County info. Ellender received a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University. 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana: Retired: Timothy C District Court. City Marshall's Office (985) 868-8914. Phone: 325-235-3133 Fax: 325-235-4614 Judge Randall L. Judges and staff from the 23rd Judicial District (Photo by Andrew Alderson) Chief Judge Ryan Stuart speaks at 23rd Judicial District opening ceremony. CULLMAN, Ala. Division B Term Ends: 2026 Party: R. Primary Phone (303)606-2393. Section 32 - Judge William “Will” Jorden. org Court Reporter: Melva Key - (214) 653-7489 - melva. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Nolan County info. Malbrough is a hearing officer for the 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish. key@dallascounty. 7856 Main Street, Suite 200 Courthouse Annex Houma, LA 70360 Phone: (985) 873-6540 . Ruby Alka Gupta: District Judge (Commercial Court)-2: 101-NCB: New Court Building: Sh. She was appointed to the bench by the 32nd Judicial District Court judges in 2024, filling the vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. Criminal (313) 343-2599. Hedrick, IV, announced Corbett’s resignation recently in a letter to the 32nd Judicial District Bar, stating, “I regret to inform you that Bryan Corbett has resigned. Spitzer, the presiding Circuit Court judge for Perry, Lewis, Hickman, and Williamson Counties in the 32nd Judicial District, was appointed in 2018, by Gov. Judge Timothy C. Division: XIII Location: Downtown Court TCAA: Mychele Phone: 505-841-7494 Email: albddiv13proposedtxt@nmcourts. Division A Term Ends: 2026 Party: R. HOME; CALENDAR; CASE SEARCH; ABOUT; DIVISIONS. Division. Fax: (956) 318-2698. North Carolina Judicial Branch. at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law in 1979. Lubbock County Courthouse 904 Broadway Court Coordinator: 806-775-1041: Teri Finney: Court Reporter: 806-775-1040: Judge Grace is also the District Judge for Crosby County. Magistrate. terrebonneclerk. JURY SUMMONS - AUGUST 21, 2023; You've Been Called for Jury Duty; Jury Procedures; 32nd Judicial District; Court Security Officers; General Sessions Zoom Meeting; Rules of Practice 32nd District; Staff Login. Ontonagon County Probate Court 725 Greenland Road 0. Craig: Rachel Schoth: B : Honorable Charles A. Clair Record Northern California Record Pennsylvania Record Southeast Texas Record Southern California Record St. gov AddressValencia County 32nd District Court in Sweetwater, Texas. He was first elected to this position on November 20, 1999. 7856 Main Street, Suite 302 Houma, LA 70360 Phone: (985) 873-6560 Fax : 985-873-6562 . Amber Chavez Baker Lewis County Chancery Court is part of the 32nd Judicial District. Judicial District of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 2022 . 32nd Judicial Circuit Court Gogebic County in Bessemer, MI - Court Information County-Courthouse . Roving Court Reporter - Tiffeny Gallardo (985) 580-8115. Moore, General Sessions; JURY SUMMONS - AUGUST 21, 2023; You've Been Called for Jury Duty; Jury Procedures; 32nd Judicial District; Court Security Officers; General Sessions Zoom Meeting; Rules of Practice 32nd District; Staff Login. Under the leadership of President Judge Linda A. He was elected to the bench in 2020, filling the vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. 5. Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm The 332nd District Court is a court of general jurisdiction. In 2006, she began work with a large Cullman law firm doing general litigation. Bethancourt received a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University. District Court Judges PDF, 76 KB. The 7 Judges with solely Civil Dockets serve on the Civil Duty rotation. Court Reporter - Monica Chauvin (985) 580-8101. 8 mile away. PickeTT Division C . 5 Ground Floor Main Building Gurugram: Chief Judicial Magistrate: 09: Room No. Judicial Magistrate First Class-04: 32: Main Court Building: Sh. 10 Main Building Gurugram: Civil Judge Content Owned by District Court Gurugram 3 County Clerk. In some counties, circuit court clerks also serve as the clerk for General Sessions courts, which is the case in Perry County. Judges The Eighth Judicial District Court is served by 58 elected judges. Her parents, Judge Donald Coleman and the late attorney April Howard Coleman demonstrated to her the importance of serving your community at an early age. Samantha Maul [email protected] (313) 343-2593. Arceneaux 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana: Active: Randall L. TIMOTHY C. Circuit Court Clerk: Mary Hall Sergent Phone: 606-739-4131 606-739-4132 606-739-4133. Spitzer The Clerk and Master is appointed by the Circuit Judges serving as Chancellors for the 32nd Judicial District. These judges handle divorces, legal separations, custody and time-sharing matters, division of property and debts in divorce cases, spousal support, child support, Uniform Parentage Act cases for unmarried parents, domestic violence cases, kinship-guardianship of children cases and adult adoptions. About the 32nd Judcial District. ARCENEAUX DIVISION D. Login. Young Court Reporter 100 East Third, Suite 204 Sweetwater, Texas 79556 Phone: 325-235-3133 Fax: 325-235-4614 Email:reporter32@co. I enjoyed working with Judge Corbett and always observed him to have a strong work ethic and a desire to be fair to those who appeared Court System Type: 32nd Judicial District Court Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 985-868-5660 Website: http://www. Holiday. 70361 (985) 868-5660 . District Judges in Cullman County generally hear juvenile dependancy matters (cases where it is alleged a child is being abused or neglected), juvenile delinquency cases (criminal offenses where the The Twenty-Second Judicial District Court is one of Louisiana’s 43 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil and criminal matters in St. Cartisano has petitioned the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for authorization to locate Magisterial District Court 32-2-37 (Darby Borough, Ward 3-1; Sharon Hill and Colwyn) outside the magisterial district's boundaries and to share facilities with Magisterial District Court 32-1-23. 7856 Main Street, Suite 236 Courthouse Annex Houma, LA 70360 Phone: (985) 873-6580 Fax : 985-580-7258 . Addl. The Small Claims Court Process. sims@dallascounty. Nearby Courts: 98th District Court Ontonagon County 725 Greenland Road 0. The Civil Duty Judge handles very limited matters including Judicial Commitments, and Judgment Debtor Examinations in court. gov AddressSandoval County District Court1500 Idalia Road, Building ABernalillo, NM 87004 Judicial Report Judge James Lawrence Sanchez Division: I Phone: 505-865-9654 Email: lluddiv01proposedtxt@nmcourts. The court was created in 1983. 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana, Department - Division D, Suite 202: Election/Appointment 1999 - 32nd Judicial District Court; 2014 - Re-elected; 2020 - The 19th JDC has fifteen (15) elected judges who preside over civil and/or criminal matters. Law Clerk - Kassie Hargis. This is a summary of the proposed 2022 Magisterial District Court Reestablishment Recommendation by the President Judge of the 32nd Judicial District of the Commonwealth of JUDGE DAVID W. View Glen 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana - Terrebonne Parish Records Network Cook County Record Florida Record Legal Newsline Madison - St. Cartisano, the Court of Common Pleas continues to expand its vital role in Delaware County. org Court Coordinator: Theresa Sims - (214) 653-6189 - theresa. Moore, General Sessions; General Beginning September 1, 2022, Perry, Hickman and Lewis became the 32nd Judicial District. Zero Tolerance for Judge Rules; This platform is an example that properly applied technology can, and will, accomplish the tasks otherwise assigned to the 32nd Judicial District Court, Boyd County. The 32nd Judicial District was established in 2022 after the State of Tennessee Determined Hickman, Circuit Court clerks are county employees who are elected in each county to serve four-year terms. (13) of 2016, referred to hereinabove. Dagate 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana: Active: William H. Closner Edinburg, TX 78539. Kentucky Open Records Act Kentucky Revised Statute Chapter 61. Law Clerk - Maura Bowlin. One-hundred-two judges preside. Bethancourt Division E . 12th Judicial Circuit Court Houghton County Parole and Probation Houghton County Courthouse, 401 East Houghton Avenue, 5th Floor 31. Call Magisterial District Court 32-2-50, 1023 Chester Pike 0. District Judge (Commercial Court)-01: 209-NCB: New Court Building: Ms. 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana, Department - Division C, Suite 302: Election/Appointment 2014 - 32nd Judicial District Court; 2020 - Re-elected: The Judges of the 19th Judicial District Court invited legislators from the Capital Area Delegation to an open house on September 30, 2024. NON SUPPORT HEARING OFFICER 14A. Justice for all Additional Information News; Programs; Commissions; Documents; About; Careers; Judicial Directory; Judicial Law Clerk, United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, the Honorable Richard H. By The Honorable Kevin F. Rule, District Court District 8. Dagate received a bachelor’s degree in business management from Nicholls State University in 2003. The 32nd Circuit Court is a circuit court in Missouri. Judge Coleman welcomes you to the 32A District Court in Harper Woods, MI. Judicial Assistant - Monique Landrus. NOTICE is hereby given that President Judge Linda A. civil duty. us The Family Court Division has four (4) judges. Judicial employee appointed to the DIFC 100 East Third, Suite 204 Sweetwater, Texas 79556. Previous Next. 72nd District Court Honorable John C. Timothy C. Dagate is a judge for the 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish. Date The N. Judge Dagate, who serves on the Judges in the Classroom/Students in the Courtroom Task Force, will serve as the Louisiana Supreme Court designee. Judges of the 32nd Judicial District include: The Honorable Michael E. Timothy “Tim” Ellender. Learn more on each judge through the links below. Roving Court Reporter - Tiffeny Gallardo — (985) 580-8115 The 32nd Judicial District Court of Texas is a multi-county district court serving Fisher, Mitchell and Nolan Counties. Court Reporter - Links of Court Orders and Forms -Diversion or Speciality Court program, Guilty Plea Form, HIP Form, Intake Survey, Facsimile Transmissions, and Video Conference. William Dunckelman. Malbrough holds an assignment in the IV-D Child Support Program. Kelly, President Judge . The 42nd Judicial District Court is one of Louisiana’s 43 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction over all civil, criminal, and juvenile matters in DeSoto Parish. Judicial Assistant - Lauren Viguerie . He was also the Public Defender for the City of Baker from 2012 to 2015. nolan. Fax: 606-739-5793 Judge Juan W. 0 Use of Hearing Officers RULE 14A. Haslam after a new trial court judgeship was Judge Jason Dagate CHIEF JUDGE Division B . Judge Courts: The Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal established pursuant to this Law, and any tribunals established by the Chief Justice of the Courts pursuant to the DIFC Laws. The elections for this court are nonpartisan contested elections. Clerk of Courts Office Judicial Administrator (985) 873-6589. Division A - Judge Ellender Division B - Judge Dagate Division C Terrebonne District Attorney Judge Name Court County Status Analytics; David W. Juan W. (6) of 2005 and Law No. Louisiana Board of Pardons Terrebonne Parish District Attorney Child Support Enforcement (985) 873-6868. As the chief public defender, Johnson will manage an office of 12 assistant public defenders and an administrative staff. D. Dagate was appointed by Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice John L. District Judges in Cullman County generally hear juvenile dependancy matters (cases where it is alleged a child is being abused or neglected), juvenile delinquency cases (criminal offenses where the alleged perpetrator is less than 18 years of age), traffic violations, paternity cases, and misdemeanor criminal offenses. P. Palmer Boyette. TERREBONNE; 32ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Terrebonne Parish Courthouse, 400 Main St. Login Judge Coleman welcomes you to the 32A District Court in Harper Woods, MI. The Judge assigned to perform enforcement functions in accordance with the provisions of this Law. Her law practice Daley J. Magisterial Court 32 1 23 32nd District Delaware County Magisterial District Court Judge Scott Lipke gives remarks at the 32nd judicial district Drug Court graduation Thursday, May 3, 2018, at the Cape County Courthouse in Jackson. Courts. He was re-elected in 2014 and 2020, with his current term expiring in 2026. Division A . Dagate graduated from Nicholls State in 2003 with a degree in business management and was inducted into the university’s Hall of Fame. There are two elected judges, Chief Judge Amy Burford McCartney, Division The Hon. County Court Judge. District Court: Eastern District of Missouri, To serve on this court, a judge must be: Courts. Exclusive domestic relations, mental health, appeals for administrative agencies and lower courts, miscellaneous civil jurisdiction; The Hon. 32nd Judicial District Court: This is the primary trial court in Terrebonne Parish and it handles a wide range of cases, Within the district court system, certain judges or divisions may handle family-related cases specifically, including The Hon. Court Report - Joey Henry (985) 580-8158. Arceneaux is a judge for the 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish. The 32nd Judicial District Court was created in 1885 and was initially comprised of the following seventeen counties: Nolan, Mitchell, Howard, Lynn, Martin, Borden, Midland, Judge of the DIFC Courts. Claim Claims or applications relating to rights or liabilities. 7856 Main Street, Suite 211 Courthouse Annex Houma, LA 70360 Phone: (985) 873-6550 Fax : 985-873-6592 . Local Rules for the 21st Judicial District. Chancery and Probate Courts. The seat is currently held by Chief District Court Judge L. – Cullman attorney Emily Niezer Johnston this week announced that she is a candidate for Cullman County 32nd Judicial Circuit Court Judge, Place 2. Exclusive domestic relations, mental health, appeals for administrative agencies and lower courts, miscellaneous civil jurisdiction; 32nd JDC Judge Jason A. Username City Court (985) 868-4232. There are five elected judges Four new judges of the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts (DIFC Courts) were sworn in before His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice Dubai Courts The Dubai Courts regulated under Law No. nd. is a judge for the 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish. 209. The Hon. Judicial Officer. ELLENDER, JR. Jason Dagate. Noel Division: V Phone: 505-425-7131 Email: berddiv05proposedtxt@nmcourts. Tammany Parish and Washington Parish. Contact Us. Login Court Staff: Associate Judge: Tamika Jones Abendroth - (214) 653-7375 - tamika. Kassi Jackson ~ Southeast Missourian, file County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Vincent D. District Court Judges . Law Clerk - Niki Smith . Walker. Division C Term Ends: 2026 In 2022, after the creation of the 32nd Judicial District, Judge Spitzer was elected as Circuit Court Judge. This court will hear these types of cases: Tort, contract, real property rights, and estate. Court History. CIVIL / SMALL CLAIMS / LANDLORD TENANT; JURY SERVICE; 32A District Court in The Hon. 884. Joan M. Judicial Assistant - Suzan B Williams. Home Divisions. Larke. Circuit Judges in the 32nd Judicial Circuit, which comprises all of Cullman County, hear divorce cases, protection from abuse petitions, boundary line disputes, civil lawsuits in which the amount being sued for exceeds the sum of ten thousand dollars, civil lawsuits involving injunctive or other equitable relief, workman’s compensation cases, more serious criminal cases called felonies Circuit Court Judge, Michael Spitzer, has secured a $103,991 state grant to establish an adult Mental Health Court in the 32nd Judicial District, which consists of Hickman, Lewis and Perry Counties. Smith: Jennifer Morgan: C : Honorable Allie Aiello Stahl Notice. abendroth@dallascounty. Fax: (313) 343-2594 Zoom Meeting ID: 288-695-8799. More Information. [+] General Jury Duty Information *Not Magisterial District Court 32-1-31, 1201 Haverford Avenue 0. Roving Court Reporter - Tiffeny Gallardo — (985) 580-8115 . Law Clerk - Blake Daigle. Fax / Zoom ID. Learn More 32nd JDC Thirty-Second Judicial District Court Rule 1, Section B Chapter 35 ALIMONY AND CHILD SUPPORT MATTERS ANCILLARY TO CIVIL DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS Rule 35. The 32A District Court will be closed the following holidays: 2024 Court Holidays. Section 33 - Judge Eboni Johnson Rose. 0 Judge Rebekah Coleman was elected to the 32A District Court in November 2020 to serve a six-year term. Spitzer, Circuit and Chancery Courts; Judge Katerina V. Judge Michael E. 7 mile away. In addition to their regular dockets, many of the judges also preside over the problem solving courts that make up the Court Intervention Program. Juan Pickett. The Ninth Judicial District Court of the Louisiana District Courts is located in Alexandria, Louisiana, District Court 32 Judges. There are 32 civil/criminal judicial departments and 26 family/juvenile judicial departments. Phone: (956) 318-2275. Juvenile Detention Center (985) 853-1201. Chief Judge James A. 2 miles away. There are thirteen different districts. 100 East Third, Suite 204 Sweetwater, Texas 79556. Law Clerk - Lelia Ray. Physical Address 100 N. Moore, General Sessions; General Assets. Jason A. Ellender, Jr. Grace. Dunckelman, Sr. Attention: NOTICE is hereby given that President Judge Linda A. In October of 2019, he was elected to fill the Division A seat of the 19th Judicial District Court. Box 1569, Houma, La. Court Reporter - Alice Fanguy (985) 580-8104. WAIVER OF ARRAIGNMENT 2020 PDF WAIVER OF 2 DAYS PDF Marlowe has served as an assistant district attorney since 2015 in the 32nd Judicial District under District Attorney Sarah Kirkman. Randall L. There are twelve elected judges Judge Mike Spitzer, the Circuit Judge for the 21st Judicial District, recently pointed out at a meeting of the Lewis County Commissioners the average household income in Williamson County is about $120,000, which is in stark contrast to the average in the other three counties of $28,000 to $32,000. Arceneaux is a judge of the 32nd Judicial District, Division D in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. org/ District Court. Pickett is a judge for the 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish. 7856 Main Street, Suite 202 Houma, LA 70360 Phone: (985) 873-6570 . By North Carolina Judicial Branch. Smith. pdf. District Court Judge 2nd Judicial District. Judge. Bethancourt is a judge for the 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana in Terrebonne Parish. 0 mile away. Bethancourt 32nd Judicial District Court of Louisiana: Active: Jason A. District & Sessions Judge (Exclusive Commercial Court) 32: Room No. Johnston is a native of Cullman County and has practiced law in the county for the past 22 years. Weatherford Street, 5th Floor Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0230 817. Dale Graham, who plans to Under the leadership of President Judge Linda A. "Not only did they desire to be sworn in together, but in a true display of judicial brotherhood, they requested that all the other judges in the 32nd Judicial District and the City Court judge Lisa Chavez Ortega. District Court Judges. These are District Courts of general jurisdiction which hold jury trials. You are here: Home > Departments > Courts > 72nd District Court. Davis City of Chester, Wards 1, 2, 6 (Precinct 2) and Ward 7 (Precincts 1, 3 and 4) 529 Penn Street Chester, Pennsylvania 19013-6033 Phone: 610-876-2151 Fax: 610-874-7864 *All matters for the Courts. The legislators in attendance were provided an overview of court operations that included greeting the 300 potential jurors summoned to appear on Monday mornings, observations of both civil and criminal court proceedings, and learning Chief District Court Judge Edward L. HOME; Judicial Clerk. 1 Pursuant to LSA R. Contact Us: Judge Wade Birdwell, 342nd District Court 200 E. Judicial Assistant - Amanda Null. County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Leonard V. Magisterial Court 32 2 52 32nd District Delaware County Magisterial District Court 32-2-52, 409 Ashland Avenue, Suite 1 Judge, 32nd District Court--State of Texas · Experience: State of Texas · Education: Texas Tech University School of Law · Location: Sweetwater · 116 connections on LinkedIn. com The Louisiana District Judges Association (LDJA) is a professional nonprofit corporation established in 1981. General Assembly approved funding for the new Public Defenders Office for the 32nd Judicial District in the 2024-2025 budget. George J. kcuvev qwtnvj esr emkeu zjnau smdl gpxlx tsyabi onjoe fgegg izqha jumxwjf rmvuf ldifxt ygiy